Page Sixteen • \V; - - *>' ? V" THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER P, /?> RINGWOOD NEWS By Mrs. George Shepard Church News The officers work-shop and jfraining school for the Women's ' Society for Christian Service met at the church Thursday. There were members from McHenry. Greenwood, Hebron and Alden present. The district president, Mrs. Stanley Goodell, of Chicago and the district officers, Mrs. DeBeer of Crystal Lake and Mrs. JHarry Stinespring of McHenry, were present. Birthday Party The annual birthday party for members and friends of the church, sponsored by the Roundup club, was held at the church Saturday evening. Each month had an appropriate number. and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wirtz at Elgin Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Saturday evening in the Delbert Schroeder home at Woodstock. William Cruickshank was on a husiness trip to Kentucky the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon !n the Beatty-Lovv home. Mrs. Walter Low, Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy. Mrs. John Hogan and Miss Lora Brever attended a Lady of the Moose convention at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Warren Jones spent Saturday evening at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Soddy and daughter Jane, of Kenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wil- | liam Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall Lakeland Park | I By Jetta Gleeson and Dorothy tTttick | ^nrrrt i IIIIIIIIIIII i in • itn ntiiiiinii iitiiifiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiuiiii iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiirciiiirii^ Junior M.Y.F. The Junior M.Y.F. had a sleigh ride and meeting at the church j jr amj son Qf McHenry, spent Friday evening. j Sunday with her parents, Mr. and - --: i Mrs. Louis Hawley. Senior M.Y.F., j Miss Anna Mae Aissen spent The Senior M.Y.F. met at the j the weekend with friends a~:! McHenry bowling alleys Sunday j Woodstock. j for an evening of recreation. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of; The boys of the Senior M.Y.F. 1 Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' mfct ai the Harrison school for; j,ow of McHenry and Walter Low 1 basketball Monday evening. i an(j children spent Sunday in the ; -- . I Beatty-Low home. Work Night j Mrs. Stanley Hunt is visiting Tuesday evening, the men of i with her daughter .and husband. • the church met in the church; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McCoy. Jr..! basement for a work night. j an(j new baby son at Omaha, j j Nebr. 1 Senior M.¥.F. J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and ! Members of the Senior M.Y.F.! family of Evanston spent Sunday i will attend the annual mid-winter j wnh Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking-1 institute at the Woodstock Meth- ton. j Wanted Time to start thinking of who you'd like to vote for as replacements on the board of directors of the LPPOA. The annual general meeting of the a^s^pi&tion is due the first Sunday .'Wf April and association members due to elect four new members ife the board. Those elected will.s^ye for . two years. The nominating co.mmi t tee, charged according to the by-law with the responsibility of presenting a slate of candidates at the general meeting, has been formed and will begin meeting soon. Members of this committee are Tom Gleeson, Steve Kotryck, Earl Boyce, Frank Moran and Len Bottari. They will check on the availability and qualifications of names suggested to them. Present members of the board;who are retiring May 1 are Wally^Laurence, Bud Uttich, Frank Parisi and John Ahrens (who replaced Tom Gleeson. / » Woman's Club News ned by the entertainment commitned by the entertainment committee for the February meeting of the Lakeland Park Woman's club. The "night o.ut" is being held on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m. in the Bottari home at 116 Pleasant avenue. A short business meeting will proceed the social hour. The officers would appreciate it if all members would get their dues paid up to date before the election of new officers. Since your reporters are on the entertainment committee, we'll let you in on the scoop -- very nice prizes are to be awarded, to the winners. • Don't rush girls, there's room for all. i&irtng the cltib's last meeting Bob Boyle was. elected treasurer to take the place of John Oligney, who has moved to Franklin Park. Congratulations Saturday, Jan. 26, was a special day for John and Flo Svitanek. They celebrated their eleventh wedding anniversary by Stepping out to dine and dance. Accompanying i he Svitaneks on their evening of gaiety were Ann and Floyd Leigh and Phyllis and Mike Michalek. Jeffery Svitanek also is due Jeff reached the ripe old age of 5 on Jan. 22. Dance After Easter The LPPOA dance originally planned for around St. Patrick's , day has been postponed until after j ^or some good wishes. Easter. Lack of suitable hall space j a n d t h e s e a s o n o f L e n t w e r e t h e j reasons for the postponement. | You'll be hearing more about I this from the co-charimen, Roy j Meineke and Jerry Rogers. | odist church. Institute registra- i tion will take place at 9:30 a.m on Saturday morning. The theme is "Meet Your Future." M*\ and Mrs. William Glawe of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Crystal Lake were callers in the Roy Harrison home Sunday afternoon. John Hay of McHenry called on pur- Bobby Malsch '5 Yea^s Old Bobby Malsch celel^ratjed his | Dr. Hepburn Saturday. birthday Sunday by entertaining | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison a few of his little friends at a'soent Friday and j>aturelay in the ^.paptaiu&t his home. Clarence Harrison home at Greenwood. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent the past two weeks in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. \ Jim Skidmore of Knoxville, Tenn. . s p e n t S u n d a y i n t h e h o m e j of his brother, John Skidmore, ; and family. i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy are on a trip to Mexico. I Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koons and j family of Woodstock spent Sun- j day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family of McHenry spent Sunday evening, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Fred Wiedrich, Jr., visited Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., at Sycamore Sunday. Mrs. Wiedrich is slowly regaining her health after a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schprntt of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ro-! F^^'^Vamily. land Bauer and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago and attended funeral services for gav^. savings Invested her brother-in-law, Ed tieffen- to Crygtal Savlng8 ^ ljWUJ baugh, on Wednesday. Association are insured by the Loren Harrison spent Sunday Federal Savings and Loan Insurwith friends at Morton Grove. ' Mice Corp., and earn %yt per cent Mr .and Mrs. Robert Schuetze plus </2 per cent extra. S8-tf Get Your Tickets If you haven't already chased your ticket for "The Night At The Opera" theatre party, you better call and do so soon. The tickets are going fast and we don't want you to be disappointed. This spectacular showing of "Aida" will start promptly at 8 p.m. at the McHenry theatre^ Feb. 27., Tickets are available from any of the board members. Dog-gone It Those roving dogs just won't read our colmun. Don't they know that they're not to go visiting on the neighbors' property? More and more complaints keep coming in so you dog owners will just have to keep your dogs abreast of their special bulletins .and keep them home. Cupid's Bow Will be on hand when the Junior 'Teen club have their very special Valentine's dance on Feb. 9. Tlje crowd" will gather at the-Sweeney home, 411 Home avenue, at "7:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. New Construction" or Remodeling Masonry and Frame H^mes Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Butler, Jr., of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the B. F. Butler home. FOR THAT OLD-FASHIONED FLAVOR CQME TO WILLI KOENEMJkNN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 Vulo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-l J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. Masonry -- General Contractors McCULLOM LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Estimates Home from :the Hospital We are happir to report that three of our Residents,, are back home after a stay in the McHenry hospital. Susan Bockman has recovered nicely from a recent tonsillectomy. Mrs. Lucille Stevens returned home this past week after a rather lengthy visit and is feeling much better although she will still be a bed patient for awhile. Mrs. Elmira Kujak vacated her hospital (bed last--Sunday- after undergoing surgery. She's now home being a lady of leisure, with Al being the chief cook and bottle washer -- enjoy it while it lasts, elmira. Our Sympathies Are extended to John Svitanek, whose step - father, Daniel Trzaska, of New York City, New York, died this past week.. Thursday. January 3«g Mr. and Hfrs. Vince Alesi and new little daughter, Rosary Ann. Mumps for Mother Gayle Laursen has been a very uncomfortable victim of the mumps this past week and almost wound up in the hospital. At last report, though, she was much better, so didn't have to make the trip. Sunday Siritier guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parisi were Ned Partipillo and daughter, Collette, Mr. and ,Mrs. Joe Cina and family and The many, friends of Gene Johnson were shocked and sorry to hear of the fire which nearly demolished the Johnson house. Gene's wife and children were routed from their house Saturday evening by flames which quickly engulfed their two-story house in West Shore Beach. Gene, who this summer donated his time and machinery to help Lakeland Parkers erect the traffic signs throughout our subdivision; is also well known for his activities^ Jn_jhe_J5poi^m^s_jC^ which he is president. STRIVE FOR SAFETY Gov. William G. Stratton has announced a 14 per cent drop in Illinois highway traffic deaths during December, as .compared with December, 1955, and a 3 per cent reduction for all of 1956 as against the preceding year. This record stands out against a nation- wide increase of about 5 per cent in 1956. Illinois deaths of this kind were 2,135 last year and 2,195 in 1955. The governor expressed hope that motorists will do all they can to improve the Illinois safety record during 1957. BETTER SCHOOLS BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES Meet and Dine at the Tower Grill On Rt. 120 in Lakemoor Phone McHenry 161 Open Daily 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Frl. & Sat. Until 3:00 A.M. -- Closed Monday FINEST FOOD ANYWHERE Chicken, Steak, Shrimps, Fish, Snacks and Soda Fountain Famous for our Carry-Out Service Phone'McHenry 161. Leave your order, name and phone number. jj> In 20 minutes the food will be prepared, piping hot and rea<fr to serve when you reach home. ? SORRY hif r, viB Starts Thursd Jan. 31st ; *• No intoxicating liquours served. Just a nice quiet place to enjoy [I the best of foods and where you oan bring your sweetheart, J mother or wife and children and enjoy your repast. Wilted Wife? AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming and the farm to be sub- ] divided, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located- 1 mile Northeast or 1 Barrington, 111., 2 miles Southwest of Lake Zurich, 4 miles East o!" | Cary, 2\2 miles West of Route 12, being 1L» mile East of Route 59 on the Cuba Road, on SATURDAY -- FEBRUARY 2ND Commencing at 10:00 o'clock 59 HEAD BLACK ANGUS CATTLE--18 ANGUS CATTLE approximately 1,000 lbs. weight, ready to butcher, will be sold in lots of one or more; 35 ANGUS HEIFERS AND STEERS approximately 450 lbs. weight, suitable for club calves; 6 ANGUS BULLS--€ mos. old. (This is an outstanding herd of Angus Cattle and must be seen to be. appreciated. If you are looking I for butcher cattle or foundation cattle, be sure to attend this' auction.) PRODUCE- 2,000 bales 1st cutting Clover and Alfalfa; 3,000 bales i 2nd cutting Alfalfa; 300 bales straw; 200 bushel Oats; 40 ft.! excellent grass silage with molasses meal. I 2 TRACTORS. COMBINE, BALER, CHOPPER & FARM MACHINERY-- McC-D Model MD tractor; MeC-D Model H tractor with Cultivator; McC-D Model 64 combine with motor; McC-D baler with motor; McC-D PTO chopper with corn and hay attach.;! McC-D blower with pipe; McC-D 8 ft. windrower; McC-D Model | 400 wide spreader (new type); McC-D 12 ft. hydraulic disk;' M c C - D 1 0 f t . d i s k ; M c C - D 4 - b a r s i d e d e l i v e r y r a k e o n r u b b e r ; j McC-D mounted 2-row corn picker: Case stalk chopper; McC-D i 10 ft. grain drill; 36 ft. elector; McC-D 3/16 plow on rubber; I McC-D 2/16 plow on rubber; McC-D corn planter; McC-D front end loader; McC-D 2 row PTO corn binder fertilizer spreader on rubber; McC-D power corn sheller; 3 sec. cultipacker; U.S. corn shredder; 2 RT wagons with hay racks; 2 hydraulic Wind power self-unloading wagons; Steel wheel wagon and box; snow plow; 7 feed bunks; 4 hay bunks; cattle oiler; 900 bushel steel corn crib; hog equipment; Refrigerator; electric stove; forks, shovels and many other articles. TRUCK & TRAILERS--International LI60 5 yard dump truck; Machinery trailer with winch; new all metal side tip cattle chute. BOAT--Olde Towne boat with 25 HP Johnson motor and trailer. ARMANETTI BLACK ANGUS FARM Len Armanetti, Owner Robers & Belun, Auctioneers WISCONSIN $£LES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Gmj^ve, Wis. -- Phone 195 I |i s Get her m fully ai ic dryer... the kind that's tic, fume-free, fast aid thrifty! Any woman who has an electric dryer could tell that "wilted wife" it's just like having a "sun" of your own. It's true. Because electric heat is clean, dry and radiant just like the heat that comes from the sun. So everything you dry electrically comes out sweet smelling and fluffy. Of course, all electric dryers are automatic. Fully automatic! They're safe for all of your clothes--even the delicate new synthetics. Fast, too! You can dry a load of cottons in 25 or 30 minutes. (Just worth of electricity will do the job.) All of the new "no-vent" dryers are electric. Heat, lint and moisture are disposed of automatically. So your laundry area stays clean, dry and comfortable. And, look! You don't have to wait to get an electric dryer. They cost less to buy than any other kind. Why not see the new models today! See your electric appliance dealer (J Public Service Company © Commonwealth Edison Company Big Saving--atk your dealer about our Share-the-Cost Installation Plan. It's the low-cost way to get the modern 100-amp home wiring you need for today's electric living appliances. The Plan is available to qualified home owners on terms up to 2 years. If you own an electric range, you save up to $25 on a new dryerl In fact if you have any 240-volt appliance your home probably has modern wiring already. This means the complete, installed price of your new electric dryer will be less than any other kind. Just 6i will dry a big load electrically! Children's & Womeift Shoos \ Some Men's Shoes In the $3 & $4 Groups NOT ALL SIZES CLOSEOUT NOT ALL SIZES CLOSEOUT NOT ALL SIZES c NOT ALL SIZES ()V.v.. We have taken from our stock broken lots of shoes for this clearance. Values $2.99 to $8.95 and placed them into 4 groups. *1 - *2 - $3 - ir.v.. GLADSTONE > STORE FOR EVERYONE" 203 So. Green St. PHONE 182 McHenry, Illinois D