"£*;£/ *™yg "%> a _ J^ ** *-4>*f* ^yxfflr * ryj^n w fc ^ £^?v?eo -pv^^' *% ': Kh H : •£ wMW Wv^& £ &rv iPl;" ?f^ Tp^ *ii^pss*wi h V * VL TEE ItciffiENHY PLAINDEALER Pan Hellenic Meets In City McHenry county Pan Hellenic met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Vale Adams' of McHenry. After the business meeting, led bv Mis. Donald Tappan, Mrs. Hairy Stinespring, Jr., gave an inspiring book Review of "The Nun's Stor\ ." Story." Mrs. Marion Fox. Mrs. Thorms Evans and Mrs, Clifton Fulton assisted the hostess with the refreshments. Next month's meeting in Harvardjfwili feature a silent auction and all members are urged to join the fun. Surprise Dinner For .iosie Smith A surprise dinner party was given this past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith, in honor of Mr. Smith's birthday. Attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Knute Johanson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Grivett.- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Garman and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, all of Crystal Lake and Raymond Ward of Harvard. Third Party In C. D. of A. Tourney The third party in the current Catholic Daughter of America card tournament was held last Thursday evening. Prize winners were Genevieve Knox in bridge: Frances Bauer. Mrs. Meyers, Margaret Freund. Helen Heuser, |£leanor Freund and Eleanor Young in pinochle; Barbara Leight. Betty O'Brien. Ella Buss and Jean Driscoll in canasta. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. A business meeting will be held 1 March 7. Thirty-Five Attend Sunday Housewarming About thirty-five friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Soucie on Sunday. Feb. 24. for a housewarming. They bought beautiful gifts for the Soucies' new home in Country Club Estates. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Out of town guests came from Chicago and Elgin. Rhonda Jean Lee Christened tfeb. 24 Rhonda Jean Lfie was. christened Feb. 24 at St. Mary's church at 10:45 o ciock. with Fr. Nilges officiating. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kunz of Cooney Heights. Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the Roy O. Lee home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. R. Kunz and daughter. Linda, the grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee and Mrs. Rae Gammes of Fox River Grove, William Conrad of Schiller Park and Mary Rynee, sister of the new baby. A buffet supper was served later to relatives and friends. Mrs. Hftler Kntfertahis For Mrs. Mike Freund Mrs. George Hitter entertained at her home in Johnsburg last Thursday, honoring her mother. Mrs. Mike Freund. on her seventy - third birthday anniversary. Cards were enjoyed, followed by the serving of supfjor. Guests included Mrs. George Wagner, Mrs. Kathryn Freund, Mrs. Joe Miller, Mrs. Steve May," Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Jessie Araco and Mrs. Ben Freund. The guest of hoilor's husband, Mike Freund, also stopped to take part in the festivities. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund and family of Des- Plaines and Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Chicago were dinner guests of the Hillers. Shower Honors Kurhara Sehmitt A miscellaneous shower was gi\e.n at the Johnsburg Community hall recently, honoring Miss Barbara Sehmitt, who will become the bride of Donald Wagner on Saturday, March 2. Hostesses for the shower were Georgia Bailer. Donna Condon, Beverly Sehmitt, Mildred Hiller. Peggy Whiting and Nancy Stilling. > More than 100 friends and relatives attended the party. Fox Valley Camp Birthday Party Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A.. will observe its birthday anniversary on Tuesday. March 5. at 6:30 o'clock, featuring a pot-luck supper. The Legion home w ill be the scene of the gathering. St. Patrick's Party At St. Peter's Church The Christian Mothers sodality of St. Peter's church. Spring Grove, is planning its annual St. Patrick's party at the church hall Tuesday. March 19. A luncheon will be served at 12:30, followed1 by cards. Tfiere will be numerous prizes and other attractions. The committee, with Mrs. Charles May as chairman, invites all to spend an enjoyable afternoon. JOAN WEGENER AND GORDON MILLER WED IN CITY SATURDAY In a very pretty wedding solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church on Saturday morning, Feb. 23. Miss Joan Wegener, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener of 103 Pearl street, became the bride of Mr. Gordon Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley officiated at the 9:30 o'clock ceremony. - Soloist for the nuptials was the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. James Wegener, who sang "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" as the bride placed her bouquet before the altar of the Blessed Mother. Miss Wegener was charming in a laee gown, fashioned with fitted bodice outlined with iridescent sequins. Tlie front of the skirt WHS detailed with iridescent sequins also and the back extended into wa cathedral train. Her half hat was studded with iridescent se- i quins and was secured to a French illusion fingertip veil scalloped and trimmed with medallions. She carried a bouquet, consistihg of lilies of the valley and carnations. Mrs. Vernon Miller, sister-in-law of the groom, acted as matron of ; honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. ' Kenneth Thomas, sister cf the groom, Miss Janis Jacobson and • Miss Rose Caputo. friends of the bride. All of the attendants were at- : tired similarly in gowns of poudre ' nlue crystalette. Mrs. Miller carried pink and white carnations, tied with a white ribbon, and the bridesmaids had the same kind of flowers tied with pink ribbon. ! Vernon Miller served his broth- ; er as best man and groomsmen ! were Kenneth Thomas, brotherin- law of the groom. Warren Weg- - ener and Gerald Wegener, brothers of the bride. j For her daughter's wedding, ' Mrs. Wegener chose a dusty rose satin dress with navy blue accessories. The groom's mothers wore black crepe with white trim and black accessories. Each mother 1 February 28 I Bake Sale--ltingwood Post Ofj fice--Sponsored by W.S.C.S. March 6 St. Mary's Home and School ; Association -- 3:15 p.m. -- School I Hal1 i Martha Circle Meeting --~1 p.m. • -- Mrs. Ruth Olson Home, Bay . View Lane. t March 8 j World Day of Prayer Com- 1 munity Methodist Church--1 p.m. March 12 St. Patrick's Mother's Club-- 2:45 p.m.- Church Hall. . March 14 j Luncheon sponsored by Zion Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Noon Legion Home. March 17 Pot-Luck Supper -- 4:30 to 7 p.m. - St. Patrick's Church basement Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality. • March 19 St. Patrick's Party at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove -- Sponsored by Christian Mother's Sodality--12:30 p.m. Luncheon. March 21 W.S.C.S. Guest Day 1 p.m. March 22-28 Rummage Sale - Methodist Church Basement 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. March 22-23 W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale- -9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PACJE-SC HERZEK VOWS Dorothy S. Page and George Scherzer were married in the Community Methodist church in a 5 o'clock nuptial service last Saturday, Feb. 23. CARD OF THANHS I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their cards, gifts and prayers While I yr Thursday, February 28, t9$7 ' |p: CAPACITY CROWD ATTRACTED TO NE,W SODALITY'S SOCIAL BIRTHS A total of 120 young people of j Mr. and Mrs. Donald,McCrackhigh school age enjoyed the first j en are the parents of a son, Michsocial sponsored by the newly ' ael Dean, born Feb. 20 at Memorfounded St. Mary's high school so- .ial hospital, Woodstock. dality of St Mary's Parish, Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pattellaro announce the arrival of a son, born Friday, Feb. 15, at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. He weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz^ Henry. Twenty-five guests from St. Peter's parish. Spring Grove, were present, accompanied by Father- Andrew Plesa. The evening began with a grand march and mixer dances. Then the orchestra echoed the strains of j Mr. and Mrs. G&il Shannon iafe the "Bunny Hop" to the delight of i the parents of a son, born Feb. 25 llie entire crowd as it took up the •' fit Memorial,hospital. They have tempo and snaked its way in and ' three other children. Barbara, out of the dance hall. j Mike and Debbie. Bill Althoff then took the mic- ROY rtOREN, JR., CLAIMS BROOKLYN - v; GIRL AS BRIDE An afternoon service m . sw 'i Life ! rophone and led the group in a square dance. Bill's masterful i calling entertained the group for a gay hour. Four sets of couples had to move into the corridor adjoining the hall because of the overflow crowds A dance contest was held to de- , termine the most rhythmic jitter- ! bugging dance couple. After con- : siderable deliberation by the judges, first prize was awarded to 1 Jim and Sandra Jones; second Air. and Mrs. Richard L. Parker are the parents of a daughter/ born Feb. 13. Mrs. Parker is ^he former Carole Bartlett of Lilymoor. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett, Sr., of Lilymoor. * . . Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham are the parents of a daughter, bom at Memorial hospital. Woodstock, Feb. 23. A daughter was born at Meprize to Paul Smith and Cathe- ; morial hospital Feb. 23 to Mr. and rine Tinney; third prize to Bob j Mrs. Tom Holochwost. This is Hauser and Janice Hettermann. i their first child. Party games were then played t A son was born Feb. 25 at Mcby the entire .group. A hilarious morial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. time was had when, with arms j Howard Greene. locked and hands clasped, two , on Feb. 2o, a son was born to teams competed in passing but- \ Mr. and Mr.'. Donald Mather at tons down the line. Then a quiz | Memorial hospital. with the various classes compel- I A daughter was born Feb. 26 at ing was held. The junior class won this contest and received a box of cho^a^s for their efforts. RefreshmeTitgfJconsisting of barbeques, potato" chips, and cokes were served by the chaperones. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steinbach Mr. and Mrs. Elme^ Hetterman, Mr .and Mrs. Call Antonson and Mrs. Roy Miller. The dance hall was decorated in MAKE PLANS FOR AWARDING MUSIC CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Sander Memorial chapel of the ; Locker of McHenry. University Methodist Temple on 1 f.oul?t,v ™ufu cfiairman the 1% Feb. 16 united in . marriage Miss I i^'0's Ef?'e")t,on of Women's Ilse Alma Packmohr, daughter cf I S attended a meeting in Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Packmohr of : ' on ,S"nday- ,Feb- 24, at Brooklyn, New York, and Mr. Roy : , ~. s* Wilbur Brass, Everett Noren, Jr., son of Mr. and j ^ district music chairman, Mrs, Roy E, Noren 6f Riqgwood. j for purpose of making plans to the bride chose a ballerina summer music camp gown of dotipponi silk, fashioned I ^ jP.s -for outstanding stuwith a &abrina neckline, three- j school age. ' quarter length sleeves, arid a bouf- j Students will be selected from fant skirt. Her silk illusion veil ! ^"long the winners of the Illino^ was caught to a contour crown of j school association stat™ sequins and pearls. She carried a i nuisic contest, to be held on Saturcascade bouquet of white orchids, j ^y. March 9. stephanotjs and ivy. | Presents at the meeting' ivere The maid honor was Miss ' Mrs. Clay Taylor, eleventh district Virginia Converse, who wore a ; president; Mrs. J. W. Eckert, ballerina length, emerald green j Kane county music chairman; satin dress and carried a cascade Mrs. Carl West in, DuPage county, bouquet of Talisman roses?. Edgar N. Nordgaard was the best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Rpy T. O'Neil and James G. Morford. Mrs. Noren is a graduate of Westminster college, in Pennsylvania, and is affiliated with Theta Upsilon sorority. Mr. Noren graduated from Lawrence college in Appleton, Wis., and is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The couple pjan a motor trip South, and will reside in Seattle. music chairman; Mrs. Locker and Mrs. Bruss. : The Illinois federation of Women's Clubs has sponsored stu£ dents to summer music camps for many years. Any hy»h school student interested can obtain further information from the president of the local club. Foresight -- That wKlch causes a man to buy the kind of things when he is flush that be can pawn when he is broke. Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. 1 .eonard Mayer. VA AID A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, March 5, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public rered and white, with streamers | garding all benefit programs of draping the entire ceiling. The Card-Bunco Party At Club Lilymoor A card and bunco party will be held at Club Lilymoor on Satur- wore an orcf>id corsage, day evening, March 2, beginning at 8 p.m. The public is invited. The spirit of Club Lilymoor will prevail and this get-to-gether is a fine wiy>~to see old friends and meet new ones. , There will be prizes and refreshments. The party is sponsored by the Lilymoor association. Community Club To Meet March 4 Following the wedding, a reception was held at the V.F.W. clubhouse in McHenry, after which ; the newlyweds left on a honey- 1 moon trip into the South. 1 The new Mrs. Miller is a gradu- I ate of the McHenry high school j with the class of 1956 and is employed at the Public Service com- i pany in Northbrook, 111. The | bridegroom, a 1951 graduate of j Richmond high school, is employ was in the hospital. I sincerely ap- stage was outlined in red and preciated your thoughfulness. white, featuring a large red heart *43 Marian Blake. ! on a white background as a set- -- j ting for the orchestra. The hall MARRIAGR LICENSE was decorated by the social life Douglas W. Glosson and Bar- ! committee of the sodality, under bara J. Zenk, both of McHenry. the chairmenship of Tom Olsen and Margie Jung. Posters were If you must use carbon tetrft- ' made by Nancy Jurack. chloride for cleaning be sure there -- -- is adequate ventilation, Choose After trying for a long time, a day that isn't excessively humid many people are convinced that and open the windows wide while one of the hardest ways to do anyyou are using this solvent. thing is to put it off. , the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. Post Office building, second floor, in Woodstock. BLOck RITES Mrs. Emina A. Block, TSi ,a Dundee church and community leader for many years, died Feb. 22 in her home after an extended illness. She was the wife of Charles Block, who formerly made his home in McHenry. AT THE TODDLER SHOP AND YOUNG TEEN CORNER MCHENRY A Nice Collection High Fashion Coats by Bambury Also Dresses^ and Hats Use Our Easter Lay-A-Way We Carry Mrs. Day's Ideal Baby Shoes Ekpertly Fitted The regular meeting of the ed by Tonyan Construction com- Johnsburg Community club will pany. be held Monday. March 4, at 8:15 o'clock at Memorial hall. Refreshments will be served by the following committee: Lloyd Freund, chairman; Fred Fuchs, co - chairman; Richard Freund. Robert Freuhd. Joe Frett. Robert Frett, Herb Ficken and John Ficken. The Couple will make their home in McHenry. CAItD OF THANHS I would like to take this means j of thanking all those who sent I cards, offered prayers in my be- ; half and remembered me in other i AH members Are invited to at- . ways during the time I was confined to the hospital. Everything was greatly appreciated. *43 Leo Hiller. tend. 1S0NALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and daughter, Mrs. Elaine Horstman, visited Mrs. Eleanor Manning in the annual Kiwanis auction to be KIWANIS AUCTION Plans are again under way for Oak Park hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bulfer, Jr., and family and Leo Bulfer. Sr., from Sublette, 111., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sehmitt and family at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund of Johnsburg entertained Mr. and held by the McHenry Kiwanis cluh. In 1956, this was one of the most successful of the Kiwanis affairs, due to the cooperation of the i>eople of the McHenry ai|ea. It is hoped that the auction tnis year will be bigger and better than last year. Anyone wishing to donate any "white elephants" or other articles rnav contact Edward A. Guettler at Guettlers' Mrs. Leander Lay and family in Service Station on Rouic 31 south their home on Sunday. Later or phone 9831. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bulfer. Jr., and Leo Bulfer, Sr.. called to visit. mwm TAKE A ROCKKT tfcSTI Try the Rocket s performance . .. Mf discover the low pricel Take diarg* of the Rocket T-4{10 Engine. There's a Rocket to fit your pocket . . . make your choice now I DRIVE A '57 OLDSMOBILE AT R. J. Overton Motor Sales Phone 6 403 Front St. Buy U.S. savings Bonds ~ Open Ttiea., Than, and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 We have long been, award that our best possible advertisement is a satisfied customer. With that fact in mind, we have always done our utmost to give our clients the very highest quality permanents that training, experience and excellent hair preparations can achieve. Since opening our salon a few years ago we have made it our policy to place quality results above all other considerations. This policy has paid off, for our list of satisfied customers has continued to grow year after year. Why not call 14? soon for your appointment? YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BtSINESS tversiJe ^zftairslultnq 126 N. Riverside Drive styling McHenry, nt no Phone 141 f E5 Terms Available CUD SOFT IWAIIR YOU WANT Fast & Courteous Service Free Estimates == Ri@AMM.IESS OF FAMILY SI7£ OR WATER HA8BNISS . . . WITH THE NEW FULLY AUTOMATIC WATIi SOFTIMiig v NEilSS NO ATTENTION v REGENERATES WHILE Y^OU SLEEP V KES? FILLED SALT SERVICE V PWUCT OF YEARS RESEARCH .'If' •T THI WORLD LEADER IN WATER CONMTIONIN* $345.00 Installed CAM. TODAY FOR FREE WATER ANALYSIS Small monthly payment. Call: AL WAHNE8 -- MoHENRY 1464 SOFT WATER--WAUCQNDA JAcksOn 6-5421 NIGHTS: JAtkien &-6S44 Frank's McHeSp, LTC -x»rcja. vna tug Co. ^CI anilit&Ly Sd ervL®i-ce Basements - Grading SAND Septic Systems GRAVEL Poetin§3 - BLACK DJRT Fill Drain Fields Water Lines We EkcdVate Babemenis Under Your Present Home Systems Repaired Phone iykff@n§Y 2694 Phone McHenry 2693 iiiiiintmiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiitniiiniiiiiil A C H A L L E N G E TO VALUE-Sr~""N HOUSEWIVES! Most housewives are good managers you have to be to make both ends meet in this day and age. Yet, when it comes to choosing a dry cleaner to entrust with their family's wardrobe, so many otherwise value-conscious housewives seem to believe that all dry cleaning is the same. Actually, nothing could be further from the facts. The truth is that frequently the only similarity between the work of several dry cleaners lies in the price charge<J the customer. Only in the dry cleaning ihdustry cart the customer buy a "Cadillac" for the same price as a "Ford." There is just that much difference in dry cleaning. SANITONE cleaners are the "blue chip" cleaners in the industry. There are about 50,000 cleaners in this country Only 1600 of them have qualified for and been granted a Sanitone Franchise. These 1600 Sanitone plants set the Quality standards for the industry. Their services are the "Cadillacs" you can buy at the price of the "Fords." Hie/difference in cleaning between a Sartitone plant and ah ordinary drycleaner is as between day and night. Yet you pay no more for Sanitone cleaning. , Doh't take our word for it -- MAKE THE SPLIT-SUIT TEST and SEE the difference in brightness of colors because of the ddep-down cleaning by the Sanitone Process. Send us the trousers, (they're usually the most soiled) to a light colortnl suit, such as a light gray tweed or flannel, and send the coat to any other dry cleaner you choose. When the two parts of the suit are returned to you if you don't SEE the difference, 'n favor of our Sanitone cleaning, we will charge you nothing for our end of the test. We know you'll prefer oUr Sanitone cleaning -- in fact we GUARAN TfiE to please you! Try us TODAY! 0 S A N I T O N E RAINBOW CLEANERS NORTH FRONT ST. -- Across from Baseball Park PHONE 927 For Pickup Service or SAVE 10% Cash & Carry (!