Thursday, February 7# 1957 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Thiirieeii Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield ' , Kiwanis Notes , ' Two interesting guests were present at the Jan. 28 meeting of the Wonder Lake Kiwanis club. Dr. Ruggero gave an interesting and informative talk about public health. He proposed that through the work of service clubs, a public Health program could be brought gbout in McHenry county. Roy Dodd, Jr., son of Roy Dodd, a most fjbnsistent member, gave a program of slides on European architecture, covering some outstanding examples in Germany and Italy. After the regular meeting; a bq^rd of directors meeting -was held and Dr. Ruggero was accept- ^ as aVneniber. *Feb. 18 is -an important date for ie Kiwanis club. It is the date Thursday, Jan. 24. Others present were Kay Boldt, -Lorraine Moore, Elaine Schwarz, Phyllis Litizia, Gloria McMillin, Louise Johnson, June Keller and Melvina Knackstedt. The next meeting will be Feb. 28 at the • home of Kay Boldt. Nativity Lutheran Church At both services Sunday, Feb. 10, the members of the church who have expressed their willingness to serve as lay-visitors for the Evangelism Mission will be commissioned. At 3 on that Sunday, a brief instruction period will be held and then the names of the members of the church will be distributed on whom they will call to encourage them to attend , the mission services beginning the official visit from Gov. j Sunday, Feb. 17. ' " ve Klontz. A 100 per cent at- gunday evening, Feb. 10 at 7:30 idance would please the governvery much and he will be avail- 5le for, any questions the memers may have. V Don't rdrget--Attend and Bring a£ Friend. | Chamber of Commerce i At the January meeting of the Wonder Lake Chamber of Com- ^teerce, four directors were elected. T/ P. Mathews will finish the oneypar term, unexpired, of Frank Slchroeder. Others elected to serve three-year terms were "Dr. Donald S^urm, John Feyerer and Orville liiehty. Last year, A. Hay was given an honorary memberships were given to Rev. R. Wright, Rev. B. SchrOeder, Father J. Vanderpool and M. Thomas, principal erf Harrison ^qhool. "The members voted to sponsor the 'Teen-age club for their threemonth trial period. This club is enjoying a successful trial period, meeting most every Friday night at the firehouse to enjoy dancing. Wedding Anniversary Howard and Mildred Hill of White Oaks Bay celebrated twenty- two years of married life Saturday, Feb. 2. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Herman £hd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houda for dinner and an evening out. Congratulations! Visits From California Lynn Cheney, a former resident • • of Wonder Lake, who with his parents and brother moved to California, drove from the coast last week to visit friends hfere. Accompanying hirVi were two school ijfates, Jim Lunn and Rick Wysej ail students at the University of Southern California. The young nien are staying at the home of J$mes Bell. Saturday, the Bells ahd Jim and Carole Comstock entertained the boys at the Moose ih Woodstock. The boys plan to leave for home this week to continue tljclr work at t ho university. ^ Michluan VlMltorn Mrs. Shlrloy Hnrrifiiwn of Wooded Shores was happy to have her sister 6nd son visit over the weekend. Mrs. Peggy Campbell and son, Norman, a student of the University of Michigan, were her guests. the Lutheran league will meet for a very important and interesting meeting. Burdette Harris, Chicago area 'representative for Carthage college, will be present at the meeting to talk about careers and college. This meeting should be of interest to every young person who wants to further his educa tion and all young people are in vited to attend this meeting of the league. The league had a wonderful time at their bowling party Jan. 27, when twenty - eight leaguers tried their arm at knocking down ten pins. Plans will be made Sunday for the February social. Wednesday, Feb. 13, the Altar guild will meet at 8. The topic for the evening will be "Church Architecture." On Wednesday evening, also, will be the report meeting of the lay visitors. Thomas and Babara Jane Risch Mayfield, born June 16, was also christened, with John and Roselyn Ferris as godparents. Jan. 13, Rev. Alfred P. • Kruk baptized Cynthia Louise Camp, daughter of William D. and Elizabeth Druml Camp,^ born Dec. 8, 1956. Cynthia's godparents are Eugene Wroblewski and Celia Camp. John Francis Rice, son of John W. and Rita Fleckenstein Rice, born Dec. 22, 1956, was christened the same day, Jan. 13, with Thomas and Edna O'Conner as his godparents! Jan. *27 Sharon Engels, daughter of Robert L. and Barbara Ann Hart Engels, born Nov. 26, 1956, was baptized by Rev. Vanderpool, with Darell J. and Evangeline Schuffler as her godparents. Woodstock hospital. A speedy recovery is wished her. The Wednesday evening bowling league sponsored by T. P. Mathews and Van's Wonder Lounge played three .make-up games Sunday, Feb. 3. Van's "Wonder Lounge team took all three games. Mr. and Mrs. Jack: McCafferty are the proud parents of a son, Randel John, born Jan. 27 at Woodstock hospital. Randel weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. <•< Another little fellow who put in his appearance at Woodstock hospital is Norbert Michael Mangold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mangold. "Mike." as he will be called, was born Jan. 30 and weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. NOTICE Commuion Sunday- Father Vanderpool has set aside the third Sunday of every month at the 9 a.m. Mass as the special monthly Communion .Sunday for all the childi'en attending Cate: chism classes. There will be confessions heard the third Satudray from 4 to 5 p.m. for all the children. \6on lost 39 >4 17 H 33l/2 33 Vi 32 V2 24 V2 27 30 27 30 26 31 24 33 18 H 38 Women's Bowling Standing as of January 28: Lake Cleaners Cardinal Food LaGreca's Fredricksens Viola's Handy Pantry Reuters Freund's Dairy High , team Foods, 842; Lake Cleaners, 778; Viola's, 767. High team series, Lake Cleaners, 2259; Reuters, 2172; Viola's, 2152. High individual game, Zelda Malochleb. 208; Mildred O'Brien, 202; Ardell Brand and Marge Vanse; 201; high individual series; Zelda Malochleb, 540; Jeanette Hoffman, 532; Ardell Brand 528. game, Cardinal Holy Name Society At 8 p.m., Feb. 14, the Holy Name society will present a -religious movie preceding their meeting. It will be at the home of John Gustek and everyone is invited, particularly the young men of the Junior Holy Name. The regular business meeting will follow at 8:30. Feb. 17, there will be a pantry shower in honor of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Trinity in the afternoon from 1 to 4 at Mathews hall. EDDIE the EDUCATOR soys Enrollment in our public schools will increase about 75,000 this year. The children mutt have good ichoolt now. Illinois Education Association Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mathews celebrated their fifth weddirig anniversary at a dinner in the home of Mrs. Pearl Mathews. Guests inc'uded members of a bowling club and other close friends. Wayne Benson was baptized at the Nativity Lutheran church i Sunday, Feb. 3. Mrs. Ben Davis of Deep Spring Woods underwent an emergency appendectomy last week in the When we look back into the past, we recognize a moment in time which was decisive, at which the pattern of our lives changed, a moment", at which we moved irrevocably off in a new direction. The change may be a result of planning or accident; we may leave happiness or ruins behind us and advance to a different happiness or a more thorough ruin; but there is no going back. The moment may be just that, a second in which a wheel is turned, a .look exchanged, a sentence spoken." IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EDWARD J. HARRIS FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a reclassification from "F" Farming1 District to "R-l" Residential District, in accordance with the prayer of said Petition filed with the Board: That part of the fractional North Half of the Southwest Quarter of fractional Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as beginn-1 ins at the Northwest corner of j the Southwest Quarter of said | fractional Section 36; thence j East along the quarter section; line 692 feet; thence South 3j degrees 30 Minutes West, 1323.6 feet '>o the South line of the | Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said fractional Section 36; thence West along said South line 628 feet to the West line of said Section 36; thence NorJh along said West line 1320 feet to the place of beginning, excepting therefrom 1.50 acres in the Southeast corner thereof described as beginning on the South line of and 390 feet East from the Southwest corner of said Fractional North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence East along said South line 238 feet vto the Southwest corner of Lot 1 in McHenry Country Club Second Addition as shown by the Plat thereof recorded in Book 5 of Plats, piage 25; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Addition. 275.2 feet; thence Westerly on a line forming an angle of 94 degrees to the left, with a prolongation of the last described j course 238 feet; thence Southerly 275.2 feet to the place of beginning; ALSO that part of the Southwest fractional Quarter of the South west fractional Quarter of fractional. Section 36, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 36; thence East on and along the Township line 922 feet to the Westerly line of River Road: thence Northeasterly on and along the Westerly line of said River Road 561 feet; thence Northerly on and along the Westerly line of said River Road 340 feet; thence Westerly on a line that would be a prolongation of the Southerly line of Ix)t 8 of Wheeler's First Addition to McHenry Country Club, 191 feet; thence Northerly, parallel to the Westerly line of River Road. 468.1 feet "to the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36; thence West on and along the said North line to the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Sou-Invest Quarter of Section 36; thence South along the Weft line of said Section 36, to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said hearing shall be heard in the City Hall in the f"ity of McHenry, Illinois, at the hour of 3 P.M. on the 5th day of March, A.D. 1957. All persons interested may at-| tend. vi McHENRY COUNTY ZONING; BOARD OF APPEALS By: HAROLD J. BACON,} Its Chairman Attorney for Petitioner WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. 101'-2 Benton Street " Woodstock. Illinois ! Telephone: 1334 : NOTICE j IN THE MASTER OF THK AI'- i PLICATION OF BEN THELEN j FOR ZONING RECLASSIFICA- j TION. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the McHenry • County Zoning Boaj-d of Appeals I, relative to a reclassification from "F" Farming Distinct to "R-l" Residential District, in accordance with the prayer of said Petition filed with the Board: • Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of ; ;; Fractional' Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of : the Third Principal Meridian/, , l y i n g E a s t o f t h e c e n t e r l i n e o f ' i l the •Spring Grove Road and ; Northerly of May Avenue in , ' »; McHenry County, Illinois. Sa*d hearing shall be heard in the City Hall in the City of Mc- •* He.-.ry, Illinois, at the hour of 3 p.m. or the 5th day of March, A:D. 1957. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <;• By: HAROLD J. BACON/ Its Chairman' ~ Attorney for Petitioner WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. 110 ^2 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 1334 Christ the King Six Babies Baptised Jan. 6, Rev. James Vanderpool baptized, the twin sons of Archie B. Hall and Sandra Miller Hall. The boys, born June 13, were Christened,Archie Gene, with godparents, Mary A. Tabor and Gerald Raske; and Daniel Joseph with godparents, John H. Ferris and Roberta Miller. The same day Blair James Mayfield, son of Lee Fuhrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C.v Fuhrer, who was hospitalized in Chicago a week ago. now home and his condition is improved. Happy birthday to Mrs. Lu Vogt Tuesday, Jan. 29. Six-year-old Billy Whitfield celebrated his birthday Monday with a party. JOyce Young, Sara Wright, Nancy Van Kariegan, Michael Pickrum, Michael Burns, Raymohd Pierson, Robert Lunak, -Laura Kiddell, Jeff VanKanegan *^nd Brian and Barby Whitfield helped him play games and eat cake in honor of the event. He was 6 Feb. 5. . Gloria McMahon r and Gloria Cough 1 in were co-hostesses for the Indian Ridge hospital group Business & Service W. Directory of Vfondmt Lake Open On Mondays 9 to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimated St Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractor* NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2484 -- 5301 "THE TIME TO BE HAPPY IS NOW" •(Author's name below) . It is unusual for anyone with good health to be unhappy for very long. Good health is now almost within the reach of everyone. Modern prescriptions are now more positive in their results. They work much more quickly, reduce sickness-time, and even cost less per illness than they used to. Entrust your health to our professional care when you need medicines. In our pharmacy are many aids to improved health and greater happiness. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we comjJbund yours? MM PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Robert G. Ingersoll (1833-1899) Genuine QafTile t • permanent flred-tn beauty • Jong-range economy ttain-proof iolarfatl water-proof fmy to cttan fire-proof and keep clean • countlen color combtntifTAnt • low installation colt , r- •iAnofti gfadfy ffiVwi REGION TILE CO. 107 Mill Street Tel. JAekson 6-7298 Wuueonda, III. TOPICS Olenn Paulsen Here's an interesting elec- Ktronic fact that astounds most people. "It takes less power to send a shortwave message around the world than that required to operate an average flashlight." Sending that same message by regular mail would involve much time and difficulty like electronic service of say five years ago. With .w MX by Allan MeKim the latest of electronic equipment. we at McHENRY TV find that we < can service your television set right in your living room in a minimum of time. Phone 2233 for your next servicing date and let us demostrate our quick and modern electronic technique. You are beiter. satisfied and often pay less for it. J McHENRY TV PHONE 2233 On Route 120 - 2 Blks. East of New Bridge 4 THE MIGHTY CHRYSLER Most glarra®r@us c^r in a gei mi****.. M&mm It makes cm Stare-anywhere! You see it any place., .and you want to look at it There's a pride and a prance to it that gives you a lift, makes you feel alive and vital. But the real tingle is driving it! There it is... as long and low and purposeful as a gleaming jet, with its long rakish fenders streaming back and up like battle flags. This is the dynamic new look of 1957 motoring, and we can't help it if others aren't there yet. Give 'em time--we always have. The important thing to know is that every flowing "go" line in this 1957 Chrysler has a purpose. That low-slung hodv and upswept tail were engineered for a new kind of road stability. They ar« the architectural results of Chrysler's Torsion-Aire HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS COLBY MOTOR ride, the all-new suspension that gives you sports oir cornering with the comfort of an ocean liner. Front coil springs have been completely eliminated. There s up to 56% more glass area to enhance its roomy feel. The wide, low grille features hooded dual headlights. And if you want to find out what "go" really is, wait till you boss its upto- 325 horsepower engine and pushbutton ForqueFlite transmission. The real tingle is waiting for you. Come in and see us ... or just telephone. We'll gladly arrange a demonstration. S. Main St - C. L 1110 FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 Volo, ID. Phone McHenry 667-W-l j 7ire$toftt TRACTOR TIRES CV4 center EQUIP YOUR TRACWR NOW Tiresfon* champion ^ecd en bTa e»TRACTOR TIRES H«r« afi fnfilt advanced tractor fires Wtr Wt! Trtad bar! at* WWtJ and tapered ... . bit* dttp, take a itrOHgtr grip in any toil. Incriow your drawbar pulling power, lave fuel, save* time. $Mt lhe FlretfOM Open Center Curved Bar Tractor Tire today. GET OUR LIBERA* TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE PASSENGER TRUCK TRACTOR THE CI INS Buy A New Battery Now! Up To $6°° Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Battery PASSIS4GER TSIIIMIJ Tubed Type Ymhsloss • 9K°/ £0 /o £AJ/o QVF OFF SNOW & MUD TIRES! FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREITND, Prop PHONE 294 536 W. Main St. <§: