FABM NEWS Cattle Numbers Continue Upward * Cattle numbers crept up 1 per Cent during the past year. The increase, though small, came as a surprise, since farm statisticians had thought that the large slaughter in .1955 had checked the climb in numbers that began back in 1950. With cattle number at another new high, we can expect beef production in 1956 to equal or exceed the record output of 1955. The USD A reports cattle on farms Jan. 1 at 97,465,000 head. This number is almost a million more than the revised estimate of 96,592,000 head on farms a year earlier: (New information, Just available from the 1955 Census of Agriculture, caused the department to raise its estimate for a year ago by over a million head.) Cattle numbers in the United States tend to run in waves or cycles. Farmers build up their herds for five to ten years and then sell off. Beef production is low during the build-up years; then it increases sharply when farmers increase their sales of cattle. The present build-up of cattle numbers began in 1949. At the beginning of that ye$r, farmers and ranchers had only 76,830,000 cattle and calves. During the seven years since then, farmers have increased their herds by 21 j million head, or 27 per cent. Output of beef and veal shrank to 9.9-billion pounds in 1951. In > the four years to 1955, it increased to 15.3 billion pounds, or 54 per cent. While our beef supply jumped 54 per cent in four years, the J population crept up only 7 per cent. The supply of beef and veal was only 62 pounds per person in 1951, but it was up to 91 pounds in 1955. The small supply of beef in 1951 came at the time of the inflation that was associated with the Korean War. Beef cattle sold for $30 to $40 a hundred pounds and even higher. The big jump in beef output came in 1953. Cattle prices hit the skids as marketings climbed 20, 25 and 30 per cent over year- . before levels. The year 1954 was a good one for cattle feeders, and the favorable prices continued into early 1955., Then further increases in beef supplies, plus more competition from pork, eggs and poultry, set cattle prices on a downward trend. The general cattle situation is much the same as it was a year The Right Choice For Lenten Meals iSSSiS Spinach and Cheese Souffle there isn't a more perfect Lenten d«>i s1h 't..o *1b e fi*o undi "anyw1h ere. And man/dJfel uwriittVhi qnu Itiicpklr-. rcnorotlkf itnnfgf tapioca,. it's guaranteed to be "delicate of texture, tender and light. • # Whether you serve it for lunch, dinner or supper, good accompaniments are chilled tomato juice, a crisp green salad, coffee and a delicious pineapple pudding garnished with whipped cream and nut meata* Spinach and Cheese SoufflS 1 bo* (11 ounces) quick- DaBh of pepper frozen spinach 13-^ cups milk 1 tablespoon finely chopped 1 cup grated American onion cheese 2 tablespoons butter yi cup' butter yi cup quick-cooking tapioca 4 egg whites 1 teaspoon salt .4 egg yolks Cook spinach as directed on package. Drain. Meanwhile, saut£ onion in 2 tablespoons butter in saucepan until tender but not brown. Combine tapioca, salt, pepper, and milk; add to the onion. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat; add cheese and cup butter and stir until melted. Add spinach and mix well. Beat egg whites until stiff. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. Add tapioca mixture to egg yolks and mix well. Fold into egg whites. Spoon into 2-quart casserole. Place in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 50 minutes, or until souffle us firm. Serve with mushroom or egg sauce. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Give Advice On Refund Oi Taxis' The Internal Revenue Service urges taxpayers in this region to refrain from inquiring as to the status of refund checks until after July- 31. Telephone and written inquiries at this* time, tend only to' delay the receipt of refund checks, Regional Commissioner D. L. Olsen stated. Mr. Olsen further pointed out that this region, which includes the states of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, has already issued approximately 4-50,-000- refund checks. Thousands of additional refund checks are being processed daily and will reach taxpayers shortly, he added. Mr, Olsen explained that approximately eight million individual, income tax returns are filed in this region from Jan. 1 to April 15. District offices are therefore confronted with the responsibility of processing a substantial number of returns during a relatively short period of time. # Mr. Olsen emphasized that taxpayers can benefit themselves, ago. Numbers of cattle on farms] Want Ada bring results, and in feedlots afe just about the Place yours with the Plaindealer same, in proportion to population, today and get regults. as they were a year ago. So far this year farmers have marketed cattle faster than they did in the same weeks of last year. During the first six weeks of 1956, output of beef was 10 per cent larger than it had been one year before. The more rapid rate of marketing this year is in line with the /eport of cattle on feed Jem. 1. That report showed that farmers had 2 per cent more cattle in feedlots than one year before, the cattle were heavier and farmers intended to market them earlier than last year. Large market supplies, plus restricted demand during Lent, seem likely to postpone price advances until after Easter. Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., .and earn 2>/2 P^r cent plus i/2 per cent extra. 33-tf SIL-KQL-OID )( H£U>...HBLP, CALL McHENRY 713 Buy your rubber stamps at the McHenry plaindealer. AMAZING NSW RELIEF FOR CHRONIC HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH -- OFTEN S Y M P • TOMS OF ULCERS. Stop dosing yourself with pills and wafors that qiv* only temporary relief and throw your system out of balance. AT LAST! Now nature's way -- SIL-KOLOID is not a synthetic, it is Nature's own way of repiacina the natural elements for proper function of body organs. Over 500 clinical test cases, ulcer victims have returned to normal living habits. Ask your druggist today, or write S-K-O Sales Corp., Box 900 - Milwaukee 1, Wis. and effuftidayton Water Systems W. Rep. ir and Sorvico All Mali** of Pumps Authorized: Rod Jacket ir Dayton Pump Agency Wells Drilled or Driven Pumps & Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone IIS «•» can speed refunds, &nd reduce government costs by avoiding commop mistakes ' and omissions such as these: A. Failure to sign the tax re turn -- both husband and wife's signature in case of a joint return. B. Failure to attach cOpy of W-2 (Withholding Tax Statementj to the return. C. Illegible writing -- returns cannot be identified. D. Inaccurate figures, mistakes in addition, subtraction and tax computation. "E. Failures to indicate names of dependents claimed. Many times temporary delays in the receipt of refund checks are caused by one of the above indicated mistakes or omissions, Olsen added. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds G.O.P. ENDORSEMENTS ARE ANNOUNCED BY CENTRAL COMMITTEE County Judge Henry L. Cowlin, chairman of the Republican Central committee Of McHenry county, has announced the committee's unanimous candidate endorsements on the GOP Republican primary ballot, including Dwight D. -Eisenhower for president, Everett Dirksen for United States senator, William, G. Stratton for governor, Frank R. Reid, jr., and Charles J. Miller for delegates to the national nominating convention, Fourteenth district, Robert McClory for state senator, Fifty-second district, and A. B. McConnell for representative in the General Assembly, Thirty-second district. » Lend Uncle Sam Tour Dollars SAFETY SAVINGS -faw Sides 1b i SPENDING AND SAVING are ihe two sides of the money question. To spend WISELY and save SYSTEMATICALLY is a formula for success thai has been tried, tested and proved sue-' cessful! And it is smart to save where your money earns more. CURRENT DIVIDEND 3 PERCENT Moreng© Fed c...:.#.. AND L0AN SAVINGS A$$OCIATIC5N MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000.000410 Phone 99 ILLINOIS CROP SENDS HALF MILLION IN SURPLUS FOOD Church and community groups, working through CROP, have found a practical use for some of our mounting pile of surpluses. Believing that food is to eat, they have collected funds' to distribute large quantities of this food to hungry people overseas. A total of 2,233,752 pounds of surplus food, valued at $599,411- .67, was sent with funds collected in Illinois in 1955. This is in addition to the large stocks of surpluses shipped with funds made available • by individuals church denominations. CROBf£ the Christian Rural Overseas Program, collects commodities and provides funds for food shipments by Church World Service to areas of acute need. ^Distribution overseas is made by. missionaries and other church workers. Because of this kind of distribution, our surpluses have a better chance of getting into the hands that need them, without interfering with the normal channels of trade. What you are has its influence in making other people what they are. e* to OHS... QmcIM # In minor matters, maybe, you may "press your luck," But where your health or the health of someone in your household is concerned, you want only the best and safest service available. Always bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this , professional pharmacy where careful compounding is a specialty. BOLGER'S D a Store PHONE 40 108 S. Qreen St. McHenry, Dl. r ays BLI©^?0@®3 Simply phone or visit our nearest storo or office . . . got your* delivered now If you're interested in getting the dryer that does the Best job for your family and is easiest on your budget • . . remember this! An Automatic Gas clothes dryer costs less to use than other types--much less I Why pay 5 times more? Also, Gas dryers give you automatic operation and have a gentle way with everything frpm lingerie to blankets. fenny flame* Sayu "Remember, the gss8 pipod into your home roodily oc- Cfflmm&datmi a GAS drymr. No to§Hy Service connections or* needed!" Wkllo fwmfMti Imti, tpotiml low tnaimlM prices en ••mffji mni Hamilton OAS Dryers. See Ik* mow tlmo mntl (•fc*r-i«Wii| Oil dryor* ml * HI. OAS CO. W dmmhr'$ or our noarott tloro. PHONE McHENRY 2081 •Trade-Mark - CipyrifM, 1954, Northern UUnais Got Company '..•i THE SECRET OF THE SMOOTHNES IS IN THE SECON D COUPLINGI Jetaway features TWO fluid couplings to give you twice ' the smoothness! The second coupling fills and spills with jet-like speed to ease you into every driving range so quietly, bo smoothly the change is almost imperceptible. Just try Oldsmobile's Jetaway . ; . it's the greatest advance in auto* ma tic transmissions in 17 years! And how you get away! With the flashing "go" that Hydra-Matic made so famous, plus a new liquid smoothness that's Jetaway's alone. Just'try Jetaway*. Pour on the power! You'll see the dramatic difference, when Oldsmobile's revolutionary transmission pairs with the Rocket T-350 Engine... 9.25-to-l compression big! Here's super action with power to spare. What's more, in this Olds you wing along in the solid assurance of its sure-footed Safety-Ride Chassis ... in the smart luxury of its fashionably tailored interior i i ; with the •UKR M HOLIDAY COUPS welcome ease of the newest in modern power features')-. And, when it comes to looks, Oldsmobile's Starfire styling is in a class by itself with its original side treatment and trend-setting "Intagrille Bumper." This Olds can be yours at a price that's amazingly low. Stop in today and see! •Standout* on ST»I NINMFR-EIGKT, optional mt »*tro cost on att othmr mrfaf. tOpNonaf of oxfro ml, Sofmty Powar Storing rtgntf. arri on Sriti Nin»ty-(ighf. m . our Gala Show I VISIT THE " ROCKET ROOM"... AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S! COMPANY R. J. Mot®r 403 Front Street Phone 6 >