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Delores, and two sons, ; $rad and Dane, to take up residence there for a year or so. We all join i:i wishing them good luck m their new surroundings and hope we will see them all ill the not too distant future. Quick Recovery i Bill Banks, Jr. made a. trip to the Woodstock hospital last week. , He stayed only long enough to rid I himself of his appendix, which gave him trouble oh a very short notice. Bill should be as active , ajs before in a short while. j (j^rand Opening j On Friday and Saturday. March j 1 and 2. Mig Joyce and Gloria Jbrgensen will hold grand opening j of their new shop. Plan on attend- ; ing. Red Cross Drive In the near future, someone will | be knocking at your door in regard to the drive for funds'for the j Red Cross. Please give as much j as you can afford. < Congratulations Corner Sarah and George Oeffling have j a good excuse for a double birth- 1 day as their natal days are Feb. 22 and 25. Mrs. Gladys Smith picked a nice j warm spot in Florida to celebrate 1 her birthday on Feb. 24. J Carol Ann Dehn h&d a very ex- I citing seventh birthday on Friday. J Feb. 22. Not only did she entertain j in the afternoon, but also that eve- i ning. Consuming cupcakes and ice cream in the afternoon were Susie Oeffling, Marilyn Zeller, Diane Hiller, Nancy Sompel, Nancy Sehafer, Judy Kollenkark, Carol Hauser, Betty Himplemann, Mary Ellen Freund, Laura Ulrich, Mary Jo Haag, Joy and Karen Hettermann, Peggy Peterson, Marilyn Smith and Carol's two brothers, Johnny ancl Joey. Present for the evening's festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. Emitt Roberts and Cindy, Mr. I and Mrs. Bill May and Richard, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund and j Greg and Mr. and Mrs. Jin; Het- : termann, Joy and Karen, i- .....1 Around the Town | Bill and Dolly Sclunitt of Chij cago spoilt last weekend with his I parents, the John Schmitts. : Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich and ' family of McHenry spent Sunday evening visiting relatives here. ' Hie George Lasser family of i Chicago spent a few days here with the Rudy Lassers. Mr. and Mi's. Oscar Hollenbach will he returning soon after spending a delightful vacation in the Bahamas. Spring is close at hand, which means our old friend. Bill Ricks, will be returning to us once again. Bill, as you know has been spending the winter in Peoria with his , daughter and husband, the Emil Boilers. „ Great Grandchild "Nnmber One" Mr. and illrs. Jeppe Jepsen became gred't grandparents for the first time last Saturday, Feb. 23. Christine Marie made her first ap- 1 pearance at the Highland Park hospital and weighed in at a rousing 8 lbs. 15 oz. She chose Jack antl Shirley Wallace to be her , very* own parents. Mi's. Wallace is a granddaughter of the Jepsens. DRIVE WITH CARE! NOTICE OF SALE Public notice is hereby given ,that 011 the 15th day of March, A.D, 1957, pursuant to a Decree made and entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause ; on the 15th day of February, A.D. 1957. I. JOHN E. LOOZE, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court j of McHenry County, Illinois, will | oh the 15th day of March. A.D.! 1957, at the hour of 11:00 A.M. j in the forenoon, on the east steps; of the Courthouse in the City of j Woodstock, County of McHenry. ! and State of Illinois, sell to the: highest and best bidder for cash j all and singular the following de- I scribed premises and real estate; in said Decree mentioned, situ- j ated in the County of McHenry j and State of Illinois, or so much ! thereof as may be sufficient to • satisfy said decree: l^its 10 and 11 in Block 1$ in : Indian Ridge Subdivision Unit i No. 1, a Subdivision of part of,. Section 7. Township 45 North,! Range 8 E*ist of the Tliirdi 1 Principal Meridian, according j to the Plat thereof recorded! June 27. 1939 as Document No. ' 139953. in Book 9 of Plats, page > 34, in McHenry County, Illinois. , Said property shall be sold sub- ( je&t to all general taxes thaf may : be due at the time of said sale. Dated this 21st day of February. A.D. 1957. j John E. Looze j Master in Chancery of the Circuit i Court of McHenry County, Illinois • Pub. Feb. 21-28, Mar. 7. 1957) ! SHOP IN McHENltY SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! HEATED READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHEMlf READY Mil OX, Inc. •66 Front St.' PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois GAS Incinerator. •• both Garbage and Trash Nuisance Dispose of all burnable trash and garbagtt am<£®@rs,,. for 3S month! • A GAS incinerator eliminates trips outside to the garbage can in snow and rain • A GAS incinerator eliminates unsightly garbage containers and rubbish heaps • A GAS incinerator eliminates insectattracting odors and expensive scavenger service % A GAS incinerator eliminates the oytdoor trash burner . . . its annoying smoke and its fire hazard! C NJ. GAS CO $1© Allowance! *10 for your old garbage receptacle! Ask about this Trade-in today ... and V* o»r"EASX T6SMS. . only J5 daw". PHONE McHENRY 2081 NORTHERN I L L I N O I S G&S () COMPANY "*•" r"" QA$ Crf., .» y.„, atero| Thursday. 2& 19S7 if YOUR SHARE OP SAVINGS • • • DURING A OR SIRLOIN, RUMP "Super-Right" Quality Tdftder, Flavorful Veal FRESSS CHUCK SMOKED Thick SSctd FRYERS ROAST BUTTS BACON Pon-Ready Whole or Cuf Mp Bone In, Blade Cuf Boneless IV2 fo 3 lb. "SupopRighf" ^ • 3 5c » 2 9 * * 5 9 * 2-ib. O Che pkg. O W Ptrfecf for larbequing Rock Cornish Hem Fox 0* L|i|i Froien Ohickei Breast 12-dx. siie •a. lb. pkg. "Super-Right" 1st thru 4th Rib T Cut e Beef Rib Roast MCep'n John's Heat 'n lot e Fish Sticks Northern Large 24 I0>oz. pkg. APPLES 2 **29' Western Crown Wine sap O California Crisp Flavorful la^ge bunch Yellaw Onions bag 3-lb. Florida Valeneia Juice Oran{< 5 39- Flprido Golden JM Sweet Corn A ^ ^He Tematoes A 15-oi. tons Brand V tint or Pitch, Apricot 12-or. D«liqM tin Broadcast Hashc"" 0 tint 35' 10' 55' Borden's liicuits Flakes Salmon ^ult*na Light Meaf Parfact Strika 2 8-ox. P>9- 6-oi. tint 16-oi. tin 10' 35 49* Ann Page Beans Tsmato Juice ibeddar Che Ttiraa 16-ox. IAq Variatiet tin IV Libby ft 46-ox. Brand • tint w • witc iq, Sharp lb. ww MILK % gal.3: 5' KRAFT Cheese Slices pk* SWIFT'S BAIY MEAT 2 47' •A 1 •»- KREY SLICED BEEF l6-oi. 45c tin GERBER BABY FOOD 6 4%-©i. jars pkl II. Pk|> Marqarina Facial Siia Bath Sita Palmoli Soap Piliellve Sup Giiliir@liii|uet Cashmere Bouquet Lux Detergent Lux M@§ Rins® Soap Powder Ln latl ioap Chiti Liquid Facial Soap Bath Soap I'll, eti rtiliM kith she r«g. site 29' 21* 32c 26c 25* (.•man ^Atpic IJ-CS= Gelitii Salad •iQo Wessoi lilad O i l I I6 £ W Stay Frathor Lonqar -ftatii Handy Liquid For Automatic Wathart a 2 3 2 k.;» we 39* rHTida'i to Dirt'* Out l2>ox. tin pkis. Dial Ik DiaS "icial Soap Tide Detergent Blue Cheer Detergent 2 Z 65c Dash Detergent ^ 37 Amer Pieiilf 2 "Z ||( Kitchen Itaer - 2 .... 2IC Blackiurn Pie Ct; tt. ||« 3 2 Z 65e Detargant AMERICA'S f0RE(90ST FOP0 IITA'1-il . , . tINCC 1159 THS C^iAT * >fcc *ic tf A COMPANY Prints Effective Through March 2nd Drive Slower and Live Longer 6