\ • ^ ; f - ^ * f - y / 1 n * , !y r < / ' - V * 1 " I * 1 * 3 1 " * i ^ T $ 9 £ , j _ - 5 1*\ T ^ S'\ ' •*"'•* " , ^>^"1 , ~v? " v» f * -* * <•; * .*.,, t • -' .' -'^* •' " Thursday, February 1. 1957 TftE McHENRY PlJiiNDEALER : *- ^3*'I <«?r| j£v /• ' f <f ^ ' . - V '^' '47 ^<,,'iiiV } I', v'> j II RINGWOOD 4? Mrs. George Shepard . m t'-' t& T •--.-•-- Church News The Ringwood Round-Up club will sponsor a spaghetti supper -at the church Saturday evening. Supper hours will be 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. Monday, evening, Ringwood played Wonder Lake basketball Harrison school. ^-Tuesday evening was work ®Mght for the men' in the church basement. The Youth Fellowship will meet at the Ringwood church nex: Sunday and depart at 2 p.m. for the youth rally at the Wilmette Methodist church. Bishop H. Clifford Northcott will speak on "Discovering Together the Will of God," The M.Y.F. will meet at 7:30 the same evening. Pat Hojjian %nd Donna Ackerman will ®9ead a discussion on "The Purpose of a Y.F." Pag» Nine Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan entertained a group of relatives and friends at their home Sunday evening in honor of the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Earl Sonmaker and also the graduation of their daughter, ^Charlotte, from Champaign. Those *o attend were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Decker of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Samuelson and family, of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Alan. Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackermon, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mr. and Mi's. Walter |^OW. Sick List A. W. Smith was taken to the Woodstock hospital Friday evening as a medical patient. Wilmot were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family\ v Mrs. Millie Ructi of Richmond spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Harold Jepson of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jepson and son visited relatives in Ken- Home Circle The Home'Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Pete Sebastian Thursday, Feb. 14. V# PerHonals Lpren, Harrison spent Sunday with friends at Morton Grove. Earl Sonmaker of Champaign spent the weekend in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritter of Woodstock were callers in the Lester Carr home Saturday. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son Loren, and Mrs. Ella Gratton £}visited Sunday with Mrs. Grace . McCannonc - - . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family called on his mrither, Mrs? Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and .Mrs. Cyril Pacey of osha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and daughter, Bonnie; of Sheboygan spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Warren Jones, Loren Harrison and Chancey Harrison were dinner guests in the Lonnie Smith home at Pistakee Bay Saturday evening. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low attended a housewarming for, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey at their new home in Richmond Thursday afternoon. William Cruickahank is on a business trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs.. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Loren, of Woodstock visited Mrs. Ruby Shepard Friday evening. Mrs. Grace McCannbn spent a few days the past week with Mrs. Ella Gratton at Woodstock. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low were dinner guests in the Robert Low home at McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William ,Cruickshank spent the weekend in Chicago. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home in Cooney Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and daughters, Nancy and Mary, of Hebron spent Sunday With her mother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Ardin Frisbee of Greenwood called on her jnother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Sunday aftertuxm. Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mi's. Earl Thomas and family of Hinsdale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paiil Walkington attended their card club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek at Elkhorn Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas went to Midway airport Friday evening, where they .met their daughter, Mrs. Tom Huemann. and daughter, Lisa. Mr. Huemann has received his discharge from Arlington, Va., and is driving home. They will make their home around here. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Saturday evening in the Ardin Frisbee home at Greenwood. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adartis went to South Bend, Ind., to Sit. Mary's college Saturday to see their niece, Jewel May, receive her habit and get her name, which will be Sister Florence Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Sunnyside spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.^and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. John Skidmore and Mrs. John Ehlert attended funeral services for Mrs. Fred Albrecht, a cousin of Mrs. Ehlert, at Wilmot Friday afternoon. Mr., and Mrs. Roy Harrison, son, Loren, and daughter, Mrs. Warren Jones, spent Sunday in the Clarence Harrison home at Greenwood. Miss Charlotte Hogan, who is now teaching home economics at Sycamore, spent the weekend at hor home here. John, Jr., and Jerry Hogan, Jim Hunt, Charlie Sowers and Russell Carr attended the M.Y.F. Mid-winter Institute at Woodstock over the weekend. Church Notes The Senior MYF will meet at the Ringwood church on the afterCherry - Burrell Farm Tanks Bull Milk Coolers DIRECT EXPANSION or » ICE .BAfNK ^ CALL US FOR ESTIMATE« 1 THOMPSON APPLIANCE 223 Main St. Woodstock 758 Woodstock, Illinois 3 & NEW High Rate Of EARNINGS C U R R E N T R A T E SAFETY With Insupgd S A N I T Y MORE P E O P L E ARE S A V I N G M O R E M O N E Y A T MARENGO FEDERAL !Ei Y@ur kmmM NOW Willi Your Su Cash, Earn from February 1st. MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN A S S O C I A T I O N 102 North State Street * Phon* JO 8-7258 re MARENGO, 1 1 1 1 NO IS *•: ' Total Assets $7,000,000 SAVE BY MAIL noon of Suhday, Feb. 10, at 2 pin. and from there travel to fhe Wilmette Methodist church for a youth rally. Bishop H. Clifford Northcott will be the speaker of the afternoon. His topic will be "Discovering Together the Will of God." These same youth will meet again that evening at 7:30 at the Greenwood, church for a meeting led by Pat Hogan and uonna Ackerman. « The Ringwood Woman's Society for Christian Service will meet at the church on the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 8:15. The lesson, "Whom Shall I Send?" will be given by Mrs. Lucille Sowers and Mrs. Rose Walkington. Mrs. Julie Covert of Algonquin will also address the group on "The challenge of Cerebral Palsy." The high school age youth' of both churches will meet on the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m., near the Mill Inn, for a skating and sledding party. A ground school safety refresher course for pilots will be opened at Eastern Illinois State college, Charleston, by the Illinois Department of Aeronautics on Monday, Feb. 4. This course, eighth of its kind to be offered by the department, carries 33 hours of classroom instruction, including 15 hours of navigation, 12 hours of meteorology, and three hours each on civil air regulations and aircraft and engines. GAS EMPLOYilES NAMED TO NEWLY CREATED POSITIONS Expansion of company-wide sales department activities by Northern Illinois Gas company was announced recently by H. A. Diekmann, vice-president in charge of sales, as he named five employees to newly-created positions. S. L. Ericson, ^urora, who has been commercial manager for the utility's Fpx Valley afea, was named dealer sales manager; Roger Lidicker, Lombard, formerly an industrial gas sales engineer, became commercial sales manager; Charles Pulse, Glen Ellyri, industrial relations supervisor in the north suburban area for NI-Gas. was appointed employee prospect sales activity manager; Harry C. Schneider, Downers Grove, district superintendent of the company's Cicero district, is now new building sales manager; and Miss Karen Marsch, rv»K.alb, who was a home service advisor in the Fox Valley area, became home service1 counselor. After trying for a long time, many people are convinced that one of the hardest ways to do anything is to put it off. Few husbands have the courage to beat their wives as much as 3260 points in a bridge game. The Illinois State Police force made a rating of 98.12 per cent in the recent annual inspection, compared to a score of 96.47 . per cent in 1955, according to Chief William H. Morris. The men were judged on military drill; discipline and courtesy; headquarters inspection; personnel inspection; cars and equipment and extra uniform outfits. Police District 10, with headquarters at Urbana, and District 13, headquarters, at Du- Quoin, tied for first place with scores of 99.36 per cent each. EAGLES ON INCREASE A recent two-day plane flight along the Illinois and Mississippi river enabled Frank C. Bellrose, game specialist of the Illinois Natural History Survey, to count 359 bald eagles. This is a larger number than he found in any previous census. The bald eagle is represented on the United States coat of arms and on some coins, and is often employed by cartoonists as a symbol of our republic. This majestic bird is protected from hunters by federal law. Rehabilitation of patients suf-% / fering from heart diseases is A,-\ primary objective of the American Heart association. The organizar ' tion sponsors the 1957 Heart Fund which provides the funds needed for expanded heart research, edu4|fjf cation and community services, . j-1' When we have universal finger" printing, it will go hard with thff; small boy who samples the jam* J There are three kinds of mules;;'; the old gray, the white, and the ; kind your wife married. £ THE NOTHHELFER AND L.ECK AGENCY OP THE State Mutual Life Assurance Company WORCESTER, MASS. INC. 1844 Announces the Opening oi An Office At 5081/2 MAIM ST., McHENRY GERALD J. LARKIN AGENT LIFE - RETIREMENT PLANS - GROUP NON-CANCELLABLE SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT COVERAGES Office: McHenry 2685 Residence: McHenry 1682 ^3 You'll Find Hundreds Of Wonderful Valentine Gifts In Our Store BEN FRANKLIN In the Heart of the Green St. Shopping Center HIMBlIf What V W" this? RE ELSE among all the '57 cars can you find the equal of Where else can you get the power, the performance, the room, the visibility, the solid substance you get in this spanking-new Buick SPECIAL--for just a few dollars more than the price of a smaller car? Here you get a big and brawny Buick that s pure thrill--brand new in body ahd styling and interior beauty. More important -- brand new in everything that gives lift and life and lilt to a car--for that's where we put most of our hard-cash millions in building you this sensation. iAs' * \ -TH« »OV ..... So you boss a brand-new engine packed to the brim with horsepower, torque, taut compression. Command a brand-new Dynaflow* that's instant in response. You ride in a new miracle of chassis design where a wide-flaring frame nests the body inches lower jvith* out stealing froM your headroom, leg" room, footroom -- or your ground clearance• Go see for yourself at your Buick dealer s -- Buick's the dream car to drive -and the most satisfying buy in the land today. •*New Advanced Valuable Pitch Dynaflow it the onlf Dynaflow Buick build, today. It « standard on i Roadmaiter, Super and Century-optional at modest • extra cost on the Special. • Manufacturer's Sugg«*ad Price for this 2-Door SPECIAL 6-Passengef Sedan 83 (including Delivery and Handling Charges and Federal Excise Taxes) Transportation charges, state and local taxes, accessories and optional equipment, including Dynaflow transmission, radio, heater, and white sidewall tires, addit.onal Prices may >ary with indiv.dual dealer pricing policies. Unn AUTOMOBIUS ARI Mlllf MICK WIU 1(1(10 TMEM i \ » JSO0S*' f y. *5 \ t Weadro°*°n^ SPCCU& • ervremv ^OAOMASSXH A«thwti«4 Buiok QmIw