Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1957, p. 9

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, February 14, 1957 M. jr u ^ W**' " *' ^ A ; *f * * , -- 4 . THE McBENRT PLAINDEALER / ^/Uar IWPV'- PagaNta* -I- ^.f.& MS By Phyilia W^tileld .A* 'S*hm 'Mr Lf' ; Lutheran Mission •.-Christ calls Ghicagoland" is the theme of the Lutheran Evangelism- mission that over 300 Lutheran churches in the Chicago area will be participating in, beginning on Sunday, Feb. 17. Christ overlooking the skyline of Chicago is Christ ? Chicagolanri the symbol i^thls special week of evangelism service*, as He csdls to everyone. to come to these services and hear the gospel preached. "*. - ^ Nativity ^.utheran church' is one of the churches that is taking part in this venture for Christ, Mid everyone in this area is invited to come to this week of special evening services beginning at 8. All are most welcome to attend and to hear Rev. C. Carl Eklof, who will be the guest speaker for the week.. The services will be informal, and the messages inspirational. Rev. Eklof will preach the first in his series of sermons on Sunday morning, Feb. 17, at both the 8 and 10:45 services. His 'rst sermon is entitled, "A Charge 'o Keep," and his general theme for mission week is, "The Comings Kingdom . . . and Yt>U'-" On the last day of the mission, Friday, Feb. 22, the mass rally will be held at Lane Technical high school at 8, which will be attended by people from all the Lutheran churches in Chicagoland. Thi6 will be the climax of a \#eek f'hen Christ's saving Gospel will ave reached thousands of hearts to stir them anew in His service. P.T.A. Meeting The Harrison school P.T.A, met on Tuesday, Feb. 5, at the school. Mrs. Martha Burch presided over the meeting. Ways and MeaVis Chairman Jackie Lunak stated Now You'll Know WHAT'S p (i See RAINBOW'S Ad Page Two that Jielp is needed to \vork in the re-sale shopy located in the Mathews building. : The shop is, open Monday through Satucday from ] pin. to 4 p.m., with the exception of Wednesday. A bake sale is featured every Saturday. William, Born showed a film on the founding and functions of the American Red Cross. Mrs. ^Elaine Spuehr gdve an interesting talk, on the school board and the election pertaining to it. v Entertainment for the evening was in the form of a style show featuring styles from 1860 to" 1900. Mrs. Phyllis Whitfield was narrator, while Mrs. Pat Wrede provided appropriate music , for the beautiful and interesting gowns, plus three men's outfits. The models were Miss Brickley and Mesdames Shirley Christy, Joan Schwegel, Jane Ducey, June .Kiddell, Madeline Jones, Viola Rochowicz, Barbara LaGretca, Gertrude 'Nielsen, Lee Pickrum, Mary O'Brien, a sister of Miss Brickley, Delores Borre, Virginia Young, Jean Decker and Lois Haak, with Mr. Josserand and; Mr. George Burns. . After the modeling a few of the models read some Hints to Housekeepers, recipes and remedies for minor illness taken from a cook book published in 1875. Mrs: Iona Hood had charge Df the fine program. \ Mrs. Lois Haak, introduced the nominees for PTA officers for 1957-1958. They are: Mrs. Iona Hood, president; Mrs. Viola Rochowicz, vice-president; Mrs. Shirley Cristy, secretary; and Mrs. Eleanor Pliner, treasurer. Various Hobbies were on display in the room wljere refreshments were served by the sixth grade room mothers. the occasion being her birthday. Sandy Bykowski, Eileen Huff, Joann Smith, Jill Gustavson and Judy Bastian enjoyed ice skating and the good refreshments, which were served at Judy's home;. Birthdays Judy Knackstedt celebrated her tenth birthday with a few friends Saturday, Feb. 9. Susan Jacobsen, Carol Woods, Pamela • Huebner and Judy Frederick enjoyed, with Judy, a buffet supper of barbeque, ice cream apd cake. The girls also enjoyed a movie after their dinner. . Mary Hansel celebrated her birthday last week; Qlga Grasser, Feb. 8; Judy Knackstedt, Feb. 9; Kay Dold and Estelle Biggers celebrated their birthdays together" this week. Benefits Hospital The Wonder Center canasta croup which plays, cards fas the benefit of the Woodstock hospital auxiliary, met at the home of Mrs. Pat Gallas Thursday, Feb. 7. II'eh scorers "were Mrs. June Kiddell and Mrs. Grace Market. Others 'present were Mesdames Marie Milbrandt. Lenore Jaeschke. Neva Fuhrer, Ann Weretka and Dorothy Michels. The next meeting wi)l be at the home of Mrs. Milbrandt. v Birthdays Miss Judy Dolce entertained several friends Saturday, Feb. 2, Chicago Trip Thursday, Feb. 14, about fifty youngsters from the seventh and eighth grades from Harrison school will travel by bus to Chicago, where they will participate in the program on TV, Bandstand Matinee. Mrs. Boyce King, Mrs. Walter Petersen Mrs^Ray Lake and Mrs. Andrew Johnson will accompany the youngsters, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Abbs and Mr. Jesserand will motor to Chicago and join the group. On,Monday evening, the youngsters had a final dance practice before the big event. Bible Church News A surprise open house celebration was given Mrs. Joseph Benoche of Johnsburg, Friday, Jan. Meet and Dine at the Tower Grill* On Rt. 120 in Lakemoor Phone McHeniy 181 Open Daily 10 A.M. to I A.M. FrL & Sat. Until 3:00 A.M. -- Closed Monday FINEST FOOD ANYWHERE -Chicken, Steak, Shrimps, Ff and Soda Fountain Famous ""lor our Carry-Out Service Phbne McIIenry 161. Leave your order, name and phone number. In 20 minutes the food will be prepared, piping hot and[ ready to serve when you reach home. SORRY No intoxicating liquours served. Just a nice quiet plate to enjoy the best of foods and where you can bring your sweetheart, mother or wife and children and enjoy your repast . [ w f l w f*r i j l' $ 1 » $ » i fll l|l ifr ifll l|ll |l ifr ifll ijl Ariene Fmek with your @2 Spring Painting The miracle ingredient that makes SPRED SATIN so durable you don't need to paint again until you wgnt to change colors. mm Demonstrated -.^4.--- eunHI otffie NBC-TV tl © IVIE SHOW Select exactly the colon you want from the 180 beautiful (hades on our giant color card. \*»v: Standard Colors Paint in comfort with window* closed on coldest days without drafts or irritating'odors. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. HWY. 31 -- 2 Blocks South of Main St. PHONE 1424 26. The Eenoches were former residents of Wooded Shores, Wonder Lake. Individual gifts were given to Mrs. Benoche by: the guests. ° ' The young people had an impressive service Sunday evening when they took final steps in officially organizing their new I.A.H. club by signing the charter. The name of the club is "The Ambassadors." A candlelight service was conducted by^ the club leader Mr. Tomano. Each member, upon joining, received a sterling silver ring as a symbol to remind them of-the vows to the club. Great things' are in store for this Club vso if you have not attended, please try to do so. A similar club is being adopted for the junior and intermediate age groups. Plan to attend if you can. ' The McHenry Couples Fellowship will be held Saturday, Feb. 16, qt the home of Dick Leckman* beginning at 7 p.m. Any furtherinformation needed. ; please contact Mr. Tomano, 6393. The Missionary guild of the church will hold their monthly meeting Thursday, Feb. 14, at 10 a.m. Mrs. ' Sigurd Jacobsen in Woodlli Shores is hostess. The ladies will be working to fill the needs of the missionaries, Jack and Flora Loshbbough, in Africa, sc come and help. Final plans will be made for the coming annual Jack and Flora day. Devotions will be given and luncheon will be served by Mrs. Jacobsen. Feb. 26 there will be a special meeting honoring Jack and Flora Loshbough and their two children. Colored slides and a tape will show and explain their work in Africa. Come and see these interesting slides of Africa and the | actual voices of our missionaries* Refreshments will be served after the service. A free will offering i will be taken to defray the expense of the guild. Their yearly budget goes to the Loshboughs. Come! Don't miss this most interesting program. , Sunday, Feb. 17, the pastor \vill be speaking away from Wonder Lake. £aul Jones, a Christian layman, member of the Cicero Bible church, will be in charge of the services at the church. Bed Cross Drive Fred T. Ferris, county chairman of American Red Cross, received information that the critical ,flood situations in the East have inflicted heavy destruction and have necessitated extensive relUrf operations. This means that the1, McHenry county chapter's share of the national requirement will be $11,362.00. The people have responded generously to the plea of neighbor helping neighbor; to thbse hurt in disasters, to young ijeqple of the Armed Forces; and to many who have received blood from the blood program. Mr. Ferris stated the need is great, let's accept our responsibilities. Residents are reminded that if jSiey donate in another county. McHenry county will suffer a loss. Out of every dollar given in McHenry county, seventy-five cents remains hero for the benefit of those who need Red Cross service. The following are planning and directing the work of the Wonder Lake branch: William T. Born, chairman; Howard Wenkel, fund chairman; Lois Weeks, secretary; Betty Selsdorf, treasurer; Greta Weisenberger, home service. Mrs. Gustavson and Mrs Wrede will Northwestern Construction SPECIALIZING IN: ~ v Garages Breezeways Additions No Money Down -- S Tears To Pay Phone McHenry 2245 P.O. Box 383 have their Girl Scouts assist at*> the luncheon to be given for the workers at Harrison school March 3. At this time, materials and instructions will be given the workers. Be looking for these people in your subdivision the afternoon of March 3. < Christ The King Party Shower Feb. 17 Sunday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m., a party shower in honor of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Trinity will be held at Mathews hall. Canned go^ds and food staples will be appreciated. All through the bad weather, the Sisters never missed driving in from Rockford on Sunday morning, to teach the children Catechism. Sister M. Sebastian, who celebrated her twenty-fifth year as a missionary Sister on Feb. 10, will bo guest of honor. The 9 a.m. Mass that morning wii'l be offered f< Sister Sebastian and all the children are asked to receive Hoi Communion as a Spiritual Bou quet. Confessions x^ill be heard on Saturday, Feb. 16, from 4 to 5 p.m. for the children of the parish. Refreshments will be served at the shower. Attar And Rosary Father Vanderpool and Father Kruk attended the regular monthly meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality on Feb. 7, bringing with them the five sets of vestments recently purchased by the sodality. The beautiful colors and workmanship were greatly admired by the ladies at the meeting. Fr. Vanderpool wishes to express his thanks to the 1956 Altar and Rosary members for the new vestments. After the business meeting, a religious movie, "We Believe," was shown, followed by cake and coffee, served in a gay Valentine motif by"Mrs. Otto Kersten, Mrs. Martin Weisenberger. Mrs. Carl Walker arid Mrs. Hubert Holmes, hostesses for the evening. Day of Recollection A special Day of Recollection >r the Women of the Parish will be presented Sunday afternoon, Feb. 24, from 1 to 4 g.m. at the church. Rev. Raymond Miller of e Redemptorist order will' arrive from Davenport, low,a, to conduct the sessions. All the ladies of the parish are asked to attend and prepare questions for the question box. Shop At Nye's "Your Waigreen Agency Drug Store" Phone 26 129 No. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L Cooing Events Feb, 14--Holy Name Society at 8:30, preceded by a religious movie starting at 8. Eveyone is welcome at the John Gustek home. : Feb. 18 -- Parents association meeting, 8:30 at Ray Schiller home. Feb. 24 -- Day of Recollection for all women of parish 4? 4 p.m. /";.j Enjoys Recent Trip To Ireland Patrick O'Byrne of Wonder Woods returned Saturday, Feb. 9, from a trip to Ireland to visit his mother, who is 91, and three sisters and one brother, all living in county Donegal. His yisit, which began Jan. 6, was after an absence of 30 years and he found many modern improvements ii| his home town. Pleasant as visit' was he is i1. • ;V' " ! 'V SI (Continued cm Page 14) , Business & Senrics Directory ol Wonder Lake ©pes On Sundays 9 to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY m Free Estimates A Delivery W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractus NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 v\\W\ I,,77^ r Manufacturer's Suggested Pricefor this 2-Door SPECIAL 6-Passenger *2695 ONE LOOK at that price figure and you'll know that--again in 1957 --if you can afford a new car you can afford a Buick. This fact has won hundreds of thousands of new owners to Buick in the past--and it's winning them again this year. Because --look what you get for so little extra money. \bu get the most completely new Buick brought to market in years. Not just brand new in styling and brand new in body design. But new in features that make this the dream car of the year to drive. \ou get brand-new performance because the engine is literally new from the crankshaft up. \ou get a brand-new instant response because we engineered brand-new torque into Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* And to give you the new sure-footed safety of a lower center of gravity -- we built a brand-new frame --which lowers the car, but keeps the headroom, legroom and footroom that^a big car should have. - Fact is, there are more than 150 other chassis changes in this '57 Buick --waiting for you to try them. Do that soon--at your Buick dealer's. Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow t> the only Dynaflow Buick buildtltoday. It is standard fin Roadmaater, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Speoial. (including Deliyery and HandKng Charges and Federal Exes. Taxes) Transportation charges. *a|. »nd local taxes, accessories and ophona^ equipment, incM** DyBa,1°* eq rod*,o. heater and white sidewall tires. additional Prices may vary dealer prmng policies. : --SSL "-«ven *">bovt J""**** \ KOAOiKASrCR ee Tour Authorized Buick Dealei1 •WHEN KTTER AUTOMOMUS AM BURT MlfCX WIU »UIU> TNSM.

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