Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1956, p. 13

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Lakeland Park By Jetta Gleeson and Dorothy tJtticli § Traffic SIgifc Up •ino., My, we're beginning to look -• like a metropolis--with the new Jo . water- tank soon to be in operay^ tion, entrance lights, more business enterprises coming up and Uj mow our streets are decked with >> fright, new traffic warning signs. .ntThe thirty-two signs were do- ^jriated by the Chicago Motor club: ^o nFloyd Leigh, with- the very gen- ^prous help of Gene Johnston of >( ,0McCullom Lake, who not only .v<r( ^volunteered his labor but also his .•in&post digging equipment and bu» truck, put up the signs this past gfifjSaturday. It was a full day of work and the fellows cer- ;<> .tainly deserve lots* of credit folr doing an excellent job. ( --- With the "gentle" reminder of j. the sheriff's patrol car coming ( through occasionally and these ! :j)»wgns, there should now be no i speeding offenders. Sept. 16 De«01n« "The first week of the /toy fair js over but if you didn't make it weekend, you still; have a lance to take part this next weekend, the fourteenth,, fifteenth ind sixteenth. ]0rdets-will not jflbe taken aftei* the sixteenth, so be "Johnny on the Spot" at 126 £§hore drive and get your Santa <Claus drive on the way. What's Trump Tickets for the dessert luncheon and card party to be. held on the lawn are" going like hot cakes so if you haven't purchased one yet and nobody has knocked on your door, and incidentally, if you are interested in buying one The Ways and means commit' tee, with Bernice Boyce as chairman, reported that plans are under way for a dance to be held on Dec. 8. We|ll have more details on this later. The Women's club is sponsoring a paper drive this, Sunday, Sept. 16. Wally Laurence will again do the picking up, but to 'Save on his *ir»»e, you sre asked to drop your papers and magazines off af; one of three designated garages--Boyce's at 118 Shore drive, Strandquist's at 515 Shore drive, or Laursen's at 134 Pleasant avenue. \ Another project of the Women's club is a bake sale to be held at the Justin furniture store 120 and Green street, on Saturday, Sept. 25, from 10 a.m. until (?). Anything in the baking line will be greatly appreciated so come on, let's -put/on our baking caps and get goiftg! Cake and coffee were served after the meeting and we were asked to remind each member to bring her own cup and saucer to the next meeting. Prize winners for the evening were Mary Laurence; Vicki Bottari, Arlene Bartos, and Louise MpEnery. Operation--Clean Creek- It was a chilly morning Saturday, Sept. 1, when they started and it was a hot afternoon, Sept. 3 when it was all finished. In between it was a rugged, messy job. Jungle-like weeds had to be cut down; rocks, logs, treestumps, tin eans, old stoves, j, call Dorothy Meineke, 687-M-2 or, bricks, ~ broken bridges--all had !' fiDorothy Uttich, 697-R-2. If you jto be fished out. And then the J don't play cards, come along any- water was flowing again--flowing j way and play bunco. This event into McCullom Lake, where it is to start promptly at: 1 p.m. on belongs. Thursday, Sept. 20, and is spon- This was a pet project of the sored by the LPPOA beach com- Sportsmen's club, a project demittee, Roy Meineke as chairman, signed to bring "back the water level in our lake. Scouting the McCullofm Lake watershed area, the Sportsman's club discovered that much of the water naturally destined for McCullom was never Women's Club News Tlie Lakeland Park Women's club met Thursday, Sept. 6, in ^ the home of Mrs. Joe Links, with Jthirty-two members present. The newly written by-laws were read by Helen Strandqujst and were approved by the club. . Lyda Radish Was appointed committee chairman for,. entertainment and refreshrhents. Earl Boyce was chosen as auditor for the group and Gayle Laursen and Florence Svitanek are in charge of the publicity department. *jjf It was also decided that the club would have a sunshine cup for cheering up, congratulating, well wishing, etc. Jean Gagnon volunteered her services for this worthy cause. dammed up condition - of the stream feeding the lake. This cleaning of the creek bed between West Shore Beach road to the lake was the first step in the club's drive to increase flow of water to the lake. The enterprise was an excellent example of what can be done by group action. The job would have been almost impossible for one or two individuals, but with a group what looked hopeless at first was accomplished within three days. The system finally worked out throtigh trial and error included a couple of men up front with scythes to break open the jungle. „ Then came a -man with an ax to clear, away small tree growth and . tree stumps. Rakers cleaned out the bed of the cut weeds and other light stuff. And then came the shovel brigade clearing away heavy debris and opening channels in the- mud. Lakeland Parkers .. seen at. the scene were.' Chuck Bates, Earl Boyce, Bob Laursen, C.arry Strandquist, Bud Uttich, Floyd Leigh, Walter Woods, Dick Cooling, Joe Links, Bernie Laurence and Wally Laurence. The entire McEnery family--Louise too-^- were out there helping when they came to their location. Virginia Cooling took pictures. Our lake area is indeed fortunate to have an organization so dedicated to conserving the natural resources. The organization deserves the support of us all. Two Youths Clubs To Be Formed Arrangements for forming the LPPOA Teen club will be made at its first meeting to be held this Friday, Sept. 14, from 8 p.m. til 9 p.m. at Vincent Cina's 108 Pleasant avenue. This club includes those boys' and girls interested within the 13 to 18 year age group. There are rumors of lots of fun so all you teeners come to the meeting. ( For several weeks now a group of sub-teen agers have.been making plans to form a club that welcomes any boy or girl interested within the age group of llto 14 years. They will, combine business with pleasure on Sept. 28 when they will meet for the first time at 7:30 p.m. until 1Q p.m. in the basement of the Utplans are for a business "meeting first and then the group will have a "Rock and Roll, Rally" With lots of music and "dancing, to polish off the evening. Anyone wishing further information call Judy Meineke, 687<M<2 <M* Sandy Laurence, 2111-W. Sick List Tony $u2as is in St. Therese hospital in Waukegan after suf-' fering a heart attack. He will remain in the hospital for ten days, but is reported doing, nicely. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery# - ... Don't forget to keep the cards of good cheer to little Lorrie Baker, who is still in the Illinois Research hospital. The hospital address is 840 South .Wood street in Chicago. . . f l • • Congratulations To Mr. and Mrs. George Loewe, who celebrated their twenty-second wedding anniversary, .on Saturday, Sept. 8. The LoeWes repeated their marriage Vows: in church and then enjoyed atfainily dinner party at home! ; >o To A1 Kujak, who recently was elected vice-president1'; the Little League baseball iri« Mo- Henry. f . C ': '• Rock-a-bye Baby, i > Pretty little Dale -Marie >f}ranklin put in her appearance.;at .Memorial hospital on ^Satwday. Sept. 1. She tipped the ^cales at 5 lbs. 11 oz. Waiting at home to welcome Dale into the family were her five brothers and sisters. The proud parents are Marge and Ray franklin. ^ Happy Birthday To Judy Manginen, who was honored at a birthday party to celebrate her 7th birthday on Aug. 27. The sub-debs present were Mary Theresa Sweeney, Mary Ann and Rosemary *Krupenski, Cheryl Jones, Beverly and Cynthia Grote and Susan Bockman. The mothers also made an appearance for coffee. ToJosephine Cina who became eighf years old on Tuesday, Sept. 4. For her big social, Josephine chose her guests from the young socialites of the community--Susan Meineke, Francirie Parisi, "Paillette and Joann Rizzo, Mary Ann Svitanek and Susan, and Kathy Reuter from Hillside. To Diane Krater, who celebrated her fourth birthday with a party on Wednesday, Sept. 5. Those competing for the prizes were Deborah Holos, Steven Devine, Jimmy Hansen, Linda and Susie Lambert, Susan Meineke, Billy Krater, Mary Uttich and Mike Gleeson. They had a grand time playing "goingfishirig" (for rubber bands), pinning the tale on the donkey and playing musical chairs. House Warming ' . Mr. and • Mrs. A1 Donarski served a delicious roast beef dinner to twenty-four guests on Sunday, Sept. 2. The guests had loads of fun playing the accordion, singing songs and dancing. Guests bringing beautiful gifts and some of it green were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kachel, Mr. and Mrs. Schuster, Mr. and Mrs. Minke, Mr. and Mrs. Kosmatka, Mr. and Mis^-Cosby JBurtonr a«d Mri Janjowski all of Milwaukee, Wis., (Mr. and Mrs. Ed Early, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Koppa, Mr: and Mrs. Henry Sasranski, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patchke all of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Kujak of Lakeland Park. Pajama Game . Early W.e d n es d a y morning, Gayle Raursen picked up five pajama- clad women to a "come-asyou are" party. Those embarrassed by being found casually dressed at 8;30 a.m. were Mary and Betty Laurence, Ann Leigh, Earlene Davis and Florence Svitanek. Florence Svitanek won the booby prize while Earlene won the best pressed prize. Both girls will .be sporting new earrings. All had fun over coffee and date and nut bread. " . , - ^ Comings and Goings Last Sunday, the Larry Strandquist family drove to Great Lakes to see their son, Wayne, who is in boot camp there and is studying sonar-electrOnics. Helen received orders to bring pizza. Kenneth Olignay, seaman first class, is home on leave from the Navy base in New London, Conn. Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donaid OTigney. Mr. and Mrs. James McEnery spent several of their vacation days visiting their son,' Rev. Page Thirteen James McEnbry, of Muscoda*^: WiS; . ; , _ - {' Arlehe and Frank Bartos were! hosts to a group of Chicago? friends for a lawn party recently. The -gussts were served picnic lunch and later had futtr playing charades. Oh the guest' list were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCarthy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roth and family? Mr. and Mrs. Tony ifurke anjf family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralpjl Spevacek. Mrs. Mary M i lleiip: spent the week'visiting with the Bartos family.---- . -1- What you sre has its influence ih making oth°r people what tt«Sy are. ' reaching there because of the tich home, 501 Shore drive. The HI FIDELITY by MAGNAVOJt PLAYERS v3 COMBINATIONS! PORTABLES1 CONSOLETTBfel CONSOLES SPEAKERS* Transistor Radial * RADI0NIC SALES 806 E. Elm St MCHENRY 14464 Convenient Hours For Depositing Your Sitings Two Above-Average, dividends Paid Yearly Fridays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Closed All Day Wednesdays Other week days 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 3% CURRENT RATE McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION A GUARANTY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 522 W. Main Street Phone McHenry % Saturday, September 15fii from 8:30 P.M. ' & American Legion Carnival WORKERS PARTY POST 491 McHENRY If you were a "worker" at the recent American Legion Carnival, you and your husband, wife, sweetheart or the companion of your choice are cordially invited to attend this party. Dancing to the music of Irwin Menjes, "Blue Motes" Buffet style lunch and other refreshments. If you were a teen age worker at this carnival and you would rather attend a THEATRE PARTY with TREATS after the theatre, you and the companion of your choice are invited to do so. PARTY at McHenry Theatre on South Green St. TREATS at Johnson's, next to the theatre.' Teen agers obtain your AT Legion Home or contact: JOHN T. GRAY, Commander VIRGIL POLLACK ROBERT HENDRICKS WILLIAM GREEN Northwestern Construction I SPECIALIZING IN: Garages Breezeways >ns < i . ffor Mtfney Down '-- 5 ¥ears '!l,o?ifay Phone McHenry 2245 P.O. Box 38$ THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF ff imtjirw WINDOWS oo WiSCO CONTROLLED VENTILATION A > _, / "MUromON" AUTOMATIC STOK ntwaiw^ Good HouMCMinng LIFETIME ALUMINUM Pat.nt Nos. 2564264 2864265 Other Patents P.ndinf. Aluminum Corporation DRAfT-FKU PROTECTION THE ORIGINAL SUF-ST0RING TRIPLE TRACK EASE Of CLEANING VflSC'O Product* Are Belter F R E E EXPERT INSTALLATION ESflMAfI NO fair LNOWJ Call... 1424 IA3Y mmtm UOQAIS 'P •' ' * . Alexander Lumber Co. WISCO WINDOWS M POORS . . . products ®§ ^ISCO ALUMINUM CORPORATION - • ekl&teE TSmt immns Buick SUPER 6-Passenger 4-Door RSviflfa for the Smart buys are in season. This is fine trading time. Your present-car is at peak value. And with today's, low Buick prices and high volume--you'll get a deal that can't be matched. So why put off any longer the excitement of bossing the mightiest V8 in Buick history? Why not start enjoying today the terrific performance of Buick's Variable Pitch Dynaflow*--with its double-action getaway? Why wait to enjoy the freshness of Buick styling, the fabulous Buick ride -- Bommst liadein Allowance --because your present car is at its peak value right now. And because--wi|h Buick so solidly set m America's No; 3 Best Seller--our bigger sales volume permits us to make you an even better trade-in allowance. when you can make a bonanza buy on the biggest-selling big car of all? Come in today to enjoy the best motoring money can buy--at a bargain you'll boast about for years. *New Advanced Variable Fitch Dynaflow ts the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Bonairm Boy M'&9 to Specially Peered CfN 'Pacioos «o© n| Buick prices, start right next to those of the smalls? carb. iu& Buick dollarebuy you a whale of a lot rea@ro automobile--more room, moro power thriiS, moire styling freshness, mow ride stability, more solidity of structure-the Best Duiek Bonanza Mssah A Buick always resells high. But the '56 Buick will bring you even more, money when you trade it because it carries today's new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.** It's th® most advanced transmission yet developed--and the only @n» that breaks with the past to bring y@u tha switch-pitch performance and gas savings the modern plane's variable pitch propellers. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM SEE JACKIE GLEASON ON TV I R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SAFCRAOV T 403 FRONT STREET PHOHg.B McHEMgnf. ILLINOIS I

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