' > F ,, ^ Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield ^;r Weddinjj Shower Given 'V^rSBhe- Rolaine Grill at Wonder Lake was the scene Wednesday, ; Sfept. 27, of a wedding shower - honoring Miss Carol Ann Gnadt. Mrs. Helen Caley was the hostess Wild brought Carol Ann to the Grjll without her knowledge of the shower. It was a complete Surprise and she received many lovely and practical gifts to begih her married life. Those present were Althea Walkington, Donna Dowe, Elsie McCanne, Barbara Wilson, JoAnn Wenkel. Mary Koluder, Gladys Hcitz, Martha fedldt, Alice Dixon. Patti Jensen, Helen Armstrong, Lois Hlint, Helen Alsbury and the Mesdames Iridelicato, Grosso, Berni<% Huebner, Fern Paetow, Ann HUghes, Bea K'roll, Fred McCafferty and daughter, Virginia Mahal, Ann Street, Betty Vacula, Marge Digrazia, Kate Vacula, Caroline Taylor, Paul Lustof f, Leb Smith and daughters, J. Hogah and daughters, Krumweide, Bob Krickl, Boldt, Jensen, H. Armstrong, Amy Street, Ruth Zapel, J. Scharf, Dena Haught, LuElla Byrne, Lillian Naughton awi Lois Weeks. Boy Scout News* tTTie September Cub Scout pa<yk meeting was held in Harrison school Tuesday, Sept. 18, and there was a very good turn-out. Eight new boys joined the Cub Sctouts and were welcomed into Pack No. 358. The past Cub scout master, Art Miller, and his wife,' Betty were guests. . The following boys received awards: Chuck Enstrom, lion badge, denner stripe and two silver arrows; Roger Hunt, 1 gold aqjd 2 silver arrows; Frank Bet, 2 silver arrows and assistant denrier stripe; Paul Murdock, Pat Letizia, George Koch and Randy Nielsen each received one year pins. Dorothy Haerle received her scouter award and Roy Meiswinkle received his sixteen-year pin. Stanley Hunt, the new cub master, . was assisted by his wife, Helen, and did a fine job conducting the first meeting. Nature handicraft was the theme of the beautiful displays exhibited by each den. Mrs. Kay Coursen was hostess for the committee meeting held the following evening, Sept. 19. A fun time carnivalwithfree movies was planned for *he October pack meeting to be held at Harrison school Oct. 16. There will be a special committee meeting Thursday, Oct. 11, at Paul Murdock's home. Each and every den mother please try to attend. The scout master and his committee urge all Scouts and parents to attend the October pack meeting to join in the fun as the young cubbers are planning fun for oldsters as well as youngsters. A new adult discussion will begin at 7:30 Tuesday, Oct. 9. This class of adults will be confirmed on New Member Sunday, Nov. 18. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the church who has not already been confirmed is welcome to attend. It will meet six successive Tuesday evenings. On New rMember Sunday, members will be received into the church, also by renewal of profession of faith and by letter of transfer. The Altar guild of the church will meet at 8 Wednesday, Oct. 10. Work of the guild ^ will be discussed and an interesting topic on the liturgical character of the Lutheran church will be present* ed. All ladies are welcome. tenberg, all of Wisconsin Rapids, and Bfrr. and Mrs. Joe Mandziara of Madison, Fla. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mandziara and children Rose and Stanley, of Chicago joined the other guests in enjoying the Mandziaras' hospitality. One.Year Ago The Sportsman's club was formed one 'year ago. The first meeting was held Sept. 25 at the McCollum Lake beach house. In this one year, the club has done a great deal toward the betterment of our lake and the plans for the future show more improvements. New speed limit signs were placed at the entrances and we are sorry to have to report that two out of the three signs have been vandalized. fnter-Chiich Basketball League to Start Monday, Oct. 15, the season will begin for the newly formed interchurch basketball league. The league is made of four churches in the area the Wonder Lake Bible church, Nativity Lutheran church, Greenwood - Ringwood Methodist church and the Mc- Henry Methodist church. The four teams from these churches, which will be representing the youth groups, will play their games in the Harrison School gym and the McHenry high school girls' gym, thus making it possible for every team to be in action every week, either for a practice session or a league game. Girls will also have a volleyball tournament. If anyone would like to help, either as sponsor or referees, come t6 the Harrison school gym at the first practice session Monday, Oct. 15. Accident Tom McCauliff was injured when a heavy object fell on his foot this past week while he was at work. He suffered several fractures in his foot, which is now encased in a cast that enables him to walk. Tom will be forced to take a six to eight-week vacation from work. Wins 'In Contest Bill Krater was the lucky winner of a beautiful self-winding wrist-watch when he entered- a drug manufacturer's contest recently. He not only won a watch for himself but also for the salesman Who represents the company. The prize was givfen for the best letter written telling what particular display iii his drugstore was appealing and why. Kiwanis Kids Day The newly formed LPPOA Teen club solicited in Lakeland Park for the Kiwanis Kid's Day fund this last Saturday. Their total collection was $47.20. Mr. Chuck Coles, president of the McHenry Township Kiwanis, is donating a juke box to "this wonderful teen club" for their cooperation in this drive. The volunteer workers were: Lynn Bradley, Bob Humphries, Ellie Mogdans, Pat Lavin, Pat Bates, Bob Bates, Vincent Cina, Janice Parisi, Peppy Cina and Donald Parisi. THREE FOR A CROWD Here's a card trick that's guar&n teed to get your next card party off to a rollicking start. Simple to . ex ecute, it doesn't involve any manual dexterity on your part. Just get out a full deck of playing cards and follow these instructions: W h i l e c h a t t i n g a m i a b l y with your friends, fan through the deck casually, faceup, as though checking its completeness. BUT MAKE A MENTAL NOTE OF THE THIRD CARD FROM THE LEFT. Leave that card alone but remove from the deck the other three cards 0/ the same denomination. Thus, If the third card from the left happens to be a 9, remove the three other 9's: if a Queen, remove the three other Queens, etc. Let's assume0 for this explanation that the third card is a Jack and you've removed the three other Jacks. Show the three Jacks face up briefly, and then place them face down on the table. Put the balance of the deck (the stock) face down alongside of the Jacks. Remove the top card of the stO£k and place it face down to one side. On this card put a Jack from the pile of three, also face down. Then add a card from the stock, then another Jack, then another.card from the stock and the last Jack--all of these, of course, face down. You have now stacked up six cards in one small pile, alternately mixing those from the stoqk and Jacks. It is now apparent to your audience that the three Jacks have been broken up and mixed with the top three cards from the stock. Now pick up all six cards in the small pile and place theih on the top of the stock pile. Turn up the three top cards .on the pile of six. They will all be Jacks and your audience, expecting the Jacks to be "sandwiched" in between the cards from the stock pile, will be surprised ... perhaps slightly astounded. Here's the explanation: the three Jacks you turn up at the end are not the same Jacks which you removed from thfe deck. To' see just how it works, take a deck of cards right now and follow the instructions given here. You'll soon see the light. Be sure to shuffle the deck thoroughly after each demonstration so that the key card--third from the left--is a different one each time: And don't let your audience study too closely the three cards yoi|'ve removed from the deck. Otherwise, someone with a sharp eye will notice that the three cards you turn up at the end are not the same as the ones with which you started. Any giftsr for -the rummage sale or any baked or home canned goods will be appreciated. Articles for the sale may be turned in at various places before hand. On the West side of the lake, leave articles at .Millie's Pizza, on' the north side at Vacula's Cardinal store, and for the south side at the show room of Skip's garage. These items should be turned in by Oct., 4. For further' information, call the following: Mrs. Wrede, Mrs. Redman, Caroline Taylor or Ruth Woodward. New Residents Register For Voting Oct. 8 is the deadline for registration of non-residents for the fall elections. The last public registration will be Oct. 6 at the Wonder Lake Syndicate office. Justus Kellner will be there from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the convenience of those who have not registered. Auxiliary Treats The Wonder Lake American Legion auxiliary took movies, ice cream cups and home-made cup cakes to the Woodstock Children's home on Friday, Sept. 21. Mrs. Nancy Elbersen, rehabilita^ tion chairman, asked if you have any white or light colored shirts, size 15 to 18, recent issues of magazines, books, pocket books or playing cards, please contact her at Wonder Lake 5272. These items are needed for the veterans at the Elgin State hospital. school bus. The day is Monday, Oct. 8, the time 8 and the place is the Ed Fitzgerald home in Wonder Woods. T. B. Mobile Unit The Chamber of Commerce at Wonder Lake advises everyone to visit the T.B. Mobile unit which will be at Paul's Variety store Monday, Oct. 15. The unit will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Be sure , to go and pick up the sample ballots Of T.B. tax which will be passed out. i . Mrs. Smale has been a visitor at Wonder Lake in the Deep Spring Woods subdivision, where she owns property. On Oct. 6 the McHenry Township Republican Women's club will sponsor a bake and rummage .sale at the Wonder Lake syndicate from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Card Group Helps 'Hospital Mrs. Velma Sinclair was hostess to the Wonder Woods card group Thursday evening, Sept. 26. High scorers were Mary Sandgren and Ruth Woodward. Other guests wei;e Helen Cope, Simone Fuller, Marcella Meeker, Mary Jane Sellinger and Neva Fuhrer. Six dollars was donated to the Woodstock hospital building fund. Nativity Lutheran Sunday, Oct. 7. Wofld Coinmunion Sunday will be observed along with all other Protestant churches. Christians throughout the world will partake of the Holy Communion, uniting themselves with this common belief of all. The sermon topic for this day will b£, "The Eternal Bond," Rev. Burton Schroeder, pastor. Sunday, Oct. 7, will be promotion day in the Sunday School, when the > children who received promotion certificates last Sunday will be advanced to their new departments. Happy Anniversary To Delores and Glen Belohlavy, who marked off their ninth year of wedded bliss on Thursday, Sept. 27. They celebrated the occasion by going out dancing with their neighbors, the Lloyd Dawsons, on Saturday night. , „ To Frattk and Jean .Parisi, ..who celebrated their sixteenth anniversary on Sept. 22. To Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCauliff, who celebrated their thirtieth anniversary this month. Coming and Going • Sunday dinner guests at the Bill Radisch home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz of Chicago. Miss Gayl Jean Bull of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., spent last week visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mandziara. Over the weekend the guest list included Grace's mother, Mrs. Viola Bull, Mr. and Mrs. John Bull, Mrs. Glen Fry and Miss Eleanora Wit- Christ The King The men of the Holy Name society will hold their regular monthly business meeting Thursday, Oct. 11, at the John Gustik home at 8. Remember the card party sponsored by the Parents assQciation for the benefit of the Catholic FREE PUBLIC LECTURE "DIVINE LIGHT EXPLAINED BY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" By JAMES HARRY McREYNOLDS, C. S. B., of DALLAS, TEX. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachuset:s CLARENCE OLSON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM West Judd Street, Woodstock, 111. FRIDAY EVENING,. OCTOBER 12, at 8 O'clock Sponsored by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ALL ARE WELCOME Subdivision Meeting Held The Deep Spring Woods No. 1 subdivision held an organization meeting Thursday evening, Oct. 27, after the election of officers a month ago.1 Seven members, plus the retiring secretary*, were present at Mrs. B. R. Redman's home. Frank Pillep was reelected president; Mrs. Mickey Thoma, vice-president; Mrs. Tronson, secretary; Mrs. Kay LeFevre, treasurer; George Burns, road commissioner; and Rocki Roti, park ar?d beach commissioner, with Norm Specht, assistant. "Hie social committee consists ,of Mr. and Mrs. Redman, Mr. and Mrs. Mieling and Mr. and Mrs. Specht. Mrs. Myrtle Davidson, the retiring .secretary, was given a vote of thanks for the., splendid work she did while serving her term. - The board holds a meeting: each month on the third Thursday. P.T.A; Notes There will be a meeting of the Harrison schpcft' P.T.A. on Tuesday, Oct. 9, . at 8 p.m. at the school. The business meeting will be conducted by the Vice-president, Mrs. Iona Hood. Speakers at this meeting will be members of the League of Women Voters from Woodstock. \ Following the meeting there will be square dancing, with Mr. Althoff of McHenry calling and Gordon Fossum providing the music. Refreshments will be served by the fifth grade room mothers, under the direction of Mrs. Haak, hospitality chairman. Pre-Nuptial Showier • On Thursday, Sept. 27, Nancy Ann Swanson was again surprised at a pre-nuptial shower at the home of fllrs. Earl Gustafson of Wonder Lake. This event was planned by the ladies of the Missionary guild and Wonder Lake Bible church. The Gustafson home was very beautifully decorated foe -the occasion . and when Nancy entered the home to offer transportation 'PTO&DED FROM ROOT-BLOCKED sewer?' m -fm® PIONEER PATENTED CHEMICAL DC-VtLOPED FOR THu PURPOSE OF: • CLEARING ROOT-BLOCKED SEWERS AND PREVENTING RECURRENCE • CLEARING WASTE-CLOGGED DRAINS • CURING SLUGGISH SEWERS • KEEPING SEPTIC TANKS AND SEWERS FLOWING FREELY The use of Rooto requires no digsingor mechanical equipment. There's no muss. Four different sized packages «re available--a proper package for each use listed above. ASK YOUR PLUMBER OR HARDWARE DEALER 1 We Aire Open Wednesday Afternoons V Y C I T A L ' S Hardware Phone 98 132 S. Green Store Hours: Sheet Metal Shop McHenry, III. 8 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. Daily Friday 'til 9 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M^ 'til Noon ..Tlkttfffday; October A. to those who wished to come Jttjj : what she thought was the reggjtr, lar meeting :o( • ;the /-guild/;. thirty guests, already assembled; greeted her with "surprise!" ' Very appropriate games were m under the supervision of Jean-;" nette Domihguez, and Marge^ Tomano and the prizes were alSO^ ^ most appropriate. i Besides the beautiful showerf decorations on the large tablev was a beautiful cake, baked- by ; Mrs. Robert Parker, with the? names of Nancy and Cecil in the'; frosting and in the center of the' cake a bride and groom doll turn- ( ed slowly while the melody of ^ "Only You Are In My Heart,"isoftly flayed. Refreshments of many very deflectable delicacies were served buffet style. Nancy thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and assured them . that they would bring her ma^. pleasant memories for many years to come. _*s Nancy and Pvt. Cecil E. VogtSiwill be -married on Oct. 27. • ,-,w SETTER SCHOOLS BUtLP BETTER COMMUNITIES Business & Service* , Wonder Lake Open On Sundays 9 to 1 WOM nm LAKE BUILDERS StTPPL* Free Estimates A* Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 ft LITTLE FARMER i(S. MAY McHENRY 1786-M Route 5, McHenry By KERN PEDERSON W Di*xiut0*jr L To MJa- RURAL DELIVERY I , HAVENT SOLD A THINS ALL DAV/ HERE/ LET ME SHOW VOU HOW "TO SELL WHOLESALER GROCERIES.^ 'r ©UESSfJOMS"tfvOULD 1 MAKE A GOOD SALESMAN AT THAT/ WES THAT KIND OF A GUV/ By AL SMITH NO CUSTOMERS/ Jthisstore HAS SEEM SOLO TO riEwJOWfJER G0SH, HES IN THERE AWFULLY LONG.' HE MUST BE SELLING PLENTV/ : Every time I think I got a parkin' place, I find a fireplug within that space. It's a heap easier to keep a budget than the money. * * * One thing about Tubky TV* ;ler; when there's nouun* $o ^say he says «it. •' • • » Folks who have horse sense . don't kick and stall." • •• • Some folks who git a new . car drive it like It was- paid : for. • • • • A budget Is something that tells you when your income Is ' all gone. Epi^rins Zol Klinger ain't got no conscience. but his wife is a good substitute. • • • Zed Peters ain't got no background, but he sure puts up a front • • * Jr. Hinch wants a monkey for a pet Tobe says he's afraid, folks would think they was twins. • • • Nope, a loaded car ain't so bad If the driver ain't • • • One good way to go broke Is to just keep waitin' for the breaks. REV. CHARLEY GRANT B-4-SS U-3 S V 3 S DEEMS By TOM OKA CHtf savings plans are designed for long-range benefits. Our dividends are high and keep growing with time. Let us •prfa ywu, loo. CUItilENT DIVIDEND 3 PER CENT ©ngo Federal mnine AND LOAN iiigS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS Si "Phone JOrdan 8-7258 :TQTA1* OVER $6,000,000.00 GRANDPA'S BOY ANDERSON f»Ki R«ltMr4 by Smrti Siiw 9 1 %> Hi r* \ \ *"-•* • /"Is? [UUi.,1 GU£55 ftUTfc THE £Np OF MV MUSICAL CAKeSBi --T/ ACROSS 1. High card 4. Winged 8. Peel 12. Salt- 18. S. America indian 14. Solar diac 15. Gifts 17. Precious raaUl 18. Spacious 19. Runs away to marry 21. Russian mountain 28. Comforted 25. Rags 27. Adhesive 31. Self 82. Shoot from com 34. Small child 35. Withers 37. Mending 89. Belief 41. Gaelic 42. Free from diseMO 45. Former Russian ruler 47. Expired 48. Guiding 62. OtKerwis* 53. Gull like bird 54. new, comb, form 55. Oceans 56. Fine crsv»J 57. Obtain DOWN 1. Viper 2. Vehicle 3. Hoisting mechanism 4. Mimics ' . 5. Portable light 6. Insect 7. Summer flowers 8. Oriental tower 9. Upon 10. Part in play 11. Finishes 16. A se&somng 20. Qne who has j££££i!L 21. American Indians 22. Anger 24. To ono side 26. City in Germany 28. Agitating f 29. Browns 30. Rim 33. Model 86. Musical compositions 38. Cloee. to 40. Bird's homes 42. Roman date 49. Measure of distance 44. High plataaa 46. Dispatch 49. Beverag* 50. Born 51. Acquired l£ 3 |?N 3 S 1 3 3 10 mm BBII mmn AAAA DEUSSO emnrcEEE saaa GiHO BSDtUH •• so mm aaauoa <9* BIB SD m m is £K£ SWTT Solution H-f--56 B • ssn \