••Thursday. April 19.1956 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Page Elevea LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Ann Brzezinski and Lois Schiavone ' Village News This column has repeatedly 'purged everyone to tie up or pen up their dogs. We are sorry to report that Diane Wolf was bitten by a dog last week. The village president wishes to announce the village has purchased a truck and a cage is being built to pick up all loose dogs, yhe dogs Will be taken to the dog pound at Dr. Fike's. There will be a charge of two dollars for pick-up, one dollar a day for %keep and a charge for a: rabies shot. If a dog is picked up and is not claimed by its owner, the police department will issue an arrest ticket. Proclamation A proclamation will be issued for a cleanup week beginning Aptfl 27 and continuing through Majr 6. A handbill will be circu- (Jated with instructions for a dean-up and paint-up week. Everyone is requested to cooperate. Report oil Heart Fund Claude McDermott was notified by the chairman from Springfield that Lakemoor turned ltt $143 to the Heart fund. Mr. McDermott was the chairman of • the drive and ip grateful to all •who assisted and donated. P.T.A. The Lily Lake P.T.A. will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April* 26, at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. Several important issues must be decided on and every member please try to attend. . Auxiliary -•* Hie, next ladies' auxiliary meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 25, at 8 p.m. f Thursday Socials The Thursday night socials are being held at Wally's Oasis every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. L.I.A. At the last L.I,A. meeting, plans were made for a social on Saturday, May 19. The social will be held at the fire department fcommunity house. Everyone is invited. Brownies Any girls wishing to join Bro^vnies at this time will have to be put on the waiting list. For further information call Pat ^Morrison at 591-R-2. Fun Clnb The Fun club held its meeting at Jean Booster's home on Wed. nesday. ' They celebrated the club's sixth birthday that night. The ladies enjoyed bunco and winners of lovely prizes were Alices, Becker, Jen O'Leary, Emma Kunz and Pat Morrison. Luncheon of eight different cheeses, four kinds of crackers, cake and coffee was served later in the evening. With the Marines Friends 'of Harry Ketchum will be happy t6 read that he is passing all tests and inspections, and he is happy and doing well. Harfy is with the U.S. Marines and is stationed1 in San Diego, Calif. Teen-age Dance 1 At the last 'teen dance, about thirty-five young people had a very nice time. Refreshments were served. Th$ date of the next danee will be announced in the newspaper. Surprise Shower Mesdames Ann Sand, Tina Morrisonr Marge Kiehl and Marie Then attended a surprise bridal shower f*or< Terry Jus ten on Tuesday in Waukegan. The shower was given by Mrs. Johanna Freund and M^ Nellie Clark at the Freund home. Terry is the future bride of Harvey Sand of Lakemoor and the wedding will take place on May 5. The couple received many lovely gifts. A delicious. luncheon was served. Once a Month Social Ann Bolda entertained the following ladies on Friday at Helen Para's home: Jesse and Olive Corbett, Alice Wade, Irene Leon and Ann Brzezinski. The ladies enjoyed the evening with playing cards. Cake and coffee were served. Christening Ronald Steven, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Levand,, was christened on Sunday, March 18, at St. Mary's church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. George Kumm. Reception was at the Levand home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamont from Woodale, Mrs. Ruth Wilier and family Jrom Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. John Lamont from Lake Villa, and Mrs. Jean Wick and family from. Woodale. We Are Proud To announce • Terry Brady has again made the honor roll for this year. Terry is a freshman at the McHenry high school. Sick List Tony Leon entered the Woodstock ' hospital on Thursday for minor surgery. Chipper Cynowa deserves admiration froiK everyon^ f<jr his spirit in recovering from the serious accident he had last year in August. He was burned very badly • and in about nine months has undergone twelve skin graft operations and received nineteen pints of blood. He returned from the hospital on Saturday to stay. He will return to the hospital once a month for examinations for several months. "jThe wonderful letters and cards of cheer and blood donors were a great help in speeding his recovery and were appreciated very much. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott spent Saturday night having a wonderful time at a ladies' night banquet and dinner dance at the McHenry Country club. Ted and Marge Beahler and the?r children, Dfek and Lorrie, enjoyed Saturday at the Ice Capades. Also with them were Norman Falk and Mrs. Alice Victorine and 3oh, Robert, of Crystal Lake. Company at Walter and Helen Para oh Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tessler and children from Chicago. And on .Sunday were Helen's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Murzyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wojion and children from Chicago. Guests at Marty Wrublewski's home were Dorothy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett are back from a sunny vacation in Hollywood, Fla. They will spend the summer at Dr. Leslie Krieger's home. Birthdays Frank Leon celebrated his birthday on Monday, April 16. Package Liquor Store and Tavern PIZZA Italian Spaghetti Sandwiches KITCHEN CLOSED ON TUESDAY'S McHENRY 336 180 So. Green St., McHenry,. 111. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EUBS- EXAMINED -- GLASS&S FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO S P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Danny Levand was' 7 years old on Tuesday, April 2. " Norman .Jean Schmitt. was 6 years old on Wednesday,; April 11. She enjoyed it with a birthday party on Sunday with, family,' relatives and friends, f A- very happy birthday to all' and many more of tlfem. TTie April birthstone is * diamond and the flower is a sweetpea. - Bible Church The McHenry Bible church will show the sixty-minute sound motion picture, "The Great Light," at the 8 o'clock evening service this Sunday, April 22. SAFETY WORKSHOPS R A series of area traffic safety workshops is being held throughout Illinois as a feature of Gov. William G. Stratton's highway traffic safety program. This series of workshops, which opened with a meeting in Springfield, is giving cities and counties -Opportunity to review their traffic safety problems. Area accident trends will be reviewed; attention will be given to local traffic enforcement, uniform enforcement . and the role of the courts iii traffic safety. These meetings are preliminary to the President's Conference on Traffic Safety, to be held in Chicago May 23-24. Many participants in the area workshops will be invited to this conference as representatives of the State of Illinois. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Specific Traffic Safety Program Hopes To Hold Down Annual Toll So you think things are messed up out there on the highway? Well, just wait another ten years! The National Safety Council has taken a peep into the future and come up with these disconcerting figures: v By 1966, an endless rovarm of 82,000,000 motor vehicles will jam the streets and highways -- 20,000,000 more than are on the road now. 'The^ will be piloted at various time^by 90,000,000 drivers. They will travel approximately 825 billion miles a year. The traffic toll that year will be around 53,000 -- unless some genius manages to pull down the prevailing death rate by getting to those 90,000,000 drivers with a safety sales talk that is more convincing than anything thought up so far. Faced with this foreboding future, the Council has today a specific traffic safety program designed not only fo hold down the traffic toll, but to expedite the flow of traffic. Safety authorities agree the two problems are inseparably interwoven. The Council emphasized that while it accepts its responsibility, it cannot do the job alone, and that the helo of every person who drives, rides or walks is essential. Council's Plan Here is the Council's plan for cutting the. toll and congestion of, future traffic -- based on proven .techniques of engineering, education and enforcement: 1. Convince the public that the only real answer to the traffic problem is for every individual not only to drive and walk sensibly and safely himself, but to join actively in an organized community and national effort to see that others do the same. If this means rougher, tougher traffic law enforcement -- as it will in many places -- demand, support and accept it! 2. Give every community the facts on how its traffic safety programs stacks up against recognized standards -- and help it bring itself up to or above par. 3. Build as many miles of safe, modern accident-resistant highways as possible -- and as fast as possible. 4. Along with building new and better and safer roads, use every modern technique of traffic engineering and law enforcement to make exsisting highways as fool-proof and safe as possible. 5. Cut through red tape, apathy and legislative inertia to obtain uniform vehicle laws and do what common sense tells the nation it should have done long ago -- give, the driver a set of simple, understandable traffic rules and laws that he can follow from coast to coast -- and that he can be sure will be enforced. More Rules 6. Make driver education -- in class and behind the wheel -- a required course for every student of driving agf in every higlf school. 7. Make it so tough to get a driver's license that only a person Who is physically, mentally and emotionally qualified to drive in modern traffic can get one. 8. Take the license away from any driver as soon as he demonstrates inability to drive as a decent, sensible citizen should drive. 9. Back traffic courts to the limit in showing errant drivers and walkers that it just isn't smart or healthy. to behave selfishly or dangerously , in traffic. When if comes to PRESCRIPTIONS... # If you are "lucky" the home remedy you try may "get you on your feet again." But isn't health too important * matter to take chances? Better see your Doctor right away. And when you have his prescription, bring it to this pharmacy where careful compoundingis a specialty. PHONE 40 108 8. Green St. McHenry, DL Spffngfe 6 Plvmo me! ^ Tm doors or four doors, V-8 or 6, there'* a Plymouth Hardtop for you. Whichever you pick, you'll have the biggest, smartest Hardtop of the low-price three! Most beauty, size, value in the low-price three--all yours in a big new '56 Plymouth Belvedere or Savoy Hardtop! Here's the ideal companion for springtime driving fun-a bright new Plymouth Hardtop. Drive one and see! Look at those racy "let's go!" lines ... try the reflex-quick response of Plymouth's sensational new Hy-Fire V-8 or 6 . . . see how easily your Plymouth whisks you thrpugh city traffic, out to the open road where you belong, you and your Plymouth Hardtop. With windows down, you enjoy all the airy fun and flair of a convertible. With windows up, you're sedan snug. You won't settle for anything less, once you've driven a Plymouth Hardtop! Incomparabla Plymouth .Belvedere four-door Hardtop. V-8 or 6. Plymouth Is the biggest car in the low-price thro . . . l o n g e s t , l o w e s t , r o o m i e s t , with a true b i g - c a r r i d e . With the newest styling of the low-price three... this Plymouth is really new. No "warmed-over" design! The only Push-Button Driving in the low-price three ... mechanical, safe, and so simple. Optional on all models. The performance champ of the low-price three... holds official NASCAR speed and acceleration records! And... it's mighty easy to own a Plymouth Hardtop . . . ask your dealer about his modern finance plan today. Plymouth coetejees From the day you buy H . . . through all the years you own it ... you'll spend less on a Plymouth. Thafs one reason more Plymouths are used as taxis than all other cars combined. roc Concrete ...CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right oil time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONIC 920 10. Encourage constant in* provement in automobile design to make it easier and easier t^ drive safely. And what will happen by 1966 if Americans team up In a real and continuing traffic improvement program? "You'll get where you're going a lot easier - and sooner," promised the Council. "And what's more, the traffic toll will come down by half!'1 VISIT IN OKLAHOMA Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Skinner and Geraldine Skinner, with their son, Gerald, and Mrs. Skinner's sister, Patricia Ann Tucker, left to visit their family in Oklahoma. They spent part of Easter week with his parents, Jess and Stella Skinner and visited with' his sister and her family, Mr.^and Mrs. Robert Singer, they also renewed old friendships. .They report the weather ideal-- in the eighties -- and all secured a good sun tan. Buy your ruBber stamps at the McHenry Plaindealer. LOSE mvr FAT IN TEH DAYS OR MONEY BACK If you are overweight, here is the first really thrilling news to come along in years. A new & convenient way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever, so you can be as slim and trim as you want. This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Absolutely harmless. When you take DIATRON, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and automatically your weight must come down, because, as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Excess weight endangers your heart, kidneys. So no matter what you have tried before, get DIATRON and prove to yourself what it can do. DIATRON is sold on this GUARANTEE: You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money back guarantee by: Thomas *. Bolfir Drag1 Star*. McHenry - Mail orders fUlK * Mil This COMPLETED Year»Aroiiitd ,3-BEDROOM HQME O N i Y Only at Beautifully WOODED HIGHLAND SHORES ON LA RGB NEARBY LAKE D o wN s">9 Co5t AFTER First 3 Years For Principal ft tats rest Judged by its GIANT LIVING ROOM, almost 28 FEET LONG . . . by the THREi large airy Bedrooms with sliding door closets ... by its E9UIPPED Bathroom, Kitchen and Utility doom . . . You'd expect this homo to be in the $12,000 CLASS! You get a BIG LOT with ample room for Cms lawns and gardons, play yari and pleasant summer "outdoor" livicif right In the heart of the Pan Cllver Valley," FULLY COMPLETED Plas Theso "EXTRA" FEATURES-- For FIRST 3 Years 49 A MONTH FN PrlMipil ft lattmt HOUSE with LOT • Interior WALLS ready to dee* orate; Exterior prime painted • Newest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT • AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER • Electric WIRING • Yoar-oround INSULATION • Hot and €old WATER PIPES with PLUMBING; WATERLINE from MAIN to HOUSE • Kitchen and bathroom with Nationally Known Fixtures i %495 FURNISHED MODEL OPEN Every SAT. and SUNDAY ONLY 695 D O W N BOTH HOUSE & LOT Plus S m a l l C l o s i n g Cost A De Luxe 2-Bedroom Fully CQMPLIfi© Y"ROUN HOME Qssd LARGE SITE in Beautiful LAKELAND PARK (sMddl Wooded HIGHLAND SNORES mmi" Si 6,995 HOME & SITE INCLUDING Closing and Finance Charges and 3-Year Fire Insurance SOT a "Shell" or Alter Pirst 3 Years 53 e BATHROOM with FIXTURES • LARGE PORCH • TWO Bedrooms • Large LIVINGDIM I MO Area e EQUIPPED Kitchen At either LAKELAND PARK or HIGHLAND SHORES you can have a home at a PRICE THAT WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. j YOU GET ALL THIS: All construction completed; interior WALLS ready to decorate; exterior prime painted. Latest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT; Automatic WATER HEATER; Year-around INSULATION; Electric WIRING; hot and cold WATER PIPES with PLUMBING; WATER LINE from MAIN to HOUSE. A MONTH For Principal and Interest For First 3 Year* *5 3L©7 * U0NTH For Principal and Interest DRIVE OUT TODAY Take ROUTE 120 to aboui VA mile WEST of McHenry ciiy limiis and TURN NORTH at LAKELAND PARK sign. © E v t f y S o t . v u s d S n » 5532 W. DIVISION ST. © COIumbus 1*5168 FURNISHED MODUS CKIOAM «Fr«C« Op«o • A.M. to S P.M. Aii for Mt. DON