svn Pwi™'--SS^ ."• I • lifefiiiiiii^iiflilMSit^il^S f*c' t-- ^v:v'^ fi - • r j' ?^<hi * O.E.S. Line Officers Club Met In McHenry Feb. 2 The Line Officers club was held at Acacia Hall ih McHenry on Feb. 2. A wonderful crowd was there and refreshments were served. Co-hostesses were McHenry chapter and Mayflower chapter of Wauconda. Don't forgtt that Feb. 12^is friends' night at McHenry. f@> Let's have a large attendance at the card party on Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. in McHenry. Mary Linn Hopan Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan of Ringwood announce the engagement^ of their daughter. Mary Linn, to Earl Sonnemaker, son of Mr. and Mrs.' H. J. Sonnemaker of Farmington. 111. No definite plans have' been for the wedding. Miss Hogan attended the University of Illinois for two years, where she studied home economics retailing. She was a member of 4-H House, the Home Economics clu|} and the Daily Ulini, campus -newspaper. Mr. Sonnemaker, now a junior at ttye University of Illinois in the field of agricu}turalvscience, is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, the Agriculture club and the Arnold Air society. He was recently selected as the Illinois International ^outh exchange student and will go to India in July. be served, highlighted by real Italian saace prepared by Chef France Poco. Tickets are available at the door for adults and children, ' Patricia O'Brien And Howard Useman To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Ward O'Brien of Emerald Park announce the engagement of their daughter, Pammum tricia, to Howard Useman, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Useman, Sr., of Country Club subdivision. The wedding has been set for Aug. 24. FUTURE HOMEMAKERS Hie McHenry chapter of the PERSONALS Mrs. Elsie Wolf of Lake Forest is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Frances Thorne. David Kent of Loras college, Dubuque, Iowa, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake1, James, Gerald; Marion and Delores, spent a few days last week at Ft. Jennings, Ohio, where they attended the funeral of Harold Horstman. Mrs. Verona Kent, Miss Laurayne Conway and Sally Niesen have been vacationing in Florida. Ralph Bennett was honife from the University of Illinois' for a vacation with his parents on Riverside Drive. Mrs. Josephine Schlau is a visitor ih the home of her brother Frank Weingart who is ill. Mr. and ° .Mrs. Paul Brefeld, daughter, Gail, and son, Richard, have >eturned from a few weekls vacation ^n Florid^. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tonyan of Grayslake called on McHenry relatives Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Granger of Wayward, Wis., wem guests of Mrs. Zena Bacon last Wednesday. The Grangers are spending the winter in thefhome of Mrs. Granger's sister, Mrs. Neva Sowers, in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond; Powers of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood ( called on McHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. / Duani» Bacon returned to his studies ~t Champaign Sunday after a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon. Sunday visitors in the Bacon home were the James Ballotti family of Sycamore. Mrs. Kathryn: Weber, and Mrs. F.H^.A . held its last meeting Jan. JT° s- Bn Sc.t*i nll-i n*g il eft Ft-r i-dja y n.i g,h t,' by plane, for a vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Verena Owens and daughter, of Rockford visited Dr. J. E. Wheeler Wednesday.- 3V^r. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs. George Jones accompanied, by Mrs. AL Battern of Woodstock returned Sunday from a threeweek trip to Florida, where they visited many places of- interest. Harold Walter of Ft. Leonard The world is full of ideas that Wood, Mo. spent a few days with are worth millions but it is hard j relatives here, where he was callto find the man who can put the i ed by the death of his brother, idea into profitable execution, I Paul Walter. 31 in the homemaking room. Lois May gave a talk on the purpose of the meeting, junior degrees. She explained that members must learn the following: F.H.A. purposes,'the creed, motto, emblem, flower and colors, in order to obtain this award. For the degree, they receive a small key to be placed on the F.H.A. pin. The test will be held Feb. 12 after school. Sir. arid Mrs. Miqhael , Thill, Janice and David, of Aurora visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Diedrich, Sunday. Burt Bienapfl returned Sunday from a trip to Tampa, Fla. His wife, who accompanied him there, remained for a longer visit with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buelow. Mrs. Susan Adams and Mrs. Anna Miller left Tuesday, by train, for Hot Springs, Ark. for a few weeks before going to Hialeah, Fla., to spend some time. Miss Ilene Bassett returnee} to tier studies at Cornell college, Mt. Vernon. Iowa, Sunday after a few days' mid-seniester vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs.' Lisle Bassett. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nieman of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Agnes Nieman. , ' | .Miss Rita Meehan of Jackson- | viiie, Fla., is visiting her, aunt and : uncle, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Con- I way, and.other relatives here. ; Misses Mary Ann ' Bolger" and | Laurayne Conway returned to De- Kalb Tuesday after a several days' j mid-semester vacation. 1 Mrs. Fred Harmon and son, ; Mark, of Rockford were recent 1 visitors in the Joseph Williams j home. , ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and children visited friends at Buffalo j Grove Sunday. • . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of 1 Kenosha, Wis.; spent the weekend i in the home of her mother, Mrs. ; Zena Bacon. j, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams artd 1 children of Elgin called on Mc- j Henry relatives and friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred fiienapfl visited in the William Rig^S home in Salem, Wis. Sunday. | Visitors in the home of Mrs. Mabel Powers during the weekend were the Jack and Joseph Powers families of Crystal Lake. ! WED RECENTLY THEWEbLIAM KRAUSES Married Emmanual Lutheran church, Crystal Lake, on Saturday, Dec. 29, were Miss Barbara Glorney of Griswold Lake, McHenry, and'V&lliam A. Krause of Butternut, Wig. They will reside in Fort Polk, La., where he is stationed in the Army. CARD OF THANKS We wish to i_.dnk the fire departments ofi Spring Grove and, Richmond and all our neighbors and friends for assistance given at the time our barn burned. - *40 Mt- and Mrs. Arnold Kattner i !; CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our relatives and friends for their kind expression^ of sympathy and for spiritual bouquets at the time of the loss of our son-in-law. '"40 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake Ahtj-histamines should not be givefi^to a dog suffering from the bite of a poisonous snake. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my thanks for ; all the prayers, visits and cards which I received while I was in the hospital and at home. *40 Earl Paddock, Sr. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thaqk all my Star and church friends for their cards of sympathy at the death,of my mother and also for cards. calls- to my husband and me Because of his recent accident and hospitalization. 40 Mable French t"? Valentine's Party, a* Dan<S#5Fbr YT.W.w ' There will be a St. Valentine's day party and dance at tbe V.F.W. clubhouse Saturday evening, Feb. 16, for members, their wives or sweethearts and all auxiliary members. ' Refreshments will be saved by a special committee. This WiH be a general get-together of old friends and new acquaintances. with an evening of fun promised. Christen Daughter Off Thomas Murphys The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Oakland, Calif., was christened Maurine Elizabeth at St. Patrick's Catholic church recently. A family gathering was held later at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webfer.- Round-top Club Serves Dinner The Round-up club of the Ringwood church will serve a spaghetti supper in the church dining hall Saturday evening, .Feb. 9, from 6 to 9 p.m. A complete meal will YOU'RE SOMEBODY'S. VALENTINE Open Toes., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 ft T Fashions and hairstyles have changed considerably ) sinCe the days of the little lady pictured here.' However, the old-fashioned custom of remember-; ing your "Valentine" on February 14th has not changed. Today, with the vast knowledge arid ex-, {lerience of beauty salons always available to you, j , it is possible to look your, loveliest every dajt off® the year. We suggest one of our expertly styled,' •easy to manage permanents to keep you looking^ irotir; best all the time. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ($\.iversiJe ?airslyhng (^fludu 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 11L EAGLE - PICHER AUunUuuft STORM WINDOWS And DOORS JALOUSIE POORS & WINDOWS •• Narrow Sturdy Frames ||| All Inserts Glide Easily # Self Storing # Simple Seasonal Changing Liberal Trade In Allowance on your Old Doors and Windows? ORDER NOW 1 Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Dopr C&nopies. Color and Style for Every Home. ARTHUR BOGER ,/ PHONE 1180 11" 307 E. Waukegan Road McHenry February 7, 1957 BIRTHS A daughter was. born at Memorial hospital Jan. 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benson. ; V - Mr. and Mrs. Eujgene Eppel welcomed a son on Jan, 31 at Memorial hospital. " The Daniel Daus are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 1 at Memori&l hospital. A son was;. boj-n. J^eb; 2 at Memorial hospital to^jitr." and 3V$rs. Gerald Larl^n. j '• Mr. 9nd ®frs. F^niel Htiick arie the parents of a daughter, bora Feb. 3 at Memorial hospital Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee became the parents of a daughter, bofn Feb.' 6 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rietesel are the parents of a son, Byron Loren, weighing 7 lbs. 7% oz., born at Memorial hospital Jan. 30. Mrs. Rietesel is the former Arlette Newman. „ - AMONG THE SICK ». OF C. LADIES' NIGHT The Knights of~Columbus wrll entertain on ladies' night Sunday,' Feb. 10, at JJ: o'clock. There will' be refreshments, dancing and other entertainment. All members, and their ladies are invited to spend a social evening together at. the Legion, home. j An. expert student' of international affairs can see signs of a w&r between any 't^o nations that are in existence. > •[ MCHENRY HOSPITAL , ; J Rt. Rev. C. S .Nix is reported showing improvement at the hospital, where he has been confined for the past week. Other patients .during the week' have been Marian Blake, Ingeborfe Olsen, Stephen Malzow, Janet Ann Gardner, Arthur Kennebeck and Helen Huizinga of McHenry; Vernon 6. Lahre of Lakemaor; Leona Fantus of Lilymoor; WUliam H. Bleck and Nicholas |>ibona of Lakeland Park. ^ \ Memorial Hospital At Memdrial hospital, Woodstock, Mrs. William Burfeindt underwe:nt surgery Wednesday morning. Other patients,this past, week were Roy West and Miss Mary Lou Watkins. Discharged from the hospital we;re Mrs. Martha Feltz and Mrs. Lena Bohr. CARD OF THANKS In this way I wish to thank friends for cards, prayers offered; in my behalf and the other re-' membrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were very much appreciated. 40 Mrs. Hildegard Schwarz. Insured Savings: Savings Investeu in Crystal Savings and Loan Association «»•#- insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earr per cent plus per cent extra* 83-tJ AND BANKING In Everyday Living GOOD KNIVES require good care. Authorities recommend a sharpening steel for sharpening most fine cutlery, oilstone for edging hollow-ground blades. NOT EVERYONE in x given income group has the same financial responsibilities ... not everyone has the same income; but perhaps a glance at the average savings of one income group will help you to decide on your own savings potential. It is estimated that over 50% of American families frith income after taxes between $4000 and $5000 save, on the average, close to $500. Are. you saving propor-( tionately as much? Perhaps you 'really can't. On the other hand, it just may be that you can do as well, or even better, if you take twb firm s^S. First, aftejf^- viewing your personal spending -- right down to the small change -- with a critical eye, determine to eliminate all that is clearly unnecessary or extravagant, and to add what you thus salvage to what you previously thought you couki save each pay period. Second, start the habit of depositing your new savings total the day you get paid--that will give force to your determination. We invite you to build your cash reserve at our bank, where so many other financial services you. want to use are available under the same roof. * • • WE FIN/MCI Appliances ... Building improvements... Cqrs --we could almost go through the alphabet listing home and family needs for which we extend low-cost bank credit. When' ypu need a loan for any soand purpose, tfelk it over with us! McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal deposit Insurance Corporation , ' Member Federal Reserve System ... ^ PHONE 1040 NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN: POSTERS How to Profit from JOB PRINTING Posters can be of large size for outdoor use, or in smaller sizes for counters and walls. Either way, they are excellent, 1 o w cost salesmen always ready to tell your story. Let us show you how they can bring greater sales to you. Call us. gyanananaagaagggnannnnnHnnrinnnHnHnnnnr WHILE THEY LAST! We have taken discontinued lines of footwear from our regular stock and made drastic price reductions for clearance! PRINTlii fiMny PLA1NDEALER McHENRY phone liq .. 102' N. Green Street ONE LARGE TABLE INFANTS' SHOES CHILDREN'S HOUSE SUPPERS WOMEN'S WEDGE STYLES WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S RUBBERS o • SPECIAL! TEEN°A©I & $3 Most sizes --Values to $5.95 MEN DRESS OXFORDS WORK OXFORDS WORK SHOES Values to $13.95 5 See Our Windows BOYS' OXFORDS Values to $8.95 $ 4 118 So. Green St. PHONfe 2027 nnnnnnnncmrnnnnnnrrnriri^ McHenry, 111. innnntsBgyiw *' t;- « \ ^ *• \, tiit§§ OP COURSE SHE LOVES FloWerS The nicest way to show her that your love is in bloom Your Valentine is hoping that you'll remember her with the perfect tribute of flowers. Reward her wishful thinking! • Bouquets from $3.00 DR. E. H. MOELMANN TO BE BURIED IN CHICAGO TODAY Dr. Edwin ' Hi .Moelmann, Chi- . cago dentils^ , who had resided for many years in the Country Club subdivision, died early .this w<g^. He was an uncle of Mrs. George Stilling. j The decej^sed was a member of • the Chicago-- Rental society and • Honor lodge, No* 1(0.0, A.F. & A.M. Survivors include'a son, Edwin J. Last rites a;fe. beings conducted' frorh a. funeral home at 3301 Fullertdn avenue at 1:30 this (Thursday) afternoon, .with interment in Forest Home cemetery DRIVE WITH CARE! Candy Box* 120 si Greet* St. McHenry, 111. reasons % why you get WORE FOR YOUR DOUGH m an USED CAR vTRUCK from your Choose from our complete stock of her favorite blooms . . . fresh, lovely and beautifully gift-boxed modestly priced from • $2.50 PHONE 230 300 WEST KI-M STKKET FLORIST McHENRY, ILLINOIS >•••••••••• WIDEST ! mmm ••• .. • New Ford sales are booming. • And your Ford Dealer is setting • the greatest number of good • clean trade-in cars • he has had for years. • GENEROUS TRH®I ' Vour Ford Dealer will make you the most generous trade-in allowance on your car that he possibly can. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE Your Ford Dealer doesn't depend on used-car profits to stay in business. And that means he can sellgpars and trucks to you ^at rock-bottom prices! COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES Your Ford Dealer has the facilities to properly service trade-in cars and trucks before tie puts them on his lot. 0 COMPLETE ! CmDENCI IN MR DEALER Your Ford Dealer is a refutable businessman . .. here to stay. You can depend oo him to treat you right... for he wants your good wlil and business and is willing to work tor then! « iEE YOUR DEALER and Sil u^hat a grand buy you ean make NOW! o F.O.A.F. Bass' Motor Sales Ml Main St. McHenry, 111. PMQNE McHSUjOtV 1 o