\P*0* Ten •*' :J,y-: Richmond Community News til;'.*. I - f-'y" jr"' • 5/ ! Polls Open 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Richmond voters are reminded that they may cast their ballots fci the Nov. 6 election anytime ;.v; A between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the t village hall. Let's all get out and r , vote. By Phyllis Carlsoa The name of Steven Cotone was inadvertently omitted' from the list of teacners who subscribed to life membership in the National Education association at the time of the recent teachers' convention at St. Charles. Linda KaUtz, Bill Stilling, Janet Vierke and Viola Olesen, members of the class of '56 who are now students at Northern Illinois college at DeKalb, visited at their homes last Friday due to teachers' convention. Several of them visited school an<^ attended the Genoa City - Richmond football game. Terry Gunderson, freshman at the University df Iowa, spent a weekend with his parents, Mrr Church News and Mrs. Fred Gunderson, recent- The Women's guild of Grace ly. church will meet Tuesday, Nov. Mrs. Bess Elfers of Woodstock 6. Mrs. Adele Kloppstein and visited in the home of Mrs. Ar- Mrs. DuWayne Sheldon are the thur Bell on Friday. hostesses. Clinton Bell and his brother-in- The junior choir of the Com-;law, Ed Smith, of Crystal Lake muriity church held its first re- attended the University of Illihersal yesterday afternoon. The nois - Michigan State football regular church choir, director | game at Champaign Saturday af- Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer, will work ternoon.. Youth Rally The senior high Youth Fellowship is planning to attend the fiill youth rally at Rockford next Sunday afternoon. Young people from Holland, German and Ceylon will be speaking on "The Church and 'Teenagers in Other Lands." After the program, the young people will enjoy- a dinner before returning home. tt's A ~<Jrl Mr. and Mrg. James O'Haller* an are tthe parents of Pamela May, born Sunday, Oct. 21. She has a brother, David, to welcome her when she comes home. Mrs. O'Halleran is the former Phyllis Covell of Richmond. with the group. The Junior choir will prepare music for the Christmas season vespers. The organist is Mrs. Frances Woods. This evening the Evening Star meets with Mrs. Don Copp. Mrs. Don Tilton and Mrs. Medo Harsha will be assisting. The topic of the evening will be the value of Christian education books for children, presented by Mrs. Owen Richardson and Mrs. Ralph Noyce Track Meets A tri-school track meet was held at Richmond last Thursday, ftvith Crystal Lake, McHenry and Richmond participating. A strong Crystal Lake team placed the first five runners for a team score of 15 to take first place. McHenry's team placed second £nd Richmond third. ' Today at 4 pjn. the McHenry •eounty cross country track meet Is being held at Woodstock. Approximately fifty boys will participate representing Crystal Lake, Woodstock, McHenry and Richmond. Rockets Win Genoa City played at Richmond t Friday afternoon. The crowd jjoyed the game and the excel- U^lent football weather. The final kfesscore was Richmond 52, Genoa fhliCSty 12. This was the final south- P$$e*n regional conference game of this season. Richmond tied for place .with Hebron and ^Sharon, each having six \#ins and one loss. Congratulations to the . team, their coach, Ned .Morgonsen, and their assistant coach, j^|prank Kittell. Here-and There f^:.i. Mr. and Mrs. George Madden ^u and Patty spent a weekend at gy Elroy, Wis., recently. " • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindholm vf-fciihd daughters, Gail and Terry, and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Morgensen g- spent the weekend with Mrs. :';^yndholm's parents near Daven- P°rt, Iowa. Mrs.-Lindholm and LfS.the girls remained to spend a week enjoying the showers and pother activities planned for her sister, who will be married soon. l+r Mrs. Olga Madden, Stanley, ^ Dickie, Shirley, Mary Jean, John and Barbara Hall visited in Elroy, §} Wis. They were the guests of Mrs. Madden's lister. Elaine Speaker was the guest of honor at a birthday supper Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and Karen and Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bell and Mrs. Cora Speaker helped Elaine celebrate her fifth birthday. Mrs. Charles Schultz and Karen and Mrs. George Schultz spent Thursday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willis Burgess at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Gerda Davis of Genoa City, Wis. spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Bell. Mothers Club The Mothers club will hold its regular meeting next Monday, Nov. 5, in the community room of the high school. Last month this organization entertained the grade and high school faculty and their husbands and wives. Rotary Last week the Rotarians enjoyed the slides shown by Harry Anderson on his trip to Alaska! via the Alcan highway. His total mileage was around 10,000 miles, with at least 3,000 miles of it being on dirt road. Last Tuesday the Rotary Anns were guests at a chicken dnner at the Community church. In a letter from the district governor last week, it was learned that Richmond was the only 100 per cent club for the month of September. Fred Gunderson spoke at a recent meeting, presenting the need for going to the polls to vote on Nov. 17 in regard to taxation required to support our schools. Rotary presents the following letter to the voters of Richmond* iurton townships: "Saturday, Nov. 17, 1956, is to be a very important date for the people of our community. On that date we will have a school election at both the Richmond Consolidated grade school and Richmond - Burton Community high school. It is the duty and privilege of every American citizen in this area to vote on that day. We trust that you will bear in mind that our children of today are the most valuable asset •that we have as they will be the citizens of tomorrow. Signed Robert G. Lindblom, P.T.A." Write Scholarship Exam Cheri Lee Kruse, John Popen-, hagen, Annette Smith ahd Bob Christensen, seniors at Richmond- BurtOH Community high school, were selected to write jthe national merit scholarship fexam at the high school' last Wednesday. What you are has its Influence in making otb^r people what they are. w RE-ELECT ROBERT McCLORY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOB STATE SENATOR Devoted Special attention to McHenry County Highway and School problems. Rated "excellent" by Illinois Agricultural Association. Praised for legislation benefitting Dairy Farmers by Pure Milk Association. Endorsed by the Better Government Association. • Re-eleci ROBERT McCLORY for • ; STATE SEMATOR • Honestly trying .... Honestly Achieving S I VOTE REPUBLICAN Tues. Nov. 6,1956 | • A State Senator for all the People J NQU1RE about our double protection sayings plan -- Insured and Guaranteed. Your goal: To save $2,000 in 10 years? Coupled with our current high dividends, your deposits would be only about $15 per month. If yoii die before your plan is completed, your heirs will receive $2,000 cash immediately. 3% CURRENT RATE McHENRY SAVINGS • ; and LOAN ASSOCIATION mmi A GUARANTY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 522 W. Main Si. PHONE Z OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS'TIL 9:00 McHenry, HI. TOE McHENRY PLA1NDEALEB Thursday, November 1# 1951 ROAST 1st Cut Rib 1st Cut Loin Portion Center Qui Chops or Roast * 551 THICK SLICED Super-Right Good Old Fashipn Flavor SMOKED HAMS "Super-Right" Quality 12 to 14 lb. Tender juicy--flavor richserve hot or cold--priced to help you save. Whole or Shfnil Portion lb. Butt Half 45' -49 Center Slices fan Ready Whole or Cut Up Plump, Tender, Meaty HALIBUT STEAKS .39' Choice Center Slices Orange Juice 2 r 33* Strawberries """2 Z 49* French Fries, £2 2 ;; 33' Libby't lorn 2 EMI' lib^LimaBeans^2 Z 41* T®f Sliced Beef'w? 59' 79" 29' New Crop Florida Grow* Juice Oranges Emperor Grapes Calif. Large Juicy 2 2 TV Dinners Conte f :za Dinner Turliif Dinner jauce ! Swanson's 12-oz. W or Chicken pkg. 13-ox. pkg. Banquet :;;69' 12-ox. ..tins Luncheon Meat2 'ir 59' Sultan I una Flakes21: 39' DaaI llaov or Kola--Glng. Ale A 24-ox. liOOIuGvl Yukon CI«tbBeyera9»tO btU. &V Red Potatoes Fancy Carrots Fla. Seedless QO Size Northern Grown Washed & Topped 10 10 2 doz. lbs. for 49* lb. bog I-lb. bogs 59" 39c 19c Plus Deposit Borden's BISCUIT: S-9Z. p&g. IQc Bowman FRESH MILK % gal. otn. PALMOLIVE FACIAL SOAf' 26e PALMOLIVE BATH SOAP 21 bath size CASHMERE BOUQUET FACtM SOAP 3 2 26e CASHMERE BOUQUET BATH SOAP j:#; SWEETHEART FA6IAL S P 2 - 25e SWEETHEART BATH SOAP 2 - 25e Heinz Flavorful Tomato Ketchuo Ballard Biscuits Freshlike Corn 2'«« 29e Green Beans <££ 2'«»35e Freshlike Sweet Peatl "m 37* Bean Sprouts Bead Molasses Blue-White Flakes 2 - 45c Beef Stew 2 £ 25G Armour's Treet Chopped Beef Walker Austei Heat 'n ||t J^uncheon Meat Armour Star Armour I6'0z. tin 12-os. Ilea 12«oz. tin Chinese Maid Brand Chinese Maid Brand 16-01. tin 3*oz. Ml. «•{. si n For a More Whiter Wa*h Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow Camay Facial Soap So Pur* So Gentle 2 3 4 2 2 3 10' 10s 9* 25* lir|# 31° 26e * 255 •art* £70 P I B54 25* •ean. six* ban •td. ban 29e I7C 18-OH. m i,I Armour's Corned Beef "14ie Armou g Canned Ham 1 ^ Star Kist Tuna r 2 t: 59c Fancy Sauerkraut" 2 13e A & P P u m p k i n - - - . : 2 1 9 e Sliced Pineapple ^ 3 "i- T Purple Plums iSC 2 "r ||e Apricot Halves 29c AMIilCAl fOMMOST fQQQ RETAIlEt... SINCE 1U9 pkgi. rog. slxt PACiriC TEA COMPANY All prlcvt ffcctiv* tkrouBh Novembor 3