Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1957, p. 7

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REAL ESTATE <# NR. McHENRY AND " ; JOHNSBURG / CLAREMONT HILLS ; AND JA^-ANNA ^EIGHTS HOMESITES 100x200 PRICE $1,500*3 & UP $250 cash. Balance terms. 8 Also NEW 2-3 BEDROOMS MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Call At Our Office in Johnsburg - PHONE McHENRY 37 JACOB FRITZ REALTORS * 37-tf SITUATION WANTED WILL DO HOUSEWORK. Will furnish own transportation. Phone McHenry 595-J-l. 40 WANTED RJ5AL ESTATE wanted. for our clients. 2 and 3 bedroom, modern honaes. In or near McHenry, close to raproad preferred. From $12,000 to $15,000. JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS In Johnsburg McHenry 87 38-tf liALLAM AUCTION E^wln Vogel • Via H. Russel Auctioneers SbMdard and Tliompi jQP 1 less steel strainers; 2 Reg.. • Iqt. milk pails. / AUCTION Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn .2%% plus %% extra. 33-tf WANTED TO BUY ft TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf The undersigned will sell at public Auction all the personal property on the Farm known as the Howard Walkington Farm, 2 mi. East of the Greenwood blacktop from Wesson's corners, 1 mile West of Barnard's Mill,. 2 miles North and East of Greenwood, on TUESDAY. FEB. 12. 1957 Commencing at 11;00 A.M. The following described pei'sonal Tjroperty, to-wit: 98 HEAD of LIVESTOCK Consisting of 34 choice Hojstein cows, all of which are vaccinated but 5; 8 Bred Holstein heifers, 2 years old, vaccinated; 7 Holstein heifers. 15 months old, open, vaccinated; 4 Holstein heifers 6 mos. old, vaccinated. This is a good dairy of cowp, and you are invited to make inspection at any time. (Theste cattle are all from Northern Illinois Breeding). 38 FEEDER PIGS • i 5 BRED EWES 1 BUCK MACHINERY McC-D. M tractor; Kelly Ryan P.T.O. manure spreader, 6 mos. old; Gehl Silage bloWer & 50 ft. pipe; New Idea side rake; M-H, 3 bot. 14 in. plow on rubber, 1 yr. old; Jim Brown big blade disc; Int. silo filler; Int. 2 row corn picker, 24; 2 row Int. mounted corn planter; Int. hammer mill and bagger; 2 sec. rotary hoe: Feed cart; McC.D. H tractor and cult.; A-C chopper & grass attach, with Hume reel; 2 Rubber tired wagons and chopper boxes; A-C combine; 4-sec. Lindsey steel drag (folding draw bar); Humbolt front loader and grader blade; Little C.iant elevator; Dearborn & Woods hay baler and Wisconsin motor with starter; Int. (rower hay mower, mounted; 1 Hog house. And many other articles too numerous to mention. MILKING EQUIPMENT 3 Surge milk jiits; 1 Stainless steel strainer; De Laval motor & pump, pipe line for 40 cows# 1 Stainless steel pail; 2 steel wash tanks; 2 oil stoves. TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch on grounds by Grange. ERNEST HALLAM, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation William H. Rnssel Edwin Vogel Henry Auctioneers Freeman GROOMS -- SCRAP iron and metal. Phone 637M1. 5-tf LOST AND FOUND TOOL BOX. in front of Snug Harbor, 2 weeks ago. Would appreciate information leading to recovery of box. These sheet metal tools are means of income. Reward. Call McHenry 101 between 8 and 5t30 p.m. 40 ^The Farm having been sold, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction all of the personal property on the Farm located % of a mile \yest of Alden on Route 176, on ' Wednesday. Feb. 13. 1957 Commencing at 11:00 A.M. The following^ described personal property, to-wit: 89 HEAD oi LIVESTOCK Consisting, of 47 head of choice Holstein cows, a number of fresh and close cows, balance bred for fall freshening; 1 Holstein bull, Registered;. 5 tWo year old Holstein heifers, bred; 12 Holstein heifers 18 months old; 6 Holstein heifers 12 months old; 4 Holstein heifers 8 months old; 10 Holstein heifers 6 months old; 4 Holstein heifers 4 months old. All of the above cattle are calfhood vaccinated. FEED 30 tons mixed Hky; 250 bu. Oats; 25 ft. Silage in 14 ft. silo; 15 tons Straw; 1,900 bu. Corn. MACHINERY J.D. 60 tractor, 2 yrs. old; M-H 7 ft. gr. combine with motor; JD Silage blower, 50 ft. pipe; J.D. 101 semi-mounted corn picker; John Deere 40-ft, grain elevator; J.D. 3 bot. 14-in. tractor plow; J.D. 7 ft. double tractor disc: J.D. 4-sec. iron drag & folding draw bar; J.D. 29C two-row ccrn planter; Sears Roebuck Random wheel R.T. wagon. & flare box; 2 home made R.T. 'wagons & hay racks; J.D. 7 ft. power hay mower; Fanning mill; Wheelbarrow; Hay rake: Roller; J.D. "B" tractor & cult.; J.D. 62 field chopper: New Holland 66 power take off hay baler; New Idea manure spreader; 32 ft. gr. elevator, single chain: J.D. 2 bot. 14-in. tractor plow; A-C 8 ft. tractor disc: Int. 12 ft. grain drill; Int. 8 ft. grain binder; Int. R.T. wagon & hay rack: J.D. hammer mill; Jeep truck: Milk cart; 1 Horse Elec. motor; Field cultivator. MILKING EQUIPMENT 250 gal. Creamery package bulk cooler, 6 mo. old; 4 Universal short tube milking units; 1 Cement wash tank; 2 heavy 16 qt. milk pails; Universal 6 unit pump & motor; 52 gal. hot water heater; 1 Steel wash tank; 2 Stain- TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS Not- Responsible for Accident^ Stoddard and Thompson. Owners • FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Cl&rking Member Federal Reserve Systeni Federal Deposit insurance Corporation Lunch will be furnished by the Grange. LEGAL NOTICE M.C.H.S. News V. by Patti Miller Seniors The seniors have had a feeling we are being pushed out of school for the past month. The caps and gowns have been ordered and this past week senior pictures were taken and invitations and name cards were. ordered. We all know next fall many new freshmen are just waiting to get in and I can assure you many seniors just can't wait to get out. PROFEJSIOnRL DIRECTORS' IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF MARY MALiPEDE FOR A VARIATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of McHenry County 'Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of McHenry County relative to variation of zoning classification of the following described property: The East 150 feet of the following described property: Part of Section 19 and 20, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter _Qf Section 20; thence East along the North line of the Southwest Quarter 877.2 ;feet; thence South parallel with the East line of the West half of The Southwest Quarter, 442.75 feet; thence West parallel with the North quarter Section line, '878.85 feet to the West line Qf the Southwest quarter; thence North along the West line of the Southwest quarter of said Section, 442.75 feet to the place of beginning. in McHenry County, Illinois. Said proposed variation is for the purpose of permitting the cons-ruction of an addition of 14* x 26' on the West of the buildins presently being used as a club house. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall at McHenry, Illinois on the 5th day of March, 1957 at the hour of 3:00 P.M. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: HAROLD J. BACON: Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorney: VERNON J. KNOX Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone - 1500 The seniors have also had tryouts for the senior play. After three nights of try-outs, the director of the play, Miss Zender, 1 two teamg ant. die captains are has narrowed a number of seniors trying out down to the needed cast of nine and two student directors. The cast has already started practicing for -he play, which will be on March 2 at 8:15 in the high school auditorium. The cast for "A Murder Has Been Arranged" are as follows: Beatrice, Mary Banks; Jim North, John Freyerer; Maurice Mullins, Jim Boger; Mrs. Arthur, Kathy Anderson; Miss Groze, Bambi Martieke; Mrs. Wragg, Judy Hollenback; Sir Charles Jasper, Gene Dietle; Cavendish, Karl Tomm. Student directors are Dee Ann Hester and Patti Miller.1 G. A. A. The volleyball season isr well underway with twelve different teams. For the iniors, there are Plaster and faint in One Coat • ••OVER MASONRY ...OVER CRACKED PLASTER ...OVER WAUftOARD p ,\vy; _ Pat Freund and Dee Ann Hester. The juniors have two teams and their captains are: Z. Bennett and Patti Dixon. The sopohomore captains are: Sandy Bykowski, Eileen Huff, Charlotte Houda and Mary Ann Swenski and the .freshman captains are: Judy Hans, Carol Stritar, Ann Peschke and Georgette Miller. Dee Ann Hester's team and Shirley Lewis's learn are the only teams that are undefeated. Chorus The select chorus to appear at Crystal Lake at the annual music festival has been chosen. They have been practicing mighty hard these past weeks Jn order to make the program a great success. They are: sopranos, Jeanne Marion, Judy Wielock and Patsy McCracken; altos, Carol Schmitt, Peggy Thurlwell and Patti Millerstenors, LeRoy Hiller, Ray Jensen, Dave Fantus and Jim Jones; basses, Ernest Useman, Bill Houck, Paul Borchardt and Bill Wilier. George Menard, farm directorof WBBM Radio and TV, Chicago, will be the main speaker at the' annual McHenry County Holstein club banquet. The banquet will be held Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. in the Zion Lutheran Softool hall, Marengo. Dinner will be served by the women of the Lutheran :St . > .V church. On* coal magically covtrt shabby walls --giving a beautiful textured finish. Hides hairline cracks in plaster... hides prepared seams of wallboard ... beautifies masonry walls. 1 3-D is the perfect answer for any interior "problem" wall. 12 beautiful colors. Ready* mixed, it's easy to apply wit*' brush or roller. ELM PAINT & SUPPLY PHONE 864 208 East Elm Stret McHenry, Illinois FARM SERVICE WAY LMGE I DAY AUCTION WILLIAM SULLIVAN and EUGENE FREDRICK, Auctioneers Having sold the farm the undersigned will sell at Public Auction located on Peterson-Olson Farm, 4Vz miles East of Marengo, 111., on Highway 176, then South ^ mile or 9^> miles West of Crystal Lake. 111., on Highway 176, then ^ mile South. Watch for Arrows. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 1957. Cattle, fceed and Milking Equipment Starting kt 11 A.M. 200 PUREBRED & HIGRADE HOLSTEINS ISO COWS--In full flow of milk. This herd has been bred to freshen year around. Young herd, 1st, 2nd and 3rd calf heifers. 20 bred heifers, to start freshening by sale date; 20 open heifers, iVi years; SO heifers, 4-12 months; 2 purebred bulls, I'/j years. Calfhood vaccination has been practiced in this herd for years. FEED--2500 bales 1st crop hay; 30 tons straw; 700 bu. oats; 6000 bu. ear corn; 100 ft. of silage in 3 16-ft. silos. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15 1957. Sale Starting at 9:S0 a.m. Sharp. FARM MACHINERY & TOOLS 5 TRACTORS--2 McD. "M" tractors with 4-row cult.; McD. "W-9" tractor; Case "DC" tractor with 4-row cult.; Case "VAC" tractor. All of these tractors are in A-l condition. , - FARM MACHINERY--McD. 3-16 in. plow on rub.: Case 4-14 in. plow on rub.; Case 3-16 in. plow on rub.; 4 10-ft. tandem disc, McD. and Case; 2 New Idea manure spreaders on rub.; 2 McD. manure spreaders on rub.: Bear Cat hammer mill with feed table: Gehl silo filler; McD. 2 row power corn binder with loader and carrier; Little Giant 50-ft. elevator: 3 drive belts, 60-ft. Appleton 6 roll corn shredder, steel; New Idea 7-ft. power mower; Fox chopper with pickup and corn head: Gehl blower; J-D 4-row corn planter on rub.; McD. manure loader; McD. blade; Ottawa 42-ft. elevator with motor; J-D self propelled combine, 12-ft. No. 55; Case ,2-row corn picker; Case 14-ft. grain drill with fert. and grass seeder; rotary hoe, 4-sec.; 2 4-sec. steel drags; endgate fert. spreaders. 7 high speed rub. tired wagons; 2 racks; 3 elec. fencers; flare top box; New Idea 4 bar side delivery in rub.; 6-hp. engine; several chick batteries: 3 elec. motors; Brillion grass seeder on rub.; 3 chopper wagons with chains and motors; 4 silo carts; 3 feed carts; 1949 Studebaker %-ton truck; 2 chippers; fence posts; wire; 50 tons 30% phosphate; 2 tons 4-16-16 fertilizer; brome seed; forge, 15 ton jack; 7 A-type hog houses; 2 self hog feeders. Usual friendly Farm Service Way terms available to all farmers. HENRY ZUHAK, Owner FARM AUCTION SERVICE, INC.. Clerk STATE BANK OF IJNION, Clerking MISCELLANEOUS , . . . HAS YOUR DRINKING become : a problem? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. , 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf MOOSE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. T lyf- 0 MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, 111. 19tf DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Napfapathic Manipulation 25 Orchard Beach Road McHenry, III. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:80 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ^ p.m. to 9 p,m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 74S DR. C. R. 8WANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5*30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evening! By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 (••••••••••••QDQoaaaaaiva VIRGII. R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES AESO Non-Cancellable Aecident And Health Non-Caneell&ble Hospitalization Group Insurance For Free Information Call McHenry, III. Phone 1168-J ACCORDION LESSONS for beginners,. .taught in my home. F. Kasperski. Phone McHenry 2243. 39-4 NOTICE TERRA GOTTA Re-sale Shop will ^ . be closed January and February & for inventory. Mrs. Ruth Dietrick. Crystal Lake. 37-tf t Services Held For •-* Mrs. Nora Merley, 78 Funeral services were held early this week for Mrs. Nora E. Merley, 78, who died at McHenry Jan. 30. She was the widow of George F. Merley. an attorney. Surviving is a son .Kenneth t Merley, general counsel for Federal Life Insurance company in Chicago. . ' Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1SS0 Rt. 5, Box 1030 McHenry, DL & The main or woman who is really interested in the work that is being done rarely complains about over-exertion. Buy UJ3. savings Bonds EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire; Aute, Farm & M£e Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 90S Green & Elm McHenry, HI. m m m"m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showroom* S Miles Sonth on Rt. 8} PHONE 950 DR. M. D. SAVAGE DR. D. MCCONNEL Veterinarians Office Hours: 10 a.m. co 1% Noon 1 p.m. to S pjn. Evenings By Appointment Phone S221 Richmond, UL THOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAN NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH by Buss Arnold BRING MY GRAN'DAUGHTER ROME KV SAM WILL VOU / WHKT A BOOT" HE NEVER , hisses! m M0' GRAJslDAD S THOUGHT Ht6 FOOTBALL TM-ENT6 ONLY TEMPORARY- -- HE DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD ALWAY5 BE M^NDY 1 By FRANK THOMAS f^TlST HAD TO LEAVE AFTER THE SECOND CHORUS1. (SOB!) HOSSFACE HANK fM SORRY. ^ HOSSFACE, BUT THE OTHER BOYS LIKB THE SAD SONGS' INTO TOWN RODE JACKIE RYE. ^( NELLIE'S IN THE HE VMAS VNATCHEO FROM EVERY SIDE CHURCH YARD" "WHERE'S NELLIE?"HE SHOUTED JOYOUSLYJ CAME THE SAO I V E COME BACK TO MAKE// "SHE PASSEO BRIDE 1" *--M/ /vvtf AY OF A BROKEN HEART WAIT IN' FOR WHERS'S HOSSFACE* HE WENT OUTSIDE. DIAMOND LU 1 & JACKIE RYE!" SPURT STOAO FROM TMEIfc EVES WHEN MOLESTED / Ommt, HI TAIO£R ~7ik>w>nS_ by Snfca Z-S-Ssj u-s. fit, oc Fy N.J. J.&. FOULAfm Memphis Tenn GREW A TOMATO WEIGHING OVERf&iS/ EARLY AN\EI2ICAM JOSIAH WHITE, of Rockincil'i&fti, KU. DIED ACT THE AGE OF 96, F LEAVING 386 DESCENDANTS! SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON SO TH' COACH IS GONNA BEBOSSV YOH'RE JUS'BEIN' *«1E\W RULES' A SI5SV REMOVE V0UR STREET SHOES BEFORE ENTER THE GVM i HE DOnT SCARE ME NONE y0' AIN'T GOT NOW T LOSE. '0' WIN VNC MARBLES/ MURAL DELIVERY SMITH 7SHORE WAS/ 'COURSE I HAD TO KNOCK HIM DOWN THREE 'ER F&UR TIMES 'F&RE HE LENT IT TO ME I WAKE UP.SLATS / HERE'S YOUR MONEY BACK! COUSIN ROMEOSEZ 'HAINT NICE HOW I BORROWED IT/ I BORROWED THE MONEY FROM SLATS/ JQEEJHATS LESGQF / NICE OF HOW ARE WE GOING TO THE MOVIES IN TOWN WHEN WE'RE BROKE/ LEAVE IT TOME! SLATS' J-3 -ss CoMPiVM

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