Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1957, p. 16

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SlxlMn McCullom Lake News THE McttENHY plaindeaUlefbil ;' " ' . i' \ , Thursday, February It' llsAJ No Steeds Necessary For th'fe fox hunt being planned by the McCullom 'Lake Sports* men's club in the near future, rhese "pesky" animals are reproducing at an alarming rate and are becoming quite a threat to the valuable game birds and animals which are stocked in the controlled shooting area. Details as to time and date will be announced at a later date. The regular- meeting was IteJd at Whitey and Bernice's on Sunday, Feb. 10. The turnout was excellent. 1 ( Taking It Easy Mrs. Ingeborg Olsen came home from McHenry hospital Wednesday, Feb. 6, and is doing fine. She hasn't quite reached the point where she can scrub floors but she is happy to be able to rest quietly. Happy we are to report that Ma Olsen is doing so well! CONTINUE RESUME OF SERVICE WORK " FOR PALSY VICTIMS Quite A Spread The table was decorated beautifully and was iordecrwith all the tempting goodies only Mary Rantorski can prepare so well. The occasion was- a luncheon which A committee consisting of J ay i Mary gave on Tuesday, Feb. 5. for her former fellow workers the Country club. Present for the delicious repast Crick, Ben Gates', John Krettler, Dave Hansen and Dick Adams was appointed to secure 250 to 300 additional acres for the controlled < were Mrs. Joe Vincick of Island shooting area. When the new property is obtained, membership in the controlled shooting will lje re-opened. The additional acreage will give the Sportsmen's elu6 nearly 1000 acres of ideal hunting ground! At the nieeting, it was brought out that the trap range is just about self-supporting. Non-members are cordially invited to use the range. When additional funds are procured, Seedlings of hickory, scotch pine, etc. will be planted to make the trap range truly a garden spot. With the -success of the trap range a reality, a skeet range is next on the agenda. A safe location is being selected. The Sportsmen's club is providing a valuable asset to the communities which surround McCullom Lake. Funds obtained from a small membership fee are used for lake conservation only. The other facets of the organization are supported by .other means. Even if you have never fished or hunted in your life, your membership fee will do much to further this vital work. Mail your check to Elmer Thorp, Box 679, McHenry, and watch McCullom Lake improve! Lake with daughter, Georgia, and son. Joseph. Mrs. Irvine May of Jotinsburg, Mrs. Julius' Goffo and Miss Rosina Young, of McHenry. The- few who were tunable to attend will never forgive themselves for what they missed. Our Abject Apologies To the future bride. Miss Lorraine Wollak.We misspelled her last name last Week. Your reporter will be happy when the wedding bells will change her name to Mrs. Ray Deskis. We know how .to^pell that! Quite The Scholar! And he truly deserves recognition! Tommy Olsen, a sophomore at McHenry high, again made the straight'"A" honor roll. As you well know, in addition to keeping up his high grades, Tom delivers the Plaindealer locally. Just one of our many fine 'teen agers. We're proud of them! Continuing a resume of the fine work being accomplished for cerebral palsy in the county is the following, the second part of a story whicli beganlast week: During the summer of 1956, through the kindness of the 4-C camp (Chicago Club for Crippled Children) at Pistakee Lake, a number of children from McHenry c o u n t y w e r e s e n t t o s u m m e r camp. At that tune, the chapter was giving therapy to twelve children, some of whom-would- be eligible; for first grade in the fall ot 1956. Most of these children would not , be able to atlend school, or even obtain tutoring from public school teachers: Although the funds on hand were not adequate to see the project through the school year, the chapter'opened a regular full lime classroom fight after Labor Day, in its two rooms at McHenry hospital. Mrs. Ruth Oonk, an experienced teacher from Ringwood who is herself confined to a wheel chair as a result of an automobile accident, was hired to teach the class. Enrollment of the class is nine pupils, of whom eight are in the first grade and one in fourth grade. Shortly after the school was opened, it was offered space in the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. This meant considerably more room for conducting a class, and freed needed space in the new hospital. Each pupil receives daily therapy at the hospital in between class periods. Because of the specialized nature of this school, a great deal of assistance is needed to conduct students live miles from McHenry, and must be driven to school and back" each day. During the tidy help is needed to Iqpve equipment in the classroom and to assist the children in personal hygeine, lunch time, nap time and play therapy. This situation was met by volunteers who give a day a week to help in the classroom, and by volunteer drivers who see the children to school and back. - In addition to the volunteer driver, help with transportation has been received, from businesses in the area, who have used company vehicles to take children to school on certain days. The large volunteer project-led to the formation of a yolunteer organization, under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Vi Abell of Crystal j Lake. There ate about tweirtyfive active volunteers working for the school. The board has also approved organization of a women's division of United Cerebral LIST "B" STUDENTS ON HONOR ROLL LAST QUARTER lecki, Lynri' Bradley, rPat Dixon;1' Palsy under the leadership of Mi's, j Mary Ann Granger, Ann Marie Included on the high school honor roll for the last quarter are the following students, who rated "B" averages. Seniors Donna Barger, Judy -Bartmann, Pat Bates, Jenny DeYoung, Sara Kay Douglas, Sharon FitzGerald, Josephine Freund, Elaine Grandt, Dave Granger, Judy Hollenbach, Jim Huemann,. Denise Jysten, Judy Lawi'gnce, Dennis Litwin, Barbara 'Marticke, Joann May, Joann Miller,. Elsie Morris, . Jeff Moss. Bruce kelson, Jim Pearson, Pat Seeback, Anne Siepker, Walter Steffens, DOrothy Stoffel, Jpmes Thelen, Perie Tipperreiter, Peter Viehweg, Magdalyn Wolfe and Mark ZifnrnermanK •' Juniors Mary Jane Bell, Sharon Bie- R. R. Ostergren of McHenry: NEW APPOINTMENTS Gov. William G. SJtratton has appointed Johnson Kanady, who has been in charge of the Chicago Tribune's Springfield press bureau since 1951, as his f)ress secretary. Kanady .last week resignedas president ,of the. Iiynois Legislative Correspondents association. Other appointments made by Governor Stratton are: Dr. Ernest Klein as superintendent of Peor'a State hospital artd John J. Cychol as district engineer of District Five Of the state Division' Of Highways, with headquarters'at1 Paris. Groh, Ricfrard Hoffman, Jim Justen, Andre Larson, Shirley Lewis, Jeanne Marion, Mary Lynn Murphy, Helen Olson, Dick Sanford, Lee Ann Smith, Charles Sowers, Nancy Thornton, Bonnie Tomm and Carl Walker. y Sophomores Bob Bates, Joan Blake, Ken Booster, Preston Christensen, Tom C?laybaugh, Sharon Curelewski, Carol Frisby, Edward Haack, Margaret Havlatka,* Rdiand Hoffman, ,'Eilejeii" Huff, Judy Koch, Edith Lubke, Lois May, Patsy Mc- Cracken,_ Bette • Miller, Suzanne Miller, Penny Nye, Kathleen Polinski, -Erna' Rockel, Dorothy Schaefer, Howard Segermark, JoAnn . Smith,. Richard Smith, Carole Swarison, Mary Ann Swenski, Mark Vycital and Kurt Weisenberger. t Freshmen f;:.. Antonson, Brian Baker, Robert^ Bruce,; Phillip Brigman. Carol ;Diedrich; Sue "jStheridge, Jesse Freund. Lambert Freund, John Gates, William Gee, Alice Granger, Judy Gregory, Yvonne Hoffman, Ken Homo, Richard Johnson, :Vicki • Johnson, Dennis Raiser, John Kerr, Virginia Kirk, Betty Kurowski, Mike Low, David Miller,• Georgette Miller, Kathleen Murphy, Michael Nail, Robert Neff, Nancy Piatt, Nancy Ritter, B a r b a r a S k r e n t r i y , D e n n i s Vaughan, • Janice Wakitsch, Janet Wright andf Roger Zahn. 1 -TOURIST ATTRACTIONS | Starved Rock as the ^tate'sj top ;• Three Abraham Lincoln shrines tourist spot, with $99,030 visitors -- the reconstructed village at in 1956. New Salem^second in New Salem and the tomb and the'* popularity,. "Had" S4^F1|ij visitors, home in Springfield--attracted one fifth of the record-breaking total of 10,126,000 persons who visited the state parks and memorials of Illinois last year. In reporting this showing, the; Division ( of Parks and Memorials listed The 1956 park attendance increased eOO.OOO^o^c^^at of the O preceding year. The peak of the =;•' tourist season, conies ' during the five . months from 'May. througlujp® September, when it averages moi#'. than l^OO.OQO monthly. ; V-' V. • / Si PRICE INDEX RISE A four-point rise in the all-commodity index of prices received by Illinois farmers occurred during the 30-day period ending Jan. 15, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. This placed the ^jinde* 23 points, or 11 per Cent higher than in January 1956. Higher prices for cattle and hogs accounted for the recent upturn. ' What you are nas its influence in making otb*»r people what they are. * Want tosave you buy a car? TH« State Form l«nj( Plow' trnfr i «'• you moiuytwo way*-- % 1. On Financing Colt Z, On IniaiaKa Cm > _ f; •' fi^drtanMxtra Bantfit--astoMishei yoar credit locaH|yl La* Ha ghr« yon Hi« rates an finanejng and imuranca btfone you buy. Saving* from $120.00 to at muck .as $200.00 have .fcet* wpoitwl by ^ policyholders on the combined financing and insurance csttf, - : BOB CONWAY Phones; 285 - 763 •. , "/ " ' ... ? • i ' V • 812 E. Elm St., -- McHenry, -Illinois STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY PLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS It sometimes happens:'that the man who thinks he h a genious this one small class. Most ot^the can't think of anything else. Auto Accident That genial old gentleman, Charlie Young, 86, was seriously injured in an auto accident in Chicago on Sunday morning, Feb. 3. He was a passenger in a friend's car. Three other occupants of the vehicle were also injured. Charlie sustained a gash along an<* ones We missed! Paul Nitz, Jr., was a valentine gift to Helen and Paul, Sr.. ten years ago. His birthday is today, Thursday, Feb. 14. Ray Aalto is a member in good standing of the "39ers." He is expecting something special from Virginia and the kiddies on Sunday, Feb. 17. Master Geoffrey Houck is quite the young man. He'll attain the ripe old age of 9 on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Wyn and Ed Doran are so proud of their only granddaughter Kathy, who will be 8 on Monday, Feb. 18. Happy birthday to these his forehead which required twenty- two stitches, plus a badly bruised face, ands injuries to the nose and ribs. According to a letter received, Charlie is just marking the timo until he is released from the hospital and can return to his little home on Park View. He has been living in the city with friends, but prefers his own home in the village. Our prayers are with Charlie and we sincerely hope he will survive this unfortunate accident and is, able to return to our community. Girl Scout Troop 146 For Valentine's Day, our troop made favors for the McHenry hospital. We are wearing our second elass badges and .made several plans for it. Our troop also/made two kinds of fudge. We tasted them both and decided the uncooked kind was the best. Respectfully submitted, Chrys Levesque Crusade For Christ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osbum are exceedingly proud of Mrs. Osburn's brother-in-law, the Rev. C. Don't forget your sweetie today, Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. Bye bye for npw, See you next week. EXPERIMENTAL FARMING An area of ground in the famouse Morrow experimental plots at the University of Illinois, Carl Eklof, of Christ Lutheran Champaign-Urbana, on which corn church, Decatur, who will preach at Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake, Sunday morning at the 8 and 10:45 a.m. services. This is the kick-off of the Lutheran Evangelism Mission week, Feb. 17-24, which has been in the planning stage for four years! Worship services will be hqlxl every evening during this week at 8 p.m. TTris is a vital force for good and everyone is cordially invited to attend. has been grown every season since 1876, yielded at the rate of 128 bushels per acre last year. The soil has received manure-limephosphate treatment since 1904, i and was given extra potash, nitrogen and phosphate in 1955 and 1956. This result is reported by Prof. M. B. Russell, head of the Agronomy department of the college of Agriculture, in "Illinois Business Review," a university publication. VILLA I® HOMi ON PISTAKEE BAY, NEAR McJHEENR* e for the A<3©d SENILE BED PA'nm PHONE McHENBY 461 N Having sold the farm, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 1 mile South of Antioch, 111., 6 miles North of Lake Villa. V2 mile East of Route 59, Vz mile West of Routes 21 and 83 on the Beech Grove Road, and known as the old Message Farm on MONDAY -- FEBRUARY 18 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock OTTO'S LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 27 HEAD HOLSTEIN & GUERNSEY CATTLE--19 Milch cows - 9 fresh, 4 close springers, balance milking good; 4 Holstein Heifers 18 mos. old; 1 Holstein Heifer, 8 mos. old; 1 Angus 8 mos. old* 2 Heifer calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--2 Surge units with motor, pump and pipeline; 6-can milk cooler; Hot water heater; 12 drinking cups- Pails, strainers, etc. PRODUCE--750 bushel Corn; 100 bushel Oats TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY--Massey Harris 44 tractor: Massey Harris 30 tractor with cultivator. New Holland Baler with motor; John Deere 2-14 plow; Case 2-16 plow; Massey Harris 8 ft. disc; 3-sec. drag; McC-D grain drill; Massey Harris mounted corn planter; John Deere spreader on rubber- Massey Harris quack digger on rubber; Fertilizer spreader; and manv » other articles. FURNITURE--Living room set, dining room set, kitchen set and other items. JOE PECHULIS. Owner Robers & Behm, Auctioneers I WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk . LulOQ Grove, WIA. -- rhone iur> ATTENTION Residents of MeH@nry County ^ The Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign War's, Post No. 4600. of McHenry, Illinois, is sponsoring a campaign to raise funds for the purchase of hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers or other hospital type equipment to add to the supply on hand. When purchased this much needed equipment will be available to all residents of McHenry County, free of charge for use in their homes. <• This is not a request ror donations, and no donatiSaSi will be accepted by either the representatives or the 'AAudiiary. Every resident of McHenry County cooperating will receive his or her full money'? worth in the publications subscribed to through Capper Publications, Inc. Representatives bearing a letter of identification sfgned by Pauline Pries, President of said Auxiliary, will call at hnmwi beginning Feb. 14, 1957. Ask to see his credentials. Please give him a few minutes of your time toward this' worthwhile Community Service. '•/p' \?f*0Q AUX. TO VFW POST NO. 4600 HcHENRV, ILI.INOiS FEBRUARY 14-15.W-17 at CERTIFIED in SUNN SIDE In the Village of Sunnyslde We Deliver -- Phone McHenry 2661 Open 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. All Day Sunday Here Is An Excellent Chance to Save Money! Certified^ Exfra Fancy BANANAS 2 lbs. 35* Symphony FROZEN STRAWBERRIES ptFRBER'S GOVT. GRADED Round Bone &, Blade Cut >? 2 for Scott TOILET TISSUE 3 for 27* CERTIFIER'S 100% PURE BEEF 3 bs. *1 00 TENDER, JUICY Rli SUMS 400 Ct. Pink & Yellow SWANEE TISSUES 19* 6 oz. Red Label 100% Pure INSTANT COFFEE CHOICE, MEATY LAMB CHOPS 49s>. S LB. CHUNKS (or whole) BOLOGNA *1.19 HURRY! HURRY! LIMITED QUANTITIES y •M' . lip/A? lere's good news at our Feb.-Drug Sale for all you thrifty shoppers.. .bargains in every department. You ham© if - - we've got it - - your favorite nationally advertised brands at the lowest possible prices. Stop in and save during this big, Mle. Fepso Dent Toothbrusli CHILD'S SIZE PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 47* UPER ANTIBIOTIC THROAT LOZENGES1 890 m HM SKS MIST l SPRAY >?C ^HLOENE COLD REMEDY WORKS FASTER BECAUSE IT'S LIQUID $1 I CI L i N PLys LIQUID SHAMPOO )LI-@1IP 39C Homicebrin Squibb Vitakaps HEALTH NEEDS EX-LAX Chocolate laxative. 33< MAZON Skin Ointment • 41.00* BROMO SELTZER For Headache PEPT0-BISM0L For Upset Stomach . NEW -- TWO'IN ONE TREATMENT THYLOX MEDICATED SOLVES PROBLEMS OF: DANDRUFF ITCHY SCALP CI50 MDEBRUMAAVTIITTIISt • * I OILY SCALP HAIR CARt FOR LESS T(P TOM End Curl.....$1.25 BRECK SHAMPOO. 60c .75 VVlldroot Wave Set O'OTYti N0RIIN RINSE BIGGEST CURTIS GREATER SAVINGS FOR BABY Plasiic Baby Pants .... 69c sey^RE LOTION ......... ....$1.00 SM LIQUID . . . . 34< PABira CEREALS. . . . . . 23< IVENR® BOTTLES . . . . 10I PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED P r o m p t l y -- C a r e f u l l y -- A c c u r a t e l y ER'S DRUG ST0I LADY ESTHER ALL PURPOSE FACIAL CREAM 89* POND'S ANGEL SKIN 49* © , , LIQUID' PENETRATING PAIN EXPELLER $1«9 MERICIN FAST, SAFE RELIEF A1THR1TIS, KUMATISM $198 INFRARUB PENETRATING RUB GYLCERIN 8 RSCVM CONES BOXOF 24 83* TERRAMYM Formula PealtryJW $1.89 < 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. CAPSULES Plus 10% Fcdoral -- Excise Tax on ToiUtritl

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