i$kM*nr nr. , September 20, 1956 THE MdSENRY PLAINDEALER - i McCullom By Eve s: ' With! Flying Cdlors |• The Ladies of the Lake turned iltiut in large numbers for the Wfirst meeting of the season, Thursday, Sept. 13, in the beachhouse. Four new members were accepted and they are Virginia Aalto, Lois Perenti, Emma Pyritz, and Violet Gates. The next meeting, Ttiursday, Sept. 27 • will be strictly for laughs and fun. 'Games and prizes will .be featured. Refreshments will be served. t Election of officers- will be-lield at the first October, meeting. Mrs. Juliqyiecht is -chairman of the nominating committee. Hobo Dance The scene of the Cullom-Knoll Hobo* dance to be held Saturday, Oct. 13 at the beach will hardly set the fashion world afire! The fellows and gals are asked to wear overalls, slacks, , patched ^jackets and whatever odd gear in the way of wearing apparel that can be assembled. The committee consisting of Don Parenti, chairman, Louise, Ed Hammerstein, Sr. and Ed Jr., Betty and Larry "Murray, Edna and Elmer Thorp, Katie Lennert. Ginny and Ray Aalto, Shorty Sheriff, jack Rodgers, Lois Parenti/ Bill Hecht and your report- , er met last Tuesday to make arrangements. Prizes will be offered for the most "outlandish" costume. Arrangements are being made' to obtain a good orchestra for dancing. Hot 'n spicy beef barbecues and "yummy" hot dogs 'will be available when the hunger pangs start gnawing. There may even be cider arid donuts in keeping with the season. -Start planning your costume Vend by all means secure your tickets early!! "Sock" Party Have no fears that someone is planning mayhem. No fisticuffs will be exchanged at the unusual party to be featured at Whitey and Berniece's Saturday night, 'Sept. 22. The name of the shindig refers strictly to wearing tap- -iparel. The public is invited. Everyone is expected to check his shoes at the door and dance and havr-t fun in socks! Prized will be offered for the (?) socks! Will the judging be based on the prettiest, funniest, most collegiate, silliest, or holiest socks? Nobody knows except Berniece Bjork and she isn't telling! Come and find out' for yourself. Super special refreshments will be ^pfeervC'd. * That's Saturday night, Sept. 22 at Whitey and Berniece's. , Blaze of Glory Our hometown team finished the softball season last Sunday by scoring a hard won victory over the Chicago Suds Hounds. The final outcome was 14-11. Bill Brennan, Captain, Ray Des- ^kis, Len Jensen, Jr., Dick Oster- ,4)y, Chuck Ingersol, Bud Cable, Don Lorch, Dave Hansen, Bob Brennan, and Mike Wieser gave their all for the honor of McDonald's Hot Shots. Jake Levesque served as umpire. The opposition .consisted of Harry McDade, captain, Jerry Walsh, Hank Baade, Chuck Clems, Stan Anderson, Ed Cody, Ken Ingersol, Larry Richter and Har- 0ry Simonsen and John Lorenz with Bonnie Alexander, team mascot. After the game, members of both teams faced the east for one minute of silence in memory of Tim O'Meara who organized th^ Chicago boys and was responsible for starting the friehdly rivalry between the two teams. Hugh McDonald spoke fitting t words in tribute for his friend Mof many years who passed away some months ago, after a lingering illness. Unfortunately^ one casualty occured Which dampened tra ent Who Said Taxis \ Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's raln-s o a k e d clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a' hundred different ways. When you need one. CALL 723 McHENRY CAB thusiasm somewhat. ,, Rounding third base, Dick Osterby stepped in a hole and injured his ankle severely.. Refreshments were served to the hungry players by Jean McDonald and "Theresa Cunningham. The city group came prepared with, charcoal'burner, steaks, and corn which were succulently prepared by^Mr. and Mrs.-McDade and Vivian Anderson. The game was a lot of fun and both teams are looking' forward .to the next season. . will be sent'to Ft. Bel voir, Va., for further training - in construction's and surveying. No doubt there are plenty of young ladies in the community that .are jinx-; iously awaiting his return 1- - Sorry To Lose Oyr good friends and neighbbrs, Loretta and Don Meyer and their, five cute youngsters. The Meyers sold their home in the village and purchased a larger one on Main St. in McHenry. Good luck in your new suri-oundjs,- Loretta and Don. ' Surgical Patients Mrs. Eleanor Brasser was taken to West Suburban hospital, Oak Park last Wednesday and surgery was performed 'on Thursday. According to husband Bruce, she came through with flying colors and is recovering nicely. She Will need plenty of time to recuperate after she gets home,* and cheery cards from her friends will do much to add to her comfort. Y e o m a n s e a m a n a p p r e n t i c e Hugh Houck, oh leave from His last tour of duty checked into Great Lakes Training Hospital for much needed surgery, last Friday. He, too, is coming along just great according to Betty and Hank who have been visiting him frequenty. For those who like to send cards, his address is Ward 73N, Great Lakes Naval Training Hospital, Great Lakes, Hi Scenil Solitude Irene and Leo Sales crossed Lake Michigait from Milwaukee to Muskegan last week. , They drove north around $he laike and returned via Wisconsin. Irene said the trip was filled with sights of Nature's beauty. They had a relaxing and enjoyable time but missed .young son. Chick. "" Getting" Late Time is flying so if you aren't, registered for the. November election, do so now, before the deadline. Mrs. Emma Pyritz, registrar, is waiting for you at her home on Fountain Lane. Whether you are a Republican. Democrat, or anti-social, cast your vote in November! . Fined Helen Joanne Ernst of Wilmette was charged with speeding and fined by Judge Victor Howe last week. i . Snafu Remedied | Good news for all concerned. The plumbing at the beachhouse has been repaired and is now in good working condition. Gene Johnson donated his time and equipment so the total repair bill was held down to cost of materials only. A vote of appreciation to all -who helped eliminate the troubles. Accident Victims Herb Roeske is home from McHenry hospital and back on the job now, but things were not so •?ood last week. At his place of employment" he suffered hydroxide burns on the face from mercury fumes, and was hospitalized for two days. Gene Plotrowski was rushed to McHenry Hospital last week after a can of outside stain splashed in his eyes. He had been painting trim on the new store. At first, it was feared that he would have to be treated by an eye specialist in Chicago. This mishap ended happily for Lottie and Gene when he rsponded to treatment. Gene was worried that his eyesight would be impaired so that he couldn't look at the pretty lady customers! Archery Club Will meet this Saturday, at 1:30 p.m. Call Elmer Thorp for details. New and old members are cordially invited. On The Mend, That plucky fellow, Joe Matterer is also home from McHenry hospital and feeling better and stronger than he has in a long time. He responded to treatment and we are wishing this grand guy well! Natal Days Are happy days $nd we offer best wishes to Ed Hammerstein, Sr., who celebrated his birthday qn Tuesday, Sept. 18. Mrs. Marie Elmer is hoping husband John and daughter Violet have something special planned for her day, Monday, Sept. 24. Peppy little gal, Marge Reid is proud of every one of her "36" years. Her birthday was yesterday, Sfept. 19. Eddie Caran and Butch Baumbeck have a lot in common since they both turn 17 this month. Eddie celebrated his natal day, •Sunday, Sept. 16 and Butch is looking forward to his, on Monday, Sept. 24. That's it for now, see you next week! Soldier Boy Handsome fellow, Private Chick Sales is doing his Army uniform proud. He is taking his basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. He plans to be home on leave the first of November. When he completes his basic, he "Honor A Physician With The Honor Due Him" * (Authors name below) The proper way to "Honor a Physician" is, when yoil put your life and health in his care, to follow his directions and his instructions completely. His life is dedicated to your welfare. After we have carefully compounded a prescription, we label it with the exact directions that you must follow. Obey these instructions from your Physician faithfully. You will get better much more quickly if you do. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YO«r NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling . their prescriptions. May we compound yours? s NYI "hJal^nesn jQpeftctf" PHONE 20 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Ecclesiasticus 180'B.C. Thrift is one of the greatest of all human virtues. And , the thrift habit comes easy through regular purchase of Savings Bonds on the payroll savings plan. PRACTICAL SOLUTION TO RAPID GROWTH ^ PROBLEM CayS$C:: ^te - '• * ---;--^ \ -..v-s / . County zoning ordinances offer a practical solution tov many «-.©f the problems of rhpid, helter-skelter growth arouritl population centers in Illinois. This" is the substance,- of an article appearing in the .September issue of the IAA record, official monthly publication of the Illinois Agricultural association.. "The expansion: of industrial and commercial busiiiesS- into rural areas is a vital, and necessary part of a healthy economy. Unfortunately, this movement in _a .number of Illinois, counties has taken place *with'out adequate planning," the record states. "In some, a disorderly, haphazard land-use pattern has de» veloped. The result has been decreased property. yaluesj people d i s t u r b e d i n t h e . ;. c j f their property, safety Hazards ana a marred scenic beauty in some communities. t 'Unicorporated areas, formerly devoted to farms and rural residences, have become dotted \vi€h factories, motels, restaurants, saloons and other businesses* Junk yards, city dumps, trailer0 camps, and used automobile lots are scattered in certain areas," according to the Farm Bureau organization's magazine. ; % • "Farms and rural businesses are not exempt from ad(§&|; to the burden of helter-skelter growth. The advent of tlie; Automobile society iy America created the need for wider, better roads. Farmsteads and local businesses jammed up tp narrow roads makes highway improvement difficult." v , • Zoning ordinances, already a* dopted in thirteen counties,s offer a practical solution to many of these problems, the RECORD article states. Typical of the county ordinances Is that adopted by Macon county in 1943, * "The ordinance divides* Macon county into nine types of districts -•<- agricultural', country home, "A", "B" and "C" residential, local business, commercial, light industrial, and heavy industrial. "The land use permitted i|i each district is spelled out in the law as well as the maximum building heights and minimum lot areas. The county superintendent of highways is the enforcing officer, and appropriate penalties are set." ' r y* . r' Y: "'ii' i1111 IPigejrtile^ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The amount of construction contracts awarded on Gov. William G. Stratton's rocord'breal^- ing 1956 road building program now stands at $63,973,638. It reached this figure last week when the state Division of Highways approved contracts for work in 16' counties totaling $3,- 540,543. What you are has its influence in making otb«r people what' they are. NEW 1957 G-E FILTER-FLO AUTOMATIC WASHER sfitilisl |pp|||s5 Be sure you have i good supply of small prints of vour graduation portrait to give to friends. . Wallet Prints From Your Portrait especially attractive when printed on matte-finished paper. We feel that you graduates will find these prints the perfect way to exchange pictures with your classmates. And you'll discover that small prints make wonderful enclosures when you're writing thaiik-you notes to friends and relatives for the graduation gifts they've sent you. We suggest that you * make a list of the people you know who'd appreciate having prints of your graduation picture -- and order the requisite number promptly. Whether you call them "wallet" or "frirtidship" prints won't matter. A small print, by any name, is always welcome! --John Van Guilder lUght now we .have a special ^uogestion for all you young graduates. This time we'd like to remind you about ordering small prints of your yearbook or official "radualion picture. These small-sized prints have come to be known by various names. "Wallet prints" is one which appropriately defines them since they're exactly the right size for carrying in wallets. Another popular name is "friendship prints"--which is also an excellent description of one of their main functions. The studio photographer who took your graduation picture can make up these small prints fox* you. They're quite inexpensive if ordered in quantity, and they're AWARD OF EXCELLENCE The state of Illinois | won an award of excellence for the .auto driving instruction given in; high schools in 1955-56, according to an announcement by Gov. William G. Stratton's office. The decision was made by the ninth annual national high school driver • education awards program, which is sponsored by the Association of Casualty and Surety companies. Vernon L. , Nickell, state superintendent of public instruction, and Robert Campbell of the state division of traffic safety, conduct the Illinois driver training activities. The Chicago Motor club also works in this matter. Approximately 93 percent of 705 eligible private and public Illinois high schools bi> fered either classroom instruction and practice driving or complete classroom training last year. This proportion was exceeded only by Massachusetts, Delaware and California!. "Hie Award of Excellence and a special citation will be ceremonially presented to Gov. Stratton for Illinois early in September. Want Ada being results. Place yours with the Plaindeaie; •day. '57 MOTOR VEHICLE - LICENSE. BLANKS IN DISTRIBUTION I Secretary of State Charles rF. Carpentier announces that auto mobile investigators of his office had begun distribution of 195t motor vehicle license: application blanks. The application blanks include passenger and passenger transfer, truck and truck transfer, title, frailer and semi-trailer and motorcycle. The application blanks are being distributed to newspatper public service offices, automobile dealers, banks, currency . excanges and other public outlets. Persons desiring re-assignment of their present motor vehicle license numbers must file their applications during the month of October.' •. Would you itice td\ have tiie postman ring twice each year and give you a governmeiit check? He will, you know, If you buy a series H savings bond, which pays an average 3 . lucent interest when held turity. T I L E IT YOURSELF AND SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Prices 28V2* sq. ft Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERGANTS ,Jlea rf-GSutt PHONE RICHMOND 4193 Located on Johnsburg Rd., SV2 miles North of Jotuisbufg (About 2Vi miles North of Sunnyside Estates) Garages - Roofing COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS" CASEMENTS FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS BEST MATERIALS USED ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Will Not Be Undersold! CALL FOR ESTIMATE McHENRY 1024-M McHENRY FIBRE GLASS REMEMBER, ONLY GAS Gl.VBSf SbJCH MATCHLESS PERFORMANCE! now with I WASH I SPEEDS O-l Wottor Modtl WA-850P -i MATCHING KB0H SPEID DRYER with Automatic Control -•--W as good! There's just nothing like gas for cooking I So quick, so easy to regulate . .. gas saves you time and money. You should see all the features of the < pew matchless gas ranges--rotisseries, roast thermometers, double ovens and broilers--top burners whose flame can be set to the exact degree / like an oven. Drop by your Northern Illinois Gas Company Store now and see how much your old range will bring (--anywhere from $21.00 to $68.85) during the big fall round-up! And remember, cooking with gas costs half always! \ as little as 8 M* WtiK AFTER SMALL DOWN PAYMENT • No Unt fun ' •nCtoitivs ' 2 - Wash SpM<b "1 -4pin SpMds CUans and r«- cUant wash wafer -- automatically removes lint, sand and leap, tewn! Normal and Slow tpoodi for both wash and spin. "Do^i ovary fabric "|l«t right" 1 1. Big 10 pounds Capacity 2. Wator Savor for small loads 3. Warm and Cold Wator Rimes. MATCHING G-fE MYIR wily $1.97 pir Mfk offer rffwn payment SEE U§ TODAY ! 119 S. Gnwn St., McHenry t j, PHONE 251 See Crown dnd many other matchless Gas Range bargains now at our or your dealer's showroom. e (during "Old Stove E^uikIYouH thjoy the king -size oven and tha wany iMtvm on this spaco savor 30' Regular price $304.95 Special SALE Price 2S&35 trade-in Allowance for Your old range $38.54 Total Cost 218.41 Lew down payment.. .Liberal terms Prompt... Courteous .. . Dependable Service PHONE McHENRY 2081 NORTH CRN I L U N O I S G8i Q COMPANY 0