Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jun 1956, p. 14

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» THE McHENBY PLAlNDEALEB Community News ;! , ';< }•';$'$ ^ v' V'V By Phyllis Carlson w'y: /.fOh Tuesday, June 26, Mrs. j The program for Bible school Oscar Wolfes was hostess to the j was hold last Friday evening at members of the women's auxil- \ the Community church The chiiiftry of Ravenswood hospital of j dren, especially the very young, Chicago and their guests at the i certainly seemed to enjoy per- Wolfes farm, just west of Rich- j forming for their parents and mond, on Route 173. It was a j friends. gay, colorful affair, with over a The daily offerings which the hundred women outstanding in j children brought were used to Gtticago and local activities pres- send Bible stories to children, in erit. In a country fair atmosphere, a true farm dinner Was served at noon. In order to raise money for the Ravenswood hospital building fund, an old-fashioned Turkey. There was piore than $80 received for that purpose. Youth Fellowship ) The Junior Hi group will have a pot-luck supper tonight i"or Store was stocked" with fresh ' their parents at the Community fArtn and dairy products, jams, church. jellies and home-made bakery j The Senior Hi group will meet items. All proceeds from the ! Sunday evening for the election sale of these goods goes to the j of officers and to set a date lor building fund. A dazzling for- a swimming party. tiune teller wandered among the ------ guests, foretelling future plans Home Bureau for the women's auxiliary. I The Richmond evening unit of Sirs. Joseph M. Sills' of Evan- [ Home Bureau met at the home Stori and Mrs. Michael Zeller Of of Mrs. Marshal pfcuty a week Skokie handled arrangements for ago Tuesday for its last regular the guests from Chicago, while : meeting of the season. The unit J^frs. Ernest L. Klein of Chicago will send two girls to 4-H camp and Mrs. Stanley Hfeiden of Park again this year. One girl from fridge assisted the hostess at the i the Community Clover and one form. > ; from the Solon club will receive Ravenswood hospital is the ! a paid trip to camp. hospital at, which Miss Gail The unit will have a family Shaw of Richmond is employed, picnic Tuesday evening, July 10, &ail took her nurse's training at" at the Genoa City park. £vanston hospital. -- ' | Boys Boys State The first meeting of boys and This is the week that Spring- fathers last week brought out field is the scene of Boys State, twenty-two boys between the Where boys from all over the , ages of 8 and 13 and a few lactate will be learning about how ' thers. Monday evening the boys our government operates. Fifty had a swimming party at Butl> oys from McHenry county are ton's Bay on Lake Geneva. The in attendance, among them two boys will meet every Monday from Richmond, namely, John for some activity throughout the Popenhagen and Bob Christen- summer. Fathers in charge of ken, both juniors in our high the swimming party were Glen school. These boys were chosen i Buchert, Gerry Meyer, Bob because of their leadership abili- Lindbloom and George Madden. ty, as well as the all around good citizenship qualifications. ; Alpine Camp Dedication We hope to see them do great ; Last Sunday, Camp Alpine, things in the future. i east of Richmond, was dedicated | to the glory of God and for Girls State i service to Christian youth. The This week is also the week j service was appropriately held for Girls State at MacMurray out of doors. The dedicatory adcollege in Jacksonville. Miss ' dress was given by the Rev. Cheri Lee Kruse is representing \ Glenn Gilbert of Glen Ellyn, 111. flichmond at Girls State. Sever- The liturgical service was conal weeks ago we had Cheri Lee's ducted by the Rev. Luther Muelstory and picture in this column. 1 ier, secretary of the Illinois CSieri Lee has been playing the ; synod of the United Lutheran organ at the early service at j church and pastor of the Trinity drue churcfc and the congrega- I Lutheran -church at Harvard. tion missed her Sunday. Miss Virgine Schultz played in her place. Vacation Bible School. It's over for another year. All the planning and preparation for the two-week period are a thing Of the past. The children seemed to like the school, so it must pave been a success. There were approximately 130 enrolled. Last Thursday, at the city park in Genoa City, there were oodles of women, children and two daddies who enjoyed the annual Bible school picnic. Short explanations of the camp and the program it plans were given by the Rev. John Spaid of Chicago and the Rev. Harold Carlson of Richmond.. Noted in the crowd were many laymen from Grace church, Richmond, most of whom had put in many hours of volunteer labor at the camp and also Pastor Burton Schroeder from Wonder Lake, and many of his congregation, and Pastor Robert Hooker and many of his parishioners. The president of the Illinois synod, Dr. Harmon J. McGuire dedicated the camp. Incidentally,-to the service and to the open house between 600 and 700 people caqie and visited and inspected Camp Alpine Sunday. Next Sunday, July 1, the first group of eighty campers will arrive to enjoy a! week at < camp. We wish you could all have seen how popular were our vet, .Doc Savage, and his oft seen red . volkswagon at the camp Sunday. Because of the huge number of cars that had to be parked, the manager had a two-acre hayfield mowed for a parking area. Many of the people who had parked in the hayfield weren't used to walking hills so Doc Savage, who was directing traffic, used his volkswagon as a bus to transport people from the parking lot to the lawn where the dedica- , tion service was held, a distance : of about one-half mile or more. : Many city folk asked when the bus would be returning to the. parking lot, but; alack and alas, Doc had to tend to his animal friends and „ many of the people., , had to walk do\yn the hill to the parking lot. We hope each and everyone of you will sometime be able to visit Camp Alpine for it is a ! place of beauty and the most logical place in the world to counteract juvenile delinquency. News About Folks We could use lots more per- . sonal items. It seems one of our. great failings is not hearing about who visits whom, and who goes where. We wondered if you would like to drop us a card from wherever you may be on your vacation. If you would do that we would be glad to .put it in the Plaindealer for lots of folks are interested in you. Last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. • Pete Adams, Jr.. attended the wedding of Charles Adams of McHenry and his bride in Skokie. They also attended the re- | ception in the Orrington hotel | in Evanston. j Miss Edna Speaker has gone ' on a tour with a lady friend. ! On the tour they will visit Williamsburg, Va., where they i will see many things of histori- . cal interest, especially from the colonial period of our country. ! Rev. Ralph Noyce, pastor of the Community church, left for the biennial convention of Congregational Christian churches, held in Omaha, Nebr., a week ago Tuesday. This would be an especially important meeting for the Congregationalists for they ! were planning to decide whether or riot to unite with the Evan- | gelical and Reformed church, i In Rev. Noyce's place Sunday, . the Rev. Donald Crannell of the j Chicago Theological seminary I preached. 1 Steve Morris, formerly of the Richmond vicinity, spent several weeks with his aunt, uncle and cousins, the C, R. Valentines of rural Richmond, so that he could attend Bible school. _ Steve lives j near Lena, Wis., now, but en- | joyed being back near Richmond. The choir at Grace church , sang for the last time until September last Sunday. At the end i of the service the choir sang the j choral benediction with the • seven-fold amen. j The Choir at the Community i church wil sing through July, j The Sunday School will not hold regular classes during July and August. The - pre-school will meet as usual with Myra Speaker and there will be worship groups for the older children. Mary Wittmayer enrolled in the University of Wisconsin at Madison last week, where she will study German and perhaps some other subject during the summer session. , Duane Sheldon, high . school commercial teacher, has enrolled for another summer of study working toward his master's degree at th£ University of Wisconsin at Madison. While he is living in Madison, Mrs. Sheldon and little Karen will spend the summer in Elkhorn, Wis., with Mrs. Sheldon's parents. Mrs. Joe Gruenz left last Wednesday for a two-week vacation in Florida. She flew South. Mrs. Lulla Mordhurst returned 1o National City, Calif., by plane last Tuesday after having spent four weeks with Mrs. Anna Kruse, her sister-in-law. Charles (Fritz) Kruse and son, Mike, returned to St. Petersburg, Fla., Monday after having spent a week with his mother. Harold Steele from Grand Rapids, Mich., visited his sisterin- law, Miss Myra Speaker, this past weekend. He will be at Great Lakes for a few weeks. Pep Mecklenburg, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mecklenburg left for the Army Tuesday. He reported to Woodstock and will receive his orders from there. To one and all, a happy Fourth of July. Have a bang up good time, and if possible stay off the highways. Highlands By Lorraine Hurckes We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to fthe Mueller family in the passing of Ralph's mother, Mrs. Minnie Mueller, on Saturday, June 16. At the time of death, Mrs. Mueller was 74 years of age. Interment was in Montrose cemetery in Chicago. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. William Neilson, who celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on June 23. Bill's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Schrueder, took them out for dinner and an evening of entertainment. welcome and it is given by^the Jewish' Study groups ' : Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. V. Rokel on the engagement of their daughter, Roselind, to Kenneth Gras. Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rin6hold Gras from Fox Lake. There has been no definite date set fdr the wedding. , Vacation Did you ever dream of snow in the summer? Harry Anderson and A1 Berger have driven to Alaska to make such a dream come true. They have been gone a couple of weeks and have li£d a very interesting trip and Have I seen some real pioneer country, j They drove on the Alcan high- ! way. If you think WP have : troubles with the weather, it j rained in Alaska for three or four days and two bridges were ' washed out. Our very best wishes to Miss Kathleen Mclnerney, who celebrated her fifteenth birthday on June 19. Kathle&n h£d a few friends over for cake and soft drinks on the big day and on Saturday, June 23, was honored with a surprise party given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mclnerney. Many thanks to Ray Novotny and his volunteer co-workers for the work they have done on our beach. Mr. Novotny took it upon himself to get a few men together and paint the benches and disposal cans. I understand he has a few more good ideas for the beach, which will take just a little bit of our time, KO let's all try and cooperate with him. The next meeting of this association will be held July 11, which is the second Wednesday of the month. This is due to the Fourth of July holiday. Time and place will be announced. Mrs. Klemp stopped at" the Coircorans and is visiting with her sister, Mary, for awhile,. On Ivednesday, June 27, Mrs. Pick had a few of the neighbors7 children in for cake and ice cream in honor of Richie's fifth birthday. Conjgratulatipris to the little ma|i. On Sunday, June 24, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurckes were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz, Lorraine's grandparents, in honor pf Mrs. Schulz' birthday. The Schulzes reside in Johnsburg. Congratulations to Steve Vrbik, who celebrated his birthday on June 16. Mrs. Vrbik took Steve, to Lakemoor for dinner and an evening of entertainment. Another reminder of the bake sale on June 30 at Gladstone's department store. Everyone is Rota ry The Rotarians had a special meeting and program at the Hunter Golf course dining room Tuesday evening. We will give you the details next week. Mr. and Mrs. Mclnerney had the pleasure of entertaining Jim's sister, Mrs. Klemp, and her three children June 21 and 22. Upon leaving the Mclnerneys, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jordan were very pleased with a visit from their granddaughter and her family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neff and their daughter, Jill, had spent some time in Rockford yisiting relatives and stopped to visit the Jordans on their way home to Champaign. Rain or no rain, Mrs. Mclnerney was very happy to see her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connell, who drove up from Chicago with their six children. A good time was had by all, but I'm sure that both sisters spent the next day resting. You see, Mrs. Mclnerney has five children of her Don Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jordan, spent' a few days with his folks before returning to his home in Greenstioro, N.C. Don is on a small vacation and has been travelling around to visit with, several othjjr relatives., *• CARD OF THANKS j- We would like to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and tljoughtfulness at the time of our bereavment Ralph and Mary Muelle 8 and Family UNIVERSITY GROWS "The people of Illinois ^re proud of the tremendous growth in the size of Southern Illinois university," Gov. William 6. Stratton declared as he helped dedicate the school's new agricultural building at Carbondalj% recently. "The university now ranks as one of the best in the nation," the governor said. He predicted , that SIU.. will have an enrollment of 10,000 or more students within a few years. ' Saw© More Shop At Home « RICHMOND RESIDENTS If, through some error, your Carrier Boy should fail to deliver your copy of the Plaindealer, just phone Mrs. Carlson at Richmond 3442 as she is in charge of the Richmond car riers. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEftMNN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 190 - Just East of Route 12 Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-1 ower^^r On Route 120- in Lakemoor • ^ M0 I < Between Volo and McHenry I 1 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR CARRY OUT SERVICE FOR THE UNEXPECTED GUESTS. EVENING SNACKS, OR A READY TO EAT DINNER. Open Sun., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 'til 1:00 A.M". Fri. 'Til 3 a.m. - Sat. All Day & Night CLOSED MONDAV JUST PHONE McHENRY 161 CARRY OUt PRICES French Fried Chicken (one half) $1.43 Chicken Special '"Leg An' Thi" large 95 Bar-B-Q Ribs $1-45 French Fried Jumbo Shrimp $1.45 French Fried Shrimps, Special . -95 Packaged Piping Hot with Golden Brown French Fries Cole Slaw, Bread and Butter. Hamburgers, Pure Beef 25 or Six'for $1.25 FULL FOUNTAIN Counter Service and Dining Room Air-Conditioned Lora Gelder TR Tel. Richmond 4103 & TRIMiiiMES f)UES We wish to extend an imitation to you to visit our shop -- Furniture, Brie a Brae, Glass. Lamps, Dishes, Rug, Etc. DURING JUNE, JULY & AUGUST OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. East of Route 12 at Solon Mills Fred H. Mailhesius, Prop. CALL McHENRY W m WATER SYSTEMS We Kepair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS. Authorized: RED JACKET & DAYTON PUMP AGENCY. WEPLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN PUMPS AND REPAIRS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake One mile from McHenry on the McCullom and Wonder Lake Road. McHenry Ceaorty & Pump Co. Be sure ... with Shur! Our 1956 Building Program Is Now Under Way! Don't Continue To Pay Rent When You Can Own A Beautiful Home Of Your Very Own For Less Than You Now Pay For Rent! • Low Down Payment, balance like rent. • We arrange for V.A. financing. • 4V2%, 25-year loans available for non-vets who qualify. Si / • We will build anywhere in this area on your own lot, or, we have listings of numerous lots which we will help you purchase. • These are not "Pre-Fabs" -- completely carpenter- built by local workmen. • Come in today and see our large selection of floor plans -- any size home to fit any size budget. • Phone us now for details. No obligation. Shur Construction Co., Inc. RIP-ROARING BIG M DEALS YES!... The Big Push is On! TOWARD A RECORD BREAKING VOLUME SALES JAMBOREE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 210 So. Green St. Phone 1126 McHenry, 111. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS L@N@IR T IN ALLOWANCE P R I C E S L C - R LOWEST DOWN PAYMENT • EASY CRiBIT * TRADE-IN HI<§>HiR NOW N OWN A MFOR $ 1956 MERCURY ONLY 54 97 Per Month includes insurance carrying charge. Down Payment As Low As YOUR CJIPDIT JUSTIFIES Up To 30 Months To Pay MOTOR COMPANY LINCOLN-yiiCURY On Rt. 14 In Town Phone Crystal Lake 2433 Open Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. I

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