Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1956, p. 6

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PefltSIx ^ v , THE McHENRY, PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 13, li - WANT ADS PROVE RING 4,000 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALEH W ANT ADJ •y rxs IDs " v ,fTPlaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 25 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 * (Count 5 words per line) 2S5c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order: Card , of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at .10 ajn. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY:, 95c Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include _a minimum of one 18 pt head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8pt. allowed^ per inch. GASH WITH ORDER on fol- OWing classifications. v f^anted To Rent \ Situations Wanted Business Opportunities BUSINESS SERVICE Peter A. Freurid SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf BUSINESS SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE BATON classes now being organized. Mrs. Paul Raasch, 211 Lillian, Cooney Heights, or call McHenry 738-M. I9 ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING SPECIALIST Fox Valley Iron Works VICTOR A. HOPP Main St. Ringwood, 111. Phone 1696-R 3-tf VACUUM CLEANERS. Rebuilt Rexair cleaners. Rexair service. Carl Barnickol, Box 211, McHenry. 51-tf REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 block East of the river bridge. Open weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stmdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf 1956 MERCURY Custom 9 pass. station wagon (4 door). Radio, heater, white walls. Dazzling red with black and white vinyl upholstering. New car guaranty. 1956 CHEVROLET Belair 4 door sedan. Power steering, power brakes, radio, heater, white walls,! two toned maroon and white. New car guaranty. 1956 FORD Fairlane 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, white walls, two toned light blue and white. New car guaranty. *1955 PONTLAC 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, white walls. Low mileage. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday 4 « door hardtop sedan. Radio, heater. 1 bGWGIS L/lOQCTCu? 1954* CHRYSLER Windsor New- i port 2 door hardtop. Radio, power Whether it's a hol6 in your roof or a whole New Roof call McHENRY ROOFING CO. 411 Waukegan Street McHENRY 956-M Howard Voeltz x 35-tf LAWNS and Gardens Roto-tilled. Lawns and driveways rolled with power roller. Free Mo- Henry 688-W-2, • *15-? McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FRED WIRTZ 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf TILING Floors Plastic Wall Tile Asphalt - Cork - Linoleum Rubber - Vinyl JAMES H. WEGENER Box 42 McHenry, 111. PHONE 664-R-2 or Wonder Lake 3777 Free Estimated. 36-tf steering, heater and white walls. ' COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 S. Main Street Crystall Lake, 111. 19 & MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used --> -ferms •Motors and boats Service - Refinishing and Storage' BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf Complete electric sewer, sink rod ding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, III. Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Receptien KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. Call us for appointment. Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, III. 44-tf - SCRAPE UP THE: MOST YOU CAN! Call on YOUR GARBAGE MAN the Illinois Sanitary Service RUBBISK - ASH - GARBAGE REMOVAL By Contract or Load Licensed and Bonded" PHONES: McHenry 1363-Rr2 ' JAckson 4-1172, Waiiconda 32-tf Wf'v# m*MMd you «nd hop* you ratum r«- fr*th*d fo» woA«mong our youngtfcra. If thero it any inturmc* prtlfcUm (hat wo can kotp you worl out, ptoaia don't h*ti- 4ata to call on ui. THE KENT C< INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 29 YEARS / Insure through .this Agehcy and Feel Safe PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, IIL BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE .FOR SALE--Air conditioner; hidea- bed; desk; end tables; kitchen table and chairs; dishes and misc. items. Call Crystal Lake 1455. 16-tf AUCTION SALE Sept. 15, 1 p.m. Ed. Vogel, auctioneer;' Greeley home, Rt. 173/ across from Golf Course, Richmond. Household goods, electric stove and refrigerator ; 2 davenports; bedroom sets; chrome dinette set; sewing machine; -Admral TV; piano; G. E. washing machine; antiques; miscellaneous articles, etc. 18-2 .KENMORE twin burner heater, electric blower, rot6-flo control, like pew. Call 527-J2. ' 19 DUO THERME oil burner, 259 gal. oil tank. Mrs. Schwarz, 175 Country Club Drive. Phone 426-R. 19 HOUSEHOLD furnishings. Emerald green sectional sofa, 1 pair of red tufted chairs With ottoman, yellow and chrome trimmed dinette set with extension table and 6 chairs, Hollywood bed with tufted blue "and pink tones, mattress and box springs. G. E. Stove, pictures, lamps, , tables, glassware, etc. Phone 55-W. 19-tf Piano Lessons In Your Home $2.50 per hour or $8 Monthly HELEN LINN McHenry 894 Woodstock 559M' . 19 BRICK REPAIRS, tuckpointing & chimney repairs. Industrial, residential and commercial work; alterations. Fully equipped & insured. F. J. Rezabek & Son, Genl. Contrs., Algonquin, 111. Oliver 8-4611. Large or small jobs. New homes built to order. Brick, semifinished home, 2 -bedrooms, attached garage, as low as $7,800.00 on your lot. 19-3 42-tf WELLS DRILLED or DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf 19 ft. CHRIS CRAFT runabout (both seats forward). 1942 Hull, 1952 155 H.P. engine, both in A-l condition. Will sacrifice for Fall sale at $1650. Calf collect Kimball 6-3363. New -- ROATS -- Used Inboards, Outboards, Cruisers. Tomahawk; Aristocraft; Inland; Pabst; Aluma Craft; Arkansas TVaveler; parver; Yellow Jack- 2; Fiberglass Speed Queen & ; her leading makes. GATOR & TEE NEE TRAILERS STANDARD STEEL PIERS MARINE PAINTS ft HARDWARE ED J. WENDT BOATS & MOTORS Ph. 3231 • Richmond, 111., on Hwy. 12, *10 mile? north of McHenry. OPEN DAILY & SUNDAYS Rowboats $79.50 and up. 1-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Dquglas 19 | Lakeland Park Subdivision Station Box 38 Phone McHenry 1480 CHAIN LINK and .Rustic Wood Feiites. Materials only or completely erected. Anderson Fence and Supply, Lyle D. Anderson, 519 Waukegan Rd. McHenry 724. 30-tt 46-ft GUNSMITHING; guaranteed repairing and alterations of modern firearms. Wanted, used pistols, rifles and shotguns. Call until 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat. Geo. Bambas, S. side Richmond. 19 For Garbage Disposal Service CALL COLLECT Jim Jorgensen \ KIMBALL 6-1432 or McHENRY 365 Address: LONG LAKE, INGLESIDE, ILL. 47-tf SAW SERVICE. Hand and circular saws machine sharpened and repaired. Edw. Heyward, 106 S. Riverside Dr. Phone 445-M. 47-tf 18 FT. CENTURY Sea-Maid 1954 155 hp., .like .ne.w.--14 "ft.»-Aluma- Craft; 14 ft. row boat with fibre glass bottom, 22 hp. , Johnson $30. Phone Crystal Lake 1326-R-l. 19 BUSINESS SERVICE GENUINE CERAMIC Tile. Do it /ourself. All necessary material and use of tools available. Average bath about $125. Complete instructions. Call Lake Region Tile Co., JAckson 6-7298 or visit ,,414 Ridge "Jourt, Wauconda, 111. 7-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging • Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water. Systems Installed. Walter M. Garrelts ^McHenry,. 111.-- Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf TREE SPRAYING, dairy barn. F. W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. * 47-tf SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Cesspools, Dry Wells, Tiling and Flooded Basements Ed Marsh and Coss BOB FRISBY, Jr.. Quality Fixtures • Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems -.Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow Woodstock 1610-M-2 McHenry 691-W 2 Wonder Lake 3933- 5-ti NEW Wizard Motor Bikes and Monarch Silver King Repairing on all bicycles Supplies available for all makes Used Bicycles $15 and up THIS COUPON worth $5.00 when presented on any NEW bike from Sept. 15 until Nov. 15. ELM STREET BICYCLE SHOP 306 Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hrs: Open d^ily from 1 to 6 p.m. All day Saturday Closed Wednesday 19 Televison Sets Brand New Admiral, Raytheoh and G.E. Receivers •Easy Terms Available -- Also -- Many reconditioned sets in stock, low prices. ALLAN TELEVISION Main St., Johnsburg Phone McHenry 470 19 B I I f G ' S PLUMBIC pnd HEATING" . 'M Hughes Signs; Metal -- Plastic -- Wood Raised Letter Signs . Road Signs -- Bulletins Wihdows -- Walls Truck Lettering - 299 Ridge Ave. Orystal Lak4 111. Thone 1887-R 19-3 -if FOR SALE DRESSED CAPONS for sale; also dressed or alive stewers and roasters and live geese. Tel. Richmond 5126. *18-3 TAVERNS RIEStfN Clfear Glass guarantees perfect glass washing. $1.60 gal. Riesen Hand Lotion germicide, $2.50 gal. Thies. Phone 153. 5-tf START YOUR baby right with Mrs. Day's Ideal baby shoes, recommended by leading doctors and pediatricians. Toddler Shop. 1-tf For Sale Sears Roebuck & Co. #Building Materials (Gutters - Plastic Tile Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors Railings - Jalousie Windows Roofing and Siding Materials cr Applied Easy Payment Plan 16 x 7, 1 PIECE steel Berry garage door, used. Ken Leibach. 1187R. ' 19 THOR WASHING machine, wring_ er type, practically new in perfect condition. Call McHenry 297J. 19 BOYS 26 in. lightweight racer; 4 mo. old $45. Boys hard toe hockey skates, size 7 like new $5. Girls white hockey skates, size 6 $2. 6-ft. skis $2. Phone Wonder Lake 5821. 19 HOUSEHOLD GOODS--Get the goods on local households. Hear McHenry Co. News at 12:45 Mon.- Sat., 1^20 on your dial. Broadcast from Waukegan. Over 16,000 listeners daily. 19 FOX TERRIER dog, playful and a vefy good watch dog. 11 months old. Call Wonder Lake 3573. 19 6 QUART ELECTRIC deep fryers General Electric units $11.95. 12 inch electric frying pans Westinghouse units $12.95. $1 down $1 per week. Wonder Lake 6414. 19 6 ROOM HOUSE (3 bedrooms), toilet. McCullom Lake $3995.00. By owner. Call Wonder Lake 641.4^. 19 APIJL$g for applesauce. Pears for canning. $2.00 per bushel. Tamarack Farrfi. Phone McHenry 883. ' 19 COLEMAN OIL. burner, will heat 5 rooms. May be seen at West Shore Beach. J. M. Connell-- 1 block East of blacktop. 19 PLACE YOUR order now for winter for beach sand and gravel. Call McHenry 1260. Nett's Sand and Gravel. 19 STORKHNE combination stroller and' carriage. Good condition, Ph. 1992. 19 HOUSEHOLD GOODS-- reasonable-- fine condition. Bed coil spring, kitchen table, 2 chairs, junior wash machine. Phone McHenry 870M after 6:3d. 19 FURNITURE for sale. Extension ladder, Carpenter's bench, Refrigerator, Electric stove, and also misc. items. Call McHenry 2168. 19 6 BURNER CALORIC gas range, also 7 cu. ft. Crosley Shelvador refrigerator. Call McHenry 1359. 19 A & B Plumbing & Heating Supply Co. Modern Kitchen and Powder Rooms Repair Work A Specialty JA. 6-5776 McHenry, 111. " 49-eow CALL 1878-W or WRITE FRANK GANS, Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 45-tf WATER SOFTENERS for sale. No money down. Guaranteed. Eliminate rust, lime and odor. For free analysis, call McHenry 431-R. - 27-tf USED BUILDING material 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's 30 ft.. 2 x 8's, 10's and 12's. Also 3 x 12'$. SJieeting plumbing. 2 -- 1 car gareges. Wheeler Wrecking Co. 360 N Grove, Elgin, Sherwood 1-5677 12tf USED OIL HEATER -will heat 4 or 5 rooms. 50 gal. storage oil tank included. $20 complete. Also used 275 gal. storage tanks $20 each. Call McHenry 1383 R2. 19 FOR SALE MOTOROLA T V. 19" screen. Also 4 room oi^ burner. Phone-1297M. 19 NEW "HOME" Electric console sewing machine; 4 metal lawn chairs;. 1--four passenger wood glide swing with canopy. Large upholstered lounge chair and ottoman. 8-pr. draperies. Call Thurs. Sat. & Sun. McH. 106Q, 126 Country Club Dr.* 19 F OR RENT IN WONDER LAKE on lake front, 4 room, 1 bedroom apartment, partly furnished, heat, electric and hot water included. $80 per month. Adults only, Wonder Lake 2991. 19 HELP WANTED NEWLY REMODELED 4-room house. Gas heat. In Lilymoor on the blacktop road, 2 blocks from Route 120. Maroon & white corner house. 19 LIMITED AMOUNT of $1.50 and $2.00 a yard dirt. Call McHenry 1260. Nett's Sand & Gravel; 19 BEAGLES i-- puppies and 15 mo. old female; (A.KiC. ready to go. Wonder Lake 6392. 19 STEEL CABINET sink and range, reasonable. Phone McHenry 701. 19 BOYCE CRANE 6" planer, Craftsman 6" surface planer, % h.p. dust proof motor all on one stand. Call Dr. S. Wolf, Richmond--4192. 19 GENUINE POOL room table for sale; excellent condition; best offer. Tel. McHenry 590-W-l. 19 KROLL CRIB 6-yr. size. Waxed birch finish complete with spring and mattress. $25.00. Upholstered Cosco chrome high chair, $8,00. Phone McHenry 610R-1. 19 LARGE MODERN 3-room house, automatic heat, near McHenry. $70 per month. Call Tuxedo 9-7909 Chicago. 19 NEW 2-bedroom, house on Fox River, attached garajge, gas heat, firefilace, knotty -pine living room. Phone 1776 Sat. or Sun. 19 FOR RENT OR SALE--Modern furnished 4-room home with glazed porch and screened porch. 2 bedrooms. Suitable for, couple or adults. Available middle of Oct. or first of Nov. Phone 634-J-2. 19-tf 4 ROOM heated apt. in Ringwood. Immediate occupaftcy. Call Matt Welter, Wonder L^ke 3741. 19 6-PIECE MAPLE set, $35; Refrigerator, $50; gas stove, $25; 5-piece yellow breakfast set, $25; 2 blue rugs, 27 x 36, $4; 2 floor lamps, complete, $6; 2 tables, $6; dinner set, $20; 25-piece glass set, $15; 2 red torch lamps, $20; 5 table cloths, $5; Electric window fan, $8; lace table cover, 72 in., $10; bed pan, $1; box lace doilies, $5. Call McHenry 218M. 19 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup, 71,* mos. Male. Imported Sire. Championship stock, house broken. All shots, loves children. A.K.C. Call Jackson 6-7252. 19 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Farm Buildings, including large barn suitable for storage. Fairwood Farm, 1074-R. 15-tf FOR RENT -- 7 room house, possession Sept. 1. Centrally located. Call at 104 N. Green St. 15-tf For Rent 3 bedroom home, attached 2 car garage. Near Edgebrook School. $125 per month. 3 bedroom home near St. Mary's School. $125 per month. Wonder Lake,'2--2 bedroom homes. $75 per month. Phone 1126 210 So. Green Street "To list your property with an alert broker, you've got to be alert yourself to find him." 19 PERMANENT 2 bedroom home partly furnished. Landscaped grounds. Available Oct. 1st. McCullom Lake. Phone McHenry 692W2. F. P. Ritzer. 19 A SINCERE LETTER rUYINCTPUBEItr Clyde's 120 Club Kitchen Under New Management Home Cooking Steaks - Chops - Chickens - Shrimp Fish Fry or Potato Pancake Friday Nights Kitchen Open 5 P.M. to Closing Try Our Pizzas ^ ' 19-1 TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES for sale. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes. Carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 14. Woodstock.. Phone 549. 7-tf BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE--Complete with bookcase. Call 795-W. 19 WESTINGHOUSE Nesco roaster with cabinet, $25. Phone 1515M. 19 TOMATOES^ $1.25 per bushel. Bring own ^ containers. Steve Danko, Rt. 120, Lilymoor. Phone 590-M-2. 183 The ageold belief that a brick home costs more than frame is definitely misleading! When you build with frame, many of the operations are doubled; when you build with BRICK, the exterior facing^of these walls are complete and ba&ic©dfup with liteweight cement blocks. You have a much more sturdier wall, 8 in. thick, with 3 air spaces between masonry units and plaster assuring you of better and higher insulating value. You save at least $700.00 in painting, 20% in fire insurance, in heating and air conditioning. A BRICK home is termite and rodent proof in sound, masonry construction. You have minimum cdsts in maintenance and higher resale value. Let us show you definite proof that, when you consider all angles, a BRICK home costs NO MORE THAN FRAME! Why t Because the masonry industry has learned to expedite the handling, shipping and placing of masonry materials and these savings are passed on to YOU! Other materials have risen in costs VWiere they're almost prohibitive. Consult us NOW before you buy or build. We are in our 33rd year of good, sound' construction and quality work. When you contract With us, there are NO EXTRAS, unless YOU AUTHORIZE us to provide these. We will build anywhere in McHenry County at NO INCREASE IN PRICES TO YOU! When we build for you under a General Contract, we furnish you with plans and specifications, assuring you of dollar for dollar value. Convince yourself and see our model homes at Oriole Trail at Crystal Lake Ave., in Crystal Lake, Lakewood Manor (1 blk. South of Grafton Beach) Crystal Lake, and 2 models mi. south on Rit. 31 from Algonquin, 1 blk. E. of Landl's restaurant, Algonquin, 111. FRANK J. BEZABEK & SON, Genl. Contrs. Rt. 31 at Hayes Rd., Algonquin. OLiver 8-4611 ^"Remember, a BRICK home costs NQ MORE THAN FRAME! FEMALE Help Wanted. Night shift 4;3p to 1 a.m. and Dfty shift 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pjn. Light machine work, excellent working conditions, hospitalization, benefits, paid annual vacation, good starting salary, production bonus. Apr^v in person. Precision Twist Drill and Machine Co., 10 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake.* 15-tf HELP WANTED SALESMEN (2) needed for local territory; also one for another territory. Good, permanent position; something'entirely new. From 2 toi^c weeks training required. Opportunity for manager set-up if you qualify as salesman. Our managers are selected from Our sales force. Must have car and must be ready to start work at once. Call McHenry 1552 for appointment. Out-of-town men reply Box 191, c/o Plaindealer. 1? 4 SMALL YEAR ROUND furnished home; suitable for couple or with one child. Lakemoor. Phone 627R1. 19 FOUR ROOM upstairs apt. in Volo. Heat, water, stove and garage furnished. Modern; big basement for washing $65. mo. Phone McHenry 523-R1. 19 NICE ROOM in new home for elderly retired woman or man. yery reasonable. Call 510M2 evenings. 19 4 ROOM furnished apt. in Wonder Lake. Utilities furnished. Couple only. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 19 HELP WANTED Help Wanted Engine Lathe Operators at least 3 years experience Must be able to set up and operate Usual Employee benefits Excellent employee relations and Working conditions Apply BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barrlngton, 111. % MANAGER'S fRAINEE Men and Women NATIONAL organization niimber 1 in its field heeds assistant (23- 55) in Cook, DuPage, Lake and McHenry County to develop as area manager. Excellent renumeration, group insurance, with' retirement plan based on profit shar;' ing., Stimulating work. Write "Box 198 c/o Plaindealer giving age, education, experience, phone nO. Part time positions available also. 19 Forty-eight years of continuous employment' 19 Help Wanted Want to work at the friendliest place in town? ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. ... . . . has a few openings foV operators. IF YOU LIKE • People • A responsible job • Good pay and • PleasaDt surroundings . . Come in and learn more about becoming a "voice with a smile'/,- EX-OPERATORS: Credit Give#i for past experience. Salary higher than ever. > . Call Miss Marshall on McHenry 9901 or see her at 102 N. Park, McHenry. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. 514f FARMERS TRADING POST 2 REGISTERED DUROC Boars, ready for service. $35 each. Harry Djedrich. Phone 562W2. 19 TYDOL Gasoline VEEDOL Motor Oils Grease* McHENRY COUNTY FAHMBRS CO-OP ASSN. PHONE McHENRY 729 523 Waukegan Read DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattle wanted, at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-R-l, collect. 15-tl Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS • "Be Legal,--Keep a - -dear- Con science. Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help, needed to load. Operating; under State Inspection made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect. • 45-tf YORKSHIRE B6ARS ready for REGISTERED DUROC Boars, out of large meat type litters. $65 each. Sunnyridge Farm, Phone Richmond 5162. 19-3 MEATY DUROC breeding boap at reasonable prices. K. Larson, K.' miles south on Penny Road, Barrington, 111. Phone Hazel 6-2910. 19-2 REGISTERED Spotted Poland China boars and open gilts, ready for service. Phone 1244. 18-3 R. M. FLEMING & SON MEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEALEB TRACTORS SALBS & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. 1™ PHONE McHENRY 528 Waukegan Road WILSON Bulk Milk Coolers for sale. Disston and Hohielite cha^ saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-tf HOGS wanted. All classes and weight for highest net return. Mondaly through Friday 8 a.nv to 1 pjn. Marengo Daily Hog service. Papers available. Also j Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. weaning pigs. Harvey Palmer, Box j 430, Rt. 5, McHenry, Call 699R1 19 GEO. P. FREUND Authroized Dealer for. SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road McHENRY {} EQUIPMENT CO. •h SALES & SERVICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 185 . 808 W. Elm St. (basement) 1952 MODEL 24 IHC Picker, new rolls, late improvements, guaranteed, located at Austin Farm, U mile west of 12 & 31, intersection near Richmond. - 19 REGISTERED Poland China Boars and open gilts. Arthur Stilling-- Wonder Lake 3826. Rt. 5, McHenry. 19 REGlSTEREt) Land Race Boars - 7 mos. old. Call 527-J2. Norman & Vick Anderson Farm, 2 miles wes|t of McHenry on Rt. 120. 1$ • : o

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