# Thursday, November 8, 1956 W-. ••. . ••• -.v'V; wHittim •k* Johnsburg News " _ #jr '•• *t«c tatty • I1' J -1 1!"' »J1" *• »*[ •' •I1"'/**" First Born The Frank Oeffling family, 3(^ich consisted* of' two prior to ^t. 27, * announces a new branch oil their family tree. The newest member, dressed in the traditional blue, made his first appearance at the Woodstock hospital and tipped the scales at 8 lbs. 3 oz. Judy and Frank decided on calling their new heir Frances Edward, Jr. Our congratulations to the new parents. Hallowe'en Parade Last Wednesday, which everyone knows was Hallowefen, found the streets through town and the various subdivisions crowded with youngsters of all" ages making their annual dodr-to-dobr campaign for tricks or treats. I'm sure everyone, was Well satisfied with the ypunger generation's behavior on that particular evening; I doubt if there were1 many tricks because "the "open door" welcome provided at most of the homes. I'm sure most of the paraders went home tired but happy lugging their bag full of treats: A word of thanks to the rescue squad members who were on the alert again this year as they were last year. The fellows put lighted flares through the roads • going into town and on the side roads t^ caution drivers. These flares s™ ed many unnecessary accidents. Feather Party _ A reminder once again about the feather party which will take place next Saturday, Nov. 10, at the Community club hall. This is your chance to take home your Thanksgiving turkey or you may be lucky on something else. You will never know if you don't attend party and try your luck. Plan on attending. Dogs in the News Once again I have been reminded to ask dog owners to keep their dogs at home. There have been so many dogs running loose through town lately. If you are a dog owner and care what happens to your dog, then please take care of him. gs' running loose will be picked Brownie News The first meeting of the new Johnsburg Brownie troop was held Tuesday, Oct. 30, in the Community club hall. Attending this meeting were Corinne Sherman, Linda Mangold, Mary Lynn Meyers, Diane Oeffling, Mary Ann DeSalvo, Karen . Huemann, Diane Smith, ^rbara Huemann, Sandra Thomas, Sandra Fry, Kathleen Senkerick, Sandra Meyers, Lynn Gallas, Laureli Jost, Bonnie Oeffling, Linda Schaefer and Janice Schaefer. The meeting was opened with the troop repeating the pledge o% allegiance aloud. Hie girls played records and.-discussed - the Brownie laws and the events to. come in future meetings. The troop enjoyed cookies aira lemonade at the close of the meeting. Mary Ann DeSalvd was. appointed hostess to bring cookies for the nexjt meeting. The troop is under the capable Supervision of Gloria Jorgensen and Mig Joyce, who will act as leader and co-leader. Watch this column for future news-of Brownies. - -- Shower/Suest . Mrs. Oscar Hollenbach was hostes to twelve ladies at her home on Oct. 29.' The gathering honored Mrs. Lloyd Kuehn with a pink and blue shower. Lunch, was served to the ladies, at . Which time Mrs. Kuehn opened an array of lovely gifts. Excuse Please In one of my news items last week, "yours truly" made not one error but two in one item. I missed adding the name of A1 Severinghaus, a most congenial fellow, to the guest list, of Bill Ricks' farewell party. I also stated Bill was to spend the winter in Morton but it is Peoria. I hope these gentlemen will find it in their hearts to overlook my errors. New Arrival 4 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Meyers welcomed a new addition to their family on Nov. 3. The little fellow weighed in at the Woodstock hospital at 8 lbs. 4 oz. The newest member of the Meyers family will finswer to the name of Randy and will be welcomed hom£ by his tWo big brothers; Glenn, 6, and Roger, 3. BaTiglftfer "ahd Mrs! John J*. Galvin. A reception followed in a hotel, after which the couple left on a honeymoon. Following thek trip, the newlyweds will take up: residence in McHenry. . Guests from ,this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller, Dick fend Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hiller, MrT and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff, Mr. and Mts. Leo Hiller, Mn and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dixon, Stanley Aim and Arlis Bdchard. Wayne Dixon, Stanley Aim, Dick and Dorothy were members of the wedding" party. Around Hie Town Lt. Richard Hiller will be spending the next few weeks with his parents. Dick arrived home last week from California. His'sister, Dorothy; left her college studies last weekend at IOwa State to participate in - the Hiller-Galvin wedding. While raking; leaves last Saturday at his home1; Oscar Hollenback came across a beautiful bed of newly "bloomed snapdragons. Snapdragons at this time of year? We must be having a reverse of seaons. Have you bought your tickets for the rescue squad dance yet? Support Volunteers of America. Wed Last Saturday Many relatives and friends of this vicinity attended the wedding in St. Paul last Saturday, Nov. 3, at St. Therese's church of Charles Hiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller, and Miss Pam Galvin, FIDELITY by MAGNAVOX PLAYERS COMBINATIONS PORTABLES CONSOLETTES CONSOLES SPEAKERS iTr&nslsio? Badios . RADIONIC SALES S06 E. Elm St. McHENRY 1446-J M * f i A i WHICH MAN PASSID THC N.P.* TIST? 'Nintty-Ptrctnl This on# at the left of'course. You c«n ted at a glance ... and that's why the Ninety-Percent Test is so important. Don't think it doesn't ter what you look like at home. Your family and close friends may lovs and accept you "just as you are" ... trouble is they may be so used to teeing you in "casual" attire that they may not really you at aH any more. With just a small assist from us you'll find it aA easy (patter to "freshen (he impression" you make on your own inner circle.... Think how gratified they'd be if you tried to look your best for them too. df. m 0 LOCAL CLEANERS WE GIVE RED STAMPS 206 So. Green Pick pp & Delivery Through the Oven Door by your J ~ l ^ REPORTER Want to glamorize your plain muffins? Mix three table* spoons sugar with one teaspoon cinnamon--and sprinkle as a topping for the muffins before baking. Makes enough for a two-cup flour recipe. * * « * * " Good things are worth waiting for--and the jnakers; of Ceresota "fltttir not only Seletit the finest,' slow-maturing wheats---but they also make sure the flour is white without bleaching. What does this meat* in your kitchen? Just this: It means that Ceresota flow gives fuller flavor, better texture, and finer appearance in aH of your home baking--every time. And remember, Ceresota is the only UNBLEACHED, NATURALLY WHITE flour yon ean buy. Yet it costs no more. * * * * * Don't forget to cut off the tops of carrots as soon as you get them home. This will keep the greens from draining the root of its moisture. Hearty fall appetites and biscuits sure go together--and here's a recipe for "Orange Tea Biscuits" that'll enliven any supper: Orange Tea Biscuits Phone 20 Ingredients 2 cups Ceresota unbleathed flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Vt teaspoon salt * cup shortening % cup milk 1 tablespoon orange fuico 1 orange rind (grated) Sift flour, add baking powder and salt and sift again. Mix in orange rind. Cut in shortening until a crumbly mixture resembling corn meal is formed. Add milk and orange juice. Mix only until moistened; Turn onto floured board and knead gently. Roll out to desired thickness and cut into desired shapes. Bake in 425° oven for 10-12 minutes. resota Unbleached Naturally White Look for valuable coupon with every bag G6t3' EDDIE the EDUCATOR LakelandParb News Pupil Record Qays present .........155 Days absent.......... 30. District loss ..........32,40 Pupil loss -yyy-- ^ (Continued1 from- Page 9) Special state aid districts lose mere than a dollar a day for every child absent'firoin school. The child loses more. Regelar attendance 'paysl Illinois Education AiKtcia»iop tSm? GIRL SCOUTS A- most enjoyable time was had by Troop 89 at a Hallowe'en party given at the home of Mrs. Wirtz, our leader, whieh was gaily decorated for the occasion. Everyone wore costumes. Refreshments were served, after which we played games. Barbara Shannon, scribe Betty Laurence, JbJih arifT Florence Svitanek. and' Mr. lirtd Mi's. Alfred Ritter from Elttiwbod'Park. : To Judy Meineke who was twelve pin Oct. 18. She celebrated on the 27th with a Masquerade party. The strange looking guests had . a grand time' on a scavenger hunt where they were asked to bring (everything from a. blue suede shoe |to a red bow tie. Later, tlie party punch board was brought out to complete the afternoon of fun. On the party guest list were Jean Wile, Pat O'lV&lly, Cathy Callahan, Mary Sullivan, Susie Meineke, Nancy Kusac, Maty Ellen Nye, Sandy Laurence, arid Cathy Con- Way. To Susie Lambert who also fnarked her birthday with. a Hallowe'en party: Susie- was six years old on the first of November, but did her celebrating on the thirtieth of- October. Those doing the antics, prescribed on the party punch board were Debbie Holos, iSane arid Billy Krater, Jimmy. Hansen, Susie Meineke, and Linda. Lambert! Rarbeques, cake and ice cream were served to top off the event. Tp Kenny Guiseppe who celebrated his fourth birthday with a party on Nov. 3. The party goers played; Barnes and everybody went home with a prize. Guests were jBiUy and Diane Krater, Faye Thompson, and Denise Broom. To Kenny and Eddie O'Gara who celebrated their fourteenth and sixteenth birthdays respectively on Oct. 27. The boys enjoyed cake with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai;t O'Gara and their little sister Karen and baby brother, Alan. To Bradford Grote who celebrated his seventh birthday Oct. 30 with an all masculine Hallowe'en birthday party. The "gentlemen" took on the appearance of little spouting whales when they carried out the old Hallowe'en custom, of dunking for apples. Later they played more games and made lots of noise with their Hallowe'en horns. They* were treated with delicious cup cakes with traditional candles on ^ach for refreshments. Bradford was-so- very-/pleaded with all the nice gifts given. Those going home with wet hair were David and Gary Bockman, Alan Kujak, Harry Maier, Harold Meyer, and Gregory Uhles. Coming and Going Wayne Strandquist reported to his new base at Key West, Fla. on Friday, Nov. 2. While home Wayne enjoyed hunting on the Sportsman's Club controlled shooting area and duck hunting on McCub i lom lake. Commander A. J. Campbell of Great Lakes training center was his guest and hunting companion on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Randall of Duluth, Minn., spent several days as .house guests of the Strandquist family. Another Manama interesting sidelight of Wayne*#;: ; stay home was his trip to Lincoln; Park Zoo to see his pet hawk, Hirkimer. ' '$£ Rudy Bryant's daughter, Mrs. ^ Shirley Sabin and children, Stierryl ^ Lynn and Georgiann Gay came from Cedar Rapids, Iowa to spend 5 a three week vacation. Bill and Lyda Radish spent Sunday in Chicago helping Lyda's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig, celebrate her birthday. | ^ Frank and , Jean Paris! went" - visiting in Rockford over the week-r end. y at and SAVE! r'A:- A 'Si Insured Savings: Savings Invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 3^/j per cent pins Vi per cent extra. S3-tf and y^apidayton Water Syptenu We Repair and Sarvic* All Malta* of Pumpt Authorized: Red Ja&et 6* Dattjon Punfe Agency Wells Drilled or Drlvten ' Pumps 6 Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL a PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 718 Points the way! SAVE BY MAIL! CURRENT DIVIDEND 3 PER CENT Marengo Federal Cnvinnc and loan aaYings association MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State Si. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 TOTAL A88ETS OVER S6.000.000.QO FARM Buildings INDUSTRIAL Buildings i 1 100% USABLE SPACC! the Secret... is in the STEEL SPAN ... built like • BRIDGE for STRENGTH and ENDURANCE! 1. Eosyl Erect in days, not WMktl 2. No (killed labor needed. Erect it yourself! 3. Fost delivery from your dealer's stock! 4. Better looking. Straight sides. Gable reef! You are free to chaos* your own siding and roofuif . free to put it up yourself with easy directions or Mr* your own builder . . . free t» place doors and «rind*wt where you want) Slandqrd stock sixes: 32 and 44-ft. widths, 10 and 12* H wall heights, any length. No other building costs so little, goes-up so qtfiddy, to easily and lofts so long. Get free facts without obligation today from. . . Alexander iustibier Go. PHONE 1424 ummm iiipi (lip ' . mi ... I** .1 jaw»^'^ii lift w'Jj a* *1 Tnnraxro^ till ^ \ _v New DODGE « 1 Come see and,drive the fitly trudn wMmtt-new V-8 power, advanced Forward Look styling, new comfort cobs, and excklsive push-button automatic transmission! N v •• •• -o\ v^' ^ ' Now, Dodge leads the lpw-priced three |n all five measures of value! 1. You get MORE POWER! From 204-hp. pick-ups to 232-hp. tandems, Dodge V-8 Power Giants lead in haul-ability. 2. You haul BIGGER LQAQff! Dodgo Power Giants lead in payload capacities. From 4,250 lbs. G.V.W. to 65,000 lbs. G.C.W., new Power Giants cany more profitable loads. 3. You enjoy BETTER PilP@KftAANCE1 No other truck can touch these big, new Dbdge V-8 Power Giants for tfcip stepout- front zip you need to cut trip time, ' keep up with car traffic. 4. You got TOP ECONOMY I Exclusive C3irysler*6ngii!eerpd, airliner-type V-8 engines give you a mileage b6nus from every gallon, full power on regular gas. 5. You enjoy EASIER DRIVING! Only Dodge givesyoi| pushrbutton automatic shifting]* And the industry's sharpest turning saves work in threading through city streets. See 1957's mosf advanced trudes--V-8's and 6's--at your Dodge dealer's today! 'Avaihtl* o" motUU. DODGETRUCKS with TM« romwAmo ioon ^fc> Exclusive Push-button Transmission --First in any triick! Shifting is entirely automatic. Just push a button, and go! Trouble-free. Saves time, makes driving easier.* Exclusive Full-openina Hood--Two-position alligator hood opens to a full 90* for complete engine servicing, or half-way for routine oil and water checks. A. S. 301 E&ST PEARL STREET SALES, Inc PHONE 1SS McHENRY. ILLINOIS Get Your Dodge D e a l e r ' s D e a l B e f o r e You D e c i d e ... jt -vj