Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1956, p. 2

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t. n , ^ * A. \ " 'l vm t ^ \ - *? , - - - *1 yv?*$ Thursday, November 15, " |.'p t$$0 %':-3& s& " W$& YiSV . ffttristlna Altaian %, . t iTeara Old Nov. |£ jvf Christina, 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Altman Of Riverside Park subdivision, celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary with a party last Saturday. Guests included Catherine Palmer, Joyce Adams, Penny Miller and Dorothy * Gavin of McHenry and Karen Kramer of Des . jplaines. v i Unusual games occupied the Spoung ladies' attention, with favors awarded to each. A tasty Quitch was served. J- - ' ---^ . . portray Saints' IjdVes For P.T.A. ,'X St. Mary's P.T.A. met last week ^Wednesday, when Sister Sicilda's fifth grade students portrayed the lives of several different saints. Another part of the program was an Indian dance and song by Sister Leanna's second and-third grade pupils. ' A business meeting was followed by the serving of refreshments aftd a social hour. tertained the cast of the junior ,c]ass play and their guests at a party at her home on Main street last Friday "evening. About thirty were in attendance to enjoy dancing, after which a buffet lunch was served. Miss Frances Zander and Miss Elizabeth Olson of the faculty were also in attendance. Announce Troth 6f Doris Olson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Olson of Island Lake announce the engagement,. of their daughter, Doris, tot Glen Brooks of Crystal Lake. A ? Jane wedding is planned.' Saturday Bride , Guest At Shower - ' Miss Betty Ann Stilling, who became a bride last Saturday, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous 'shower held in Batavia recently. The evening was spent playing games. ' ' " About twenty-five guests presented the hride-to-be with many lovely and useful gifts. The table lefts' attractively decorated for the occasion, centered with a . decorated cake and the words, "Congratulations to Betty." 'A' delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Bettie Hurtt* fend "Mrs. Cornelia Norton. Arleene 'lost To Wed Gerald Uriel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jost of Sunnyside Estates announce the engagement of their daughter, Arleene Olga Mary, to Gerald William Thiel, son of Mr."' and Mrs. Jacob Thiel of Johnsburg. 1 til? <A Johnsburg P.T.A. Plans "Fiin" Night The Johnsburg ^P'.T.A. will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday, Nov.' 20, ill the school auditorium, it will bfe a ^'fun" nigh\, with a number of guessing gafoes. All members and "friends are Urged to attend. 1 Hostesses for the1 evening are Mrs. W StaM, Mrs. L. Williams and Mrs. C. Schut>le. The P.T.A. is currently-making plans for its carnival, which will b@ libia 'Saturday, Dec. 1. ' W.C.OJT. Changes Meeting Night The Women's Cattiotfe Order of Foresters, St.-Clara's Court,'No. 659, will'change its" regular 'meeting from Nov. 22 to Nov. 29 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. The meeting will start at 8 p.pi. and aH members are urged to attend. 'Plans are being madfc for the Christmas party to be held Dec. 13. Joseph ML Schaefer „33ctlm Of Snrprlse The junior Joseph M. Stfiaefers were pleasantly surprised "Wednesday evening of 'last week when a group of ^lr. Schaefer's f6rmer customers honored ' h'm With a surprise party at his liibme. " ' """' ! An enjoyable social evening was spent, after which a tasty lttnch was served. He was presented with a gift of money in depreciation for past services. Bfary Lynn Murphy * Entertains Cast , 'Miss Mary Lynn Murphy en- Ringwood Church Scene Of Wedding The new Methodist church in Ringwood was decorated^ with white mums and astors and white tapers to provide a beautiful setting for the wedding of Miss Carol Jean Gnadt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gnadt of Wonder Lake, and, Lester L. Kantlehner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kantlehner of Mt. Carroll 111. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. James Reid at 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, was lovely in a' white,floor length dress, fashioned with chantifly lace bodice, peter pan collar and long sleeves. The very bouffant skirt was of tulle, with inserts of lace. Her finger-tip veil was held by a small cap covered with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Patti Jensen was the maid of hohor and Myrna Kantlehner, sister of the groom, and Alice Dixon of Arlington Heights were bridesmaids. They , were dressed alike in ballerina length jgowns of, periwinkle blue crysfglette, with gloves to jmatch. Shorr \feils trimmed with pearls formecFthefr headresses." Patti, carried £ bouquet of yellow and bronze roses and Myrna and Alice carried bronze roses. Jim Brandt of Mt. Carroll served as best man and Bob Ryan of Arlington Heights and Jerry Sauter of Mt. Prospect were ushers. The bride's mother wore brocade satin in ice blue and her corsage Was of white carnations and baby mums. The groom's mother chose a maroon dress and her corsage was the same. A reception, with buffet supper, was held at the McHenry V.F.W. for about 250 guests and friends at 7. The couple left for a week's trip, after which they will reside in McCullom Lake. •(•••••It 1 •» <' • • PERSONALS '8. '8' »8' ,8, .g. < : Mrs. Robert JMattb^w and son, James, of Duluth, -Minn.," have been spending several lays ih the James Brooks home,.*"* Mr. arid Mrs.v|>aul Brefeid *Of Chicago spent the w6ekend wifh McHenry relatives. Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo and daughter, Mrs" George A'iderson, and baby1 daughter, Virginia, visited the former's rhother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Wednesday. Mrs. Anders6n had just returned from Norfolk, Va., where the family spent the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer and daughter, Ruth,, paid their final respects to a relative, Mrs. Kathryn Portman, et a funeral home in Elmhufst Wednesday evenlhg.'. ' Mrs. Henry J. Lange returned to her honiie ; in Quincy, Mich. Monday after a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Zona Bacon. Olher guests Bacon on Saturday to celebsjate her birthday Carl Hiatt family of W«' arid Mr.jtnd &r& William and son of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Michael "Thill and childfln, Janice and David, of Aurora were Sunday guests in the home of her mother, Mra. Anna Diedricii. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jchanren of New York City and Homer Johansen of Chicago wfcre Saturday guests in the Robert Thompson home. Mrs. James Walker Rule (Maijorie Gurnet) and Miss, Lillian Condit of Chicago visited friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Rule was a former teacher in the local school andi it was her first visit here in thirty-six years. The James Ballotti family of Sycamore were visitors in the Lester Bacon home Saturday. The George E. Johnson famiiy of Skokie and Mrs. Earl Geer of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the George . H. Johnson home: Mrs. Eleanor Manning ana soi?s John and Robert, of Oak Park spent the weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Ben Justen was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neuman of Silver Lake were guests In the Carl Neuman home Sunday. Jack Steilen of Chicago Called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. James'Stilling, Mrs. Floyd Cooley, Mrs. Maurice Clark. Mrs. Charles Vycital, Mrs. Fred Rogers, Mrs\ Charles Jiirack and Miss Genevieve Knafc attended some of the sessions of the twenty-eighth national convention ol Catholic WQjtaen, held: lit the Conrad .Hilton m Chicago, Nov. 7 to 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Freurid VjsitSd their daughter, Diane, at St. Joseph's Convent in Mi'.waukee Sunday and also attended the bazaar while there. Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Buchort; visited in the" Edward Matthew* home in Evanstori Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Milier ares vacationing in Miami, Ila. • Richard Michels of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., spent the weekend With his parents, Mr/ and Mrs. Charles Michels. Mr.and Mrs. Eliher Smith, Mrs; Jake Miller and daughter, the Charles Freund family \of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff of Richmond, thie A. J. Steinsdoerfer family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh, Ray: Baer and son,1 Larry, of Chicago were among the folks who attended the reunion of the Frank - Smith family here Sunday. ; "Mr. and Mrs.^Wlliaml&eime^ Mi%. Annabel Aicher, George Slid Leio Heimer of McHenry and the Enyin Laures family ql Wheaton wereT guests in the Edward Gitzke hotrie in Cary Sunday, where they liejpeid! William ^irper b^te his birtiiday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Anna Miller visited in the Walter HUff home in Harvard Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes, son, Robert and Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gustafson arid daughter, Karen, of Chicago visited Mrs, Edith itayes Sunday. MiSs Margie Freund, who is a student nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, South Rend, Ind., spent the weekend in the home of her parerits, Mr. arid Mrs.' Ariton P. Freund. She was accompanied by four ether student nurses, the Misses Carol Powell, Nancy Hultorir Roberta Madden and Mary Jane Kulakowskie. The Jay Reymour family of Wheeling were visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, on Satur~< day. , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer visited their daughter, petty, at St. Joseph's convent in Milwaukee Sunday. Mr- and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughters, Dorothy and Clarene, and granddaughter, Greta Martini visited Sr. M. Necele &t Alverno college last weekend and also, Mr. tended the annual bazaar at "SV Joseph's convent. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Adams and Mrs. O. Erickson and son, Blaun, spent last weekend visiting old friends in Plover, Wis. Rudy Cvigr of Freeport, Texas, visited his aunt, Mrs. Marie V for a. le\y (feys thfe past Other visitors on Sunday include Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vales and BETTY ANN STILtlNG' AND HERBERT HURTT MARRIED SATURDAY VILLA NURSING HOME ON P1STAKEE BA)T, NEAR McHENBV Heme for the Aged ; ^N^LE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENBY 461 A date to remember, Nov. 28, when benefit theatre party of McHenry hospital auxiliary will be held. ; Getting Otaady For That a u ( i j i t I a i r R E C K BRECK CREAM TREATMENT FOR DRY OR DAMAGED HAIR Breck Cream Treatment helps gi,ve your hair natural beauty. Containing lanolin and the exceptionally effective ingredient, Lipicil*, Breck Cream Treatment aids in the correction and prevention of hair dryness, dan- . druff and hard to manage hair. Applied professionally in our salon, Breck Cream Treatment will leave your Jiaif wft, lustrous and as beautiful as a bride's. \ *3Uptiil is ihe Breck trade name for a stabilized lipidt complex. laS-CONtHTIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS °Pen Tues., Thurs. and Frl. Evenings 'til 9 W-IJ IS OUR BUSINESS iversi 1v2v8, N. Rli-i.v-:e r£s•:i d7.e-. Draiv e«• iJe ^J*£airsiyulinngg McHenry, DL to Phone 14T St. John's church* Johnsburg, was the scerie of a -beautiful wedding ceremony last Saturday, Nov. 10, when Miss Betty Ann Stilling became the bride of IWr. Herbert J. HiiVtt. The bride is the daughter? Cof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilliri^'.of McHeniry und the groom is. fiie spn of Mr. and Mrs. Pei^-JFwm, Sr. of Denver, Colo. Rev. Fr. Hugh Schuck officiated at the double ring rite, which was performed in p church beautifully decorated with bouquets Of assorted white flowers on the altars. The lovely bride wore a floor length dress, styled with full, nyjon and tulle skirt and four large pointe_6f, French nylon lace:; qvE»' ^BMp:;and satin. It fea^^t^jlM^ pan collar ai.d iridescent se- ^tilris. Her tiara of iridescent seed pearls and sequins held a nylon tulle veil and she carried a bouqyet qf Amazon lilies and Fuji mums witft satin streamers. -- 11. , isoris, lEdwardi, jTr., and John, of Berwyri. ' Miss Etta Rosenberger, at 92 one of the community's oldest residents, had the misfortune to fall and break her hip last Sunday evening. She is confined to Memorial hospital-, i Woodstock; where she will undergo Surgery. Mrs. Evelyn Murphy, son, Larry, and. daughter, Sally, spent Veteran^ pay -in, Chicago, where they visited the Museum of Science and Industry; Join the new Christmas Club at the McHenry State Bank. Complete banking service. The bride carried a crysial' rosary, a gift from the groom. Following the ceremony, she placed a~tttuquet on the; altar of the Blessed Virgin, while the ot-$ ganist pltiyed "On Thi6 pay O Beautiful Mother." < ! Misst Eileen ^tilling, ^cted as mai^. of j^iorior for hier sisfer. Slie was attired in an a^ua' crystaTette dress, v^th' full skirt and lace: -yoke-, empire - style,- with large bow in back. She wore a shell hair trimmed with flowers and pearls. Her crescent-shaped boyquet' insisted of bronze ponipoms grid gold, grapes tied with a gold ribbon. ; ^ f ' f The bridesmaids Were Kathleen Freund, cousin of tpe bride, ^nd Laurayne Conway, a friend. Both w<Mte shrimp-itolOred gowns and accessories in a matching style and carried bouquets similar' to that <?f the maid oif honor. The pretty, ; yoUng "miniature" bride was Vu-einia Stirling, ^is'ter of the bride, ph'e wore all white nylqri lace ana tulle over satin, styled similarly to that of the bride, and carried, a heart-shaped pillow trimmed, with lace and ; lowers,' on which; she carried the wedding ring.. *Her gown was fashioned by the bride and her mother. All' of the attendants wore jewelry, gifts from the bride. Jerome Stilling served" his brother as best man arid' groornsrtien were ferry Hiirtt, Jr., of Batavia/ brother of the groom, and Don Reed of Geneva, a friend Arnold Freund, cousin of the bride, and Jim Nortori,- brotherin- law of the groom, were ushers. For her daughters wedding, Mrs. Stilling chose an aqua sheath dress, with cork grey' suede accessories.' Her corsage consisted ot white pom-poms tied with a White ribbon. E3re'akfas£ was served" at the Horisestead for the bridal party and later in the afternoon, dinrier was enjoyed by about. fifty relatives atf<l friends at "tire Chapel Hill Country club. ' The groom's parents ymere unable to attend ;wedding as they reside in Denver,, but during the day a telegram Of congratulations was received by the newlyweds. ;:;,J"r--r-fL The bride was.: employed for some time at Science Research and then for twenty moriths b^ Illinois |3ell Telephone company as junigc supiervisoh" - f Theppdegrqbm is stationed, at Chanu^04ir force base'at |taritoui. The couple will inake their home for tJtjie present at .a trailer camp near thect1; . -;jr \ SILVER WEDblN0 Mr. and Mrs. James D.' Curran will celebrate'-their twenty-fifth wedding anniversany on; Slltuif^ day, Nov. 17y wftB open house for friends arid relatives. • " ' AMONG THE SICK i&l: •V.; McHenry Btogpital > Patients in McHenry hospital (hiring the past week were Mrs. Kathryn Carstens, Frieda: Olso^> and Mike Daly of MdEfeiuy:; Mr * Irene Leon, Louise Weber and Theodore - Behler of "f&akemoor; Mrs; Helen Steinfte of Rt. -"'5; Ralph Donhamtirio arid Craig 'Bjoritman qfK>Huemann,s subdivisioii; Celia ' Sfchlofner and Ed- ' WonlN?: Lake. ^ i - ^ M|emprialHospital ' Mi^; Sack and AugusfP Witzke were (admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this jpast week, Linda Wirtz underwent, 4ori^Ueet<^^:;. on " Tues- 'day.: • •' ; "j ."•'r •• Takei '&e f'N.P.^Mil .See Page 5 i Freshen The Impression S i MAKE IT A DAY OF DAYS WITH YOUR PORTRAIT There's someone you love for whom there could be no more appreciated gift than your portrait. It always says that you are thinking of them in a very special way--and that you want them to think of you. PHONE 275 \WORWlCK'S studio 117' N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Wr HfONEY AND BANKlMf In Everydcty l^^ SOLDERING "|(||QWrtOW" from those who ^ do know how: Be sure that botb the iron arid the be joined are clean, and hot; that the iron is well tinned, and the surfaces are treated with the proper' flux for the Job. • «#• * • • WOMEN COMPARE NOTES; arid' we thought you might bfe interested in the following exchange, reported to us, on the rigors of "hill-paying day," Said Mrs. A; "Right after breakfast, I drove downtown--and cruised endlessjy 'til I found a parking place. Then I walked to the stores where I had bills to pay-- and had to stand in line at two of them. Then I started back in the car--only to get caught in a traffic snarl. When I finally reached home, it 'was lunch time!" Said MriS. B: "Right STATE BANK It Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 I , : Join Our ENJOY A PREPAID CHRISTMAS I N 1957 SANITONE SBRVICE IS THE ®fTT|R |RV CLEANING FINIS CLOTHES OESERVEI All dirt and spots gone! Lijce-new sheen and color brilliance restored! No dry cleaning odor! Be ready for fun. Let us pick Up your 'party clothes now. APPROVED SERVICE CLEANERS Around Comer North of National Tea A Cfaib A Club N. FRONT ST. Open Daily To 6 P«Me McHJENRY, TT.i. Fridays To S P.M. 50* A Week $1.00 A ek «2.00A Week moo Every Need *100.00 $3.00 A Week $io00 A Week (D&M. A .ifeak ).00 *250.00 *50io®@ *!@J0 A V (k = *1,000.60 OPEN YOUR CLUB ^ND YOU CAN MAKE PAYMENTS IN PERSON -- BY MAIL -- BY USE OF THE NIGHT DEPOSITORY OR '?jS # WE CAN DEDUCT THE PAYMENTS FROM YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT SAVE WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY ONE STOP NOTICE^ THE McHENRY STATE BANK WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 AND WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 IN OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING. NRY STATE BANK GREEN & ELM STREETS SERVING McHENRY SINCE 1906 MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. PHONE McHENRY 1040 -'after breakfast, -I sat, down at my desk at home and got 6ut^my checkbook. I wrote checks' to pay all my household bills, slipped them into envelopes,, and set the envelopes out for the postman. I was all done in half|an hour!" Any of your neighbors who pay by check will vouch^for the priceless convenience that a checking account provides. Why not open one with us soon? * * * A FRIEND OF YOURS is a friend of ours. If you like doing business with us, bring in your friends. ln^roc(uce them to us and to our helpful banking services. We'll be pleasedTto know them--and we'll do all we can to make sure that your friends, too, are well pleased. Thus you will have done everyone concerned a "good Kirn" -- your friends, our bank, and yourself I %

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