Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1956, p. 11

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Thursday. April 26,19S6 W* " f :W?gM THE-McHENHY PUONDEAtER P»g« EUfea LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Ann Brzezinski apd Lois Schiavone Village N<ews . Claude F. McDermott, president of the village of Lakelrioor, has proclaimed the period from April 27 to May 6- inclusive as clean-up week. Residents and all organizations are urged to cooperate to clean up and beautify the village of Lakerhoor. A hand bill will be circulated with suggestions for the clean-up. Please do your part. Fire Department Please continue saving newspapers and magazines. A date for a pick-up will be Qnnounqe<J -in the paper very soon. Ladles Auxiliary , The ladies' auxiiary held an installation " party on Saturday,* April 21. Fire Chief Frank Bitterman installed the following members into office: Mrs. Frank O'Leary, president; Mrs. Clifford Hyatt, „•vice-president; Mrs. Casiniir Brzezinski, secretary; Mra. Frank Bitterman, treasurer; Mrs. Theodore Beahler, chaplain; Mrs. James Buchwalter, historian; Mrs. Myrtle Booster, Mrs. John Kraus, Mrs. E$$ard Steadman, Mrs. Roy Erickson and Mrs. Joseph Sarley, directors. A big thank you was -given to last year's officers for their fine work. Delicious barbecue sandwiches, potato salad, cake and coffee was served later in the evening, followed by games and dancing. A Lake county auxiliary meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, at Highwood. Members wishing to. attend please call Ann Brzezinski at 674-R-l. Thursday Socials The Thursday night socials are being held at Wally's Oasis every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Ladles League < Mrs. Mix and Marcella Foss celebrated their birthdays at the last social. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, at 8 p.m. L. I. A. The. L. I. A. will hold a party for the benefit .of thfe library. The date of the party is Saturday, May 19, at the fire department community house. Everyone is welcome to , attend. Pinochle Club The Pinochle club met at Mrs. Tillie Geiger's home at Duck Lake last week Thursday. The ladies ^enjoyed a delicious- luncheon and winners of very nice prizes were Ann Brzezinski, Ronnie Romkowske and Mrs. Fellows, Rita Erickson's mother. P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchwalter attended an Illinois P. T. A. convention at Peoria on Friday. JRDFE«IOnRL DIRECTORV DR. J. C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Road Office Hours: Mon., Tues., TFhurs. & FrL 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. PHONE 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1=30 to 5:30 Moio., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN. LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES ALSO Non-Cancellable Accident And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Group Ifflsur&nce For Free Information Call McHenry, m. Phone 1168-J Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1336 [•"rflRt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, III. EARL R. WALSH INSIJBANCE fire, Aut4, Farai & Life Insurance Reprecenting RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any. • Klmd' PHONE 43 or 98S Green & Elm McHenry, HI. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel 9 Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 * Interesting lectures and a wonderful program was'enjoyed by everyone. Members of the P. T. A. are urged to attend the special meeting to be held on Thursday, April 26, at 8 p.m., at the schoolhouse. It Rained Baby gifts out Rita Erickson's way last week Tuesday evening. The Pinochle club had a shower for her at Ann, Brzezinski's home and everything was just fine. The gifts were lovely and later in the evening jello, crackers, cake and coffee were served. Itonald James was a premature baby and, spent seven weeks at a hospital in IPeoria. He was welcomed, home by his big brother, Roy, and his sisters, Carol and Barbara, on Saturday. RonaJtd left the hospital weighing 5M> pounds. Harold Foss entered- Stv Therese hospital at W,aukegan last week Saturday with' a serious virus infection. He may spend two to six weekis ai the hospital. Joe Caipmarata spent a day in Chicago last week with his son, Philip, while he underwent. surgery for appendicitis. Donald Kibbe injured his knee D on a railroad tie last week. Hwas B. B_ hall in Chicago, and many of their friends: froirtw Laikemoor were there to wish them the best of1 everything for their future. Cub Scouts On Friday, Den 7 will serve refreshments at the Pack 361 njeeting in McHenry. The month of April is the "Bird Watching Month", and Den 7 has bird feeders all ready for next winter. The work the boys did on the feeders will be shown at this meeting. House Committee There will be a house committee meeting on Friday, May 4, at 9 pjn. at the fire department community house. Teen Dance And another nice time was had by the young people on Sunday, April 22. The girls, were on the refreshment committee. The next dance will be held on Sunday, May 6, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and anyone 13 years old or older is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary chaperoned the dance. Sick List Mrs. Kate Wegener has been a patient at Woodstock hospital for about t\yo weeks now. Dean Brodin, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Brodin, underwent surgery at Woodstock hospital last week Thursday. was on his way fishing with his grandfather and uncle in Fox Lake. On your next fishing trip we „ hope you will catch more than enough fish to make up for that day. Edward Kamin, Sr., has been home from the hospital for about two weeks. He is recuperating very nicely from the two operations he underwent in one month. Tony Leon underwent minor surgery at Woodstock hospital on Friday, and is doing very' well. Carolyn Tuttle, Rita Erickson's niece, who has been spending*a few days at the Erickson home, had to be taken to (the hospital with pneumonia last Sunday. We wish all of you a very speedy recovery. Letters and cards of cheer are appreciated and are a great help in cheering up some cf those days away from home. Birthdays Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes celebrated Mr. Forbes birthday last week. Sunday, at the home of their son, Harold, and family in Chicago. Eva Shaw was 7 years old on April 21. She enjoyed a birthday party with the family. A very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day to you both. •- Congratulations- >: To Donald Crooks arid Jacqueline Jacoby, who became' Mr~ and Mrs. on Saturday, April' 21, at 2:30 pan. at; St. John- Berchman's church in Chicago. Rbrinie Providis was the best man and ushers at. the weddip^ijyere jim"> Crook, Dale O'Leary, Ronnie Schmidt and Richard! .Loveless. Here and There" -- • 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison and son from Chicago spent Sunday with the Norman Morrisons. . Jim, Brady, enjoyed" lastf%¥ekend at. Washington, D. C.y with sonje of his classmates from St. Mary's school. Stewart Clark and Ed K$m$n were out this past weekend. Tliey spent Saturday visiting fed's brother, Herb, and family in Dundee, and on Sunday, visited with Ed's parents in Milwaukee. it was nice to see Mrs. Alice Kies and friends this Sunday. They were out doing a little spring cleaning. Stork Arrival Mr. and Mrs. James Mofytor are the proud parents of a girl. She arrived at St. Mary's hospital in Chicago on April 19, weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. The baby created quite a bit of excitment, she was the 50,000th baby to be born at St. Mary's and she was showered with gifts because of this. Among the many gifts she received were a layett, a diamond ring, a fifty dollar bond and a paid hospital bill. The lucky baby was named Patricia FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 • Volo, III. Phone McHenry 667-W-l Ann. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.- Sam Sances. ""Ehe paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Molitor. Both grandparents reside in Lilymoor. PersoVials Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford enjoyed the senior class play, "Arsenic and Old Lace," at the Wauconda high school. After the play, Mel and Laura enjoyed coffee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rose. Mr. and Mrs. John Bayliss were also present. Garden Club The first meeting of the Lilymoor Garden club will be May 1, at the home of Lois Schiavone at 2 p.m. This meeting is to help organize the ,club. All persons who enjoying working in their gardens, come and bring your ideas. If you miss the meeting and are interested, call 596-M-2. The Hobby Night Methodist Young Adults Famous Culligan WATER SOFTENER All Exclusive Features Phone Wauconda JAckson 6-5421 came- forth with- a variety oL hobbies at their regular Sunday night pot-lunch" supper: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford were intrigued with all the possibilities for learning in a person's spare-time. HISTORIANS TO MEET Two hundred amateur and professional historians are exjpected to attend a two-day program of talks and tours in Dixon and vicinage, arranged for May 18-19 by the Illinois State Historical society. Gov. William G. Strattori and Dr. William T. Hutchinson of the University of Cnicago will speak at the society's dinner meeting in Dixon May 18. The tours will include visits to the estates of former. Gov. Frank O. Lowden and Mrs. Charles R. Walgreen. f left c Carpets are a vital part of thorough housecleaning. And KARPET-KARE oflers you the ultimate in carpet-cleaning right in your own home ... in just one day! Karpet-Kare®i, safe for all fibers, inexpensive, and has a built-in, soil-retardant! For frM Mtimntt, T I D Y Carpets and Rugs 604 Washington St. PHONE WOODSTOCK 162 Route 14 - North Woodstock, I1L THESE RULES HELP GUARANTEE NOTHING IN YOUR GARDEN Spring is here, and thousands of amateur gardeners are denning their new bib overalls and Running out to their back yards. From C. Y. Arnold, associate professor of vegetable crops at the University of Illinois, comes a list, of rules that should guarantee any backyard gardener the worst-looking and worst-producing garden in his area. To start, don't have your soil analyzed. What do you cdre if your soil is too acid. You've gone to work with heartburn -- why shouldn't it? Spade your garden .when if* wet. It will leave the ground as lumpy as cement chunks. Murder on crops, but it's great for raising Rocky Mountain goats. Pay no attention to planting tables. The late Robert Benchley planted his potatoes a *few months late and didn't do badly at all. "Got some the size of golf balls, some the size of marbles, and a lot of small ones," he reported. Crowding crops, cultivating root deep or letting weeds grow free should help to put the unsuccessful gardener well on his I way to becoming lord and master of one of the biggest. plots of I nothing in any backyard. \ • V? . !/<: * Mull TTEALTH--good health--is so precioils a com* modity that no one has ever dared to put a price-tag on it. Yet millions who could have health and vigor dilly-dally and delay. Consult your Doctor now. Let him help you back on the Highway to Health. And, yes, of course, we hope you'll bring his prescriptions to this fine pharmacy for our careful compounding. BOLGER'S Drug Store PHONE 40 10S S. Green St. McHenry, m. s COMPLETED ¥@©r»Aravii<i ,, 3-BEDROOM HQME o n l y * Only at Beautifully WOODED HIGHLAND SHORES ON LARGE NBAUBY LAKE *895 d o w n US Sm°l' C/OS/n„ ^ . ' - * ArTBR First 3 Y«ars For Principal i Interut Jadged by lt« GIANT LIVING ROOM, almost 28 FEET LONG . by the THiil large airy Bedroenaa with sliding doer closets ... by Its EipuiFIPiS© Bafhroom, KWcbea and Utility Room . . . Yos'd •xpect this Cioiie <fs fee in the §12.000 CLASS! You got a BIG LOT with ample room for fine lawns and gardens, play y@r® and ploqsatt •••r living right is the bear} a? Gtc "Pes Slvo? Valley." For FIRST 3 Years a ' m & MONTH For Principal ft InterMt HOUSE with BIG LOT "eotdeer" FUUL¥ COMPLETED Plus Those 'iirSW l?EA?6JEES-- 95 • Interior WALLS ready to decorate; Exterior prime painted • Newest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT e AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER • ,|!e@trle WIRING • Year-aronnd INSULATION e Hot and Cold WATER PIPES with PLUMBING; WATERLIN1 from MAIN to HOUSE • Kitchen ©eid bathroom with KatisEially Known Flxfifti FURNISHED MODRL OPEN Every SAT. and SUNDAY ONLY 695 DOWN ,S?H HOUSE & LOT Plus S m a l l C l o s i n g Cost A De Luxe 2-Bedroom Fullw CeMPiiTIfi Yi/ fOUND H©E aid LARGE SITE $ in Beautiful LAM^LAND PARK and Wooded HIGHLAND SHORES "Semi" 6,995 HOME & SITE INCLUDING Closing and Finance Charges and 3-Year Fire Insurance N IFiirsft 3 Years e BATHROOM with FIXTURES e TWO Bedrooms e Large LIVINGe- EUtchen • LARGE PORCH At either LAKELAND PARK or HIGHLAND SHORES yo. can have a home at a PRICE THAT WILi SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. YOU ©ET ALL THIS: All construction completed: interior WALLS roady to decorate; exterior |?rlme painted. Latest AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT; Automatic WATER HEATER; Yeer-around INSULATION; Eloctrie WIRING; hot end cold WATEH PIPES with PLUMBING; WATER LINE from MAIN to HOUSE. A MONTH , LFor Principal and Interest* For First 3 Yeors $eQ67 A MONTH For Principal and Interest DRIVE OUT TODAY Take ROUTE 120 to about Va mile WEST of McHenry city limits and TTOH NORTH at LAKELAND PARK sign. ^UBNISHBO MOSSLS Open Every Sat. aod SMB. 132 W. DIVISION ST. • CQtofflfea* I-SI68 SIZZLING PERFORMANCE? Don't let 'em kid you! Hot talk doesn't change the cold facts: Docjge is America's performance champion! Get behind the wheel and ... DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE IN DODGE! It licked the pants off American stock cars and made expensive European sports cars blush! At the Bom eville Salt Flats, the '56 Dodge shattered every record ia the book --306 official AAA records in all, including 27 world's unlimited records held by European sports cars! Whipped all cars at Daytona Beach, too! 260 hp. V-8 engine outperformed ill cars in the recent NASCAR acceleration runs. Just push a button and 60! A touch of your finger commands the break-away power of the Dodge engine.-Dodge push-button driving is safe, sure, automatic--and medianically perfect. Pilliili COME IN AND HIT THE- DISC! Vt Big ov«f-allowanio en your, cor • Rock-bottom prl«« en a *56 Body ir Low down payment, eacy monthly k NEW Dodge is built for top performance, endurance and dependability! The big, extra-strong chassis boasts a frame with rugged bo& section side rails. Oriflow shock absorbers give precise control. Roller bearings make steering easier and' more responsive. Rear springs are "toed-in" to resist side-sway. A. S. BLAKE MOTORS Inc. iOt-East Pearl Street SALES DEPT. Open Daily: 8 to 6 p.m. - FrL Til 9 pun. - Sunday Til Noon. % SEBV1CE DEPT. Open Daily: 7 to 5 - Closed Wednesday Afternoons. . *7 iM.

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