Thursday, August 30, 1956 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •i1 •!' •!' •!' >11 '1' •»•» <i<. .t»|i 4..; PERSONALS The Henry Vogel family, of fReedsburg, Wis., were visitors in the Lisle Bassett home last week. Dan Justen is enjoying a tw% weeks' trip through the West. $ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Winnebago, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake have returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. Mesdames James Stilling, Loo Blake, Grace Murphy, Fred Rogers, Maurice Clark and Charles Vycital attended the Mc- | Henry deanery board of the Na- ! tional Council of Catholic Women j meeting, held at St. Joseph's J parish hall, Richmond, Aug. 22. ! The Call Courier family of Marengo visited her mother, j Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Sunday. Mrs. j ^Courier and daughter, Mary Lou. have just returned from a few vyeeks' visit in the home of her 1 daughter, Mrs. George Anderson, j in Norfolk, Va.; and her sister,. Mrs. Merle Davis, in Haveloak, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and Mrs. Eleanor Foley, accompanied by Harold Phalin of Waukegan, spent a few days the past week in Cleveland, Ohio 'here they attended the funeral of a relative. Mrs. Jennie Arado and Mrs. Helen Young visited in^the home of the patter's son, Alfred Young and family in Antioch Sunday. The Richard Rapp family of Rockford spent the weekend in the Joseph Benes home. Lt. and Mrs. Norman Neiss and family of Milwaukee, Wis., ^visited relatives here Friday. Misses Mary and Marget Ekstrom of Crystal Lake visited McHenry Plaindealer Phone 170 - 171 Published every Thursday at McHenry, III., by the McHenry ^Publishing Company, Inc. NAJIO N AI EDITORIAL Ia sTo c ITa t iSin .P»I I 19 yj H_bKKUlUIUI W. HUKKKINDT, Gen'l. Manager ADEI.E FROKI1L1CH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RAT£ III McHenry County • 1 Year S3.00 6 Months - !-S. $1.75 3 Months , $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 - V - Page Fir# their sister Mrs. Olga Nordin, Sunday. Mrs. Zena Bacon and son, Bob, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon and son, Duane, attended the wedding of the former's granddaughter, Nancy Lange, and Arthur Swanson, which took place in Joliet Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, son, Frank, and Mrs. A. K. Burns visited in the George E. Johnson home in Skokie Sunday. Mrs. Helen Young and Mis. Anna Miller visited in the William Miller hbme at Fox River Grova Wednesday evening and accompanied the Miller family to the Fox River Grove'carnival. Miss Georgianna Donohue of Huntley spent Sunday with Miss Genevieve Knox and accompanied her to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hofl' of Ottumwa, Iowa, were weekend guests in the Herman Schaefer home.. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller. Miss Dorothea Miller and Mr. ahd Mrs. Jerome Miller were recent Chicago visitors • where, they attended the wedding of the lat tor's sister, Miss Shirley Merges, to ! Peter John Martorano at St. j Genevieve's church, and also the j reception which followed. .Tne Robert Brugger family of j Kenosha, Wis.; were Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. I Mrs. Zena Bacon and her guests, Mrs. Harvey Damm and grandson, Harvey Damm, pf Kenosha. Wis., visited in the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon in tyauconda Friday. The Roger Svoboda family of Kenosha, Wis., Fred Svoboda of Kewanee and Mrs. Fred P. Svoj boda of Riverside were out-of- ! town folks in attendance at a I family reunion at the senibr. Fred Svoboda home Sunday. ! Mis. Elmer Winkelman, accompanied by Mrs. A. D. Ferriis ' of Huntley and Mrs.. Fred Merj chant of Woodstock, attended ! the annual picnic of the "Old. Timers," a group of former"and present employees and operators of the Illinois Bell Telephone | company, held at_ Tyler Creek ! F o v e s t preserve near Elgin ; Thursday evening. ! • Mrs. Fred Leonhart and Mr. ; and Mrs. Doyle Miller and son. Donnie, of Peoria visited in the home of Mrs. Leonhart's son and family, Mr. and Mrs, M, Li. Schoenholtz. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney and sons of Elmhurst spent a few days in the home of her parents, the Frank Weingarts. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frcund of West Waukegan road, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Mackey of Marengo, spent the weekend in Belleplaine, Iowa, where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Merrill. j CARD OF T1JAXKS We want to take this means of thanking everyone for flovy- ! ers, letters, cards and other j kindnesses extended at the time of our bereavement. We are es- • pecially grateful for the, contributions to the McHenry Community Methodist 1 church memorial fund and for the sympathetic service of Rev. J. Elliott Corbet t. i 16 Mrs. Fred Hornby and Teddy j Don't forget the Little, League meeting on Labor Day morning at the V.F.W. diamond. PLAN WATER SKI SHOW Above are officers and members of the county organization of United Cerebral Palsy. They are Joan Rausehert, member of the club and chilldren's therapist; Jane Matsen, secretary-treasurer; Al. Johnson, vice-president: and Roger Copel, president. Also shown are two children registered with United Cerebral Palsy of McHenry County. On Labor Day, Sept. 3, from 2 to 4 o'clock, a water ski show will be given north of the Algonquin bridge by the Algonquin Water'Ski club, with part of the'proceeds to go to this organization. It is hoped that the turn-out will be even greater than for the July festival for which they, performed, attended by 600. The show will consist of precision skiing by five girls, double ski jumping, over and under jumping, clown acts, backward skiing, disc riding on step ladder, pyramid and triple shoulder. Admission is free and proceeds will be collected by othermeans during the day. EAGLE - PICHER TRIPLE SLIDE Almnlnum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Liberal Trade-in Allowance on your old windows and doors. ORDER NOW! Zephyr Ventilated ALUMINUM AWNINGS and DOOR CANOPIES Also The Famous Zephyr Aluminum ROLL UP & DOWN AWNINGS ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 840-J 807 Waukegan Rd. McHenry j Dr. E. J. Wroblewski Of Pistakee Bay Dies | Word comes . of the death of ! Pi . F.dmutid J. Wroblewski, who maintained homes at Pistakee t Hay and at 2956 Milwaukee avei nur. Chicago. He was president o! the East Pistakee Bay association and a member of the Chiteago Dental society. , He is survived by his wife Helen Cwiklinski Wroblewski ; iwo sons, Edward and Donald; j and one grandchild. i l ast rites were conducted Monday at Our Lady of Victory , church, Chicago, with interment 1 in St. Adelbert's cemetery; j HEART ATTACK VICTIM I Henry Allegretti. 61, of Chi-- ' eago. died of a heart attack at ! tlie home of friends in Oakhurst, : where he was visiting, about 5-: o'clock Tuesday evening, Aug. 2.8 j MOVERS!' If you ' have moved' ; I>'°ni the precinct® 6r voting dis- • trict where you were previously ^registered, yeu may have to ' register again. Check up on it! Give to the Heart Fund Young, voters! If you have reached voting age since the last election, be sure to register and vote in all elections. Get your name in the book! Don't lose your vote! If you are -not registered be sure to get your name in the book so 1 you can vote in the Nov. 6 : election. ^ Butcher, bake r, candlestick maker, you can't vote unless you register for the .Nov. 6 election. Read The Classified Want Ads N O T I C E Our office will b,e located at 112 East Elm Street starting September 1st. EARL R. WALSH Insurance WANTED! "PETTICOATS IN THE 'PRECINCTS" For A Democratic Victory In November We Need Your Help! CONTACT: Theresa Schuliz, 665-R-l Democratic County Chairwoman Irene Sales, 1159-W Precinct Comirtitteewomjin eamng and PROFEJJ.OnflL DIRECTORS' P R E S S 195* ® ^LL'-Oisy •> <. \ association / Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. N®rfisw@$i@rn C@nstraeti@K SPECIALIZING IIS: Garages Breezeways Additions No Money Down f-- 5 Years To Pay Phone McHenry 2245 P.O. Box 383 DR. J. C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physiciaa 25 Orchard Rfach Road Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 10 to 12 • 1:80 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. PHONE 743 GUARANTEED WORK A clogged or leaking radiator can result in serious motor damage. Let us clean and repair your radiator now* See U4 {vi ScuUct GENERAL REPAIRS Welding Ornamental Iron ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE Bus. Phone 783 • Res. 209-J Located in Stilling's Phillips "66" Service Station 300 E. Elm St. McHenry, III. McHenry's Headquarters For QcVoov W* Pens & Pencils (also sets) Pencil Boxes # Note Books, Paper, Pads # Ink (all colors) # Typewriter Ribbons # Glue & Paste # Mechanical Drawing Sets, etc. # School Bags You Name It! We've Got It! Krause News Agen r 308 E. Elm Street PHONE 878-J McHenry. I1L Cho to of * VYomus TWEED PLAID SCHOOL L5JNCH KIT with 10-oz(vacuum bottle - L5J1 u vaci *2.98 POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC JR. LUNCH BOXES 51.69 SCHOOL BAG Metal Frame. Leather Brief Bag Style *3.95 "SI'PER ROCKET RAY" DELTA BIKE LITE Complete with batteries *2.49 WESTCLOX WRIST WATCHES Help you to get to school ! on time. ; *8.95 to *12.95 COMBINATION LOCKER PADLOCKS 65* to *1.35 j Asst'd. Colors - Telescopic i DRINKING CUPS j 25* BICYCLE BASKETS Med. Size - $1.79 i Lge. Size - $1.89 Workman's Style METAL LUNCH BOX Complete with bottle $2.75 RAYON & NYLON SCHOOL BAGS with shoulder strap and brief case handles. *U5 to *3.00 VYCITAL' HARDWARE 1§2 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 98 X SHEET METAL SHOP McHENRY, ILL. DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McIIenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES ALSO Non-Cancellable Accident And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Group Insurance For Free Information Call VIcHenry, III. Phone I16S.I Sand Umfstone VERN THELEN 1 Excavating (1 ravel Black. Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry Ijlrtf 1 1 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, III. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Aut«, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry, III. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental Si Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. 31 PHONE 950 ' MERLE . NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO Complimentary demonstration and free instruction in complexion care and individual make-up and color chart. "Try before you buy!" CELIA WARNES, Owner Phone 1464 1 Blk. East of the Old Bridge DR. M. D. SAVAGE DR. D. McCONNEL . Veterinarians Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 12 Noon 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings By Appointment Phone 3221 Richmond, 111. Attention Bowlers! NOW FORMING Johnsburg Bowling Resort MAJOR LEAGUE :ntry Deadline Sept. 3rd) ANY TEAMS HAVING 825 TO 850 AVERAGE ARE WELCOME TO JOIN. ALL BOWLERS WHO WISh'tO BOWL IN THIS LEAGUE MAY CALL. "LOUIE" AT McHENRY 1475 OR "RAY" AT McHENRY 9875. THIS LEAGUE WILL CARRY o (BASED ON 8 TEAMS) We Are Also Accepting Any Established Leagues! 9:15 Alley Time Available Now For Monday, Tuesday or Thursday Nights. ACT NOW!! FIRST COMi, FIRST WANTED! BOWLERS FOR WOEMIN'S WEDNESDAY MOANING {11 A. M.I LIA©UE STARTS SEPT 5th WANTED! BOWLERS FOR momn's THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE STARTS SEPT. 6th WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW COCKTAIL Lc/u'NGE & DINING ROOM. ALSO, OUR NEWLY IMPROVED, SOUND-PROOF AUTOMATIC ALLEYS, NOW COMPLETELY LIGHTED WITH "ARTIFICIAL DAYLIGHT" « - i _