11 McHENRY PLAINDEALER »fl'.v-.'?L':-v - *'u; /•J5."'.." HERE AND Francis Lamerdnds Greet M.P. GRADUATE First Daughter March 17 Foresee Contests In Local School Elections Continued from Page 1 Servicemen ^ ^ - • " • " . Pudding^ Witli take Texture "Has. Fragrant Molasses Touch llllli Reminiscent of gingerbread in flavor, yet with a more moist texture, is wonderful old-fashioned molasses pudding. This early-American dessert, championed by every generation tasting it, continues to be a specialty at many fine restaurants featuring American recipe classics. Superb of flavor, it's truly simple to make. Xhe dry ingredients (flour, sugar and spices) have the butter "cut in" as for a crumb-type topping. As step two, combine delicate unsulphured molasses, water ana soda. Alternate layers of the crumb mixture and the liquid in a square pan, and the pudding is ready for baking. The dessert can be cut into squares or spooned into serving dishes, and you'll have a moist gingerbread cake marbled with spicy crumb mixture. Serve hot or cold with a favorite fruit sauce. Old FaiUontd Molasses Pudding 2)4 cups sifted allpurpose flour % cup sugar *4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 % teaspoons cinnamon 14 teaspoon salt cup butter or margarine 1 cup unsulphured molasses 1 cup water 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 3-ounce packages cream cheese 2 tablespoons milk Sift together flour, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. Add butter; cut with two knives or pastry blender to resemble coarse meal. Combine unsulphured molasses, water and soda. Alternate crumbs and liquid in a greased 8 s 8 x 2 inch square pan, beginning and ending with crumbs. Stir gently only 2 or 3 times with a fork. Bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) 1 hour. When ready to serve, blend together cream cheese and milk. Cut cake into squares; place spoonful cream -heese on top of each square. Top each serving with *Orange Sauce. YIELD: 9 servings. *Orange Sane* 1 tablespoon coriiftarch 1 cup orange juice \i cup sugar 2 teaspoons grated orange rind )4 teaspoon salt 1 orange, sectioned Mix together cornstarch, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Blend in arange juice gradually; add orange rind. Cook over medium heat, itirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Add orange lections; heat. YIELD: Approximately 1H cupa. IN BUSINESS Friends of Richard Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ward, are justly proud of a 'beautiful citation plaque awarded to the young man by his company, RCA. It is for outstanding performance, above and beyond the normal requirements of his job. In conjunction with another employee, Mr. Ward, miniature tube manufacturing engineer, helped to re-design certain tube types in the diode-triode families in such a manner as to achieve an actual cost reduction of $52,000 per year. , Work continues on- the attractive new shoe store which opens this week on Green street. Grand opening is being planned for some time next month. McHenry Schools Take Part In State-Wide Educational Study The McHenry schools have been asked to participate in a state-wide study sponsored by the Illinois Commission on Children to determine the children age 7 to 16 receiving no educational services. Since Illinois.has no required school census, the study is necessary to indicate those children who have never attended school, those who have dropped out because of physical and mental handicaps, and those whose behavior has made them unacceptable to the school. Each school district in the state will report to the county superintendent all children not receiving educational services. Children in institutions, private and parochial schools, and those served by a home teacher will not be reported. In carrying out the study, local schools may enlist the cooperation of the PTA, physicians, public health nurses, probation officers, and others who serve children. The report is to cover the 1955-56 school year through March 31. Materials for the study have been supplied by the county superintendent of schools and will be returned to his office by April 14. Representatives of the Office of the Superintendent of 'Public Instruction, the Illinois Education association, and the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers served as consultants in planning the project. Costs are being underwritten by private foundation funds. The Illinois Commission on Children grew out of the 1950 White House Conference on Children and Youth. One of its main purposes is to help coordinate services for children. Its members are appointed by the governor and serve without pay. Miss Naomi Hiett is the executive secretary of the commission which has its offices in the Ferguson building in Springfield. AUXILIARY SALE The auxiliary of Memorial hospital is conducting a removal and rummage sale at their Gift and Thrift shop in Woodstock, continuing through Saturday, March 31. The shop is changing location from Judd street to Jefferson street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and Mrs. Terry Becker and children were Elkhorn visitors Wednesday. Robert Vogt, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogt, Jr., attended the funeral of Frank Vogt in Waukegan last Saturday. Mrs. Albert, Vales, Sr., son, Al, and' daughter, Delores, are ejnjoying a trip through the South. It Pays to Advertise LOSE UGLY FAT IN TEN DAYS OR MONEY BACK If you are overweight, here is the first really thrilling news to come along in yejirs. A new & convenient way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever, so you can be as slim and trim as you want. This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Absolutely harmless. When you take DIATRON, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and automatically your weight must come down, because, as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Excess weight endangers your heart, kidneys. So no matter what you have tried before^ get DIATRON and prove to yourself what it can do. DIATRON is sold on this GUARANTEE: You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money back guarantee by: Thomas V. Bolder Drug Store, McHenry . Wall orders filled CARD OP TOANKft^' ^ I would like to take1 this means of thanking friends for "get-well" wishes and cards at the time my arm was broken. I appreciated these remembrances so touch. 47 Mrs. Charles .Michels CARD OF THANKS I wish" to thank my many friends who sent me letters, cards and flowers and also those who visited me while I was in the hospital. s Chester L. Stevens, Sr. *47 Spring Grove " VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the: Rbckford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, April 3, to inform and assist veterans^ their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at th U.S. Post Office building, second floor, in Woodstock. . MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT Harold Brove of this community was- reported to have been treated at Memorial hospital Sunday night for injuries received when his motorcycle skidded out of control on the McHenry- Griswolda Lake blacktop road. He suffered cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert E. Meyer of Country Club subdivision have returned from a three-week trip by auto to St. Petersburg, Fla. McHENRY'S CANDIDATE The Friend of . . . Labor . . . the Farmer . . Small Businessman 1 : Justice Chas. M. Adams Democratic Candidate for the Nomination to State Representative Boone, DeKalb, McHenry, Ogle Counties at the Primary Election TUESDAY, APRIL lb, 19M Life-long resident of McHenry Endorsed: . . by Illinois State Federation of Labor " Member: International Typographical Union President: * Young Democrats of 4 McHenry County Elected: Justice of the Peace X Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lamerand of McHenry Shores are the proud parents of Susan Lynn, born St; Patrick's Day," March, 17, at St Francis hospital, Evanston. " Susan Lynn's maternal grandparent is Mrs. Harry Dilg, who also resides at McHenry Shores, and her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Lamerand, Sr., of Eagle Harbor, Mich. The great-grandparents are Mrs. William Crey of Evanston and Herman C. Dilg of Harlingen, Texas. Susan Lynn is the second baby borfi in the McHenry^ Shores subdivision and the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Lamerand. Mr. arid Mrs. Anton Hocin are the parents of a son, born March 20 at Memorial hospital. WINS ENDORSEMENT William Bolger was endorsed Monday evening of this week by committeemen as delegate from the Fourteenth Congressional district to the Democratic nominating convention. m : Carefully designed for the greatest foot easel Styled for dress, play, school -- in LONG-WEARING leather! See CHILD LIFE *80B| Bran* Catt $7.00 to $&5C THS IWtPUR SH6? 913 aiaaai M«Mf N§y, IU. 7k SHOPPING NEEDS WHERE TO BUY Made-up Baskets Ben Franklin Store Easter Candies Ben Franklin Store Easiei Toys Ben Franklin Store Easter Baskets Ben Franklin Store Grass and Cellophane Ben Franklin Store Women's - Children's Hats Ben Franklin Store Women's - Children's Hose Ben Franklin Store Women's - Children's Gloves J Ben Franklin Store Corsages and Wreaths L. Ben Franklin Store Boys' Tee Shirts Ben Franklin Store Boys" Bow Ties Ben Fr&nklin Store Children's Dresses Ben Franklin Store Children's Slips Ben Franklin Store Ladies' Slips Ben Franklin Store Men's - Boys' Hose Ben Franklin Store YES, whatever it is, the chances are you will find it at your friendly BEN FRANKLIN STORE 112 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Buy U.S. Savings. Bonds William K. Merritt, son of ; Mrs. Leo Hartog of Wonder Lake, recently graduated from the inter-communication electrician's school at Great Lakes. He is now stationed in San Diego, Calif., in the Pacific reserve fleet. 1 MERTON W. EIJPERT Army .Pvt. Merton W. Rupert, whose wife, Leona, lives at 1132 Tbacker street, Des Plaines, recently was graduated from the Military Police trailing center at Camp Gordon, Ga. Before entering the Army last October, Rupert was an operating engineer for Doetsch Brothers, Evanston. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Rupert, live in Fair Oaks subdivision, McHenry. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds- NEW SHIPMENT MADE BIAPES 90 in. long - 50 in. pleated width per pair $5.98 - $6.98 • $10.98 u** • CA1PI? WALL-TO-WALL LOW COST TERMS UP TO 3 YEARS HAVEMEYHTS Ko. Side of Rt. 120, % miles west of Rt. 12 (near Volo) Open 9:30 to 8 and Sunday 10 to 3:30 McHENRY 2295 PHONE FOR ESTIMATE Sgt, Joe Wilier has arrived home from - Japan to spend a thirty-day furlough. Upon completion of his time1 at home, he will-report for duty to Quantico, Va. RECEIVES SENTENCE Robert Phillips, 28, of Rockford, was sentenced to prison for a term of 199 years for the kidnap slaying of Lyle Larson, 45, Harvard grocery store manager, by Judge William M. Carroll in circuit court last weekend. He said he was not imposing the death penalty because of mental abnormalties which he believed the killer is suffering from, although he.did not believe he was mentally ill. Gertrude Casey, who selks a • seat on the board. ' j • • t Johnsburg In District 12, four men seehi two offices for three-year fcgrms. They are Joseph G. Hueriiann and Elmer J. Meyers, who are running for re-election, and two newcomers, W. T. Peterson and Albert W. Albrecht. The election will be held at the Johnsburg school on April 14. 7 ' . " OSRjTAL Miss Frances Bauer underwent surgery at Memorial hospital last week. Herbert H. Freund of Pearl street underwent surgery at Memorial hospital, last Friday. ^ Lawrence Huqk,tSr„ has been® a surgical patient at Memorial hospital. Bead the Want Ads* NOTICE Easter Garmeats BROUGHT IN TO OUR SHOP BY 10 A.M. SATURDAY MARCH 31st WILL BE READY BY 6 PJ4. THE SAME DAX Phone 20 Local Cleaners 206 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. & : * Famous bulletin from Mobilgas Economy Run FORD WIMS IK ECONOMY TOO! V-8 WINS CLASS A In this year's Economy Run a new Ford V-8, with Fordomatic, was the official , over every car in its field, with ff wimiing average of 47.7643 ton-miles ' per gallon. This means that the sturdier, heavier Ford carried more weight, with greater gas economy per pound, than any car ms its field. This latest Ford victory was scored over a rough and rigorous 1,468.8-mile route running from Los Angeles to Colorado Springs. Through the heat of Death Valley and over chilling thountain heights ... through gaseating city traffic and over the straightline open road . . . Ford proved anew its traditional reputation for economical performance. The winning Ford was a regularproduction model taken right from the assembly line. It was no different than thousands of '56 Fords you see on the road and in dealer's showrooms. This proves that Ford, the Performance, Style and Safety leader, leads in Economy, tool That adds up to four big reasons why the '56 Ford is worth more when you buy it, while you drive it, and when you sell it, tool Tha "too-ouV formula it Iteed by contest officials to insure equalchance for alt ear* in each dam, ttgnrdlesa of sin or tceighL Ton-miles pet gallon equals Ike ear weight (including passenger*) ia teas, multiplied by tiu number «/ milee traveled, dieided by number of gallons of gotoline consumed. Test Drive the Economy Winner All-AMERICAi Top-Award Winner for Alf'Around Stock Car Performance... Winner of MANUFACTURER'S TROPHY Dayfona Beach, Florida BUSS MOTOR SALE 531 Main Street Phone McHenry 1 GREAT TV, FORD THEATRE, CHANNEL 5, WNBQ, 8:30 P. M., THURSDAYS McHenry, I1L