Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1956, p. 14

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« „ . f 0^ »'Afl >*r£kf iVna^ *r«. J>"J*rfft>^*'. ~ • ' ' S ' - rl r **' , Thursday. " ~s--1-- -^1 r* ^ " ;?«* >, ^T &•** <45 •r-Ekf/ria^ \rr. J>d*rf rt'T'*' , - ' „ September 20, 19CS <£• / \ 5~ '^4^ ' K11 >»J_ .t.( - JiyMra. George yuptid / .?v , CJhureh News j daughter, Mabel, spent Monday }i|!/ The members of the Women's ; afternoon in the Russell Ehlert - •«. Society for • Christian6 Service | home at Twin Lakes. V\i-! went to Wesley Woods Wednes- Mr. Knoll of Mundelien spent . day evening. A pot luck supper j Sunday morning with Dr. and av-j , was served and a candlelight Mrs. William Hepburn. ! Dean Ehlert of Kenosha was a visitor in the John Skidmore home Saturday. Mr." and Mrs. Ralph White of Wonder Lake were dinner guests in the Roy Harrison home Wednesday evening. 'Mr. and Mi's. Robert Howe and sons of Richmond were Sunday guests of her- parents, Mr. and ; Mrs. Earl Shales. Mr. and Mrs. Bushe of D£s Plaines were visitors in the Dr. ; Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener of McHenry, Mr.. and Mrs. Louis Winn of .Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and children of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Don j. Smart and son. Bob, of Waukc- ,< g&n, Mrs. Davis of Genoa City, . '•! service, "The Spirit of Christ-- : . ,j, For All •> of Life," was led by ' i Alice Peet. and Althea Walking- §,£' f, ton. ^ • • • * " iSftMC:. • V Supper ) "~'r. An old" fashioned chicken atrd Wlrhe-made biscuit supper will'-be Vrj , ? served family style at the church •"' hall Saturday evening, Sept. 29, serving to be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. On Saturday/rtiorning, the high schooKa ge^yQuth. of both churches will leave tor a weekend of study*, planning and recreation at the new Methodist camp, Wesley Woods, at Lake Geneva. If there are still some who: have not registered but would like to take part in this retreat, please call mr-" the pastor immediately. The young people will return early !'Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Sunday evening. [Bobby Brennan <enjoyed a picnic A warm welcome is extended j at the Genoa City park Sunday. . to all by both churches. The j Mrs. Ruby Shepard was a j Ringwood congregation worships i Sunday dinner guest in the Will j at 9:30 a.m. and studies at 10:30 ! Claxton home at McHenry. • j a.m. At Greenwood, the church ! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen of j school meets at 9 45 ajn. This , McHenry called on Dr. and Mrs. I hour of study is followed by the i Hepburn Sunday morning. worship service at 11 a.m. The j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon of I Anthem for Ringwood worship I Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel will be sung by the senior choir. ! Miller of Spring Grove, Mr. and : led by Mrs. Gordon Fossum. At Mrs. Robert Condon and daugh- | Greenwood, the Anthem wiU be ter of Grayslake and Mr. and given by the junior choir, under Mrs. Ed Condon of McHenry ; Mrs. Marlowe Shaw. -- .were supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams Home Circle j and family. The Home Circle was enter- ! Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas tained in the home of Mrs. James ! and daughter, Margo, spent Sun- Reid at the parsonage at Green- j day with her sister, Mrs. .Ray- j wood Thursday. A pot-luck din- j mond Rattray, and family at i ner was served. Election of of- j Algonquin. _ [ ficers was held as follows: Pres- Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Friident, Mrs. Ben Walkington; vice president, Mrs. Louis Winn; secretary, Mrs. Earl Shales; and treasurer, Mrs. Louis Hawley. Agnes Jencks Entertains Agnes Jencks entertained the members of her B. G. Club from Elgin at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Those to aftend were Mr§. Nan Bullard, Mrs. Clara Slater, Mrs. George Robinson, Mrs. Hugh Teetle and Miss Constance Teetle. ! Personals RingwiU Farm showed some cattle at the Chicajjoland Shorthorn show at Lake county fairgrounds Saturday. Mr. and-Mrs. William Cruickshank were In attendance. Mrs. George Shepard spent from Thursday until Sunday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebr<?n. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soddy of Kenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Blood of Paradise, Calif, spent the past week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. -They all wers guests in the Ansel Dewey home at Armstrong, 111. Wednesday and Thursday. day and Saturday with her daughter and family at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and daughter Dianne, and his njother, Mrs. Frank Adams of McHenry spent Thursday at Milwaukee. . Ringwood School News The Ringwood school started • Tuesday, Sept. 4. We have fortysix children this year, with Miss 1 Hazel Heideman teaching the j upper room. j " There are six new pupils this ! year, three in the lower grades, j and three in tHfe upper, Peter | Jones and Jessica Graves in sec- I ond grade, and Edith Hills first j grade, Vickie Graves and Frank , Krumwiede in the fifth grade and Kenneth Rudolph in the eighth grade. The new first graders are Edith Hill, Margo Andreas, Candy Fossum, Trudy Oonk. Richard Ackerman, Ray Parker and Ernest Malsh. Betsy Fossum of the lower room had her birthday Sept. 5, and her mother, Mrs. Gordon Fossum, treated the lower room. On Sept. 5 and 6, the upper grades had three educational movies. They were called, "We Depend on One Another," "Pioneers of America," and "Animals Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox to Know." of Woodstock. Robert Low of The president of the bookclub! McHenry and HMfr.. and3 TMUT rs. Wal ... _ - . . ' ter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. A group of relatives jand friends came in and surprised Mr. and this month is Kenneth Rudolph and the secretary is Judy Bruce. We are sorry to report the j first accident of our new school,i year, when Sandra Wagner lost Mrs. Leonard Ackerman at their (Jjer grjp on giant-strides and home Saturday evening. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Glawe of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank and Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Wm. Pagni. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales attended the wedding of Donald Brooks and Darlynn Monnier at Grayslake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Philip ~Mueller of Volo spent Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Johh Skidmore, Mrs. Fred Bowman, Mrs. John Ehlert and broke her arm. She now has ; her arm in a cast, and after three weeks we hope she's as it good as new. School Reporters Emily Ortlieb and Sandra Hoffman. Savings Bonds are more than j just pieces of- paper. They are | the hopes for the future of mil- 1 liontf of Americans--their dreams ' of college educations for their ! children, a home in the country, or a pleasant retirement without financial worries. tr«\ CTTl HI TOPICS LM McHENRY Glenn Paulsen by V ' Allan McKim Here are the two leading and most important way^ to become better acquainted with the McHENRY TV. 1. Let the kids play around with the TV set; especially the ehannel switch. This is the most delicate part of the set and by turning it back and forth needlessly, Jt helps you get closer to us/ 2. Ke^p the set running even if yoq're not around to watch it.* Go shopping if yoii Mfant, : v; : 'Fv' do the laundry or visit next door, but keep. the set running. This helps the electric company, too, but most of all we'll see you more often, f). Keep this phone number handy, (2233) we'll get; over to your house fast with the know-how for putting your set back into order. After-all, that's our business and we like to become acquainted with you. PHONE 2233 On RaiUfcl20 - 2 Blka. East of New Bridge THOSE WERE THE DAYS *TH0SEi I WERE |TH E * BAYS-I HOSSFACE HANK WOMEN MUST DEMAND - Bk y ART BEEMAN NOTHING ftliss Arnold WE MEN GOTTA DEMAND OUR EQUAL RIGHTS / WHO THEM PURTY SONNY SOUTH GAVMSH.fES--THEY'RE THICK DANDRUFF Ipcs mPJtm byr tSnm. iNth. ]S.e rnraicct C' BY FRANK THOMAS WHERE YUH SOIN you! COUSIN SONNV, WIILLVv/AH RECKON "W PtAV FOLLOVW TH YSO,COUSIN LEADER wnH US ? r/\ PEEVWEE VO' LEAD VEAH T By AL BONDERS OFF MAIN STREET WE ALU ARE PLAVIN' DLLOVW TH' LEADER ITH COUSIN SONNV * GET ALL OF THE FISH AMD MV HEAD IN THE PICTURE NOW f ftK DAODV/ By JOE DENNETT THE KIDS GROWIN' OP I LITTLE FARMER Aj -n Vh' sua Jtc|c»«4. ty Smith Smrlcr Deni*r*M. N. 1 By KERN PEDERSON I om me* FlOlP RURAL DELIVERY SAV, WE ONLY GOT A SHORT STOP HERE -1 DON'T WANT TO GET OFF.' WILL. VOL! GET MELA SANDWICH? SURE/ vuGAKV HERE/ TWO QUARTERSGET A SANDWICH FOR VOORSEL.FTOO/ DEEMS THANKS eus«2 GOSH," HES TAKING LONG/ WHpRE IS HE? By AL SMITH YOUR SANDWICH 04RDI By TOM OKA GRANDPA'S BOY by S«n<(K V WW* IA/HAT5 ALL THIS? T By BRAD ANDERSON CAN you IMAGINE" PEOPLE THROWING GOOP STUFF U KB TH1& AWAY 2. MM ;'-' HAvVE As KEENER 6EMSE GF StABLL TMA.N / %OME PERSONS HAVE £VES TH/^T CAN SEE V UVTKA-VIOLBT RAVS AWFHOUGH THEV ARE INVISIBLE TO MOST EVES/ TW<L ^REATE^T iMountjkih Rawqa m the world lias uv\d<i,r -bha Atlawiic Ocear\--and stretches from -the ARCTIC to ANTARCTICA! The Thrill That Cornea Once in a Lifetime HM- FVHPCR SAYS Tfif£KES so«e KWP pF A HOUSIM* SHOf*T*<Se. o' seen NONSENSE FH.L )' ,1^^' S-H * Uncle All a preacher needs Is to read hiijiselt full, think himself clear, pray himself hot then let himself go. • • • The Ridge Corners town drunk is like a candle. As soon as he's lit up you've got a drip. • • • • ' Bet you can't describe an accordian with your hands In your pocket. • • if Too many office workers live in a clock eyed world. • • • Here in America in all walks cf life a * feller kin always tide. A(KP* Crossword g ACROSS 5. Mineraf spring 8. Slun opening 12. Ceremony 18. Know 14. In bed 15. Skin dtaeaM 16. Follower 17. Fermented grapes 18. Heavy 20. Wise teacher 22. Sea eagle 23. Anger 24. Day of rest 27. Interstice 51. Consumed 32. Small masa 53. Hinders 37. Alter 40. Affirmative vote 41. Be sitic 42. Selected 45. Bank employee 49. Stop 50. Rear 52. Small particle 63. Shield bearing 54. Sesame 66. Bteck 66. Kind of fnrft 67. Before % 58, Impression 2. Clamp 5. Volouio 4. Wanted 6. Bony 6. Fondle 7. BloodlessneM 8. American Indian 9. Death notice 10. City in Nevada 11. River in Germany 19. Period of time 21. Make & mistake 24. Sorrowful St. Indian tribo 28. Posses• 29. Loiter 30. Fhiit drink 34. Church holiday 36. Cereal grass 36. Governmental body 37. Bovine aninnds 38. Hasten 3d. United 42. Hew 43. Rabbit 44. Spanish jar 46. Part of ear 47. Short jackM 48. Rave SI. Evergreen tiM cjfitj mmm QQSQ UlEQJa BDES BB3B mum OSS QHHET QDQ BH13 saaGiBH ••• BE3E2 •DBSQQ Q San m QQDSSSGS III cmc muu EIQQ meci ••5 UQS w Solution H • 2 • Si, 0 Grandpa Hedges says old age didn't creep up on him it ' just jumped on him on the sly. • * • • Some love at first sight ought to have taken a second look. • • • Some men demand your money or your life, women ask for both. • • • Some fellers who claim a< faith -that removes mountains, try to git by with a big bluff. * * * To glt> a better job you gotta do a better job. HEV. CHARLEY* GRANT H-S-S* 0 0 "X 'i'mVfti'tj

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