mm i t " * $ f «'-* >• Wf -S , {•< . , ViM Tan RICHMOND ; ' ,' Phyllis Carlson pi^llltitpilllilM I French Club Party Last week the all school party lit the high school was most successful. The party was a masquerade, Mardi Gras, or what, have you, sponsored by the French j Club. It was most interesting to i see the different costumes, some | Of which showed originality and perhaps a touch of genius. " First prize for the girls went tj> Sharon Jones. Sharon received . French cufflinks and a bottle of J»0rfume. Honorable mention went to Sue Johonnott and > Diana Winn. First prize for the boys went to Dick Buehrer. He received a French English dictionary. He is £ll- equipped to get along in gay Paris. students who saw it. In fact, the teenagers had a very full iday. They were inyited to tour the Continental Bank in Chicago and were guests of the bank for luncheon. From there they went to the play and returned home by train. Miss Howden, their English teacher, and Mrs. J. Wallace Kruse, mother of one of the girls in the class were the chaperones. Good Fellowship Group The Good Fellowship group of the Community church will meet next Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the Gustave Holmgren home. Mrs. Daubenspeck and Mrs. Airy will be co-hostesses. The Good Fellowship group provided the altar flowers last Sunday for the church. Lutheran Evangelism Mission Tonight will be the last service of the week at Grace church for the Mission Week. Pastor Sielken will return to his home church in Hillsdale, Mich., tomorrow. Each night some of the people from the church have met at the church for supper and have gone out to call before the service. Grace church wishes to thank everyone who helped in the many phases of the mission week -- to those who cooked the meals, to those who called on friends and neighbors, to those who prayed for the mission and to those young folks who distributed handbills around the community, and to anyone who helped. Around the World Party Tonight the Community church will have its monthly fellowship supper around. the theme, "AHonorable mention for the boys j round the World Party". The evening will be in charge of the Sunday school. Supper at 7 p.m. went to Tom Jesse and Dave Smith . First prize for the faculty went to Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheldon who were dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Their prize was a miniature cup and saucer, Mr. Sheldon was tall, dark and handsome with a high silk hat and a velvet coat. His height was accented by his petite wife in her black polk bonnet, dark dress and black shawl. Basketball The basketball team should be pretty well exhausted this week for last week they played three nights in a row, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Friday night they played Hebron and lost the first game 43-41. It was a close, exciting game and a hard one for either team to lose. The second game. Friday night, Richmond won 85-72. Box Social Next Sunday evening, the Senior Hi Youth fellowship gfoup will have a box social at Grace church. The boys will bid on the prettily decorated boxes that the girls will have filled with all kinds of good food. May the best or hungriest man win. Family Gathering Sunday afternpon, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Katzenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Christensen and sons, Bob and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Johonott and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Katzenberg went to Jefferson, Wis. where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Katzenberg and son, Jeff. Little Jeff is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Katzenberg and of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Johonott. After trying for a long time, | many people are convinced that j one of the hardest ways to do anyi thing is to put it off. Valentine's Day at School Last week the Richmond Grade School had a valentine's party in each room and then went to the high school for an all schbol assembly. The program featured a colored film on wild life. Grant Holladay, the narrator, whp also took the pictures was a very interesting person. He takes pictures for Marlin Perkins on "Zoo Parade" and recently returned from the Amazon Region where he filmed some pictures with Marlin Perkins. He is working on a television series, "Wild Life Neighbors" which will soon be released. Students See "MacBeth" The senior English class went to Chicago last week to see "Macbeth". The . Shakespgaig tragedy ways given ^ . t^"Oi<iyic!' ^layers of England and was quite an experience for the high school ARE YOU LUCKY? No purchase necessary! No registering to do* To win, just watch for and read our ad ecch Thursday, you could be the lucky winner A new winner each week. Is this your telephone number? If so, stop in this week-end b% fore 6 P.M. Saturday. Wonder Lake 6083 You will receive 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline Free of Charge! 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