- V ^ t ^ ^ ^ H * > f * ^ ^ff ^|> * r >%,^ <°f < ^ '"j'J»S^1E^-J --- - '- THE McHENBY Lake News By Eve Levesque Wordv To The Wise fingcrlings. Prizes consisting of The importance of the election ! a spinning rod and reel, plugs, in ^November is well known to everyone. For your own protection, check on your status as a voter. Be sure you are register- j expected, ed! You can do this by checking The next with Mrs. Emma Pyritz, regisrar for our community. Anyone who has attained the age of 21--or will, by the first week in October, must register. If you have resided in Illinois for one year, in McHenry fcounty for ninety days, and in this precinct for thirty days, you are eligible to cast a ballot, but must register by the first week in October. t People in foreign lands cannot understand why we--living in a free country --./"take our rights and privileges so much for granted. Regardless " of. your political affiliations, be sure you are registered, and then--get out and VOTE! hooks and other fishing equipment will i>e offered. A complete ' turn-out of members is :ted. meeting of the Sportsmen's club will be dh Sept. 9, 3 p.m., in the village beachhouse. Free Rides!! There will be plenty of- them, they would have been married sixty-two years on the same day. CIVIL DEFENSE NEEDS RESULT OF CHANGING TIMES Tbiui V August £0,4956 Enjoying The View Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe! of Chicago and their daughter, Bar- It has been a hundred years bara, breathed in plenty of fresh and more since our pioneer ancountry air over the weekend, cestors fought for and settled They spent Saturday and Sun- ; rural America. We know how day with Marie and Vic Howe, j hard they worked together, the Barbara liked the scenery so ; life-and-death chances they took much, she decided to stay for I --one hand on the plow and the the week. Grand Opening t - With two grand openings being featured this weekend, there will be excitement aplenty in the oommunity. The McHenry County Welf and Pump company will on tfie colorful carousel, for the feature_ free g„i fts for4 kiddies and wee ones at tfie grand opening; a valuable1 special prize which of Lottie and Gene's Super Mar-I will be given away. ket Friday and Saturday, Aug. Fred Matthesius, owjier, and 31 and Sept. 1. Baskets of his staff, consisting of Bill Brengroceries wlil be given away nan, Dave Hansen, Bonny Egerplus samples of many goodies. ! staffer, Glen Mager and John ; , . ... This opportunity is too good to] Cunningham, will be on hand to-j thousands of important things miss! /l demonstrate the new type sub- -that mean comfort and well-be- ,• I mersible pumps and jet pumps. j ing for our families. The city, I This company has one of the is the market. for our farm oth£r on a musket--to establish homes and families on the lands that are now our farms. Things have changed much since then. Not the basic things for which they fought. Not liberty or the desire for peace and' happiness. But oilr way of living. No longer is the farm far from the city. The city is as near as our telephones, power lines, paved highways. The cityis the source of our farm machinery, gasoline, electricity and Best Idea Of All Julie and Pete Safron discussed many plans for their vacation. They contemplated trips most complete lines of jet pump supplies and over eigjity jet pumps op hand. production. Today cities and farms are tied together and depend on natural disaster or ttye result of nuclear warfare. The civil defense organization is ready to help you learn the rules of personal survival, though its information booklets .and special training classes. Once you have prepared for personal survival, you will want to know that the community and the nation are adequately organized for survival. And when you and enough others like you begin to take an active interest in seeing that our community has the right kind of a civil defense organization, we will be well started toward the building of a civil defense that will be able to meet " the test, if an emergency occurs. It's been a good many generations of farm families since the pioneers were here. But we believe in the* same things. Certainly, we'll work--and fightto keep our families and our homes . safe. Planning and preparing now, to take care of our own, is the first step. And civil defense is ready to help, right Open house will be held Fri- j each other. to Detroit, Wisconsin, southern ! dgy Saturday Sunday and Mon-i That's why there is an urgent Culiom-Knoll Big things will be happening. Find out how you can share in the plans. Attend the Cullom- Knoll meeting Sunday, Sept. 2, at 2:30 p.m. in the beachhouse. | ^ co^unity. If you are not a member, you are cordially invited to join. See you Sunday? Illinois and places too numerous to mention. By (mutual decision, they decided the most note- I worthy place to get "away from j it all" and avoid the hazards of the highways, was right here in Sportsmen's News The coming weekend is gding to be another working party for the watershed committee. All able-bo'died men are wanted and As a result, the Safrons and daughter, Carol, have managed to work on their cottage and still find time to relax! day at the shop located in the i need today for the setting up of village on Greenwood drive. j strong civil defense organizations I in the smaller cities and rural That's it for now. Take it areas of the nation, to cooperate easy this weekend (Labor Day), ! with the civil defense organizations in the large cities, which presumably would be "the likely targets if America should ever be attacked. Everyone hopes that we never will be attacked and that there ! will be no A-bomb or H-bomb The Illinois Public Aid case- war However, there is little so we'll see you next week. STATE PUBLIC AID CASELOAD SHOWED DECREASE IN JUNE OPEN CAMPING A new tent and trailer camping area in Pere Marquette state park has been opened by . the Illinois Department of Conservation. The action is described by Director Glen D. Palmer as the first step in a long-range movement "to improve camping facilities^' 1 in the state's expanding park system. NOTICE The Board of Directors, Memorial Hospital for; McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois, will receive sealed bids for the construction of the Additions and Alterations to the present hospital building located at 527 West South Street, Woodstock, Illinois until 8:00 p.m. CDT, on the 12th day of September, 1956, at the office of the Owner, 527 West South Street, Woodstock, Illinois. Bids will be publicly opened add read aloud at that time. The work will be let under five principal contracts: 1. General; 2. Plumbing; 3. Heating and Ventilating; 4. Electrical Wiring and Fixtures; and 5. Kitchen Equipment. The contract documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of the Owner, 527 West South Street, Woodstock, Illinois and at the office of the Architects, William A. Ganster and Arthur HenninghaOsen, 222 Washington Street, Waukegan, Illinois. Drawings and specifications may be obtained by depositing $15.00 with the Architects for each set of documents on or after the 15th day of August,, 1956. The amount of the deposit will be refunded to each actual bidder who returns the plans and specifications in good condition within 10 days after the opening of bids. Additional Ladies of the Lake The summer vacation is just load report for June showed a question about the possibility of ! about over and the gals are ready and eager to reconvene. decrease of 9,058 recipients from fsuch an attack. Our enemies needed to lend a" hand" to' help ! 1 the same month last >'ear fnd have the weapons and ways to make this one of ,he finest . ™VeldSSfy Sep..13 a! | 3 44\T fewer porSon S ,h.n du.- ; Miver ,hem. We mast, as a lakes in which to fish and swim. in »u_ i ui *iiiinS iyob. Meeting place is ; be held Thursday, Sept. 13, at nation, be prepared for attack the Johnson I fad?e™ ai" ^ord^Uv^imited ^to' Garrett W. Keaster. execu- and by being prepared to withproperty, which is just off the j attend " j tive secretary of the Illinois , stand attack we reduce the probentrance into West Shore Beach, j , Public Aid Commission, said the ability that an attack will be Another Bov' (June case load totaled 268.306 made. Sept. 1. | RnnnH, nMt the familv for | persons at an overall cost of i What is our civil defense situaomj- irnn-o __ ffirv-rn-lO 1 UOn: II II It" O't V to Time--about 9 o'clock Saturday, I The weeds are sprayed and are | ^ohn ' nranat'hThe S12.559.953 or S197.013 less thap tion? If the big cities are dedying along both of the creeks I little guv dropped in at Memor- the previous month For May. j stroyed. will we be ready to that are emptying into the lake, , , h "itai Woodstock Satur-' 1956- there was a load of 271"; u a,one? but these streams are so clogged d A -,'g Weiehine an even i 750 persons costing S12.756.966. We c*n be. But it means with delft-is, many • hands are g bounds He was given the ' *n June of the rolls had a planning and preparing now. And needed to lighten the work load, hanrtenmp name of Michael tota* of 277,364 persons costing this planning and preparing can These are fresh water springs, other G r a n a t h S12.624.803 or $64,850 more than best be done through the mediand in the past, used to erjnpty youngsters include Betty Anne ' Ju*e of this -vear um of a strong local civil defense mo-,, t t ' The caseload for McHenry organization. e I county was as follows: Aid to However, our civil defense can . ! dependent children. 36. S976; only be as strong as and into the lake, but now it will be necessary to clear the obstacles so the streams will again flow into the lake with fresh water. Funds are badly needed to carry out this project, and all contributions will be gratefully accepted. So give from the heart! The dewtfine- for"the *meflnbership in the controlled shooting family! Attend Golden Wedding Jean and Hugh McDonald drove j into the city on Saturday to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. The Lanes reaffirmed 'their marriage vows at Mass. blind assistance. 1. $25: disabil- your neighbors make it. Civil ity assistance. 12. $1,014.50: gen- defense, in its initial phase, is eral assistance. 104. $2,234.66: primarily a matter of self-deold age assistance, 204. $11,975.95. ; fense. Individuals and families 1 must be prepared to survive any Support local baseball teams. emergency -- whether Hibe1 a The McDonalds were very area will be Saturday, Sept. 1. j much impressed with the fact The fee must be in on or be- I that all twelve Lane children fore that date, so see your com- .are still living and were on hand mitteemen. The committee re- , f0r the festivities. Two hundred cently inspected the acreage, j ant} fifty guests were seated for leased by the club, and they are dinner. very much enthused about the site. Where could a hunter find three and a half months of pheasant shooting for such a nominal fee? The fishing rodeo will be held Sept. 2, all day. Remember to keep all the fish you catch, in order to affect removal of the stunted fish. Later the lake will be re-stocked with fresh new Anniversary Celebration Alice and Bill Hoeft of Wonder Lake spent their twenty-second' wedding anniversary at the home of Emma and Otto Pyritz on Fountain Lane, Saturday Aug. 25. Bill and Emma are brother and sister. Mrs. Augusta Hoeft, Emma's mother, joined in the fun. Had her husband lived. FOR SALE by Stone Construction General Contactor Route s, Box 289 PHONE 1295-J McHenry, III. BEAUTIFUL RANCH HOME COMPLETE Here are just a few of the outstanding features of this home: Brick Veneer with Partial Lannon-Stone Front 38* x 26' Basement Building is 62* x 26* Including Breezeway & 1-Car Garage > Oak Flooring 1 Complete Tile Bath Automatic Gas Heat with Aluminum Duet Work Lot is 110* xTnv2' with Water Completely Plastered and Insulated All Birch Cabinets with Formica Top in Kitchen Building has Hip Roof with 18" Over-Hang around entire building American-Standard Plumbing Fixtures including Laundry Trays in Basement Also Sump Pump and Automatic Gas JBot Water Heater Building is situated on Lot 2, Block 14, Unit 5 of Sunnyside Estates, JohnBburg, McHenry, Illinois GRAND OPENING McHENRY GLASS AWNIN Direct-To-You Lite Without Heat Installed Custom Macte at 50% Savings -- Beautified -- Protects Your Home -- \ Best Materials Used. ALL WORK GUARANTEED We*WUl Not Jta Under-Sold sets may be obtained at the'-rate, 'bf $5.00 per set, not refundable. The Board of Directors, Memorial .Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. A satisfactory bid guarantee according to .Paragraph 13, Sec. tion I, General Conditions shall be submitted with each bid. No bid may be withdrawn after the sclieduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least thirty (30) days. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Memorial Hospital for MfHenry County Woodstock, Illinois By RUSSELL K. REIMER Secretary August 10, -1956 (Pub. Aug. 16-23-30, 1956) Women In Politics According to leatiing Democratic women in the McHenry area, the official kick-off for downstate women's campaign activities wil be made at x*egional conferences to be held at Rockford, Moline and Peoria on Sept. 11, 12 and 13 respectively. HI FIDELITY by MAGNAVOX PLAYERS ^ COMBINATIONS PORTABLES CONSOLETTES CONSOLES SPEAKERS Transistor Radios 306 E. Elm St. McHENJtY 1446-J siii CE ARE FRANKLY PROUD of the service our skilled Registered Pharmacists render in helping to preserve the health of this community. So we invite you to benefit.from their competence and care. Bring us your Doctor's next prescript tion. You can rely on us to compound it promptly --and precisely as directed. B(DL©ER*S Drug Store of Lottie & Gene Piotrowski's SUPER MARKET at McCULLOM LAKE Fri.-Sat. Aug. 31st- Dean's COUNTRY CHARM MILK FREE! of Extra Cost When You Purchase ONLY ONE of These 37c \ 2-gal. WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE, WE GIVE TICKETS FOR DRAWING OF FREE BASKETS OF GROCERIES Hills Bros. & Manor House COFFEE c lb. 99c Peterson's Best * BUTTER lb. 69c Brook's -- No.'2'2 can PORK & BEANS 2 lor 39c1 Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3 fot 33c Dinner Bell MARGARINE 2 lbs. 49c Oscar Mayer Daisev Brand HOT DOGS lb. 47c BANANAS ib. 10c RED or WHITE POTATOES ... 10 lbs. 39c LETTUCE - CARROTS - CELERY iqc Monarch -- 24-d*z. btl. GRAPE JUICE 3 for ^ qq Monarch SHORTENING 3 lbs. 85c Pigs Many Other Bargains (We-reserve the right to limit quantities) PHON E 40 108 Sr-4taeeii-45fe*-- -- 1024-M But if electricity costs less today, Little BUI-- ^ how come our_ bill is higher1 Well, It's ivst that you're using a/most 4 times as much electricity today, ma'am! FREE! of Extra Cost 39c Vi-gal. WHEN YOU LIVE THE MODERN E e WAV A ponrty brews 16 cups An air conditioner An electric dishwasher One cent keeps your of coffee in an electric ton) keeps you cool cleans up your dishes radio-phonograph c"oafrfe e mak1 er. for only an hour. for only 1)4i a load. playing for 5 hours Q Public Service Company ® Common wealth Edison Company )