• -M 411 •<«» 1 1 • <• I' If •!• <i fl i •!. i •!••!• -B' >1 ft •!• ft 1" r •**a ?• * ( ;-iv Announce Engagement , Of Barbara Victor Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Victor announce the engagement <of their . daughter, . Barbara, to Wilbert Karlson Hecht, son of , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hecht, Sr., of Mc- P Cullom Lake. Miss Victor attend^ the Tuscola schools and is a graduate Of the University of Illinois with church Sunday, March 18, ait the 8:30 mass. Breakfast will be served in the school hall following the mass. Those desiring transportation reservations for the Rockford Diocesan conference of the W.C.O.F. at Aurora on April 8 should call Mrs. Helen Weber by March 31. the class of 1954. For the past two years she has taught physical education in the Crystal Lake high school. Mr. Hecht attended Hirsch high school in Chicago and the University of Illinois. He is presently employed by the Illinois highway patrol with District 2, Elgin. No definite wedding date has been set. Patty Bolton 9 Years Old Patty Lee Bolton, daughter of' the John Boltons of Waukegan street, celebrated her ninth birthday . anniversary early this month. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served at the close of the afternoon. Guests were Margaret and Susan Wiedemann of Fox Lake, Sally Justen, Joyce Adams, Kathy Powers, Emily Falsetti and JoAnn Bolton. Couple Plans June Wedding Mr and Mrs. Frank C. Schneider of LaFayette, Ind., announce the engagement of their daughter, Juliana, to Paul R. Marke, Jr.,- son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke, Sr., of Wonder Lake. Miss Schneider, a graduate of St. Francis high school, attended college at Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Purdue university. Her fiance, a senior in the School of Science at Purdue, was graduated from Mc- Henry high school and is affiliated with Theta Xi fraternity. A June'wedding in St. Boniface Catholic church in Indiana is planned by the couple. Lillian B. Smith 'es Fine Program Members and guests of the McHenry Woman's club met Friday, March 9, at the Legion home, where they enjoyed a splendid program presented by Lillian Brodahl Smith, Chicago dramatist. Her humorous interpretations of Norwegian^ dialect delighted everyone in attendance. A group of vocal student^ from the high school presented solos and' ensemble numbers which they will sing at the district' contest next week in Woodstock. Following the program, the social committee, Mrs. E. Nardi, Mrs. George H. Johnson, Mrs. George Lindsay, Mrs-. W. ]E. Aeverman, Mrs. Harry Hans and Mrs. Paul Jessup served a delicious lunch from a beautifully decorated table'. Dinner, Party For Sandra Rodenkirch A birthday dinner and party honored Sandra Rodenkirch Saturday, March 10, with her parents, the Hilary G. Rodenkirchs, as hosts. Present to enjoy the day were Barbara Shannon, Coleen Mahoney, Theresa Hettermarin, Sandra Smith, Betty Barbier,, Judy Hay, Patsy Hamil, Susan Pawlikowski, Bonnie a;nd Donna Schiller. Games were enjoyed and Sandra presented with many beautiful gifts. Maurice Panza Has Birthday Maurice Panza, 9 years old, observed his ^ninth birthday annievrsary on Saturday, March 10, by celebrating with severai friends. Games were played and luncheon, featuring a decorated birthday cake, served. Guests included Allen Miller, Eddie Krause, Ricky Foss, Jerry Buch, Jimmy Thennes, i Johnny Wiedeman, Johnny Schraber and his brother, Richard. Bobby Doran was unable to attend because of illness. On his actual birth date, March 11, a family dinner was enjoyed at the Panza home. Attending were Mrs. Rose Lessard, Miss Emma LaBeau and Dr. and Mrs. E. Peaslee. - . - Home Bureau Talks About Lawn Care The Ringwood unit, of the Home Bureau held its March meeting at the home of Mrs. Rose Walkington, with Mrs. Ila Hogan and Mrs. Myrtle Harrison as co-hostesses. The Home Bureau creed was read by Mrs. Eva Eppel to the eighteen ladies present, including a guest. Moose Chapter Sponsors Party y The Home chapter of the Wbmen of the Moose will sponsor a public card and .bunco party at their hall at 8 o'clock Saturday, March 24. There will be prizes and refreshments. Anyone desiring tickets is asked to call Dorothy Bonder at 5J)Y-J-1. Miller Infant Is Christened The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller was christened Joyce Ann in a baptismal service at St. Peter's church, Volo, last Sunday. Sponsors were Mrs. Edward May and Andy Ramaeker, aunt and uncle of the baby. The child was born Feb. 25 at St. Therese hospital and was especially welcome since she has five brothers. Dear Friends. As many, of you know, The Toddler Shop and Young Teen Corner plan to move soon to their new location, 109-111 E. Elm Street. This, was only made possible by the support that has come from you, our customers. We really feel badly about leaving our present location for we have made so many friends and our neighbors are wonderful people. But you and I know , progress is important. In order to better serve you we have added a complete line of older children's shoes. These are in addition to our baby shoes which We have aiways carried We have tried to keep in mind quality and wearability at prices to fit your budget. (Stop in at our present location now for your Easter shoes!) All of us here wish to thank you for your past patronage, we have always said we have the best customers in the world! That's why we want you to know what we are doing so that you will understand it is to please and help you in every way. Soon our windows and doors will be in and then we can go to work on the inside of the building. Each week we come closer and closer to reaching our goal and'to you, our friends, we owe' whatever success we have achieved. W.C.O.F. Court To Receive Communion St. Clara's Court, No. 659, W.C.OJ"., will receive Communion in a body at St. Mary's WK >12 ELM STRBST T®®n J[ McHSNRY, ILL. Corner P. S. Our Clearance Counter Is Chock Full Of Bargains!! V) If you care a hoot about how you look... you'll be glad to be reminded a IT'S LAT YOU TMK! EASTER is April 1st TIME TO GET THOSE "EASTER OUTFITS" TO RAINBOW FOR THEIR LIKE-NEW SANITONE CLEANING. 9 For Pickup Service at Your Door PHONE 927 or SAVE 10% CASH'N CARRY at .^Members answered roll call by stating "My Favorite Window View in My Home." Mrs. Nagei," chairman of the garden committee, read an article on "lawn don't" and also warned members about removing mi^lch froni plants bbfore warm weather. Mrs. Kopp and Mrs. Mujchow will attend a local leaders' school oh March 13, the' topic to be "Curtains for your Windows." Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hogan will attend an advisory council and program planning, meeting March 21 at Woodstock. Mrs. Neuharth, Mrs. Maxwell anil Mrs. Thompson are to attend a school for refinishing furniture on April 16 and 17. A card from Athens, Greece, from Mrs. McEachren was read. The lesson was given by Miss Downey, entitled "Will it be Shades or Blinds?" Delicious refreshments lyfere served by the Ringwoort ladies. PLANS CONTINUE FOR SPRING- AND SUMMER REVUE The Betty Nielsen dress shop and the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Community Methodist church of McHenry are making plans to add another feather to their jaunty caps with the spring and summer fashion show on April 18 in the Legion home. • Novel decorations are planned and a delicious salad luncheon is to be served. Mrs. Harry Stinespring, Jr., W.S.C.S. president, reminds that tickets are limited. Mrs. Edgar Nardi is ticket chairman and she will soon have them distributed, some to Nielsen's shop, to Main Paint cehter and also to circle chairmen. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schuknecht of Port Washington, Wis., were over-night guests in the Joseph Williams home enroute to Clearwater, FlaM "for a month's vacation.; Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert Frisby, .Jr., are spending a few weeks in St. - Petersburg, Fla., where he is recovering from emergency surgery which he underwent since arriving there. « Mrs. Robert "Wayman and daughter of Arlington Heights visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, Sunday. Leo Badali and (laughter, Mrs. Bonnie Goldman, and children, Vicky and Todd, of Crystal Lake were guests in the Magnus Nelson home last Wednesday. Mrs. Nelson and her guest, Mrs. Ebba Granath, accompanied them to Johnsburg for a visit in the Don Butler home. Robert J. Frisby and daughter? Lenore, were Sunday visitors, in the George Frisby home in Arlington Heights, where, they helped their grandson and nephew, Mike Frisby, celebrate his ninth birthday. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the funeral of Mrs. George Smith of Woodstock, held at St. Mary's church here Friday, were Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Klass of Sturgeon. Bay, Wis., Mrs. Katherine Steilen and Mrs. Louise O'Shea of Chicago, Mrs. LeMerle McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Steilen of Palatine, Mr. and Mrs. George Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gray7 Peter Engeln and Mr. and Mrs. John Engeln of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Olson and daughter, Helen, spent the weekend with Karen Olson, a student N. Front St. (around corner North of Wational Tea) MONEY AND BANKING = In Everyday Living , YOUR GARDEN TOOLS should serve you better and longer if you follow these suggestions as you prepare to store them away for the season. First, clear metal surfaces of rust with steel wool or a wife brush, then oil them. Next^ sharpen cutting or digging edges with a file, being cdreful not to destroy the qngle of existing bevels nor to file so thin that tools will nick easily when used again. Finally, wax wooden handles. Where wood hat become rough and splintery,' sandpaper and oil, insteaa. A taxi-man confided to a member of our staff the other day: "I figure I drive enough as it isnso why sit at the wheel when I don't need to?,That's one reason why I have a checking account with you folks--it saves me plenty of driving in my spare time. Take paying bills: I handle that job by drawing checks right at home, and sending them with the postman!" DOUBLE CHECK these advantages of checks -- for paying your bills. You can avoid not only the fatigue, lost time, and expense of travelling to pay in person, but also the risks of carrying a lot of cash about rwitH you. You gain not only ease and accuracy in keeping records (the Whole story's right on your checkbook stubs), but also assurance of receipts (your cancelled checks). We review these points in your interest, simply to emphasize how much you can benefit, by opening a checking account. Naturally, we would be very pleased to have you do so at our bank. McHENRY STATE BINK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE}- 1040 Black Patent Navy Calf Pink Calf L $6.50 to $7.50 1LX\ Mary has soma pretty As pretty as she can get. / Stylish-- and • long wearing, too, because they 're Black Patent Navy Calf Pink Calf $6.50 to $7.50 Junior Misses adore porty-pretty Gerwinettes. Mothers like the sensible low price, scientific construction. In a wide range of colors, styles and sizes. Remember - Only two more weeks 'til Easter PARENTS 312 ELM STRfiV AoHCNSY, tU at the University of Illinois: Among the out-of-town folks Who attended the .golden anniversary of Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A., here last Tuesday evening were? Mrs;. Gladys Ames and Mrs. Marion McClure of Gurnee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer of Waukegan and Mr. and- Mrs. George Johnson ' and children of Skokie. ' Jack Wirtz was home from his studies in Champaign for a weekend visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz; Mr. and Mrs. J. C Holly have returned from an enjoyable month's vacation in St. Petersburg and other points in Florida. "Die Roland Ekstrom family of Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. John Ekstrom of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Louis Stoffel home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Berkley and children, Orrin and Cheryl, of Elgin were visitors, in the Joseph Glosson home Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs/ .Robert Seymour and son, Gary, of Crystal Lake were visitors in the . Alfons Adams home Sunday." Walter Warner of Elgin called oh relatives here Monday. He l?as just returned from Milledgeyille, Ga., where he spent the winter in the home of his daughter, Mrs. James West. Mrs. Irene Guffey and Mrs. Wm. Staines, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken . of Woodstock, were" guests iin the Elmer Schmalfeldt " home in -Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Edstrom «visited her sister, Mrs. Betty Zotler, at Hlmois Masonic hospital Monday, where she is a surgical patient.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zieman and children of Evanston were jwfeekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J, Carey. Sheila O'SHay of Gray slake Was a Weekend guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Kathryn Conway. . s ' Sunday guests , in the home of Genevieve Knox . were Clarence Whiting, Dr. Delbert Whiting, wife and baby, and the Lloyd ** Whiting fafnily of Elgin, Edmpnd Whiting and Matt O'Neil pi Chicago and Melvin " Whiting of - Mic- 1 Henry. " . j . . ' Mrs. Arthur Vehmeyer jj of Williams Bay was a guest • of her friend, Mrs. Arthur Edstrom. Tuesday. She has just returned from a three-month trip through the West. m VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAT, NEAR McHENRY Home for Hie Aged SENltfe . . . . B&t> PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 ne of Your ors ilfipi This is the .second in a series of ads we intend to run once each month, featuring one of our clients . . . The attractive young lady pictured here is Mrs. Helen Long of McHenry and the beautiful, soft and easy to manage permanent wave which is her "crowning glory" was created here in our salon by Miss Donna Dowe a member of "our staff of Expert • h a i r s t y l i s t s of which we are so proud . . . We would lilfce' very much to have the opportunity to create a beautiful, easy-to-manage permanent for you. Why not phone 147 for an appointment today? By the way, your picture will not appear in one of our ads unless you give us your consent to do so . . . YOUR "LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Thure. ai}d Fri Evenings 'til 9 iverstJe ^sJ^atfsly ling isffuiiio 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone £fi7 V , > ,y : the doorway ... to more gracious "dining out yy Pictured is the entrance to your beautiful McHenry Country Cldfa Dining Room . . . We. wish it were possible to "picture" for you the " tender, delicious Barbequed Ribs whicfi is one of the favorites with our patrons0. . . or, perhaps you are one of those who favor the juicy, succulent Cornish Hens which have gained in popularity of late; they're a regular item on our vast (and sensibly priced) menu along with the Prime, Aged Steaks fofr_which we are so well known ... Do, drop in soon . . . BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON - DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 11:30 A.M. TIL 2 P.M. Now Accepting Reservations for ' PARTIES, BANQUETS, WEDDINGS, LODGES, CLUBS &- ORGANIZATIONS Call "B^b" Schmidt, Mgr. at McHENRY 1072 DINNERS & ALA CARTE NIGHTLY On Fridays, In Addition To Our Regular Menu, We Offer A Wide Variety Of Delicious Fish Specialties. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB JOHN ST., McHENRY, ILLINOIS Q n *