Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1957, p. 16

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LILYMOOR NEWS By Laura Belford WG <4CA"ft)( Ltlymoor Association . f Cub Pack 361 the January meeting of the | Cuh Pack 361 will hold its regu- Lilymoor association will come to ; 'ar monthly pack meeting tonight order next Tuesday, Jan. 22, at Thursday, Jan. 17. at 7:30 p.m. at 8 p.m. in the Lily Lake school- the Community Methodist church house. President-elect, Charles iin McHenry. It is expected that Rogers, will preside and an instal- j one or both parents will be present lation for all the new officers and with their cub. directors is being- planned. The : prder of business will include pre- j ' Welcome sentation and discussion of the j Mr. and Mrs. Henry William program for the coming year. j Oversen, Jr., have moved into Sixty of the 130 families in the ! Fritzsches'Estates from 154 Laracommunity were members of the ! m'e avenue. Chicago. Mrs. Overassociation* during the past year, j sen's s'steF ®ss r ° , It is hoped that more families will community. Mr. Oversen is take advantage of the benefits ? employed by the city of Park and responsibilities of this organ- i Ridge. Henry and Audrey have ization, which has as its sole pur- j ^our children, Henry William, III, "pose to make living' better and ' Marilyn Kay, 3, Reta Kathleen, more satisfying for everyone in ' 2 and baby, Sharon Marie, who is I.ilymoor. With the support and 1 n'ne months. The Oversens recooperation of all, we can make , Port *'iat they like their new homq Lilymoor one of the best subdi^ ! anc* are enjoying the snow. Visions in the McHenry area. i " " Birthdays The M.Y.A. i January is certainly an import - The Methodist Young Adults !ant month for the Alfred Seyfwill hold its first meeting of the ; ferths. Mrs. Seyfferth was 73 year on Friday, Jan. 25. Couples ! years young on Saturday. Jan. 5, j active duty with the U. S. Marines in the twenties and thirties are 'and Mr- Seyfferth put 83 years j after enjoying a furlough over the invited to join this group,. i behind him on Sunday. Jan. 13. j holidays. PYRAMID One of the most popular mem- ^rs of the* simple addition family f Solitaire games is Pyramid. De- •pite the fact that it rarely comes out for the player. Pyramid it /idely played and is the subject of laborate e c o r d - ?eping on le part of _ Mi__, s devoted [qkHoIRM ollowers. To' play 'his game, leal twen- - y - e i g h t cards in the form of a pyramid (see diagram). This is composed of successive rows of one o seven cards. Each card is overlapped by two cards of the row below. A card in the pyramid is available if not covered by any other. At the start, the seven cards of the bottom row are available. The play of two .adjacent cards releases one' card in the sixth row. and so on. From the available cards, remove and discard all kings singly, and all other cards in pairs that tota| thirteen. CIn the diagram, the following may be removed: King of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds and 7 of Hearts; Ace of Spades and Queen of Spades; 8 and 5 of Spades; Kins of Spades; 9 tof Diamonds and 4 of Hearts.) Turn up cards from the hand singly, placing unplayable cards face up on a single,wastepile. The top card of this pile and the card in hand are available. Note that a card turned up from the hand may be matched with a card on the wastepile. To win the game, both the pyramid and the wastepile must be cleared away and discarded. There is a way of playing Pyra« mid against "par" or another player. A match is six games. In each game two redeals are permitted. If athe player clears away the pyramid on the first deal, he scores fifty less the number of cards remajjiing in the hand, and fye may use- the redeals to deplete tHis number. If the pyramid is cleared away in the second deal, the score is thirty-five, * less remainder of the hand after ' the third deal. If the pyramid is cleared away in the third deal,' the •core is twenty less the cards in hand. If the pyramid is not cleared away in three deals, the score ir minus the total of cards left in pyraipid and hand. Robert Bittermain returned to | went' to the New" Year's eve party given by the Veterans of Foreign P.T.A. The P.T.A. of the Lily Lake school will hold its Founder's Day program Wednesday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. Parents , and other interested r <p ersons aren inuv ite^dW toi s c h h o e v e r , w a s ,1 1 o n J a n . 1,4,. Donations will be taken L. j A »i j Clarence Seyfferth, II, had his birthday on Jan. 8. Two of the Alfred Seyfferths' granddaughters have birthdays within a week of each other. Oerabelle Hiram had a birthday on Jan. 12, and her cousin; Merelene come. at the door. It is hoped a large crowd will turn out to keep up with what the organization is doing. H Mr. and Mrs. Dontfld Leske had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weimer from Elmhurst and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mc- Govern from Roselle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hiland Wars, District 57, Chicago, of which Mr. Hiland is a member. E. M. Belford attended a luncheon meeting of the research and development group of his company. The meeting was held at the Swedish Glee club in Waukegan on Wednesday. Happy birthday to Master Alan Ossler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ossler. He was 1 year old on Sunday, Jan. 13. i Happy birthday to Mrs. Fred Svoboda on- Tuesday, Jan. 22. I Personals Library Improvement The Library Improvement association held" its regular irififtthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 8 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wischhoever p.m. at the fire house. Th£ club : daughter, Marlene,. came from is now sponsoring a membership j Chicago on Saturday to be with drive. The people of the com- J Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth on her munity are invited to join this ! birthday. worthwhile organization. ! Mrs. Hebert Polinski's parents, The association meets once a : Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Gruenke, month at the Lakemoor fire sta- ' had such a good time at the New tion on the second Wednesday ; Year s eve party that they stayed night of the month. The function i over until the following Wednesof the organization is to establish j day at the Polinski home. Unfora public library, and to care for i tunately omitted from the guest and maintain same . The library j hst of the Polinskis' New Year's room is on the second floor of the j eve were Mr. and Mrs. Blonar of fire house and is being readied 1 Barrington. for use, pending heating installa- j Mr. and Mrs. Ra'lph Ossler and tion and shelving for the books, family visited with Mr. Ossler's Interested persons may con- ! mother, Mrs. Margaret Oss„le r,' in . , .. . ' Chicago on her birthday, Saturtact the president, Dick Hyatt, i day Jan 12 They also celebrated phone 592-J-l. little Alan's first year. Carpets & Rugs Over 1,000 samples of quality carpets and rugs. Color grouped in our new daylight lighted showroom. a Home Shopping Service , Free Estimates * Liberal Trade-In Allowances # Budget Terms TSBY CARPETS and RUSS . Junction Routes 120 and 14 PHONE WOODSTOCK 1000 McHUGH STUDIO 207 E. Ufa ..Street - Phone 2463 - McHenry mi Wmmmi\ m Friday & Saturday - Jan. 18 & 19 PHOTO FINISHING and PHOTO-STAT SERVICE FILMS CAMERAS and Complete Photography Supplies PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS -- COMMERCIAL -- ILLUSTRATION TO BE GIViN AWAY FREE ONE 8 X10 PRINT FROM YOUR MES AWE - (Only 1 Print Per Family) SACRIFICE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS! PRICES SLASHED TO GET IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION Our remodeling is going faster than we anticipated -- We must move fast to make room for carpenters -- Electricians, etc. All winter merchandise marked down NOW -- when you need it. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SALE:STARTS-FRIDAY MORNIN® "COME EARLY! ALL Children's PLASTIC JACKETS NOW 1 12 Price Limited Assortment Boys' - Girls' WINTER JACKETS NOW ' REDUCED 1 n Sizes 2-14 Boys' - Girls' SNOW SUITS Also Infant PRAM SUITS REDUCED 1 '3 Sizes to 6x \ ALL Children's CORDUItOY WINTER-WEAR I REDUCED 1 '3 1 RACK Girls' DRESSES And BLOUSES REDUCED 1 RACK Women's SHIRTS And BLOUSES REDUCED 1 '2 ALL Boys' - Men's fSNTER CAPS And HEAD-WI REDUCED 11 2 ALL Girls' - Women's MiAD-lf WOOL GLOMES SCA1WIS REDUCED 1 n ASSORTMENT SHAD '2 i t w REG. $5.98 -- 7.98 LINED - UNLINED CLOTH DRAPES REDUCED ^2 1 ASST. $1.98 PLASTIC DRAPES .00 Pair jl -- 2 Of A Kind COSTUME JEWELRY REDUCED 1 '2 •Plus F^d. Tax SMALL ASSORTMENT $1.79 SKIRT LENGTHS REDUCED TO LADIES' Hard Sole Leather MOCASSINS Reg. $3.79 Sizes 5 ALL CHILDREN'S -- WOMEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS and LIMITED QUANTITIES 83%% 1EBUCT! KJ A ALL SALES ARE FINAL. -NO RiTUiNS, iICHAN©iS, LAYAWAYS. BEN FRANKLIN ON gri T.

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