Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1956, p. 5

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McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 - 171 ^ Published every TTiursday at jKcHenry, 111., by the McHenry *""* *" Company, Inc. N A T I O N A l 6 D I T O R I A I | ASSJDcfhOiTl^N ma i ^ famumw W. BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE ^ In McHenry County 1 Year $3.00 6 Months $1.75 / 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 PRESS ItS* , yi ULinais"^ assoMHTion / Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. [OBITUARIES Anna Guccione Word has reached McHenry friends of the passing of Anna Guccione, wife of Michael Gucf cione of Huemar.n's subdivision, who died last month in Northwest hospital, Chicago, after a long illness. She was 56 years old. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Michael, a daughter, Sarah Riley, and seven grandchildren. The body was laid to rest in a vault at Mount Carmel, with burial to take place later when a mausoleum is completed in £«<he new Queen of Heaven cemetery, Services were conducted from Maternity church. NEW FAIR EVENTS Gov. WUliam G. Stratlon has announced that two popular events for children -- the junior king .and queen contest and the newspaper throwing competition -- will be staged at the Illinois ^^ate fair Friday, Aug. 10, opening day of the big exposition. be chosen.- and crowned Friday, will reign that, day, and then are expected to return next year for the official opening of the fair and the customary grand parade. Succeeding days of the fair, until it closes Aug. 19, will be enlivened by craft shows, a western round-up, high school dband competitions, volleyball, ping pong, baton twirling and baseball throwing contests, side walk tennis and a square dance exhibition. THANK YOU! To all you wonderful, wonderful people of McHenry and Lake moor, we wish to express our sincerest thanks for all the kind- Jiesses you have granted us. God *v>less you all. <r Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geinosky *9 and Family LEGALS frfrifr .ft.}, NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THEr APPLICATION OF R. J. MILLER FOR RECLASSIFICATION AND AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: » In compliance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City of McHenry. Illinois, relative to a change in zoning classification of property, a public hearing will be had before the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with the application of R. J. Miller that the zoning classification of the following described real estate be changed from "R-l" Jo "B": Lots 8, 9,. 10, and 11 in A. P. Freund's Mill Stream Park Addition, Unit No. 1. to the City of • McHenry, being a subdivision of part of the Ssbuthwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, also including a part of Block 1 of Lakeview Addition to McHenry, (now vacated) also including a part of Lots 15, 16, and 17, of - Matt Baur's Addition to the City oPMcHenry. The hearing will be held at 3:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 20, 1956, in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and nlace any person or persons desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard. CITY OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By FLOYD COVALT, Chairman William M. Carroll, Jr. Attorney at T.iw Woodstock, Illinois Tel. Woodstock 1334 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in (>ns Schedule NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on June 29, 1956, the following proposed changes in its Rate Schedule G: 1. The list of incorporated communities covered by the Schedule ;s brought up-to-date. 2. Provision is made for supplying natuf-al gas to residential and commercial customers for the operation of dual-fuel space heating equipment. t 3. The restrictions on uses of gas under Rate 7 (37), Industrial Volume Gas Service -- Off-Peak, and Rate 8 (38), Industrial Gas Service, are liberalized. 4. Gross charges for large-volume industrial use are reduced, with no change in net charges. 5. The application of the adjustment for cost of purchased gas is modified with no change in the total charge to any customer. 6. Certain minor changes are made for purposes cf clarification and standardization. Further information with reject thereto may be" obtained cither directly from this Company :>t' by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in the schedule hiay be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY. By: W. J. CROWLEY Vice-President (Pub. July 5-12, 1956) Health Talks Time To Plan For Fun Planning for any joyful event is fun, but planning for your annual departure from your work-a-day world should be done with all the zest and anticipatory pleasure you can muster, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society observes in Health Talk. Vacation time is your time -- yours to be free of the cares and responsibilities of your job -- wonderful hours to enjoy yourself. Some persons are completely happy in their work-a-day job; others are not as fortunate. Whichever you are, you still need a change. You need to get away -- do different things. This does not mean that you ; must take an expensive trip, or I crowd a lot of activities into your vacation hours. Rather, | you must do the things you en- | joy. Perhaps puttering in your i garden is the answer for you. | or a trip to a new atmosphere, ! even though it be the town next | to yours, or to another state. Old friends have new faces when j you haven't seen them for a | while. And new faces can become old friends as the years pass by. ! Planning your vacation should ! be done wisely, so that you can enjoy it to the hilt. Rushing | about to complete last minute chores will leave you exhausted, | too tired to start your fun with i zest. j Will swimming be a relaxing feature of your vacation? Swim- I ming is fun. But don't over-do : -- don't plan to swim across the lake the first time out -- take it easy. And don't think the sun's rays will by-pass you while you're resting from the ! swim. Take exposure in small doses; sunburn • has marred i many vacations. i Don't swim in inviting but dangerous places. Be sure that , the depth of the water is right 1 for diving, and that the refreshing water does not conceal boulders, stones and other debris that are traps for accidents. Yes. golf is a wonderful pastime. but are you one of those who has to play thirty-six holes i the first time out? Don't be -- this could be hazardous. Start ! your rounds gradually - - get yourself "seasoned". Overexeri tion can produce some unpleas- : ant results, which don't contrii Bute to a happy vacation. ! , Vacations should be happy, i They should be mirthful as well j as healthful, and they should I provide happiness, for happiness is a natural partner to good ; ho,jHh. ! Vacations should also be a ; "forgetting" time; Forget the ijhurts' slights and unkindnesses that have come your way. Try to rise above them. Try to gear your philosophy to the thought that some persons are only happy when they are inflicting, or so they think, hurts on others. Remembering this, your own attitude will carry a bouyancy that will inspire those about you. So plan your vacation wisely. Plan your thoughts just as care- WITH By . Jimmy Kopec Buy U.S. Savings Bonds 1 •<i1 CUSHION YOUR •T! THE WASHABLE CASUALS Red or Blue These are U. S. Kedettes every woman should have for loafing or housework or trotting 'round town. The one-and-only Boosterette. A cool, cushiony delight from colorful, soft Pima Cloth top to floating-light, cork-filled crepe soles that screen out heat. Come now. Get the Boosterette style and color you want in your size. M and N widths. Reg. S5.95 Value Only $4.98 Friday & Saturday Only X-RAY FITTING -- FREE PARKING ROTH SHOE 118 So. Green St. Phone 2027 McHenry, 111. "Never Put Off Till, Tomorrow What You Can Do Today" •(Author's name below) How long is it since you checked your medicine chest? Having simple first aid supplies available immediately can often prevent minor accidents from becoming major problems. It is wise to collect all your medicines in one place. Discard the old and useless. Phone us for what is missing. And please give your children no opportunity to play with medicines. Store them avyay from their easy access. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOW NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYS DRU&S PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS "Quotation by Lord Chesterfield (1749) Hookey Day la July 11 ^ - A week from yesterday, is the annual Hookey Day at McHenry Country club. The games committee, urges all members to purchase their tickets for themselves as well as theirt guest as they are limited. Reports are that this Hookey Day will surpass all others, so get your tickets and have a good time. The only scores or results, sis of 11 o'clock Monday night, from McHenry was that Lit- Verene Hanley won her mateh from Betty Moss on the 12th hole in the match game" tournament. News is*-scarce as we are a day early, because of the 4th of July. ' At Pistakee golf course the winners in th« Twi-lite league fully as you pack your luggage. Avoid overindulgence in your dietary habits and free your mind from worry. ' Laugh a lot -- be happy, so that you can return to your jobs with a new zest for occupying your work-a-day world. Good health and happiness on your vacation. were as follows: Ed Gliniecki took 1st place honors, Bob Gilbransen second, Tony Barrett third. Tom Ward fourth and Roy Clements fifth. At Chapel Hill golf course the low gross honors went to Mo Domotto with a 78. Dick Miller won the blind bogey event with a 79. The longest drive for the day on the first hole was hit by Bud Neissen and the closest to the hole was Bill Long. Jim Adduci shot himself out of, the blind bogey "but tvas happy with his 89. Loren (boat and paint) Rothermel with Ed Ricke, Jr., made a good looking two-some as they sauntered down the fairways, but no scores were available. - . ~ ' v.-T*- • 1 FATHER OF TWO KILLED IN WAR DIES IN WHEATON • f' v.. ; Vf -- EBDEE the EDUCATOR says "I accept" Good to *W«. *'P»ot" * 9° coop*' m Need good teachers? Good teaching conditions will attract them! Illinois Education Auociation McHenry friends learned Sunday of the death lafct month of J. C. Gardner, about 62,' of Wheaton, after an illness of three months. The family lived near McHenry, where they farmed, for two and one-half years about fifteen years ago. Two sons, Thomas and Richard, on duty with the Army and the Navy, died in service during World War II. When word came of the death of the first youth, the parents began plans for a memorial rite but before it could take place a telegram notified them of the death of the second. A double service was conducted at the Community Methodist church. Mr. .Gardner's wife and two daughters survive. Two men who robbed the Lake Villa Trust and Savings batik of more than $4,000 on June 7 have been seized and a third person 1 was sought this past week. In I custody at Oregon, 111., was Ed- ! ward Lee Arnold, 28, of Kenosha, | Wis., and held in Chicago by tlj'e j FBI was Edward Clarence Bond, Jr., 30, of Plainfield, who was seized Thursday night by FEfl agents. Edward W. Riley of Kenosha, owner of a fleet of automobile carrier trucks, was being sought as a third participant. FARM ACCIDENT Robert Schmitt, ll-year-* son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schmitt of Johnsburg, suffered* a broken leg ancl cuts and; bruises in a farm accident Monday afternoon. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for their cards and flowers sent during my stay in the hospital , and since my return home. Your j thoughtfulness* will always be | remembered. | Mrs. Alice Larsen i 9 Johnsburg YOURSELF AND T I L E SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile al LOWEST Prices 28Va* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERGANT'S fy<ri>i,Q,Jlea fyaAm . PHONE RICHMOND 4193 Located on Johnsburg Rdr, 3 * 2 miles North of Johnsburg (About 2Vz miles North of Sunnyside Estates) We Are Offering NIGHT McHenry 2100 'We Also Repair & Install TV Antennas HILLING'S McHenry, I1L enjoy the ML COMFORT ffifapennMMt /tTHOMEI PUIS TAB Nye's Drug Store | "Your Walgreen Agency' | Phone 26 Its a Great lime ISP1 WHAT'S IN IT for you--if you step out and buy yourself a 1956 Buick right now? Well, first of all-the time is right. / Right now, your present car is at its peak worth. And, with the whole summer and almost half of '56 still ahead of you, you'll get more enjoyment out of a spirited new Buick this year -- if you buy now. Second, there's the matter of how much more automobile your money buys in the best Buick yet. We tell you flatly that nowhere but in a *56 Buick can you get so much bounty for so little booty. For example, take the beauteous big '56 Buick SPECIAL pictured here. It's one big reason why Buick now ranks in the top three of America's best-selling cars. Yet, you'll find it priced right close to the well-known smaller cars. That sure makes Buick a whale of a lot of car for the money. And look: Nowhere but in a '56 Buick can you get the absolute smoothness and the electrifying performance of Buick's terrific new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* Nowhere else can you get the obedient responsiveness of Buick's big and mighty new 322-cubic-inch V8 engine. Or Buick's matchless new handling ease and ^ Buick SPECIAL 6-Passenger 2-Door Riviera ever-level ride buoyancy--or Buick's bold new sweep-ahead styling, and solidity of structure, and stretch-out roominess. Add it all up and the answer <»mes out the same, any way you figure it: Now's the time to buy your 1956 Buick. Will you come in -- before another sun sets--and get set with your best buy yet? *Sew Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special. When better automobiles are built Buick will build them SEC JACKIE GlEASON ' ON TV . (very Soturdov c AIRCONDITIONJNG al a COOl NEW LOW PRICE--It cools, filters, dehuibidifies. Get 4-Season Comfort in your new Buick with genuine FRIGIDA1RE CONDITIONING R. I. OVERTON MOTOR 403 FRONT STAEET PHONE 6 McHENBY. ILLINOIS .•w&S

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