Wm wpmm lurstfay, Augija*1$. |jj|9 I • 'iff \ - . _____ ' • TCT McHENRY PLAINDEALER -TfT Ignillllliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiii: ( _ jl Lakeland Park ri By Jetta Glee son-and Dorothy Uttlch jiiiiii'iiiiiii'.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiijiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiirttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiii!^ Park Site Determined } Officers of the LPPOA report that the decision is how final on the location of what will be the community's "main meeting place and recreation area. The lots which have been dedicated are Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 3, Unit 3. The attorney for the land owners is preparing the necessary papers stf that the •land will be deeded to ..the LPPOA for recreational purposes. At this writing, the park planwere Tommy Reinhardt, Tommy and Pam Messel, Tom Uttieh and Mark's brother, Greg. Francene Parisi reigned as lady of honor at a strictly feminine affair, with frilly dresses and party ribbons setting the style for the day. The occasion was her seventh birthday and the place was in her home on Pleasant avenue. The charming little ladies were served iqe cream and cake. Later they frolicked on the lawn where, no tting committee has not had a j(ioubt' their femininity was soon meeting but Chairman Wall>; ' forgotten. Laurence expects to,, call the committee together some time during the week. Jim Quaver has volunteered his services for building life guard stands at the beaches and Mr.. Amby donated the lumber. The Construction will begin soon. Happy Birthday. To Jerry Sullivan, who was 3 years old on Aug. 6. To Marie kloth, who became 6 years old on Aug. 8. Marie celebrated with her family and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kloth. "You All Come" Could have been the theme song at the Hauptman house when the welcome mat was put ... „ I out for special visitors recently, ter home Thursday. Aug. 9._ t° j Ruth's mother, Mrs. T. W. Jorjieterm. ne the mter-relat.onsh.ps .dan> and her sister> Mrs< Robei.t of the two organizations. After Gibson Sr journeyed from Atcons. derable d.scuss.on, it was I ,anta Q t d t WGeks !w 1' Joint Meeting ' Directors of the LPPOA and pffieers of the Woman's club of {lakeland Park met at the Kra- [agreed that the purpose of the , v|giting with Andy and Ruth Pag« Thirteen* line side, those seen- creeping home in the weie hours of the rooming were Rose, and Chuck IQuk, Mrs. Lynn Beaver, the William Caseys and their house guest, Joan Hplt, the Maurice Carvers, \ the Frank Hudecek^ and son, Mel. Bob Laursen proved he had not passed the blushing age when he was honored with a surprise birthday party in the home of Florence and John Svitanek on Monday evening, Aug. 6. We'll not disclose the age or the exclamation of surprise, but reports are that everybody had ! niversary party for Alice's para grand time. The barbeque sup- i en1s- Mr- and Mrs, Wm. McClelper, furnished by the host and ,an- of Chicago,^on Saturday hostess, way^ttkg/ed by Mary I ni£ht- / .j' and Bernie jpSe^nce, Wally and J Marge Schmidt's sister, Caryl Betty Laurence and Floyd and Miller, of Beaver Dam, Wis., The Bernie Laurence and Wally Laurence families spent Sunday visiting the boys' father, R. B. Laurence, of Motind. Sunday visitors at tpe jFrank Parisi home were Mr. "and Mrs. Vincent Alesi of Chicago. The Alesis pre to be residents of Lakeland Park in the -near future. Joseph Parisi, Frank's brother, spent three days" visiting with Jean, Frank and the children during the past • week. Alice and Jerry Sullivan attended the fortieth wedding an- Ann Leigh. Woman's club would be to- work | This was the first time th had »in cooperation w.th the LPPOA | SPen the Hauptmans' new home jjhr the betterment of the com- ' and during her stay in the Ifmunity. | It was also agreed that the jwavs and means committee of jboth groups should meet fre- Iquently with each other so that (the activities of the two gfpups jdo not conflict. } The committee for preparation )of the by-laws for the. Woman's ?lub meets tffis evening at the ^ink home. Kiddie Ka peril There were plenty of giggles. ?ratches and lots of fun at the lansen's when little Jimmy celebrated his sixth birthday on lug. 11. All the "Happy Birthlay to You" songsters were gaily north, Mrs. Jordan had the pleasure of seeing the new homes of five of her seven children. Completing the group at a family h6mecoming were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burns of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Jordan of Cedar. Lake, Ind. Another of Mrs. Jordan's daughters was unable to attend the affair because she had just presented her mother with a new granddaughter. Other guests who dropped in to call were Mrs. Anna Kemmerle and family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butcher and boys of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. ijed.e c,k ed, .m co,l or,fu l, ,h ats and, , Walter Grangers and family of vn,a park Mr and Mr§ R y he party room was bursting (?) I Monahan of McHenry and Mrs. V'ti S\... , | J'm Moses of Chicago. The competition was great for | ^ Hauptmans also took The h.gh honors in th? game of ; theh. house gtj to Wiscons5n piusical chairs, but s.nce there ; Rapidg where th vigited Mrs Was some dispute over Hie win- I yj0ia buu her, we'll not mention names j _ , ' , ^ here. Alan Raiford•claimed the I R"th reP°rt,s ^at her lory in the hot potato race. ! m°the1' st u ayed- sh(\ °™e m™e vhile Billy Krater moved to be enjoyed that 'wonderful southlie most apt in pinning the tail | frn °°°king - coJ*n bread, diessn the donkey. | ,n& and the llke- The birthday cake was passed o Jean LaParr, Billy and. Diane Crater, Warren, Dale and Jimty Woods, Susie Meineke and klan Railord. It seems to be the vogue to Surprise! On Saturday night, Aug. if, Dolores Rogers took to her bed with sudden illness -- just long enqugh for her husband, Jerry, jiave more than one party for j to put his" fishing equipment four birthday these days. Mark | away. These drastic measures Jartos thought this was a good ; were for a good cause,, though, lea and he had two chances to j as a number of the neighbors were coming for a surprise birthday celebration for Jerry. What a woman has to go through these days to keep her low out the four candles on his rake. He started celebrating a ay early when on Sunday, Aug. his grandparents, Mr. and rs. George Barta, his aunts. ! husband home! ilary Miller and Dorothy Barta, The most hilarious part of 5teve Derris and Mr. and Mrs. | the evening came when the fun- 5. Derris, all of Chicago, came i sters tried their hand at chao spend the day. A number of , rades. Although Lynn Beaver he neighborhood children came | was new at the game, she top- •n Monday to join in the fun. j ped the list as the ladies' cham- Those found sitting round the j pion charader, while Chuck Kluk able singing "Happy Birthday" took fhe honors fqr the mascu- I >r SEE ROUTE 120 EAST in Co. If You Are Interested In • A NEW HOME • ADDITIONS • BREEZEWAYS -- • PATIOS REMODELING • BABMS • QbEAQES VTIREPLACES^ McHENRY'S NEWEST BUILDER OF RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT EVEN THE I MOST "BUDGET-MINDED" FAMILY CAN NOW j OWN A LOVELY 2 OR 3 BEDROOM, CARPENTER- BUILT HOME OF ITS OWN STARTING I From $lslfSoOO to $1 NO BALANCE LS1C1 HINT . This Is Not A "Come-On" These Are Facts: Not a Pre-fab; Anderson Windows; Attached Garage: Colored Plumbing Fixtures; Automatic Gas or Oil Heat; Hardwood Floors; Completely Insulated; Birch or Colored Steel Kitchens. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY OUTSTANDING FEATURES; FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL 430 or 2073-R. Hurry Now For A Free Cement Driveway For Those Purchasing A New Home Open House The door was wide open at the Bujak home yesterday when guests came to a double celebration - Butch's "sweet sixteen" birthtjay and a welcome home to Big Gram, Mrs. Hattie Kledzik. Mrs. Kledzik has just returned from Burbank, Calif., and Is now making her home with the Bujaks. Those attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Givik, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Civik, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kittner, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy JCIedzik and .daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kledzik and son. Miss Joan Darkus, Mr. ands Mrs. Louis Roppolo and son, Roy, Dorothy Meineke and daughter, Mrs. Freida Brand and John Delvaney of Chicago. has been a helpful guest .for the past week, when she has been giving Marge a hand in takinjg care <?f the .twins. i Bob Sackley spfcnf the weej< at the Meineke home. Sunday visitors also included Dorothy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.' J. Donavan, of Park Ridge, Misses Rose and Lill Stark and Theresa Stark of Chicago. Sunday guests of Lee and Gene Stamstas were Mr. and Mrs. George Drake and sons, Ronny and Mickey of Waukegan. The guest list at the A1 Kujaks' included the Slapinskis from Wisconsin (described by Elvira as the long lost cousins), Chester and Agnes Jvujak, Eddie and Helen Kufa^|jan propinski and Darlefiejjjjpnarski'. Joan and Darlene eacli^fepent a week with the KujakSs M Welcoming Committee The welcoming party for Au- ^u$t was held at the home of Evelyn Devine on Thursday, Aug. - 9. The newcomers welcomed were Golembese Kunegunolor, Pat McCarthy, Catherine Kozicki, Albina Haycyk and Adele Arndt. Members of the welcoming committee at this party included the hostess, Arlene Bartog, Ann Dawson, Pearl Reinhardt and Lydia Radisch. Conversation went along at a very merry clip and ran the gamut of topics close to the j'upen* for Lou If John & and tr, and [ Niles* Mr. and Mrs. Edmon ski were weekend their aunt and uncle Chi* cago, Mr. and Mrs. kowski -and Mr. and 1 Mairns. Sunday guests of j Mrs. Joe Cina were Mrs. Ralph Canone fr A surprisej bithday party foij Eddie Manglnan and his mother, Eva Porters, was held Sunday. Attending were Mrs. Esther Porters, Robert Porters, Edward Porters and son, Mrs. Loi,s Schlapinski and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kostra and feminine heart. Everyone had a four children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam very enjoyable evening, topped j Salamone and two daughters, off with delicious refreshments. 1 Mr. and Joseph Gliatta and Tmih e mem.b „e rs of, the committee I Mr. and Mrs. Benny Tontilla The guests, all from Chicago* brought gifts and ca'<es.t were sorry that it was necessary for Delores Rogers to drop out at this time. They do hope though that in the near future she'll be able to join them again. Coming and Going Tlie Radisches do not have a complete list of their visitors for the past week, but some of them included fhe following: Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig.and Ralph i soon, the governor said. Froi FORESTRY CAMP , Gov. William G. Stratt<>n has announced establishment " of a new Illinois Youth Commission Forestry camp in northern Illi* nois. The camp, located on the( grounds of Lowden Memorial, state park, near Oregon, is expected to be in operation aver; Richmond Community News By Phyllis Carlson nine campers at. Camp Alpine. | of Riverview's summer fun sea- * Rotary | Congregational chyrch in Wor- It was a tired, happy bunch of coster,. Mass. He is attending kids who returned from the cir- . "ie Ecumenical Pastors' insticus in the wee hours of the ! tute at Elmhurst college. morning last week. Twenty-four ; Mrs. Frances Wood was the carloads of them went to the j soloist at the morning service at Shriner's Circus in Rockford as the Community church. guests of Rotary <jnd business- ; The Senior Youth Fellowship men in Richmond. The following j group was postponed from last day. the tajk of the town was Sunday evening' to this Sunday, i Burton "community' banT'Tias the motorcycle race or the clowns : The evening will be in charge of j been selected as a competitor for The director for the week is Pastor Henry Neal 'from Sharon, Wis. T\tfo boys from Richmond are campers this week '-- Paul Buchert and-David Carlson. Baby Baptized Mareie Lynn Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins, was baptized at the Community church. Marcie Lynn is ten months old and seemed to enjoy her day at church. The highly rated Richmond- , . , . , _ . . competitor for or the baby chimpanzee who , Chuck Brunswick. ! championship honors intthe andrank from a baby's bottle and ; - - - -- , nual Review Park "Tournacned like a baby for its milk. ; Fair N>ws j mcn, Qf Music- and wi„ appear We knew the kids all want to, Last week we' omitted the ; at the world-famous amusement to thank those responsible for i names of twrt of the ladies from j park on Monday, August 20. Under the direction of Paul best shots and the program will be made up of these slides. Guests at Rotary were Walter Carey and A1 Blake from McHenry. The. birthday boys month so far are Earl Hendrick- i Genoa Ciu: last ^day evening, son, Leo Karls and Joe Justen. ; Mr. an<} Mrs. Gibbons from j McHenry were callers on the Church- News Harold Bucherts Sunday. Guest speaker in the Com- ! munity church was the Rev. Camp News Bradley Skinner, pastor of the This week there are ninetv- GARDEN FRESH IETABLES At AMRTIN'S FARM OPEN EVERY DAY 'TIL DARK On Route 31 Ringwood/Ill. SALES and SERVICE 128 No. Riverside Drive their trip to the circus. Besides : the Richmond Home Bureau unit the circus itself, each child had who worked at the fair in the I p ~t\~ k7„j Vi i ' * some money to spend for Home Bureau building. tW 1 I "T" corn, son drinks, cotton candy ate Mrs. Fred Meyer- and Mrs. * and all things related to the cir- ; Frank Moravek. We are sorry cus; To all of the driers who | they were not included. 4 transported the kids to Rockford I % - a big thank you too. j Here and There. Then there was tlie circus j Judy Beltz is visiting her siscoloring book they all brought ter, Bunny Frick, this summer home with them with animal i from llerrih, 111. Bunny, Judy cutouts so that they could set*'and Carol Steinke spent a day up miniature circuses at home, j in. Chicago recently. Tvvas a great day for the young- j Myra and Edna Speaker had er generation. i an overnight guest last week The Rotarians heard Edward! This- week Mvra and Edna Knox, past district governor, last Speaker have gone to Grand week speak of some of his ex- , Rapids. Mich., to visit relatives. poriences in Rotarv. i r,n,, , . The J. W. kruse family have This week all the Rotarians gone on vacation. Thev planned who have two by two slides are 1o visit Quebec. Canada, and going to bring several of Their many other piaCes. Bev Bergsma looks like the radiant bride she will soon be for she and Jack Sehmitt will he married this month. Several Richmondites attended for the ; donkey baseball game at son durirfj^the 23-day period from Aug." 18 to Sept. 9. POLICE TRAINING Graduation exercises have beeh held for 40 men who successfully completed State Police Training academy courses. Fifteen of the graduates were put on immediate duty to bring the state police force to its full strength of 600 men. The remaining 25 men were placed on a waiting list and will be Offered service as soon as they are needed. ROAD CONSTRUCTION Construction involved in Gov. William G. Stratton's 1956 road program has reached $60,154,849, Director Edwin A- Rosenstone of the Department of Public Works and Buildings, announced last week! Of this total, contracts al- "Circus Parade" . Mardi Gras that I ready awarded amount to $57,- will feature the climactic part 148,737. F.M. RADIO & TELEVISION McHenry, IU. Authorized Dealer For G.E. - SENTINEL - DUMONT RAYTHEON - MOTOROLA - EMERSON Also G.E. ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS, REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, DRYERS & STOVES. PHONE MeHENRY 979 FOR PROMPT & EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF TV. & RADIO. WOKK PERFORMED BY BONDED TECHNICIANS. WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIR. All materials used are of first quality. Liberal trade-in allowance for your old TV. set. Up To 24 Months Time Payment Plan STORE HOURS: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.W. Sunday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kendig (Lyda's mother and brother), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lexow and Paul and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Boyd and sons, Eddie and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Olson and daughters, Carol-Jean, Linda and Janet, Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Whelan and Stephen and Danny and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Rowe. 25 to 30 youths will be living on the grounds by the end of August, cacording to Ratjprt D. Patton, Youth Commission chairman. Youth Commission <i camps are operated in c o n j u n c t i o n with the state Department of Conservation, providing needed fprestry work in the various state parks, while helping to rehabilitate delinquent youths. Golden Anniversary SALE erkshire Stoekini Every pair with the famotu Nylace Kantrun Top and Toe-Ring to stop runt from top or toe Qhmm yonr favorite style* at these low priees Regular $1.65 ^ p"" Regular $1.50.Me Pri** lpdr Spain Regular $1.35 £££ 1 pair Spain RICHM6ND. ILLINOIS COME ONE! COME ALL! TO WHAT? St Mary's Parish For The New School Festival Addition WHEN? WH St. Friday - Si AUGUST BE? ary's iturdo 17- Sm 18 Grounds ry >111- SCHEDULE:/ --Friday Ni'Dfe'S': STARTS AT 7 P.M. Children's Nite Rides 10c STARTS AT 8 P.M. Fun For Everfosie! STABTS AT 3 P.M. SUPfiR 4:30 to 7:30 PRICES: Children Under 12 75c Adulls $1.00 in avow to NIGHTLY ATTENDANCE PRIZES -- YOU MOST BE PRESENT TO WIN! S FOR ALL - MIS FOR ¥ Hi CHILDREN RSFiISHi«TS OF ALL SORTS THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO COME UP TO ST. MARY'S DON'T FORGET THE DATES -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY & SUNDAY OF THIS WEEK AND JOIN IN THE FUN AT ITS SUMMER FESTIVAL.