Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1957, p. 14

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Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield Nativity Lutheran Church Netvs The sermon topic for Sunday, Feb. 24 will be "Where the Heart Is." A new adult Discussion Class will begin Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 7:30. This will be a six weeks ^session meeting; every Tuesday evening and this class will be confirmed into church membership on New Member Sunday, April 7. Anyone desiring to join the church is welcome to attend. With the Evangelism Mission now just over perhaps there are those who, havjng beer, contacted by the Mission, would now like to join the church. If so, they are also most welcome , to these classcs. Luther League Skating: Party Saturday, March 3, the Luther League will have an ice skating party at the home of Gary Vogt, j beginning at 7:30. All leaguers j are welcome to attend. In the event that the ico is not good for skating, the party will don roller skates and be held at the Mc- Henry roller rink, and then return to the Vogt home afterward for refreshments. : ate of St. Joseph's college, Kirk- | wood, Mo., and the Redemptorist seminary at Oconomowoc, Wis. Ordained June 12, 1927, at the Immaculate Conception seminary in Wisconsin, he was then sent to Rome, Italy, for his Ph. D. degree in Canon Law. Father Miller is the eldest of four brothers, all priests. Frs. Donald, Ernest and Louis are all at Ligouri, Mo., as missionaries j and associate editors of the Ligourian, the monthly magazine I Christ the King Church News Rev. Raymond J. Miller, of the Redemptorist Order, will conduct the Day of Recollection on Sunday, Feb. 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. for all the women cf the Parish. Fr. Miller is at present pastor of St. Alphonsus Church in Davenport, Iowa and will arrive Saturday afternoon -He will heap confessions Saturday evening from 7 to 8 p.m. All the women are invited to attend the sessions which will include talks, meditations. Stations of the Cross, a question box and a Holy Hour, which will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The ladies are espe- #cially urged to prepare questions for the question box. The Junior Altar and Rosary sodality will meet at the church Feb. 25 at 7:30. High school instruction classes under the direction of Marlene Brunkhorst are held every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. at the rectory. Confirmation for the children and adults of the parish will be March 7 at 3:30 p.m., a Thursday afternoon. FH. RAYMOND MILLER Day of Recollection Christ the King church has the honor of presenting a Day of Recollection for the women of the parish, conducted by Father Raymond J. Miller of the Ifcedemptorist order from Davenport, Iowa. ' Fr. Miller C. S. & R., a native of Grand Rapids, Mich., is a gradupublished by the Redemptorist order. Their only sister, Sister Mary Margaret, is a member of the cloistered order of the Most Holy Redemptoristine at the monastary of the Holy Redeemer in Barrie, Ontario., In December, 1950, Father Miller, then pastor of St. John's Mission church at Carlisle, Ky., was elected president of the Catholic Economic association. Prior to that, he had served as professor of ethics and sociology for twenty years at the Redemptorist Major seminary. He has made exhaustive studies of the Papal Encyclicals on Labor and has written a book "Forty Years After," which has a factual commentary on the Pius XI Encyclical on the Social Order, applying papal teaching and directives to actual institutions, situations and problems. Father Miller is now pastor at St. Alphonsus church in Davenport, Iowa, and is making this special trip to conduct the day, Sunday from"! id 4 pjfri. ' living ir. Seattle, Wash., was married there Saturday, Feb. 16, to Miss Use Packmohr from Brooklyn, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noren, Sr., who live in Wonder Center, flew to Seattle last week to attend the marriage of their son "Skip," as he is known to his friends. The marriage took jjlace j in the University Methodist ichurch. Tumbled from Car Little Jeffery Tomano, three and one half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tomano of -Highland Shores, opened the door of the family car and fell out as the car was travelling along Rt. 120, last week. He suffered head injuries and shock and was in the hospital two days. He is recovering line now, but his parents wish to caution other parents to be sure their little ones keep away from the door handles when travelling along in the car. Legion Auxiliary News | The Legion Auxiliary 1169 is i wishing for donations of playing | cards and men's shirts for (he i j veterans in the hospital in Elgin. I These donations will be called for. , if you contact anyone at Wonder i Lake 5272. The ladies also jvant | to express their gratefulness to ! the Brownies at Wonder Lake for ; all the nice Valentine tray favors that were made for veterans at the hospital in Kankakee. ! and eighth graders dance toft Bandstand Matinee: The youngsters looked so nice and • danced very well. As it was Valentine's Day, some of the girls had decorated their skirts accordingly. Several young people were interviewed and asked about their school and favorite records. Susan Watkins and Richard Mann were given an album of records for winning the best dancers contest. The teachers, Mr. Abbs and Mr. Josserand and the principal Mr. Thomas were interviewed as well as the driver of the bus, Frank Schroeder and two of the Mothers, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. King. The g>~oup of about 50 youngsters returned to their horines tired but happy. They stopped for supper on the way home and were praised for the-behavior while in the restaurant. usv that Jim Vankanegan, who is stationed at Lackland Field at Sain Antonio, Tex., tobk that all important first parachute jump. It was successful and quite ah experience. We also- hear that Bob Biggers is in an army hoSpit&l and if friends would like to send him a card, here is his address: Pvt. Harvey R. Biggers, R. A. 16558468 US Army hospital, Ward E-2, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Help Is Needed Volunteers are needed for the Heart fund drive this Sunday, Feb. 24. Several subdivisions are without anyone to call on residents for this worthy cause. Anyone wishing to help with this drive, please call Wonder Lake, 4234 or 4581. Twice Told Tales Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. j Tom Cashin of Shore Hills on the ! birth of a daughter Feb. 17 dt | Woodstock hospital. The little j girl will be called Carol Sue. Over 100 members of the Moose | Lodge from Wonder Lake at- j tended the dance, Saturday night, j in Woodstock. Every subdivision I was represented. Mrs. William j Frenssen was a lucky lady to j bring home flowers. Legion News The support of the Valentine dance was greatly appreciated. Coming Event The fourth Tuesday evening of each month will be set aside for all paid up. members and wives. Marc&l 16 Dance A St. Patrick's dance will be held Saturday, March 16, at the Vanderstratten Post 1169. Refreshments will be in keeping with a lovely bouquet of! the holiday, including corned beef ' sandwiches. Appear On TV "That's my sister," "Oh, I know that boy," "There's the patrol on my bus" --this was the comment heard Valentine's day in many Lake homes as students in the lower grades watched the seventh Remember to visit the PTA Re- • How marty chances do you take sale shop located in the Mathews: every day by climbing on a chair I building. There is a bake sale j or whatever is handy, to reach there every Saturday and many items of merchandise are always on hand. The proceeds are to be used for a better library for Harrison school. News from two service men tells Roy Wed In West Noren, Jr. who has been OOTWEAR OR YOUR AMILY ROM ROTH 118 So. Green St. Phpne 2037 McIIenry, Illinois CHARLES STILLING AUCTION ED VOGEL and WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioneers Having decided to quit farming, I will sell my personal property at Public Auction on the Stilling Farm, located 2 miles Northeast of McHenry. Follow Route 120, turn North between Tower and White House, on Johnsburg black top. First farm on right, or 2 miles South of Johnsburg, first farm past Chapel Hill, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1957 Commencing at 10:30 A.M. Sharp 53 HEAD of LIVESTOCK (all Holsleins) 24 Milch cows; 3 Springing cows, balance milking good; 7 Bred Heifers, some close, 1 to freshen before sale; 3 open Heifers, 1 yr.; 5 8-mos. old Heifers; 2 Bulls - 1, 7 mos. and 1 4-mos. old; 9 Calves (4 to 8 weeks). MACHINERY Farmall B Tractor (overhauled) with power lift, cult., plow, power mower; Farmall F-20 tractor & cult.; D.C. Case tractor 3-14" bottom mounted plow; 48 G.M.C. \2 ton pickup truck; J.D.,' 9 ft. disc; Little Giant, 44 ft. elevator with speed jack; Case 4-bar tractor, side delivery; Case 6-ft. combine (overhauled) with pick up attach.; McCD. 50 baler (overhauled); McCD. 1-row com picker; J.D., 10 ft. grain drill; J.D. 2-14" bottom tractor plow; Wis. 3 H.P. gas motor; Elec. cow clipper; Silo filler with 40 ft. pipe; McCD. power corn binder on rubber; McCD. 2-wheel tractor spreader; McCD. cprn planter, automatic lift; 2 rubber-tired AiVftgoris, hay rack & side boards; ,.1 David Bradley Itammer mill; 1 Cultipacker; Ward's power corn sheller; Power post-hole digger; Farm Master, 15 gal. E. Water Heater; 800 lb. Scale, Y* in. electric drill; 5 bales baler twine, weed burner; Steel' fence posts, also wood; Large quantity elec. fence wire; 2 elec. fence chargers; 100 ft. snow fence. FEED Oats - 800 bu. good for seed oats; Hay - 10 ton baled Alfalfa and Clover, 1st cut.; 8 tons 2nd & 3rd cut., baled without rain; Straw - 4 tons; Corn Fodder - 4 tons baled; Corn - 1,500 bu. ear corn. t ,, DAIRY EQUIPMENT 2 Surge milk machines; Pipe line for 29 cows; 1 Farm Master single % H.P. motor and pump; 14 milk cans - pails - strainers - rack tubs. BUILDINGS 2 Pig houses, 1 - 8 x 14--1 - 10 x 12; 1 Round roof chicken house, 12 x 16; 1 Round hog feeder; 2 - 16 hole hog feeders; 8 hog troughs; 1 hog crate; and miscellaneous items. Dog -- part Collie. Good watch dog. Also good farm dog. Lunch Wagon on Grounds Not Responsible for Accidents TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under Cash. Over this amount onefourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. CHARLES STILLIMG. Owner McHENRY STATE BANK - Clerk (Pub. Feb. 14-21. 1957) those cupboards and other high places in the home? You are risking yQur neck every time that you use anything but an approved step stool or ladder. Falls are the greatest cause of home accidental injuries. FORTY YEARS AGO From issue of Feb. 22, 1917 A packed house was in attendance at the first semiannual concert presented by the McHenry Choral society last Friday evening. The group made up of the best talent in the community is directed by Ftev, M. J. McEvoy, with Miss Kathryn Buch as accompanist. Ed L. Hayes, state warden, has received notice that the examination taken by him, under the officials and old judges of the American Poultry association, was entirely satisfactory and will entitle him to a license to judge all varieties of poultry arid water fowl. Miss Mary Kattner of Spring Grove and Mathias Smith of Johnsburg were married at St. Peter's church Sprihg Grove, Feb. 14. - It looks as if the horse racing on the Fox River speedway is over for the present season. The ice is thawing fast and is already unsafe for sports of this nature. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From issue of Feb. 18, 1932 Mrs. Joseph P. Schaefer passed away at her home in Johnsburg, suddenly. Monday morning at the age of 75. ' WATER PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS and cftafiiJiaijton Water Systems - We Repair and Same* AM Mak«> of Pump« Authorized: Red Jacket tr Dayton Pump Agency Wells Drilled, or Driven t Pumps ft Repairs I MCHENRY COUNTY ' WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 713 Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Open On Sundays 9 to WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Bert Merchant, aged 69, diedat his home in Ringwood Saturday. Jacob Hetzel, a former McHenry barber, died at his home to Chicago Sunday. Services were held from St. Mary's church here Tuesday, with bprial in the church cemetery. Mr. and . Mrs. A. D. Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, announce the arrival of a daughter, Julia Ann last Saturday. Mrs. Katherine Nimsgern was hostess to fifty relatives ancf friends at her home on Green street Sunday, in observance of the eighty-sixth birthday of her father, Michael Schaefer. ta of Crystal Lake, well kftftWn i here, held open house at the§r home Sunday, Febl 16, in observance of their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith an- 1 nounce the arrival of their first ; child, Richard Lee, at Woodstock hospital, Feb. 15. James Regner, 21; son of .ht> Joseph Regners, lost his life in an auto accident, east of town, Suitday. Miss Miriam Buenzii, daughffeV of the Otto Buenzlis of Chicago, and Eugene Miller, son of Mr£. Anna Miller, were married at1 St. ! Genevieve's church, Chicago, i$fe. 1 »•>' TEN YEARS AGO ' From issue of Feb. 20, 1947 Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin, whose fifty - fifth wedding anniversary will fall on Mo'nday, Feb. 24, will celebrate at a family gathering on Sunday, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. William* Van Nat- If you must use carbon tetr^f chloride for cleaning be sure there is adequate ventilation. Choose a day that isn't excessively huiftid atnd open the windows wide while you are using this solvent. Buy U.S. saving? "Bonds Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 L. CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractor* NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 Let YOUR M®mey Earn for YQII wrfrfe Safety at MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS J R E S E R V E S Over A S S E T S Over . . . I N S T A N C E Up to CURRENT D I V I D E N D CASH sd Government Bonds START YOUR DEPOSIT NOW MAEENSC SAVIN 0$ $555,000 , $7,000,000 $10,000 3'/2% . $818,000 EASY WITHDRAWAL DERAL AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State St. Tel. JOrdan 8-725^' MARENGO, ILLINOIS F. M. R Television SALES and SERVICE 128 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILL. MRY 979 Authorized Sales & Service for G.E. - Dumoni - Sentinel - Emerson k (We Service All Makes) T.V. - Radios - Phonographs - Hi-Fidelity • 25 YEARS OF ELECTRONIC EXPERIENCE • WORK PERFORMED BY BONDED TECHNICIANS • MODERN SHOP & TESTING EQUIPMENT • LARGE STOCK OF TUBES & PARTS (We guarantee all parts installed by us for one year.) "A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION" FOR PEOPLE WHO ENJOY GOOD MUSIC, LET US INSTALL IN YOUR HOME / CUSTOM BUILT HI-FIDELITY. Call Us For A Free Estimate JOHN PITIBi AUCTION WILLIAM BOOKMAN. Manager William H. Russet & Ed Vogel, Auctioneers Having decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction on the Bonnie Burn Farm located on Barreville Blacktop Road, 3 Miles South of McHenry; and 5 miles East of Crystal Lake; and 1 mile East of Route 31, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1957 Commencing at 10:30 A.M. 175 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 43 head of white faced cows, 3 Registered; 11 head of white faced bred Heifers, 2 Registered; 2 head of white faced Bulls, Registered; 14 head of white faced vaccinated Heifers; 30 head of white faced Steers, 400 lb. to 700 lb. average. These cattle are all out of Registered Cows and Bulls of the Chardon Farms of Grayslake. 9 Hampshire Brood Sows, bred, due to farrow in April; 1 Duroc Jersey Boar; 65 feeder Pigs; 300 Highline Leghorn chickens. MACHINERY Int. M tractor with cult.; Int. H tractor; Int. manure loader; Int. 7 ft. tractor disc; Int. 7 ft. power hay mower; Int. S.D. rake, 2 yrs. old; Int. 8 ft. grain drill grass seeder attach.; Int. 4-sec. iron drag folding draw bar; Int. 2-row corn planter, 2 yrs. old; Int. 2 bot. 16" tractor plow & L. cooler; New Idea one-row corn picker; Bob Sleigh; Heat houser; Tractor chains; New Idea manure spreader; Universal 40 ft. gr. elevator, 2 horse E motor & P.T. drag; 1 R.T. wagon & box; 1 Grader blade; 1 S.W. wagon & flare box; 1 Air compressor; 2 Round Hog waterers; 3 Round hog feeder; 1 - 40 bu. round hog feeder; 2 - Automatic hog waterers; 1 - Hay feed bunk; 1 - Aluminum gates 14 ft.; 1 - Aluminum Gate 16 ft.; 2 - 12 ft. wooden gates; 1 Hen house 10 x 18; 2 Brooder houses; 3 Hog houses 8 x 16; 1 Hog house; 1 Office bldg. 12 x 12; 6 rolls snow fence; Power lawn mower; 2 E. brooder - 500 chick size; 6 E. Pig brooder; Chicken equipment; 2 Freezers; Egg scales and candler; Platform scales; Stewart electric sheep shears; Rubber band lamb & calf castrater; 2 Stacks canvases; 2 Water tanks; 1 Ranch gate & cattle catching chute; 1 Electric fencer; Card table. & chairs, small book case & Dinette set. FEED L!5 ton 1st cut Alfalfa Hay; 12 ton 2nd cut Alfalfa Hay: 12 ton 3rd cut Alfalfa Hay; 2 ton Straw; 400 bu. Oats; 1200 bu. Corn; Silage. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS . Items of $25.00 or under cash, all others 25% down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements with Clerk before sale for credit desired. JOHN PETRIE, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk . iPub. Feb, 14 & 21, 1957i MRS. SMITH: *lf electricity costs less today, why is our bill higher?" LITTLE BILL: "Because yotfre using nearly 4 limes as much electricity nowadays, ma'am!' iftVl'MIII.M • a - Look what pennies do today when you live the modern electric way Your electric toaster A penny brings you toasts 18 slices of over two hours of telebread for a penny. vision entertainment. Your automatic washer does 3 good-sized loads for a penny. Your steam or dry irom> does all your ironing for ljjje an hour. 'fan it did 25 yea** ft*o!" Public Service Company I CiMBaawealth Rdimn Company

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