Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1956, p. 11

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IP* % ^ 1% t -! j '"r Vw-i "-v Thursday/July 26,1$56 .b. .„*••• ' •; THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven Richmond Community News By Phyllis Qarlaon , Servicemen > Bua \Jarrett, stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; as we told you a couple of weeks ago, has and children of Wauconda were supper guests" 'of the Kenneth ' Grangers. ' ' i Saturday evening guests of the ; Kenneth Grangers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes and daugh- _________________________ ter, Evelyn, and fiance and Mr. ' . ' and Mrs. Walter LaMountain start at 11 a.m. and run until anc* .son' Butchie, of Palatine. 2 p.m. (DST). Miss Margaret Johnson spent the weekend in Glen Ellyn at i the hopne of her sister. celebrated ^us Holmgrens have re- \ .Birthday Jackie-^Lindbloom become a paratrooper. Not too j his eighth birthday yesterday. *urnefi from their vacation at wedding in Rochester, Minn., many of the boys who try out | Congratulations Jackie! for the paratroopers make the .grade, but Bud did. Congratulations on your, success from your hometown. Bud. Also stationed at Fort Leon- (flbrd Wood are Leon Schmitt, recently » C56) graduated fr<>m RBCHS, Harold Kramer and Larry London.' Larry lives in Solon Mills-when he is a civilian. Townsend, Wis., where they spent two weeks. The sad part \p\vs About Folks their vacation was that the The J. W. Kruses attended a ; sAn shone onli two days out or the two weeks and the other M.a< future Nurses Two young ladies ol' the class of 56 have decided to take nurses trailing. Bonnie Condon and Carolyn Jacobson have been accepted at Copley Memorial ospital in Aurora. They will begin training Oct. "1. We are glad for Bonnie and Carolyn and wish them success along with the hard work we know they will encounter along the way. Future College Freshmen Five df our young people who have finished their high school ^careers took a trip together to WDeKalb to Northern Illinois college last Saturday. The five were Linda Kautz, Ronnie May, Viola Oleson, Bill Stilling and Janet Vierke. They plan to enroll at DeKalb this fall. Lots of luck to, them, too. Isn't it nice to hear such good news about young folk? They are our future America, let's remember that and give them a lift ^whenever we can. w State Fair 4-H Girls Speaking of good news about the 'teen-agers, did you know that our girls will be traveling to Springfield next month? Carolyn Jacobson and Diana Winn are two of the five girls chosen to compete for clothing awards. Cheri Lee Kruse was chosen to go to the- state fair for her 0 flower arranging. Saturday. The® bride was a friend twelve days it rained! Better of Cheri Lee. From Rochester, 'ue^ time! the Kruses were going to a con- We missed telling you of some vention in Milwaukee, where v3cationers -- the Lou Biirks they, were going to spend several were vacationers in Wisconsin days. Stevie was going to spend > a couP'e °f weeks back. some time with his grandmother I ^ast month the Don Jbhnson in Woodstock while his mother fami1*' went to New York City, and dad were gone. where they visited Mr. Johnson's Mrs. Fisk spent a few days in ' brPther- They ihad a very inter- Chicago. . esting time sightseeing at the Mrs., Jo Gruenz is home from ! EmPire* 'State building, the UN Madison, where she was a medi- i Skiing and Radio City among cal patient for nine days. We many Places- M?- Johnson is are glad she is feeling better • back at the meat counter again and hope she will continue to i and will be back teaching at the improve. ! &rafle school when it opens. Betty and Jimmy Schroeder Miss Mary Wittmayer was went to Brookfield zoo last week home from the University of and saw all the animals there , Wis«>nsin for the weekend. were to see. j Chester Colby of Solon has Mr. and Mrs. Seth Russell ' been working long hours to finfrom Paris, Tenn., were house 1 t'ie home he is building for guests of the Art Krumpens. The < h>s family in Round Lake. Russells brought Van Krumpen .' The VanEverys are working on back from his vacation in Ten-: a home they are planning to nessee. > move into in Solon Mills. Mrs. Alan Lackey (Virgine Schultz) was the girst of honor ( THANK YOU at a bridal shower given by Many thanks to the Richmond Mrs. Kenneth Thomas of Genoa , Fire department for their City. Friends and relatives prompt response and yquick ao showered the bride with gifts tion in putting out the fire on for her larder. • my property. Mrs. Ben Winn and her dpugh- 12 Mrs. W. A. McConnell ter, Diana, spent several days i --i -- this, week with Mrs. Wiring T; . C" - family in Indiana. j wXlOCIC lulSl A Or Miss Audrey Jones, former !«- ; C ^ i; English teacher at our high 1 rlCIllC OUppilGS jfiiiiiiii'yiiJiiiri'innisi-rrnnifiiiiiiiriiiiMiiiiiiitiianrrii LEGAL 11II111 III I III II llUIIIIUIItlil 111 ITU* rrBIilC NOTICE ! Sotlc » of Proposed O-apges In Schedule - j COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (Public Service Company Division) hereby gives notice to the public that certain revisions in Standard Contract Rider 12, as contained in Schedule E- 3 have been filed with the Illinois Commer >e Commission on July 17, 1956. The proposed revisions would limit th? redistribution of electricity by customers to buildings in which the practice of redistribution exists and to buildings constructed under permits applied for prior to July 17. 1956, except that the.practice will be permitted in certain cases where limitation would be impracticable, such as the furnish'nr: of electricity by . a customer U> his students or employes, transients, occupants of furnished rooms or of individual offices in professional suites, certain types of concessionaires/ and tenants of remodeled buildings originally wired for single Occupancy. Further information with respect to these charpes may be obtained directly Crop- the Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Spring!iold. Illinois. A copy of the proposed changes may be inspected by any interested party in any business office of this Company. COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY (Public Service Company Division. By D. P.. Bower surer Publish July .'6 Aug 2. school, visited the Ed Waspis last week. She had dinner with j In the scurry of leaving for the Waspi family and during • a picnic, it's Wise to check your dinner the power went off in ; list of cooking and serving town. They finished dining by i equipment. candlelight, though, so nobody . a. long-handled frying pan, minded too much. tasting forks, ladles and a hinged Miss Winifred Collins was a | wire broiler are musts if you ... , .. house guest of the Frank Buch-; plan to cook outdoors, says Mrs. TTiis will be the second trip erts several days (July 20 to Dorthv Mclvor. University of to the state fair for both Chen 24). Miss Collins taught history | Illinois foods specialist. Lee and Carolyn. The state fair | at our high school lor several] A • * >• u will be held Aug. 10 to 19 in j years. From here she went to! • * palr Ca" "? V Springfield. We will surely be tonnh in i openers, pot holders and glo\es thinking about the three girls then. Congratulations! Rotary Richmond Rotary has an an- ^nouncement to make that should j lins had dinner at the, Edwin interest boys and girls in grade Wittmayer home. teach in Japan. She is home this summer -- her home being Keokuk, la. While she taught in Richmond, she lived at the Frank Buchert home. While in Richmond, Miss Colschool. The Hotary club, with the cooperation of the Richmond Shriners and businessmen, are again planning on taking chil- Miss Collins will return to Japan and will teach in Tokyo this coming fall. She was always an interesting person and we are dren of the Richmond grade sure she must l?e even more inschools to the Shrine circus at j teresting to know after her Rockford either Thursday or j teaching experiences in Japan. Friday, Aug. 9 or 10. The Ro- Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Shelare necessaryitems that are often overlooked. A sharp knife, which can be a jack knife, and a cutting knife should be in- 1 eluded in every picnic basket. I To cook one-dish meals, you'll i need a heavy metal kettle with t a tight-fitting lid. And don't for* • get the salt and pepper shakers. Check plastic bags, tablecloth, plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons, paper napkins, towels and newspapers off your list as you pack them. To clean up, of course you'll tarians hope that all Shriners don and daught K re. ne«i dish towels and cloth, soap, wiU turn m to Arhe Pickering, ^rned to Richmond Saturday ! ™atches an(| a scouring pad. A flail their books of tickets which | for th d Thcy ca„pd on sev_ hey don t need as a donation i p r a, f r i p n d s_ T h c i r majn r o a s o n to the group. for coming that particular daybucket is handy for carrying things, and you can use it later for washing dishes. Two years ago a special sec- was to see Miss Collins for she tion was reserved and a caravan j and Mr. Sheldon taught at of thirty cars with* seventy-five | rbCHS for a couple of the same children from Richmond went j years. (You know it's hard to to the circus. say what I mean at times.) Carl Grant returned from ! Monday of last .week Mr. and Gordon, Wis., without any fish, j Mrs. Henry Rice and daughter, his Rotary friends say. Better j Marie, of Santa Rose, Calif., j^luck next time. j WPre visitors at the Kenneth This week Dr. Leland Shafer, | Granger home. Mrs. Rice and a trustee of the Illinois Crippled ; Mrs. Granger are cousins. Mr. Children's association, spoke at j adn Mrs. Jtice lived in Richmond | the Rotary meeting. ^ several years ago. j Fred Larson and daughter. Buy U.S. Savings Bond* Lend Uncle sam Your Dollars NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District 156 in the* County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1956, will be on file and conveniently availrli'e to public inspection at the Office of the Board of Education from and after 12:00 noon on the 26th day of July, 1956. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M. on the 2^th dny of August, 1956, at the Office o? the Superintendent, McHenry Community High School, in this school district. Dated this 26th day of July, 1956. Board of Education of School District No. 156, in the county of McHenry, State of Illinois. sy; J. Wirt?., Secretary. I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING J Notice is nerebv given by the Board of EctueaTion of School District l.i in th" County of McHenry, i State of I'lincis, that a tentative budget tor said school district for : the fiscal year beginning July 1, j 1956, will be OP file and convenient-' ly available to "public inspection at the Office of the Board of Educa-1 tion from and after 12:00 noon on. the 26th day c?f July, 1956. j Notio? is further hereby given i that a public hearing on said bud- i get will he he'd at 8:30 o'clock ] P. M. on trie 10th day of Sept em-1 | ber, 19r»6 at the Office of the Prin-; c i p a l , E d « e b < o o k E l e m e n t a r y | School, in this school district. [ Dated this 26th day of July, 1956. ' Board of . Education, of School I • Distric No.. 15, in the county of I ..McHei.ry, State of Illinois. ! I' By: Hubert Smith. Secretary notice of nrm ic hearing j A public hearing for the approv-. al of the budget for Harrison ; School District No. 36, will be held } the first Tuesday in September I (Sept. 4th) %t 7:00 P.M., at the j J Harrison School, Wonder Lake, 111. ! j By: . Gladys Gustfivson, Secretary. iMAY CASELOAD IN PUBLIC AID ! SHOWS DECREASE The Illinois public aid case- | load report for May showed a j decrease of 11.470 recipients ; i from the same month last year j and 4,826 fewer persons than during April, 1956. Garrett W. Keaster, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid commission, said the May caseload totaled 271,750 j persons at an overall cost of , $12,756,966. or $28,660 less than : the previous month. For April, 1956, there was a load of 276,576 persons costing $12,785,- 626. In May, 1955, the rolls had a total of 283,220 persons cost- j ing $12,765,761, or $8,795 more i than the same month this year. | Following is the May caseload ! and cost in McHenry county: j Aid to dependent children, 36, ) $1,152; blind assistance. 1, $25; ; disability assistance, 12, $947.50; j assistance, 134, $2,536.61; I old age assistance. 201, $11,659.35. I FEW HUNTING AREAS Gov. William G. Stratton, speaking to delegates at the annual meeting of the Midwest Fish and Game, Commissioners association, said that "most of the states are seeking a solution to the problem of the ever diminishing hunting and fishing areas within their borders." Gov. Stratton said that Illinois is trying to help^the situation by seeking to expand its system of lakes and reservoirs. This, he said, will help solve, surface water shortages and provide better pdblic hunting and fishing grounds. The Midwest Commissioners association Ls composed of conservation officials lrom €3 midwestern states and Manitoba and Ontario provinces in Canada. These officials represent about 45,000,000 people residing in the EDDIE the EDUCATOR soys NEWS FROM Wonder Lake Th* mental health of pupili and teachers should be a major concern •f all. Let us remember thii as we see large crowded classrooms. Illinois Education Aitociotion ; By Phyllis Whitfield ! j Your reporter and children are i still on vacation, but will return this week from their trip I through Missouri and Iowa, j Please phone 6881 writh news i items for next week's issue of • the Plaindealer. ! Mrs. Waller Busch arid chil- ! dren, .Gregory and Claudia., of Mt. Prospect were guests in tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack : Young of Wooded*. Shores last ; week. !. Nativity Lutheran Church News j On Friday, July 27, the women i of. the church will hold an ice , cream social on the church lawn, i to which everyone is invited. .Sening will begin at 7:30 and j'lhere .'will be all kinds of home- I made cakes and pies . to choose ! irom besides the ice cream. In | connection with the social, there will be also a sale of cakes and pks to take home with you. : Come to this annual affair and ; meet and eat with your friends and neighbors. | The sermon for this Sunday, i the ninth Sunday after Trinity, is entitled "The Friendly Trea- | sure." Mrs. Phyllis Whitfield will I sing the solo at the 10:45 ser- ' vice. All are welcome to our ' worship services. The annual picnic of the church will be on Aug. 26 in Larson's woods just west of Harrison school. American Legion On Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 8:30 o'clock, there will be joint installation of the officers of Post No. 1159 and the woman's auxiliary at the Legion hall in Wonder Lake. There will be open house for the ceremony, with refreshments following the rite. Two important elective officers in the post were not mentioned in the last issue. They are Lois ! Weeks and Bob Kiddell, members of the executive board. The 19S$ membership drive is now starting. Insured Savtnips: Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan. Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2 /z per cent plus >2 per cent extra. SS-tf Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Open On Sundays 9 to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Lora Gelder Tel. Richmond 410S WASH & TREAS ES ANTIQUES We wish to extend an invitation to you to1 visit our shop -- Furniture, Brie a Brae, Glass, Lamps, Dishes, Rug, Etc. DURING JUNE, JULY & AUGUST OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. East of Route 12 at Solon Mills Free Estimates .A Delivery W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH (it-neral Contractor* NEW HOMES and REMODELING. Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 It Pays To Advertise FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMJkNN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 190 - Just East of Route 12 Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-l TIRED OF YOUR OUT MODED UNDEi-SIZED IEFRIGEIAT0R? (THEN. READ THIS) Bake Sale Saturday, the Lutheran Wo- Selma, of Palatine were overnight guests of the Kenneth ji men's guild will hold a bake sale ; Grangers last week. in the village hall. The ^ale will SFC and Mrs. Bruce Granger a B & L CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL COMTBACTORS m 3 BiDIOOy HOME - $11,500 STONE VENEER FRONT V* Carpenter Built • Tile Kitchen & Bath Landscaping • Fully Insulated Complete Sidewalk from Front & Rear Doors Complete Set of Kitchen Cabinets Front &. Rear Steps • Gravel Drive Prime Coat Paint • Oak Hardwood FloorT» # Kitchen & Bathroom Fixtures Laundry Tubs • Automatic Water Heater • Oil or Gas Forced Air Heat Complete Wiring Including Fixtures y-f , We also do a complete line of concrete work, such as: • Basements # Seawalls • Sidewalks • Crawl Spaces • Cement Slabs • Steps • Driveways • Etc. L CONSTRUCTION C< 900 Ceatea- St. PHONE 409-K McMenry, 111. FAIR at Woodstock kUiSUST 5-3-4-5 THURSDAY! FRIDAY! SATURDAY! SUNDAY! FUN FOR EVERYONE MEiT ALL YOU FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS! PLAN NOW TO ATTEJi® EDUCATION! • Revolving Shelves Imi'nimijiiiHllllliliiiiiiUmnwm 9 Magnetic Door GET $150.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD cHi»© WHEN YOU PURCHASE THIS 14 Culble Foot 19S6 'PELUI G. E. Refrigerator - Freezer Combination 1I3ULAR PRICE 'TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SALE P1SCE, ONLY $579.95 15< $429.95 # Not Over Ten Yrs. Old ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 2S1 119 S. GREEK STREET McHENRY, ILL. , ' ft

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