S-i THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ' v. LAKEMOOR NEWS by Annette Schmit 'iii i • Notice Notice has been given that there are less than two weeks left before the March 1 deadline for vehicle tax and dog tags. New residents are asked to take note of the fact that although they have purchased dog tags this . does not allow animals to run at large in the village. Dogs must be Wonder Lake Bible Church I The Wonder Lake Bible church is holding a missionary night on Feb. 26. Jack and Flora Day will be present with special music and entertainment for the affair. Everyone is welcome to attend. Here to spend the weekend and attend the L.I.A. party were Mr. and Mrs. Ed kamin Sr., Ed Kamin Jr., and Stuart Clark. Guests of the C. F. McDermotts for the L.I,A. party were Mr. and Mrs. George Crimmins of Crystal Lake and their daughter Nancy Crimmins. fiance of Claude McDermott Jr. by Dorothy Wi Sick List Little Jimmy Bolda was admit- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Para attended the family birthday party on Sunday Feb. 17 in honor of Bernard Wojtan, Jr.. of Chicago., either penned or leashed. Any ted to McHenry Hospital Sunday, | On Sunday Feb. 17. Mrs. Ann Brdog being picked up by the police ; Feb. 10 and returned home on zezinski and daughter Rosanne is taken to the local vet where if Wednesday, Feb. 13. Seems Jimmy spent the day at a^baby shower lio one claims him, the animal, had a "bout with his useless appen- s'iven for Mrs. Arthur Para in after five days, shall be disposed djx. I Chicago. At the shower they were of Anyone wishing to claim their pat Morrison's mother under-1 met b> the Walt,er Parasdog will h^e to pay the kennel went major surgery last week at Last Tuesday, Dorothy Wruban Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, lewski visited in the1 home of her Chicago. I sister-in-law Mrs. Grace Christ- .• ianson of Chicago. Birthdays ' ' Marty and Dorothy Wrublewski fee, the charge for pick up, the fee for shots. The dogs have been running in packs throughout the village and have destroyed property as well as knocking down small children and tearing apart refuse containers. Please do jour part towards helping remedy this situation! Little Debbie Wade watched her attended the wedding Saturday, of one and only candle.glow on her Dorothys cousin, Don Swanson. first birthday. Feb. 20. Ed Steadman made his wish on Feb. 18. Ladies League The ladies league will meet again on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. Auxiliary Birthday Party One year old Phyllis Jean Zabroski blew her first candle out at her birthday party on Feb. 10. Guests for the occasion were her s;x brothers and sisters, Mommy, News Flash! Laura Belford. Lilymoor columnist for the McHenry Plaindealer , ~erved shook hands with Mr. Darling! , Sunday, Feb. 24, is Heart Sunday' and collections will be-made between 1 and 3 p.m. on that. day. The following ladies are chairmen of said areas. Lauretta Homo, West Shore Beach; Dorothy Meineke, Lakeland Park;' Eleanor Creutz, McCullom Lake; Mrs. Nick Tabor, Lakewood.--These ladies need Volunteers to help them and anyone wishing to do so may contact them. After collections are. made, all j volunteers may have coffee "and," ' served at the Legion home. I "Hie Juniors held their annual i monthly meeting on Feb. 7 at the ! Legid^ome. This group is led by I Loretui Meyer and Marilyn Harrison. The girls each made a val- | entine for their parents at this | meeting. Afterwards tjpey had'a j valentine party and refreshments Every other month, , , . , our Juniors make tray favors for Sttt ork• * ait 1:15r Kp. m1. -7a t Woodstock the veteran s in ih,oMsnpii;taail0s . Hospital on Feb. 17. Mr. Stork , advises Mr. and Mrs. Earl Belford ! •' to teach this little 6 lb. 5 oz. blue I " -- eyed girl the art of journalism Many of his friends were on hand The auxiliary meets the last Daddy, Nel, Margaret and Michael early so that Lilymoor will always • to wish him many more birthdays Hatch, Pete and June Hamil, have a pretty gal to write their for the future. Mr. Kraus, who James and John Hansen and Jim news. | ^ pojjce chief of Lakemoor is ! Surprise Party * used to unexPected events, but he John Kraus was the guest of I cwt.Wy was totally unprepared Wednesday of every month, the next meeting being Feb. 27. Socials Are held every Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. at Wally's for the purpose ol' obtaining recreational facilities and providing quarters for community projects. Everyone is invited to attend. Intermediate Scouts Betty Danko was invested and completed her tenderfoot training. She received her scout- pin and now starts work on her second class badge. The girls are now practicing for the coming Mother's Day Tea to be held in May. They are learning new songs. Cocktail Party Dick Hyatt entertained some honor at a surprise party held in j for this one. Many Happy Re fifty guests at a cocktail party in his home on Sunday, Feb. 17. turns, John! his home Saturday evening, Feb. 16 The guests then proceeded to the L. I. A. party where a good * time was had by all. Many of the 4 6 guests came from Wisconsin, Chi- i cago and Cicero. 4 Brownies The Brownie troop each received at their Valentine day party a brand new Brownie eversharp for their efforts in selling the Christmas corsages. The leaders of the troop are very grateful to the Charm House for allowing them the quarters for the Valentine party while repairs were being m&cle m the fire house. Whoopee Party The whoopee; party held by the L.I.A .on Feb. 16 turned out to be •a huge success. Confetti can be found in many of the homes and several women were combing confetti oyt of their hair for hours. We'll all be looking forward to the eighth annual Whoopee party next year. P.T.A. The P.T.A. of the Lilymoor Schoolhouse will again meet on March 7 at 8 p.m. It is hoped that a nice group will gather for this meeting as several very important topics are planned for discussion. Cow Meets Boy Little Jimmy Vanasek, our local Plaindaler carrier, met a cow last week on the highway while driving to town with a friend. Jimmy has a gash on his head but is none the worse for wear. However, Jimmy sure en- j I joyed the ride home in a police I car. It was really a thrill he says | but mama had a few anxious mo-1 ments. ! Glimpses of Spring" Presented by Lake Geneva Junior Women's Club Style Show # Gourmet Desserts # Cards TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1957 - 1:30 P.M. St. Francis de Sales Hall Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Fashions by KREMER'S Richmond, 111. (Tickets Available at Kremer's) PROCEEDS FOR Y.M.C.A. & LIBRARY ;; PRIZES Bring Your Own Cards DONATION $2.00 Lilymoor Association The Lilymoor Association has announced plans for their association card and bunco party to be held at Club Lilymoor on March 2, commencing at 8 p.m. Tickets can be obtained by contacting any member of the association or >;can be purchased at the door-^^The public is cordially invited to at: tend. "Order Is Heaven's First Law" "(Author's name below) Operating an efficient prescription ' pharmacy requires us to maintain an orderly arrangement, of the many medicines we stock. They are classified so that we can locate them quickly, and dated so that we can be certain they are fresh when dispensed. Some are refrigerated, others stored away from light. If sickness strikes, and you need medication quickly, our orderly efficiency permits safe, speedy, compounding. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE B>!U©S PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, M. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Alexander Pope _ , (1688-1744) OUT-FRONT DESIGN gives you new OUT- FRONT CONVENIENCE Illlillllll CONVENIENT Hotpoint 4-way ALUMINUM SHELVES! WEN IE NT Motpoint 9Mb. TRUE FOOD FREEZER CONVENIENT Hotpoint DAIRY-STOR > IN THE DOOR! CON WE I Hotpoi®tt ROLLERS Cabinet rolls out for cleaning I WBBBT M • • • Al OUTm&NT WITH TRUE Mill Model 7EW12 New Hotpoint 12-cu. ft. 2-door now at only $ REG. $539.95 425 LESS TRADE IN 00 A touch on the Light-Touch safety latch... and this beautiful door swings smoothly and quietly open ... to present you with wonderful new Out-Front convenience. Lifetime porcelain-- gleaming aluminum--deep door shelves--automatic defrost. LEE & RAY ELECTRIC "YOUR APPLIANCE DEALER" 516 XV. Main St. • • _ •1UIIII1IIIIMM---------- is - Thursday, February 21. .'••V ' v:- "•'•'rv .:'r FIRST ANNUAL REPORT V» .1 ' " . ^ The remarkable record of growth of this association during its first year of operation is concrete evidence that there was a need for this type of financial institution iiv the McHenry aVea and that the good people of this area appreciate an opportunity to realize bigger earnings on their savings with safety and assurance that their money is available whenever PHONE 882 McHenry, Illinois Close to one-half million dollars were made Available to our local citizens for purposes of constructing new homes and purchasing homes. This mo.ney was spent-in this community and helped our local economy to that extent. EARNINGS, SAFETY AND AVAILABILITY At the very outset, the board of directors adopted a policy of paying the highest rate of earnings oh.the moneys de-\ posited for savings by our patrons, consistent with safety and availability. During 1956 our patrons, earned 3% on their savings account. This could be accomplished in the first year of operation only through an efficient and conservative management. The funds entrusted to the association were invested only in high grade first mortgages on improved real estate, considered one of the safest and most dependable forms of investment. This association does not make any speculative loans. Unlike other types of financial institutions, this association does not make loans on automobiles, businesses or unsecured notes. " • By examining the financial statement below, you will note that the savings of $481,000 are backed by first mort- - gage loans, cash, government securities and other resources having a net value of $544,000. The investments are made in accordance with the regulations and under supervision of government • authorities. - People save for specific purposes and draw on their savings as their needs require. During 1956, the moneys deposited for savings by our patrons totalled $599,000jaf which air/bunt they withdrew during the course of the year a total of $118,000. The withdrawals were paid to them promptly on demand. No advance notice was required and no questions were asked. It would be presumptuous on our part to question ariy patron as to Tiis reason for withdrawing his own money. fHE NEW HOME In June, 1956, a contract was let to construct our new home at 206 West Elm Street in McHenry. The building was scheduled to be ready for occupancy September 15th, 1956. For reasons beyond our control, the building was not completed on time and is just now receiving finishing touches. It was designed by John Vander Meulen, an architect of international fame and winner of many awards. We are sure that the community will be proud of this beautiful addition cbnstructed and designed solely for the purposes of our association and the comfort of our patrons. None of the funds or assets of the McHenry Savings and Loan Association are or were used for the purchase of the land and construction of the new building. All the moneys required for this purpose were furnished by the small group of citizens who organized this association and who have faith in its future and the support of the community for this worthwhile project. These men purchased the Chevrolet garage and the land to the west of it. They wiir spend additional thousands of dollars to remodel the garage building. These are the men backing the McHenry Savings and Loan Association and helping to manage it. They affoM furth'er assurance of stability and success of the McHenry Savings and Loan •Association. THE ORGANIZERS AND DIRECTORS We might as well, at this time, give you the whole history of this association. It is common knowledge that our attempts to obtain a government charter for a savings and loan association were strongly resisted by certain interests. The second attempt to obtain such a charter was launched by a group" of citizens that stood for progress and recognized the urgent need for another financial institution in McHenry. This group consisted of: Dr. Urban V. Comes, William Pries, Peter M. Justen, Joseph X. Waynne, J. Albert Roesch, Claude F. McDermott, Dr. Stanley Dowiat, Clyde Bailey, Harry James and John J. Neuharth. All are successful business and .professional men. After overcoming many obstacles they were chartered to open for business and the temporary office of the McHenry Savings and Loan Association was officially opened at 522 West Main Street, McHenry, on December 12th, 1955. . ' During 1956 two valuable men were added to the board of directors, namely, Arnold J. Rauen and Richard W. Freund, both natives of McHenry, Illinois. As most people know, Arnold" J. Rauen is a local Justice of" the Peace, has been connected in an executive capacity with the U.S. Treasury Department for many years and is currently an officer in the Chicago National Bank. His experience and knowledge of fiscal affairs is of great importance to this association. Richard W. Freund is the most recent addition to the board. He-is thirty-five years of age^ and the youngest member of th%e board. The members are delighted with his keen interest in the affairs of the association and his fresh approach. He was born near Johnsburg and was raised and educated in McHenry. He was captain of football and basketball teams at McHenry High School, and in 1940 enrolled in the University of Notre Dame. He spent three years in the Navy Air Corps. In 1948 he married Dorothy Pechous and has two children. He manages the Freund Oil Company in McHenry-and is active in the McHenry Country Club as a member of the House Committee. The remainder of the board are familiar to most people in the area. Dr. Urban V. Comes was founder and manager of the Belmont Community Hospital for many years. He is our president and owns the Urbandale Farm and has been a resident of this area for over thirty-five years. In 1956 he was president of the McHenry Kiwanis Club. John J. Neuharth is a retired accountant and has rendered invaluable/service to the association $is its full time treasurer. He is worshipful Master for McHenry Lodge A.F. & A.M. Harry James is owner of a large funeral home, vice-president of a manufacturing concern and very active in civic affairs. Claude F. McDermott is a long established business man in Lakemoor, president of Lakemoor, trustee of McHenry Fire District and an energetic participant in many civic and political ventures. J. Albert Roesch is in the importing and exporting business under the name of Crosby & Roesch. He has resided for many years on a sizeable estate in the Golf Course Addition. Joseph X. Waynne is the attorney for and manager of the association under the title of executive secretary. His activities as Lieutenant Governor in Kiwanis International and civic worker are well known to the community. THE CO! YE 1956 was a year of preparation for the McHenry Savings and Loan Association. The real growth and development will take.place this coming year. Shortly we will be housed in our beautiful, new home, air-conditioned and equipped to give maximum comfort and service to our patrons. The personnel is trained to give a sincerely friendly service. We will endeavor to further implement our policy of creating a cheerful atmosphere of friendly, personal service. We will continue to encourage thrift and home ownership. That is our sole purpose. We are a specialized institution that (1) gives people an opportunity to earn more on their savings and (2) helps people to secure homes of their own. We will continue to pay the highest return possible on savings consistent with safety and availability. Help us to grow and you will be helping yourself and your community. CONDENSED STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 1956 RESOURCES First Mortgage Loans $498,477.00 Loans on Savings 32,300.00 Cash on Hand and in Banks U.S. Government Securities Other Resources TOTAL RESOURCES . 71,001.58 2,461.70 7,434.45 $611,674.73 * RESERVES and LIABILITIES Savings & Investment Accounts ....$481,646.61 Advances from City National Bank 40,000.00 Loans in Process 21,227.52 Specific Reserves 6,038.95 General Reserves 5,261.65 Capital Stock - Guaranty Reserve .. 50,000.00 Paid in Surplus 7,500.00 TOTAL RESERVES & LIABILITIES OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, Attorney and Executive Secretary JOHN J. NEUHARTH. Treasurer ARNOLD J. RAUEN, Director HARRY JAMES, Director J. ALBERT ROESCH, Director DR. URBAN V. COMES, President CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT, Vice President DR. STANLEY DOWIAT. Vice President RICHARD W. FREUND, Director 522 West Main Street ngs and Loan Phone: McHenry 2 McHenry, Illinois ..:$611,674.73 (I