Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1957, p. 11

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February 14.1957 * " * h Pr i \ 1 fr* A"^ * ) 'J1* /•*" ^ * TV <* ^K-v, &\ / V * * ^ » y < . f ; * v THE McflENRlf PyUNDEAlER - - , :£ •' •' ^'lll-»s ^v V i'lft' v x:;- €*S;'• ^ i >•' ***• ^•Vfc^r-yyv^r*--^r*.j-,^<f.».^..-'...---«^.>»'..l^...-jrrl--*».-1.^0.J.".".-'r»^«^-.*^ » .• • ,^A..^**"*"^'-'-A-f'-'"-*. J By Jetta Gleeson and Dorothy Uttich iiipiiii^ Valentine's Dance The Junior Youth club postponed their Valentin^ dance until Saturday night, Feb. 16. The dance will be held at the Sweeney home and wili start promptly at 7:30. IPPOA News Anyone hayipg names to be sabmittfed tofWfe1nominatihg c6mmittee for consideration as candidates for LPPOA board replacements are urged^ to - contact any of the committed * members as soon as possible. "Hie committee is meeting on Thursday, Feb. 21, and would like to have all the, names by that time. For your convenience, we will list the committee members once again--Tom Glee- -- son, 580-M-l; Steve Kotryck, ^^80-J-l; .Ken Bpyce, 500-J-2; Frank Moran, 695-R-2; Len Bottari, 1375-R-l. A Reminder To all interested persons to get their tickets for the theatre party that the LPPOA is Sponsoring. Proceeds from this will go toward the community house building fund. The^date is Feja. 27, the time, 8. t^ypiace, the McHenry theatres tlS^movie,. the spectacular "Aiaa.'^fc I'S Club The Lakeland Park Woman's club sociaLwas a big success this month, with around fifty members (including five new members) present. > After a J$Ci£f business meeting, the ladies adjourned for the evening's; erttejpralnmeht. Lots of fun and many pities were the rewards of the evening. Mary Deja was the top \&ri$ifr pf'the-.evening, taking h&mfe four nice prizes, Clara Reinhardt and Jean Potocki running a clofee second and third. The Uttijfcs' enjoyed cake and coffee1 to clttrtax the evening. A-4, K-3, Q-2 $'• Was the' count when several ladies met in the home of Ann Leigh on Wednesday to play bridge. They are forming a new bridge (Hub1; some of them learning, some teaching, and others improving^Beir game. Aftertfi|ir i|ession of card playing, the fadies were served delicious cakeYjjujid coffee by their hostess. J| Marge Dent, Ivy Lezak, Gayle Laursen, Jetta Gleeson,' Florence Svitanek anck£orothy Uttich were the card f£tt)s.: ' 3 tV" ivfiftsed The News Our notes,concerning the news from the Lakeland Park Poker club got lost somewhere in the shuffle lastxweek, but here it is for this week.- Some tha^boys" got together at the Frank ParisiJioDne foran evening of. penny ante on .Friday, Feb. 1. Those present with their best poker faces on were Tony Pintozzi, Lionel Wiifen from Crystal Lake, Jasper Parisi, Joe Cina, Sam PaHj^arict son, Joseph, and the^fank. The fellows wouldn't d^Vulge the winners or losers (their"vVives no doubt read the paper) but they all had a fine |< ti me. Home #Nm the Hospitjal Nick Bivona is now home after undergoing*'VSurgery at the McHenry hosfritiil on Monday, Feb. 4. Mr. Bivona lives with his son, Pete Bivona, and family at 212 Hill ave.^ jQur best wishes for a speedy fe&very. * ,l i 1$*. Complaint Department *£he. dpg situation is getting pretty bad when a small child can't walk down the road without being ynenaced by stray dogs, A little' girl in Unit 2 was knocked and held down by a large dog, which resulted in a biid scare. You dog owners better keep check on your dogs, you are responsible for any: accidents that occur. Unit 4 brings the i( complaint that JjaserrieJit windows are "being used as targets for young gun shooters. The complainants have threatened to bring in the law if there is a re-occurance of this vandalism. Mark This • Date April 27 is the date set for the spring dance held by the LPPOA. For the ladies, tnere will be a spring hat contest, homemade, from household articles. So this is a good time to show your artistic abilities and originality. Line up your bajay sitters early, we hear theire is a shortage already. The Square^ Got together for a rip roaripg session of "swing your partners and promenade." The Bernie Laurences were host couple for the evening. Visiting couples were Rose and Chuck Kluk', Ray and Virginia Grote, Wally and Betty Laurence, Eld and Pat Linnane, Glen and Irene Uhles, Bud and Dprothy Uttich. Jerry Rogers came by to throw out his chest, pass out cigar? and accept congratulations on their new arrival, Colleen. During a break in the dancing schedule, Bernie showed the movies that, were taken at the groups' New Year's eve party and as you might suspect, this caused much laughter and comment! When the guests were tired out, they all sat back and enjoyed nibbling on delicious pizzfr. -^ 6* Red Cros Drivp It will?fc<Sgn be tirfte for the Red Cross to t>e canvassing the neighborhood (;\fos your donations. If we give quota, we hav£ hopes of getting "Red Cross instructors out hem ,^iis sun^mer to give swimmi^:-lessons. S6 bear this in mind when you give your donations*' Ss ^ ---m~. On the Stork Line Thp number in the Delores and Jerry Rogers family has been increased to five. Their new daughter, Colleen Mary, was born Friday, Feb. 8, at the Woodstock Memorial hpspita). She nearly broke tfye scales at a whoppin' weight c^9 Ubs. 21{>z. Mother and daughter ..are both doing fine. The Rogers have two other children, 1-y^Sr-old Paul, and Patty, who is 3 years old. They are staying with their , grandmother in Chicago until mommy and baby sister come home. WORWICK'S STUDIO and Camera Center Fine PortfcraHtiare Commercial Photography WEDDINGS • CHILDREN FAMILY GROUPS Cameras Bought, Sold & Exchanged Films & Photo Supplies View Masters & Keels Light Meters - Albums - Frames fColoT Films Processed See Us Before You Bay Worwick'3 Studio 117 N. Bivirdde Drive PHONE McHENRY 875 * IP V High Rate o! EARNINGS CERENT R E Injured SAFETY m 2/o ' 0 * v M0K£ PiOHf ARE SAVMB MORE MOjMEY AT iiPERAL w ye«r mcowit HOW! SAVE m MAIL! Hgjtraii ptiyspp^p 3V« pit CENT Marengo Federal Cauinae AND LOM ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 If. Sttif St Phone JOrdan 8-7258 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,000,000.00 Mir Anyone desiring tidcets for the benefit dance sponsofed by ttje Sportsman club, coritacf Mary .or l^et^ Xaureno^i " Copnpany fQraqi T. Mr.' arid Mrs. A .F. Ball of Meridian, Miss., visited several days with .their njtepe atjfl nejihew, and Mrs. BiU |Iayne^ ' r* : Ht^py Birthday On Sundaiyi Feb. 10, Beverly Grote invited a number ,of her Junior Miss friends to help celebrate her eleventh -birthday. "Pie girls "rocked" the living room with their dancirig antics and games. Those having a grand time were Susan Markay, Diane B«?hnke, Melodie Lose, Eileen Homo, Cheryl Witlecl^, Barbara Meyers and'Severity's sister, Cynthia Grote. flADIQ , A first ii^ both Lake -and'" McHenry counties for both radio broadcasting and locatl Christian Science churches will be inaugurated over Station WKRS at Waukegan on Feb. 16. At that time a reader for First Church of Christ, Sciehtis^; Woodstock, will be interviewed on the McHenry County Profile program at the station. DRIVE WITH CARE! EDDIE the EDUCATOR says Schools or* thf most Important bvilofii in our cotrimunity. Tbty m«*t bt nralntaHiMl on a sound financial basil. Illinolirtducotiqn Astociotion LILYM00RNEWS by Laura. , Get your club and church new, birthday and " anniversaries to your reporter by phoning 596-W-2- Benefit Date Selected A card and bunco party will.lje sponsored by the Lilymoor association at 8 psn. -^Dn Saturday, March 2, at Club" Lilymoor. The public is invited. This will be the first big community social .of the year. Refteshrii&hW and ' prizes will be served ang*jSfo; is planned for all. Co-chairwomen heading up the committee for this event are Mrs. Edna Crawley ( and "Mrs. Isabel, Karmel. These ladies will, be.ably' assisted by Mrs. .Herbert PblinS^i, jillrs. Calvin Sti^ritih, -Mrsi '"Lawrence Schiirr, iSps. Maurice Haines, Mrs. :'Di^|^eskgjj m- Herbert Fantus Mre. F^ed Fradinardo. Tickets>'tnay be piir-^ chased at the door.. Birthdays. Best- wishes to Bobby Zahn on his eleventh birthday, which comes on Friday, Feb. 15. Party On Prairie Avenue Terry Counley was a happy little one on Sunday, Feb. 3, when he celebrated his third, birthday with his family and 1 relatives. Present to enjoy strawberry ice cream and birthday; <jake were Mr. and Mrs.' Bill ."Smith, Bijice, Brian, Brent and Virginia Smith, Davy, Robert, Sandra, RobertaJ' Tomthy and Sharon Counley^ ^T^y'S' parents are Bill and Franee^Counley of Prairie avenue. The monthly ' meeting of the Lily Lake P.T.A. was -held- on Thursday, Feb. 7, at the schoolhouse. The meeting was well attended considering the weather, but still needs the attendance of more parents. Let's try to remember these meetings and support this worthy organization with our presence. How t o h e l p i n c a s e o f a HEART ATTACK fp' Call the doctor immediately. Help patient take a position most comfortable to him. (This will probably be halfway between lying and sitting.) Do not attempt to carry or lift patient without the physician's supervision. loosen tight clothing such as belt and necktie. Do not give the jpatient anything to drink without tne doctor's advice. See that the patient does not become chilled, but do /not induce sweating with too many blankets. For medical advice see your doctor. For information about the heatt diseases, ask your Heart Association. HELP YOUR HEART FUND HELP YOUR HEART Ritter was hospitalized at Wood* stock Memorial for the past week. Both of these ladies have now returned ta their hojgaes and we extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mid-winter Vacations Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sickafoose and children, Dannie, Michael and Bobby, left on Thursday for Corpus Christie, Texas, where they will visit Frank's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root and Mr. • and Mrs. Frank Sickafoose just i returned from a two weeks' vaca- ' tion in California. ed by giving thei name of a bird. Games were enjoyed and business discussed. % Honor Student Congratulations to Dave Fantus? on being* selected the high schoqt honor student for the month Of February by the McHenry Rotary. This ineans that Dave will have the .privilege of attending the Thursday luncheons as a guest of the McHenry Rotarians. The selection is made monthly from outstanding high school students. Hospital Mrs. Herbert Fantus underwent emergency surgery on Sunday at the McHenry Community hospital. We are glad to learn that she is progressing satisfactorily at the time of this writing. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Carl Cub Scouts Pack 3 held its regular Monds^ afternoon meeting at the home of the den mother, ^ith 100 per cent attendance. Roll^dall »answer- , DR. HENRY FREUMftiHO ' ' OPTOMETRIST „ At 136 S. Gre$n Street. McHenry^ (Closed Thursday Affteraaons) .... . im.,jpW!D -- GLASSES $ « :; visuAi# ^ COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS ^ =. * HOURS: DAILY 0 TO 12 AM. and 1 v FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. v EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Lakeland Park Property Owner's Association Community House Benefit Fund Presents I S. HUROK s presents |^UVER0I'S.| i.ry. The Grandest of all Grand Operas! 1st Spectacular Film in Color! With the "Dream Cast" Voices of Tebaldi, Stignani, Campora & Bechi One Showing Only -- 0 P.M. to ^Wednesday, w., McHENRY THEATRE | 218 So. Green St. Phone 144 McHenry, Illinois | - Get Your Tickets At Box Office Nowl B COME EARLY -- NO SEATS RESERVED 1 $3.jjH) Ticket Admits Two -- Only S50 Tickets Available | Personals Mr^jand Mrs. JLouis Schuelet^smd daughters, Carole and Janice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rose of Chicago on Sunday. This was a special occasion for the Rose's daughter, Karen, in honor of her recent grammar school graduation. r Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske visited relatives in Rose]|e on Sunday. • - Happy St. Valentine's Day to all.. Have a heart and give to the H^art Fund. - H i " 4-H NEWS •m - • Cherry Valley v The Cherry Valley 4-H ctub met Jan. 22 at the. .McHenry high ' schopl,. with sevientpen piemberr p r e s e n t . ' ; - • z M After the regular business meeting, we were'brought up'to date on the forthcoming events. The ^ window display contest was discussed. The theme is "Opportunities in 4-H". We also are trying to think up a skit for the talent • ^ elimination contest. yj - The iyiiowiiig ^eetirsg was held Feb. 5 at the McHenry high school. Karen Dresdow led the • club in recreation after the meeting. Refreshments were served .u after the recreation: 3 Kathryin Oirran, reporter ; InmrtH Savings: Saylnp invested in Crystal Lake Savings nntit Association ore. Insured by fte. Federal Savings ' and Lp&a losnrance Corp., and earn 2^ per cent pSns p©s CLAIRE. mmvf SHOPPE -- Our Operators are All Hairstylists -- 200 So. Green Street McHenry, HL Appointments Accepted -- Mon. thru Sat.. 8 A.M. to 6 PJH. COLD WAVE PERMANENTS -- $5.00 8c up , including cut, shampoo and hair set ALL WORK DONE REASONABLY PHON|B McHENRY 10 TRACTOR TIRES , nnther ^pter m the Longest Low affair Am0*r crw^ automobUes tegan OVil 180,000 _ CRR PRODUCTION YEAR THRT SALES "SVSU; t«r I n Only franchised Chevrolet dealers ^.CHEVROLET /K display this famous trademark CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILL. EQUIP M9R TRACTOR NOW tUre 6t* fhf moil advanced tractor liret over built! Tread bars are tufvtd and tapered ... bite deep, tak* a stronger gtip in any toil. Increase your drawbar pulling power, save f^e^ savo time. See the Firestone Open Center Curved Bar Tractor Tire today. OKT OUR LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCt PASSENGER TRUCK TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS Buy A N@w BaHerf Mow! 'Up To >goo Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Battery PASSENGER TIRi SALE Tubpd Type Tubeless 25% 20% OFF OFF 20% OFF ON SNOW i MUD TIRES! FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK McHenry fire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop PHONE 294 526 W. Main St. McHenry, 10. ' .jiiA... ' i4'r- ' * vfi •; '-•il

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