THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER WEDDING BELLS RANG SATURDAY FOR MISS JANET SIEMON FORMER McHENRY . GIRL WED RECENTLY AT CRYSTAL LAKE Annotttorc Troth Of Barbara Potter Mr. and Mrs. Ellis S. Potter of Channel Crest, Ingloside, announce the- engagement of their daughter, Barbara Irene, to Lloyd M. Baldwin, son of Mrs. F. Vaughn Jones of Pistakee Bay. Miss Potter is a graduate of Kemper hall and attended the University of .Colorado." Mr. Baldwin is a graduate of,, Illinois Wesleyan university. Tile couple plan a November wedding. <r Mrs. Bernard Kennebeek Miss .Alvina Schumacher. Hold Party For Patricia Tucker A birthday party was held at the home of the TucKer family in * Sunnyside Estates for their daughter, Patricia Arin. Among the young people present \verc Miss Rosalie Linden. Rose Haines. Pat Johnson, Joanry? Matusek, James Gsrrity Ronafn Garrity, Gerald Skinner and Skipper Marker. Others present during., the day were Mr. and Mrs. Garrity. Mr. and Mrs. Linden. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Skinner of Sunnyside Estates. Mrs. A. Botulinski, Mrs. R. Bialowski, E. Butler. Lillian Marsden of Chicago and Mrs. G. Litke and Nanci of McHenry. Dancing and visiting were enjoyed and a bounteous lunch served. Gwen Reinboldt Has Birthday Gwen Reinboldt, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reinboldt, 1 celebrated her fourth birthday anniversary recently. For enter- : tainment, Mrs. Reinboldt and i her daughter, Mrs. Herman Oker, - took eight little friends ' of Gwen to Kiddieland near Al-; gonquin, where they enjoyed the i afternoon. Upon their return to j the Reinboldt home, the children were surprised by a gaily decor-! ated table, with hats and individual party favors. The children were delighted i with the cak§, which the guest • qf honor's mother had decorated vrith a miniature choir, and miniature dotls • which were taken home by the guests. ^Little Miss Reinboldt received many lovely gifts; - - i:'ni in i ri ft , .v P6« Ofticles " ' Met On Tuesday • The McHenry County Past Oracles cluh met Tuesday of l$st week for a pot-hick lunchcsfin at .12:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Minnie Sigmeier, with her daughter, Mrs. Elsie Butts, aS co-hostess. •Attending from McHenry were Mrs. Alpha Pedersen, Mrs. Kate Worts and Mrs. Joseph Holly. Games were enjoyed after the delicious meal. The next meeting will be held at Woodstock at the home of Mrs. Mary Hoffman on Aug. 7. ! St. "Patrick's Catholic church i was the scene of a lovely wed- [ ding on Saturday morning, iJuly i 7, at 10 o;clock. when Miss Janet I Elaine Siemon became th$ bride ! of Mr. Robert Leroy Harwood. ~ ' 7 : Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley, pastor-, Mr. and Mrs. Ray uaylord and officiated at the miptial* rite that sons of Woodstock. Bob t>am- , united the-daughter of Mr. and ; perl and friend of Chicago, Mr. Mrs E G Siemon of Shalimar and Mrs. Don ijajnperl. Mr. and , subdivision, McHenry, and® the ~ ' ' ' a i son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Har- ; wood of Crystal Lake. . _ j Miss Joyce Knpxv sisiter of the J o h n s b u r a Cnurch i - g r o o m s m a n . was s o l o i s t . ^ I Given in marriage by her fa- Scene Of Wedding ther, the pretty, d&rk-haired , ^ bride wore a .white dress, fea- --__ ! turing tiers 'of organdy muffles, At St. John the ^aPt'st j ballerina length, and-had. a firi- ,. church.' Johnsburg, on Saturday. ; gertip veil heid in place by a July *, Miss Jane Ann Schmitt i bancl of orgapdy on her head, became the bride oi Mr. George she .carried stock and lilies of J. Mann. The bride is the daug.i- valley in a colonial bouquet, ter of the George J. Schmitts Was attended by and the groom the son of the fwo sisters, Nancy and James Manns, all of Johnsburg. • jyjj^ge whG chose blue organdy Hie ceremony was performed by dresses, matching picture' hats Fr. Blitsch at 9:30 o clock. • [ an^ carried wlvite " baskets of Miss bohmitt w9S- 3ttiBCtiyo i cosmos in a white, ballerina length ; David Harwood served his brogown, styled with short sleeves, t|ier as man and Tom Knox full skirt and pointed at the j ^ Crystal Lake, a friend, was wflist. sequin trimmed. Slit? li3ci gfoomsmsn •i gauntlets. On her head she wore | Mrs siemon was attired in a a crown of pearls and rhinestones beige ]ace dress and matching and carried white glads. , accessories and had an orchid Miss Adele Schmitt, her sis- ; corsage. Mrs. Harwood chose a ter, acted as maid of honor and I chiffon dress, matching acanother sister, Carol, was brides- cessories and wore a corsage of maid. Both were attired simi- ! carnations. larly in dresses of light blue, ; Between noon and 3 o'clock, with white net and lace over- ; ab0Uf ioo friends and relatives skirts, ballerina length. and j gathered at the Country club for bands of leaves and beads on ;a ]Uncheon and reception. Later, their heads. They carried white young couple left on a glads tied with blue ribbon. > honeymoon trip into Wisconsin, Robert Welter of Grayslake i after whifch they will be at home served as best man, Eugene j in Crystal Lake. Hughes was groomsman and The bride js a graduate of ushers were Dennis Schmitt and McHenry high school and LeRoy Hiller, cousins of the ( attended the College of St. bride. I Theresa at Winona, Minn. Mr. Mrs. Schmitt chQse a light j Harwood has just graduated blue nylon dress, with which she j from St. Norbert's college in wore white accessories and j Wisconsin. He is employed in carried white carnations with a j Chicago. red rose. Mrs. Mann was at- j Before her marriage, Miss Sietired in a light pink dress, white i mon wag honored at two showaccessories and a corsage of ; erg one jn Chicago, with Mrs. white and pink carnations. i rp j j}rons as hostess, and the Breakfast was served at Me- i other in Crystal Lake at the morial hall for the bridal party , hojne of Mrs: E. Zukowski, with and immediate families. Dinner | Mrs. F. Casper and Mrs. G. Pex>- was also held there, with a re- t kins as co-hostesses. ception in the evening for about 200 guests. j At present the newlyweds 'are on a trip through the South. ] The former Miss Schmitt is a 11951 graduate of the local high school and is' eflnployed at SkysW^ dper, JohnsbUrg. The groom graduated from a Chicago high school and is employed at McHenry Industries. In one of the loveliest of the early summer weddings, Miss Josephine Guercio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stumm pi- Crystal Lake, became the bride of Mr. Charles Gerald Pease, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. William Millers At Testimonial Dinner Christen Son Of Arthur Kennebecks The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Floyd Kennebeek was Christened Allen Arthur in a baptismal service at St. John's Church, with Rev. Fr. John Blitsch officiating. Sponsors were Mrs. Jeanette Gaylord and Bob Gamperl. A turkey dinner was served afterward at the home of the baby's parents. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gamperl, the maternal grandparents, and son, Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeek, the paternal grandparents, I Mr. and Mrs. William Miller i of Fox River Grove, son of Mrs. j Anna Miller, McHenry, accom- ; panied by their children, Rita, j Bill and Patsy, Were among the j guests at a recent $100 a plate ' testimonial dinner at the grand J ballroom of the Conrad Hilton : hotel. The dinner, held in honor of Mrs. Miller's brother, Benjamin Adamowski, Republican cani didate from Cook county for i states attorney, was the party's kickoff dinner for the coming campaign and November elec- I tion. j As all lights in the huge balli room dimmed, a large, white, | brightly-lighted elephant bearing i Mr. Adamowski's name came I into view. Following it were a j host of waiters each carrying a ; beautiful cake brightly-lighted with lights of all hues. BRIDAL COUPLE John Sutton of Elgin called on McHenry friends Sunday. Medlar Photo THE JOHN WIRTZES * This attractive, blonde bride was Miss Catherine Freund of Johnsburg belore she exchanged nuptial vows with John H. , Wirtz at St. John's church on l June 20. i j CARD OF THANKS I I wish to thank my friends | for the cards, gifts and prayers during my recent stay in the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. *10 Eva Cromwell Pease of Elgin. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Fr. Robert Devine in St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake, on Saturday morning, June 23, at 11 o'clock. Earl "Marty" Conway of Me-* Henry was soloist for the nuptial rite. The pretty, dark-haired bride, given in marriage by her stepfather, chose a . princess style gown of pure silk mist, with appliques of chantilly lace throughout its bouffant skirt and chapel length train. The neckline of the bodice was softly sculptured around a square motif. A small crown of matching beads and pearls caught the fingertip illusion veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of Amazon lilies, stephanotis and ivy leaves. Miss Charlene Guercio, sister of the bride, acted- as maid of honor, while, Julia Foley of McHenry and Janis Lindholm of Palatine, friends, were bridesmaids. The little flower girl was the bride's cousin, Judy Herdrich, of McHenry. Howard Reinert of Elgiin, a friend of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were William Osborne of' Clinton, Iowa, and Ralph Munger' of Gratiot, Wis. *' : The reception was held in the Legion home immediately, following the ceremony,' 'atfter which the couple left on a week's honeymoon trip to eastern Michigan. For her going-away outfit she wore a blue shantung<£heath dress with short fitted" 'jjrfclfcet and large hat of white straw. They are now living in Lake Charles, La. ; The bride, a graduate of the. McHenry high jS^hool, has bo§n, teaching for the past three yerirSr in the first grade at ^Central school, Crystal Lake. The groom, who completed nearly three and one-half years of service in the Air Force, will be discharged in January of next year. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdrich of McHenry and was a former local resident. Prior to her wedding, she was guest of honor at six showers. The groom's parents were hosts at the rehearsal dinner in Dundee. ;• PERSONALS "Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Adams and' daughter, Debbie, left Thursday for their home in Hialeah, Fla., after a two weeks' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonder and children have returned from a trip to Canada.' Betty Eversole has been vacationing with her parents in Houghton. Mich. - Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pepping in . Harvey, Mrs. Erwin Miller of Beaver Dam, Wis., has? b§en visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Orlo Schmidt, getting acquainted with her new.twin grandsons. Mf-s. Emma ;Sibilia, daughter Mrs,. 'George Fryburg, the -latter's daughter, Flossie, and Miss Edna Foley . of Cleveland, Ohio, left for their summer home in Michigan Friday, after a visit with relatives here, where they came to attend the Foley-Wade wedding June 30. .Mrs. Wanda Keese and family of Long Island,' N.Y., spent a few days the past week . in the home of her sister, Mrs. LeRoy Smith. Mrs. Smith and family accompanied them to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, for a visit with j their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund, | accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. i George Scheid of Wauconda, spent a recent day visiting their brother, Joseph Scheid, in Clinton, Iowa, and their niece and j husband, Mr. and Mrs. ' James Thompson, in Rock ford. Mrs. Robert Sutton and daughter, J£rs. Florence Knaft, of Richmfflhd spent a few days the past week in the George Lindsay home. David and Alan Miller, sons of the Chuck Millers, are spending the summer at the North- 1 western Military, academy near Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Helen Frett of Chicago was a MCHenry visitor Satur* day. ' Out-of-town folks who atj tended the annual picnic held at the Rpbert Thompson home on July 4 were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thdmpson, Janice and Kay, of Western Springs; Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, Stevie and Siisie, of Skokie; Mr. and Mrs. Harry: Alexander of Hebron and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Woodstock.* Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller have been vacationing near - $taywbrd, Wis. Mrs. Neva Battern has x*e-. turned to her home in Woodstqck after spending several days in the home of tier sisterin- law, Mrs. George Jones. Mrs. Georgianna Donohue and Mrs. Edmund Hemmer and daughter, Margaret Ann, of Huntley were recent visitors in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox. s Sister Mary Bernard of® Colorado and Sister Mary Agatha of Mundelein college, Chicago, the former Mary and Eleanor Farroll, called on reliatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Shea of Grayslake were dinner guests in the Jerry Winters home Thursday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Cobb of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks in the home of Mrs. Gerald Newman. Mrs. Grace Murphy, Mrs. Kathryn Conway and Mrs. Ellen Phalin are taking a six weeks' course at Pestalozzi Teachers college in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and daughter, Lorri Ann, who spent the past week in the home of Annabel Aicher, left for a visit with friends in Three Oaks, Mich., Saturday, before returning to their home in Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Adams and daughters, Joan and Joyce, vacationed at Hayward, Wis., the past week. Mrs. A. D. fcerris of Huntley was. a Fourth of July guest in the Elmer Winkelman home. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and brothers, George and Leo ' Heimer, motored to Chicago Monday evening. Their sister, Mrs. Kathryn Steilbn, returned hojne with them foir a visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Marengo were visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Sun" day evening. Mrv and' Mi's. William Heimer and Mr. and Mrs! Erwin Laures and twin. sons spent a few days at the Wisconsin Dells and Cave of the Mouhds and other points of interest in Minnesota ahd Iowa. Mrs. William Heimer spent a few days at Wheaton last week in the Erwin Laures home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wlrtz and Thursday/ July 12# 1956 children, Michael and "Niki," have returned from a two-week trip to California, where they spent much of their time with the I.eo Petersons, former residents of Wonder Lake. r Howard Cairns is leaving on a three-week vacation 'trip through the Northwest. Mrs. William Justen and granddaughter, Mary Justen, of Oak Lawn visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman,--in Wilmette over the weekend. BIRTH& Mr. and Mrs- .Glenn Huska .are the parents of a daughter, • born July 2 at Memorial hosj pital. Mrs. Huska is the former Julia Knox. A daughter was born at Memorial hospital on July 3 to Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Girard Zimmerman are the parents of a dauglfl' ter, born July 7 at Memorial hospital. v Buy U.S. Savings Bonds TODDLER SHOP and Young Teen Corner hoe Sale of our Exclusive Infants Shoes BAREFOOT SANDALS (White, Red or Brown) LOW TIE OXFORDS (White, Red & White, Brown & White) $AWE 20% and M@1E! Style Conscioi The average lady today is not "tied down" at home the way she was several years ago . . . She is on the go* outside of her home; doing club work, playing golf, attending social functions, etc. As a result, she is more style conscious than at any time in history. She knows that her hairstyie must be individually styled for her to enhance her clothes and her natural features. Our salon is well-known for the expertly styled permanent waves we create for our clients. We suggest tjiat you phone 147 now for your appointment. AIR-CONDITIONED Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9:00 YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS & iverside ^J'fairsHilinq ofiucli 186 N. Riverside Drive irshjlmg McHenry, 111. MO Phone 147 MORE AND MORE YOUNG FOLKS ARE DISCOVERING... THE BEAUTIFUL. NEWLY-REMODELED CLUB DINING ROOM & COCKTAIL LOUNGE Now Serving A Complete Line Of U.S. Choice Steaks & Chops -- 1 ender, Delicious Chickens and The Finest Seafoods Obtainable. IX ADDITION TO OlTR REGULAR MENI' WE WILL FEATURE THESE • I Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ... Friday -DAY SPECIALS" (SERVING FROM 5 P.M. 'TIL MIDNITE) V2 of Fried Chicken in Basket -- $1.75 (Kitchen & Dining Room Closed All Day Bar-B-Qued Back Ribs -- $1.75 Italian Spaghetti with Meat Sauce -- $1.50 Delicious Fried Perch - All You Can Eat -- $1.00 Above orders include salad, rolls & butter, french fries & beverage Saturdays & Sundays Open from 12 Noon 'Til Midnite Specializing in Complete Family Dinners St@p) If During Our Daily "Cocktail Hour 5 To i p.M. - Featuring Martinis & Manhattans -- 50c There's no thrill like the high-powered thrill of commanding the Rocket ! There's no feeling like the secure feeling of piloting SLri Oldsmobije ! There's no investment like the solid investment of Owning an Olds ! ^ And there's no time like the present time to get the most for your trade-in f » ' e§p?/ the COiL OMFORT of t ieima m\ 88- HOLIDAY SEDAN THH FACTS I GET TTME FIOURB3 I (SET OUT OF THE ORDINARY.. GET INTO AN O I-- $^0O A QUMITY MODUCT browight to yM hy AN OLpSMOfILK QUALITY MAURI C@M©G?0OMID r^@Bani R. 1 Ove rS®i M®t§r Sales BE CiytfiFUL . . . piUVE safely: Nye's Drug Store 403 Fr§it St. • Te Your Walgreen Agency Phone 26