PERSONALS i .i .«• p. ;..i. •!, a- • . and Mrs. Wm. Klapperich, Jr. and Wm. Klapperich, Sr., are spending a few weeks in the home Of the latter's daughter, Mrs. George Mix, in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. David Kull, son, Dennis, and daughter. Cheryl, of Burlington, Wis.; were dinner guests in the Vincent Adams httme Sunday. . R. E. Sutton of Chicago called ofi McHenry relatives Wednesday. ...Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel returned recently from a few week's vacation in Florida. Monica Phalin and friend "of Waukegan visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nollie Givens, Saturday. Miss Mary Ann Bolger was home from DeKalb for a weekend visit with her mother, Mrs. Lillian Bolger. Martin Knox was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon accompanied the Weston Bacon family of Crystal Lake to Racine Sunday, where they visited in the Scott Davis home. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger paid their last respects to Asahel Stevens at the Marsh funeral home in Waukegan Thursday evening. Howard Wattles returned last week from a few weeks' vacation in Florida. 'He was accompanied home by John Knox.^who had spent several weeks there. William Sutton was a Chicago visitor Friday. PUBLIC PULSE To My Patients, Friends and Neighbors: On Feb. 14, 1957, Karl H. Kalb of Crystal Lake and myself were arrested for violating the Medical Practice Act of 1923. This statute pertains to all healing acts, medical and non-medical, under the exclusive control of the medical board. In other words, we were arrested for the practice of chiropractic without a medical license. Today, Feb. 25, on advice of counsel, we pleaded guilty to the charge of violating the Medical Practice Act, or again imight I sayr practicing chiropractic without a medical license. Post 491 Tonight, Legion members of all posts in McHenry county will be the guests'of Richmond Post 253 when the monthly county meeting will be held, starting at 8:30 p.m. Members of McHenry post will leave McHenry about 7:30 p.m. and it is hoped a large representation from the local post will be present. Many social events have been planned for the near future. For the first of these, Bob Hendricks Junior vice commander, announces that he has completed plans for a Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and ! smoker ^to be held on Friday ev«»j Mrs. Helen Young attended a n'n& " ' Unjust laws lead to violation; keeping unenforceable laws on the Statute books creates intolerable situations and promotes disrespect, for all laws. It isn't right or fair that the laws of our state permit your chiropractor to be hailed into court when his only "crime" is getting sick people well. We chin-practors, and there must be well over 600 of us in the state in the same position as I find myself, want only one thing--that the Illinois Legislature ' pass a chiropractic act, one that provides a chiropractic examining board, with rules for enforcement of all of the provisions of the act. Let us have legislation, not persecution. . , To give you the whole picture of this unfair situation would fill many pages, but anyone wishing to know moiv r\bout this, call 489 and I will bo glad to answer questions. Sincerely, Edgar E. Peaslee, D. C. gathering at the home of Mrs. Georgia Thomas in Woodstock Sunday, in observance of her birthday, which fell on Feb. 22. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and Leo Heimer were guests in the Charles Steilen home in Elmhurst Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Helen Young were visitors in the Alfred Young home in Antioch Thursday. Dinner guests in the Herman Schaefer home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Kunstman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kunstman, David and Diane, David Kunstman and Margaret Swanson of Batavia, James Frisby of Mundelein, Mrs. E. W. Gale of Chicago and the James Larkin family of McHenry. Mrs. Frances Carlos returned to her home in Hillside. Mich.; Sunday after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Anton J. Schneider, who is confined to the McHenry hospital, where she underwent surgery for * a fractured hip. Another daughter, Mrs. Stanley Collins, of Salt Lake City, Utah, is spending some time in the Schneider home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carey are vacationing in Clearwater, Fla.; for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoffman of Racine, Wis.; were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Frances TTiorne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey spent the weekend with their son, Kevin, at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Misses Dorothy and Rosemarie Schmitt are spending a few weeks in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. March 15. As usual, for these parties, attendance js limited to male members of the post only. While smokers have always been a big success and well attended, Bob has hit the jackpot on entertainment this time. He has been able to engage the well known night club entertainer and comedian, Danny Rio, for the evening. If yr>u have not yet seen a performance of Danny Rio, take a trip and don't miss his appearance at this smoker. Words alone cannot describe his act, you have to see it to believe it. Mr. Rio has promised to stay for the entire evening and put on several performances. On Saturday evening, March 16, the biggest social event of the year for both Legion and auxiliary members will be held. The occasion is the annual American Legion birthday party. Festivities will start with a cocktail hour, followed by a tremendous pot luck dinner. Outside of the main meat course.1 which the post will have furnished, all dishes will be prepared by the ladies of the auxiliary, with varieties enough to satisfy any appetite. Following the dinner, the hall will be cleared for an evening of dancing and merry making to the finest of dar.ce music. NOTK TO DRIVERS The Institute for -Safer Living recommends that the following instruction bo posted on every a u t o m o b i l e i n s t r u m e n t p a n e l : "Apply brain before starting motor." HARDEST BUSIEST ( CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS POST 491 The annual monthly meeting was held on Feb. 18 at the Legion home, with President Eleanor Reid presiding. Initiation of new members was held and the following members were initiated: Marilyn Harrison. Blanche Green, Helen Kolin, Margaret Picket, Mary Lou Thennes, Marilyn Miller, Gini Ostergren, Evelyn Albright, Helen Smith, Margaret Weissfenborn, Berniece MacCallum, Rosalyn Volpendesta, Ann Kane, Mary Diettert; Given Smith, Doris Moffett, Francis Brand, Dolores Hunt, Alyce Brda, Betty Davidson and Rose Lee.' On Feb. 23, the annual fall convention will be held in West Chicago. The following ladies were selected for delegates and alternates: Delegates, president, Elfeanor Reid, Marge Mikota, Ruth Mrachek, Lauretta Homo, Delia Freund and Dorothy Deidrich; alternates, Francis Matchen, Sue Wiris, Glayds Soucie, Loretta Meyer and Mary Lou Thennes. ./Those attending the Downey party this month, on Feb. 7, were Rehabilitation chairmen, Dorothy Deidrich; Ilaverne Gregory, Ruth and George Mrachek, Marge Davidson, Helge EJavidson, Ford lord, Chuck Coles, Bill Hay and Stanley of candy... taken aionfe. to donate t to the EJgirf It will be The usual treats cigarettes were have been asked dozen cupcakes on Feb. 27. that there at the Legion home on March 2. ' There are a great many members who are eligible for their tenyear honor . guard pins. Unless they are ill and unable to attend, they must come to a meeting to receive their pins. The following ladies are eligible: Eleanor Althoff, Lillian Bolger, Theresa Cairns, Ethel Conway, Theresa Conway, Velma Douglas, Elvira Durland, Nettie Fleming, Ida Green, Ethel Hunter, Vera Kane, Mamie King, Mildred Kinsala, felen'Kunz, El-ceft lick. Peart Miller, Signa Miller, Jennie Mae Richardson, Marion Rothetmel, Barbara Weber, Gertrude Weber, Lura Yanda, Celia Fox, Carrie Justen, Dorothy E: Miller, Clara Overton. Vera Purvey and L6retta Varese. The next meeting .will be held on March 18. The following members are on the refreshment committee for that meeting: Lenore Cooley, Eleanor Foley, Eleanor Peterson,, Barbara Thaeker, Agatha Brefeld, Alyce Brda, Helen Harth, Marion Kremier, Helen Miller, Ethel Hunter, Jean Green and Joyce Weber. During the course of the meeting, a very Interesting and.-"informative film was shown by Mrs. Covert on cerebral palsy. Refreshments were served after A CHAT WITH US. Regular check-ups and maintenance by, our experts, means lower car costs to you!^ Call us today and find out for yourself. / Brake Service • , All Mechanical Repalss Complete Motor Overhauling 516 Front St. _ BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-K by and her committee of Ruth Mrachok. Berniece Peterson and Ros- l ich. alyn Volpendesta. The next trip to Downey' will 'fie" on March 7., Any members wishing to go, please contact iation chairman, Dorothy You'll go for At Golden Kock«t 88--it's Mi* voki« car of the year! BIG-CAR valwcl BIG-CAR performance! And at a price that'* to easy to take! There's a Rocket for your pocket Come in--drive it, price it now! DRIVE A *57 OLDSMOBILE AT R. J. Overton Motor Sales 408 Front jSt. Phone 6 Mr. and Ms. Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva, Wis.; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larsen of Chicago were Sunday visitors in (the home of Mrs. Emma Smith. < Kathryn Schmitt of Chicago was a weekend guest. AUCTION The farm having been sold the following personal property will be offered for sale at public auction on the farhi located, 7 miles West of Waukegan, 111., 5 miles East of Lake Villa. % mile South of Route 132 (Grand Avenue) V* mile East of Route 45, on the Knowles Road, on SATURDAY - MARCH 2ND Commencing at 1:00 O'clock 2 TRACTORS St FARM MACHINERY -- Massey Harris 44 Diesel Special, with cult., like new; McC-D model M tractor with front end loader and snow plow; Massey Harris 10'ft. self-propelled combine; Massey Harris self-propelled corn picker; Massey Harris 3/14 mounted plow with lance coulters; McC-D 10 ft. Grain drill; Massey Harris 10 ft. Hyd disc, like new; Massey Harris quack digger on rubber, like new; Humbolt stalk chopper Little Giant 42 ft. Elevator with gas engine; New Idea 4-bar ride delivery rake; New Idea mower; John Deere 2-row corn planter on rubber; John Deere suh-soiler on rubber; Power takeoff wagon hoist; S-sec. corrugated cultipacker; 4-sec. drag; Weed sprayer; 2 heavy duty wagons with flare boxes; Quantity of lumber; Vi in. Electric drill and many other articles. (All the above listed machinery is in excellent condition and has been well housed.) KNOWLES FARM Rollers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone 195 AUCTION paving decided to discontinue farming the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located, 9 miles Northwest of Antioch, 111., 2V-> miles West ot Wilmot, 2 miles South of Bassett on the Corner of C & KD on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6TH Commencing at 11:30 o'clock 80 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE - 31 Milch cows - 7 fresh, 6 Spring ers, balance bred & milking; 29 Heifers - 19 - 2 yr. old bred Heifers; 4 - 10 mo. old Heifers; 6 - 5 to 6 mo. old Heifers. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 3 Surge units, new; Stainless steel wash tanks; 15 milk cans; Electric hot water heater; Jamesway feed cart; Strainer; Milk cart. PRODUCE -- 800 bushel Oats; 30 ft. Soilage in 14 ft. Silo. 8 TRACTORS Si FARM MACHINERY -- John Deere model A trac tor, with power lift; Massey Harris model C 101 senior tractor. John Deere model B tractor with cult.; John Deere 8 ft. grain drill with seed and fertilizer attach.; John Deere model 999 corn planter with check wire attach.; David Bradley rubber-tired side rake; McC-D 2 bottom 14 in. plow on rubber; McC-D - bottom 16 in. plow with Lance coulders; 200 T. McC-D manure spreader; Studebaker 1 xh ton truck; David Bradley 7 ft. power mower; 2 rubber-tired wagons with PTO and chopper boxes; Jfcubber tired wagon with rack; Fox chopper with motor, hay , . & corn attachment; A C blower with 60 ft. pipe; Massey Harris 6 ft. clipper combine and many other articles too numerous to mention. JOHN JONES, Owner Robers Si Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION. f Ink Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone 195 WARDS March Snowing Noon Only *5 down holds your motor until May 15 compare with national brands priced at *55 more 154.44 • Twist throttle grip control. Spring-mounted to assure quiet operation and reduce motor vibration Automotive type choke adaptable for remote control. • Quiet smoothness plus high speed zip--V/i to 12 M.P.H. • Shift from neutral to forward or reverse, giving complete maneuvering control. llill • Automatic rewind starter. 3, 12, 25 HP "Sea King" motors also available on lay-away. 25 H.P. SEA KING $395.00 j'A/. 7 Big Free Prizes NOTHING TO DO! NOTHING TO BUY! DRAWING SUN. 5 P.M. In Prizes 1ST--WHIRLAWAY SPINNING OUTFIT 2ND--SPORT KING SPINNING OUTFIT 3RD--SHEAKESPEAR CASTING ROD 4TH--INSTALITE GAS FISHING LANTERN 5TH--PAIR OF COAST GUARD APPROVED SEAT CUSHIONS 6TH--BOW LITE 7TH--COAST GUARD APPROVED SKI OR LIFE JACKET > Register at Wards Farm Store YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN j 1 i Many Boats on Display Aluminum, Fibre Glass, Cedar Strip, Plank (etc.) ummum Semi-V bottom Runabout weighs just over 100 lbs. Styrofoam Flotation prevents sinking. Full length spray rail, non-slip floors, Douglas fir seats. Takes up to 10 HP motor. Easy to transport anywhere. 14' Runabout (140 lbs.) Reg. $225 214.88 >5 DOWN on boat or trailer holds 'tH May 15 SALE! BOAT TRAILERS 12,14 Or 16 ft. 14' Deluxe 129.44 12' Std 113.68 ArnUm Held at Wards Farm Store in Woodstock