mm P«g» Slxtam , / •.' ;' , , ^V .. lv: :IS. THE McHENRY LAKEMOOR NEWS fade and Johrf suffered a jaw injury. * • by Annette Schmit Village Meeting The village meeting will be held this evening, Jan. 10, at 8:30 p.m. In most large towns and citics the board of trustees meet and strictly exclude the public. We, here in Lakemoor, are very fortunate in being asked to be part of these meetings. A discussion period is held, at which time your voice may be heard. One night a month is not too often to apply your efforts for the betterment of your own home town. ' Be ye boot-black or bottlewasher, the right is yours. Everyone is urged to attend. ings at 7 p.m. this Thursday, today, Jan. 10. Village Notice Pun Club / The Fun club held a Christmas party on Wednesday, Jan. 2. Eight mothers and twenty children met to celebrate. Refreshments were served and each child receive a gift and stocking. Whoopee Party Plans have been steadily moving forward for the seventh annual who^jee party, to be* given on Feb. J6 by the L.I.A. This colossal affair will be held at 9 pjm. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the club or by phoning Dick Hyatt. The P.T.A. Parent - Teachers associa- Congratulations To Willard Mix on his retirement as of Dec. 31. Mr. Mix gave thirty-one years of service to the Main post office of Chicago. He was head timekeeper in the post office garage and gave much time to the P. O. credit union. At the time of his retirement, he worked with four or five men under him. His family, very proud of him, consist of his wife, one son, two daughters and eight grandchildren. Toasts Among guests in the John Becker home for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Szewczuk of Stevens Point, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. John Becker, Sr., of Bensenville, Sam McChesney of Waukegan, Kenneth Massheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Leichon, and John Treece of Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Padula of tion please contact this reporter for facts on same? «v'4 '• Bowling News Jenny O'Leary surprised everyone with a high score of 206 last week. Jen's really on the ball these days! Packing Up Our hats off to the fine f0lks of Lakemoor and their beautiful outdoor decorations this year. It would be hard to judge the pref1' tiest or most original display. -Now is the time for both father and ladder to get busy and pack up. Notice ^has been given that all j tion Founders day will be held on i Qakhurst spent a very enjoyable residents should secure their vehicle tax and dog tags soon as possible. The deadline is drawing near. These can be secured at the hardware store in the McDermott building. Village Clerk's Office Dates to remember: The village clerk informs us that the following dates are of importance to all the residents of our village, as they concefn the coming village election. Election Wednesday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. Members are asked to donate cakes for the occasion. Refreshments will be served and some interesting entertainment will be on hand. Mrs. Buchwalter attended her first meeting since her recent illness. All the members were overjoyed at her return. New Year's day and eve in the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Sarley. At the Larry Booster home a New Year's eve party was held and those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Booster, Mr. and ! Mrs. F. O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. ! F. Bitterman, Mr. and Mrs. Mori rison, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kagan. date is the third Tuesday in April, . son of Mr. and Mrs. Donovan of April 16. Tia Jana Drive, on the loss of his Jan. 21 is the first day to file ; beloved wife, Geraldine Joyce certificates of nomination or nom- j Donovan, on Jan. 2. ipation-papers (85 days prior lo i Funeral services were held Satelection. j urday, Jan. 5, 2 p.m. at Bethany I Evangelical reformed church, Chi- Jan. 28 is the first day to file : cago, with interment at Acacia petition of public policy. j Park. Caucus may be called anytime ; between Jan. 31 and March 15. Notice of Caucus must be posted Mr. and Mrs. A. Godina, Mr. and With Deepest Sympathy ! Mrs. J. Kraus, Jr., of Niles, and . Our most sincere condolences Mr. and Mrs. Kibbe. are offered to Burnell Donovan, j Guests for the New Year weekend and holiday in the Herman Kunz home were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wright and family of Chi- Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. John Qecker anor published ten days before hold- , nounce the engagement of their 1 daughter, Thelma. Neff, to Kencago, Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Earll and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilmore of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fluger and daughter, Joseph Hansen of Glenview, Miss Joan parling, and Bob Hart, both of Chicago. FORK Oet-to-Gether A splendid evening was enjoyed this past week when friends gathered at the Foss home for a friendly get-to-gether. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs Harry Brady, Mr. and' Mrs. Cleve Wade, Esther Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Brzezinski and -Mrs. Dorothy Wrublewski. No Grass There's no grass under Albert Kunz's feet these days. Albert is starling the new year out right-- with chicken pox. Motor Trip Estelle and Ray Blades are just back from a motor trip which took them to Ray's home town in Missouri to visit the folks for a week. ing of Caucus Other election dates will appear neth Massheimer of Lakemoor. in later columns. For other infor- • Nuptial plans are being made for mation relating to the election, | early May. contact the village clerk at McHenry 1117. Surprise Visitors ------ Alice and Cleve Wade were very Auxiliary surprised this past week when The auxiliary next meets on they welcomed an unexpected Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 8 p. m. j guest, Alfred Chambers, brother U.A. i of Alice, who appeared long The Library Improvement As- j enough to spread a little holiday sociation is now conducting its an- ; cheer and then return to his temnual membership drive. Hiis small j porary winter home in Florida, group of people are asking others ! Alice hasn't seen her brother in to join them in the worthwhile • about seven years and it seems as project of trying to establish a j though he came almost gift-wrappublic library in our community, j ped. A nice room upstairs of the fire- j To especially fill the holiday house has been set aside for the ; bill, Alice's sister, Esther, came Overnight Hike Bobby Foss went on an overnight hike with the Boy Scouts last week. They went out to Camp Lowden, where all the boys slept outdoors. Since temperatures were about 10° to 15° above zero, you can see why a few children showed pink tootsies on their arrival home. We use of the library, and upon its completion the members of the L. I. A. will strive to make it a credit to the village and surrounding area. When a representative of the club calls on you to join its ranks, why not give a helping hand. home for a visit and was among the welcoming committee for the long lost brother. Moved The village collector's office has temporarily moved back into the McDermott building Ladies League The Ladies league will meet again on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at at 8 p.m. Howdy Neighbors A big hello and welcome are extended to our new neighbors, Charles Padavich, and Paul AIberti, of Chicago. These two gentlemen will be glad to greet you in their new place of business in the McDermott building. We wish you both success in j our new business. Girl Scoats Mrs. Pope notifies the Thursday night Scout troop tn resume meet- Auto-Accident The Bonder family was involved in an accident this past Week in which both little Bonnie and John were injured Bonnie suffered some pretty nasty cuts on her nose and Bible tlass are informed that a new Bible class holds pessiojtys at the little white school house; Many mothers and children are interested in this endeavor. Would the party or parties in organiza- CONVENIENT HOURS FOR DEPOSITING YOUR SAVINGS Fridays: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 9 Other Week Days: 9 A.M, to 5 P.M. The Season's On! Skaters and fishermen swarmed the lake this past weekend. The ice is ready. The time is right, dig out the old "hockeys" mother and let's have some fun. Awaits News Mrs. Marge Beahler reports that she is anxiously awaiting news from her son, Dick Beahler, who is stationed in Wichita Falls, Texas. He has written that he's awaiting his promotion. Servicemen News Jimmy Bitterman is home now frorri North Carolina, where he's stationed in the Marine Corps. Bobby Bitterman left this week for Camp Pendleton, Calif. -r 10. 1957 mobile" tha^ Judy DiCicco is iun given questions after riing around in. i'*5 Retirement Party Mr, and Mrs. Willard Mix and Mr. and 'Mrs. Anthony Leon celebrated their retirements together on New Year's eve in the Leon home. Sick List - Mrs. A. P. Anderson is back on the sick list. The children all say, "hurry and get well, grandma." I . Reports have it that Mrs. Kosma is ddtfrg ' splendidly under the careful guidance of Mr. Kosma. ' Gift Santa Claus delivered to Mrs. Frank Burger one 1957 "Swank" automobile. Not everyone's Santa romes across with something like that. ' Hot Rod : -<< j Dig that crazy new 1957 "jet-i Start The New Year Right The Right OFFICE We carry a large stock of the leading brands of office supplies . . . items which will keep your office efficient Loose Leaf and Bound Books Letter Files and Folders ~ Price and Time Books Typewriter and Adding Machine Ribbons Stamp Padsvand Inks (most all colors) Carbon Papers, Desk Pads and Blotters "ALL GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES" KRAUSE NEWS ASENCY 308 E-. Elm Street PHONE 818-J McHenry, 111. Closed All Day Wednesday Two Above- Average Dividends Paid Yearly 3% Current Rate I "LET THERE BE , LIGHT: AND THERE WAS LIGHT" *(Author's name below) It appears that the time ordained for us to learn the secrets of how to live a longer and a healthier ~li££ is "almost here. This year there will be more "Light" on how to overcome some of the killers that have plagued mankind. Many of the miracle drugs such as the antibiotics, were all about us waiting for discovery. "The Most High has created medicines out of the earth." Ecclesiaticus tells us, and as soon as each one is revealed to us we gratefully stock them in our prescription department. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? and Loan Association PHONE 2 > 522 Main Street McHenry, Illinois N PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 'Quotation from the Bible (Genesis 1:3) Birthdays Terry Brady celebrated his birthday With his family on Dec. 24. Little Miss Mary Schuerr jblew all of her fouri candles out on Jan. 8 when She celebrated her natal day with her family. A surprise party was held on Jan. 5 in honor of Lawrence Schuerr's birthday. A beautiful birthday cake and refreshmenrs were enjoyed by his friends. Cards were played to top off an exciting evening. REGISTRATION FOR KOREAN VETERANS' * AGRICULTURE STUDY Birthdays Mrs. Shirley Schuerr celebrated with another candle on Jan. \ Mrs. Margaret Hatch celebrated her 21st birthday on Jan. 3. Happy birthday, belated, to Willard Mix on Dec. 30. Mrs. Hyatt makes her birthday wish on Jan. 8. Julia Kraus celebrated, her birth date on Jan. 2. Korean veterans who are eligible for training under the Agricultural Korean ""veterans who are eligible for training under the Agricultural Korean G. I. bill may register for training Monday night, February 4, at-8 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Woodstock high school agricultural department. A veteran must be self-employed. to be eligible for this program. A person who has a partnership agreement and has managerial control is considered self-employed. , A veteran should bring to the meeting th£ following: (1) photostatic copy of his discharge or separation papers. (2) a certified copy of lease, agreement,^ management agreement., tenure agreement, and certification of title instrument where ownership is claimed. (3) certified copy of marriage certificate. (4) certified copy of birth certificate of children. This is a McHenry' county program. The vocational agricultural teachers of McHenry county cooperate to make this program available to Korean veterans. The classes meet in the agricultural department at the Woodstock Community high school. Rvti the Want Ads INFORMATION I speaker. Finally, an egg candling] j laboratory session will be provided/ [for thotee interested in getting? j some pointers on candling tech-' I niques. s t Meet and Dine at the* Tower Grill On Rt. 120 in Lakemoor Phone McHenry 161 Open Daily 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Frl. & Sat. Until 3:00 A.M. -- Closed Monday FINEST FOOD ANYWHERE Chicken, Steak, Shrimps, Fish, Snacks and Soda Fountain K ^ Famous lor our Carry-put Service Phone McHenry 161. Leave your order, name and phone number In 20 minutes the food will be prepared, piping hot and ready to serve when you reach home. SORRY No intoxicating liquours served. Just a nice quiet place to enjoy % the best of foods and where you can bring your sweetheart, " mother or wife and children and enjoy your repast. An egg law informational meeting is scheduled for Woodstpck at the Farm Bureau building at 7:30 p!m. on Jan. 14. It is one of four planned for this area, each to he identical. It will include a pre- ' insured Savings: Savings invefteu sentation of the Illinois Egg law 'in Crystal I .we Savings and Loa^ by a representative of the Division ; Association «»•*- insured by the of Markets, Illinois Department of j Federal Savings and Loan lnsur- Agriculture, and a discussion of j ance Corp., ami eari per cent egg quality by a representative of ' plus l/j per cent extra S8-V the extension service, University • of Illinois. Ample time will be ' Buy TJ.S Savings Bonds JANUARY CAMERA SALE! Brownie Holiday Flash Outfit $ 7.95 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit $ 10.95 Brownie Bullseye Flash Outfit $ 15.95 Brownie Flash Six-20 $ 9.95 Brownie Reflex 6 $ 7.95 Kodak Duaflex $ 7.75 Kodak Tourist 620 $ 20.95 Kodak Pony 828 L..„ $ 25.75 $ 39.95 Reflecta $ 20.95 $ 37.50 Kodak Slide Viewer $ 24.95 $ 14.95 Slide Viewer $ 9.95 $<8p.35 Slide Projector & Case $ 65.50 $169.50 16mm Projector & Case $115.50 $ 87.50 Ansco Super Regent $ 59.35 $ 54.50 Ansco Regent $ 36.95 $ 69.95 Polaroid Highlander $ 54.95 $ 95.00 Reflecta II $ 55.95 $162.00 German Reflex f. $ 85.50 $ 98.00 Graflex 22 $ 74.95 $110.00 Reflex $ 54.95 $ 16.95 4 lamp Movie Light and Metal Case $ 12.95 $ 9.65 2 lamp Bar^Light $ 7.65 $ 10.95 2 lamp Bar Light $ 8.95 $ 24.50 GE Exposure Meter $ 17.95 $ 27.50 Sixtomat Exposure Meter , $ 18.95 $ 23.95 Sixti Exposure Meter $ 16.95 WORWICK'S MeHENRY CAMERA CENTER PHONE 275 ;r. o 117 No. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois MAN s« WOMAN WANTiS) GOLDEN ROCKET M HOLIDAY COUPE .. wi-th -the Accent on You ! To Take Over Ball Point Pen Distributorship and Service Stores in Spare Time We are looking for a reliable person in this area who is capable of handling our Retractable Ball Point Pen Distributorship and will give stores prqmpt service. The man or woman selected will find this a profitable operation which can be handled in your SPARE TIME. (No selling) or (Soliciting). Larger territory is available for prosperous full-time business. Experience not necessary. This is a steady, year-round repeat business that is non-seasonal. If you are sincerely interested in handling this territory and running a business of your own. we want to hear from you. For Personal Interview Write and Give Phoiie Number U. S. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS COMPANY 7435 N. Western Avenue Chicago, Illinois (I BC OUR GUEST . , . TAKE A ROCKET TEST! Step inside and get the exciting feel of this new Oldsmobile. Settle back in *the luxurious Tech- Style Interior and take a look around. You'll see Oldsmobile s smart Accent Stripe highlighting the inside motif tocf... dramatic new design everywhere! Come in! Guest-drive a new Golden" Socket 88, soon. See tor VouraeHI SEE THE GOLBERS RO©KdT 88 . . . L o w e s t -Priced Bl®©ket Engine Car! It coats much less than you'd ever guess to step up to the value of an Olds! You get big-car benefits at surprisingly small cost in Oldsmobile's beautiful new Golden Rocket 88! And vou get a stunning new low-level look that gives you big-car prestige and smart Modern Accent Styling. What's more, you'll have the dynamic performance of the great new Rocket T-100 Engine* . . . the luxuriously smooth riding qualities of Oldsmobile's new Wide-Stance Chassis ... all of 19."" s most advanced engineering features! So come in, look around,'and drive a Golden Rocket 88--now! *277-h.p. Rock.t T-400 Engine standard on all modelt; special Hockmi Cnginu, with up to 312 h.p., available at extra coil. DSM I O YOU'RC ALWAYS WKLCOMI AT YOUR OLDSMOBILK QUALITY DIALER'S! R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 From street^phone 6 VISIT TI1I0 OLDS KXllllilT A| TUIS CHICAGO AH'TO SHOW lNTEKNATlONAL AMl'IilTIli:ATKE, JAN. &-13 G