Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1957, p. 10

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,A' u TI» ' i "iS LILYMOOR NEWS By Lanra Belford P.T.A. |The Lily Lake P.T.A. will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the Lily Lake School. Business matters are planned for discussion which, as parents, you will want to be present f6r. 25. Mrs. Piesen is the former Charlotta Porter of Wauconda. 'Golden Arrow Patrol The Golden Arrow patrol met an Thursday, Feb. 28, at which time they practiced for their first aid meet, under1- the direction of their scout leader, Lawrence Anderson. The teams receiving a class "A" rating here will be awarded a streamer to place on their patrol flag staff. Competition for the neighborhood. meet will be held Tuesday, March 12, at the V.F.W. Those who make an "A" rating at this will enter the district meet held in Woodstock on Sunday, March 23. Good luck to our Lilymoor boys. Mr\ and Mrs. Ray Piesen haS as their guests, little Miss Helena Porter of Island Lake, sister of Mrs. Piesen. <•' Births Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham of Beacli road are happy to announce the birth of their second daughter, born Saturday, Feb. 23, at 10 a.m. at Woodstock. Her j birth certificate shows that she j \*as 8 lbs. 15 oz. and named Cyn- j thia Lynn. The maternal grand- j mothers are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer - E. Kronchke of Lilymoor. j John and Dorothy have one other j girl, "Wendy." Cynthia Lynn and ! her mother returned home from j the hospital on Tuesday and are 1 gel ting along nicely. Birthdays Looks like the thirty-one days j in the windy month hold many • birth dates. Friday, March 8, seems to be a heavy day. j -- i Tomorrow, "Wendy" Cunning- j Den News * ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! The blue and gold banquet eel- j John Cunningham, will be 1 year ebratiWg the forty-seven years of i olcjscoutihg in America was held at j ^ Franz Golbeck will be 3 years the Community Methodist church i °'d anc* Mrs. Earel Belford wil on SUnday, Feb. 24, for Cub I celebrate an unidentified number Mr. and Mrs. LoUis Schueler and family spent Sunday in Chicago to see Master William Berg christened. William is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. Mrs. Berg is the sister of Mrs. Scheuler. , Mrs. Elmer Kroncke had a three day visit with her daughter, MlTgaret, and family Mr. ana Mrs. Justice Evans and two sons live in Chicago. j Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske j were the host and. hostess for a • dinner party given on Monday evening. Present were Don's icousin, Carl LeBond, stationed at naval base in Calif., Don's aunt, Mrs. Ben Adams, from Santa Monica, Calif., Don's grandfather, Peter Grudel and Don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leske. Mrs. Adams will be visiting in and around Chicago for a couple of weeks, at which time Mr. Grudel will return to Santa Monica with her. Carl is being transferred to the Great Lakes Training Station for the next five months. * ' / A«P DAY PLUS • 1 ujiKIa to f 9*3 ENTRIES FOR DOG SHOW IN CHICAGO CLOSE ON MARCH 12 Scouts Pack 361, which is sponsored by the Men's club of the Methodist church. Guests for the evening were president of the Men's Club and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinespring, the neighborhood committeeman and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Swedo; and Rev. J. E. Corbett . Attending from Lilymfcor and its dens. No. 3 and 6, were Mr. and Mrs. William Zahn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ijueck^taedt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fantus and family, Mrs. Burman, Gary and two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Bitterman and family and David Toby. Den 3 made its o\vn flag ofbhie and gold to' place on. its- tabMlee.. Mrs. Fantus matie a large cake which had;; a miniature Scijut standing atop. The boys in Deri 3 performed magic tricks on th£ir fathers. Den 7 made pink and white carnations for their table decora- | en pox has blown away. tions. The banquet was enjoyed j by about 185. Billy Zahn and Jimmy Fantus were graduated. Committeemen Louis Sw^dp. made awards to William Zahn "S^v and Charles Hueckstaedt. of years. Janice Scheuler will celebrate her birthday on Monday, March 11. On the same day. Danny Sickafoose will become 7 years old. His brother, Bobby, reports he went a long way to celebrate his third birthday. They sang "Happy jBirthday" to him down Texas way. Now that must have been a B-I-G birthday, eh? Bruce Root had his big day back on Feb. 10 while his parents. Flo and Sam, were vacationing in California. If you have a March celebration be sure to get on your reporter's calendar. Phone 596-W-2. Sick List 1 R. Rolla entered the McHenry ! hospital on Wednesday morning, Feb. 27. Mr. Rolla was missed at j the association card party on 1 Saturday night. We will be glad ' when he is well. , We hope Jimmy and Steve Fan- 1 tus will soon find" that the chick- ; Entries for the annual International Dog Show will close March 12, the management announces. Premium lists, containing entry forms and details of the huge cash prize and trophy lists in this all-breed event, are now available at; the show's headquarters, 840 Exchange Ave., Chicago 9, 111. It will be held in the International Amphitheatre Saturday and Sunday, March 30 and 31. The air - conditioned Amphitheatre, seating 8,000, is the country's largest dog show setting. Obedience trials, in which dogs are judged on their ability to respond to their owners' commands, are a major feature of the Chicago Show as are indoor field trials. Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Sayings and Loan Association c"v insured by the Feideral Savings and Loan Insurance Corp.. and earn 2% per cent p|ns '/j per cent extra. 38-tf Personals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sickafoose and sons returned Thursday, Feb. 21 from Corpus Christie, Texas, where they visited Frank's parents. Frank says the fishing was Anniversary ' good. Charlotte reports that the Mr. and Mrs. Sam RftQt of temperatures were in the 80s and Fritzche Estates, celebrated their 90s, which allowed swimming in wedding anniversary on March 1.' the Gulf of Mexico and the. boysr Happy anniversary to Mr. and j found the beach at Padre Island Mrs. Roy Piesen on Monday, Feb. I a good place to make their splash. g!niiiiin;i:i!i iiiii i!i i h:i in 111 in i i riii in tu t hin;i i i i i i i i in i with 11 11 h i i i h i n u n h i i m i i i i i>i 11^ | Cherry-Burrell Farm Tanks f Milk Cooler ( DIRECT EXPANSION 1 or =_ ICE BANK | CALL US FOR ESTIMATE I B mpson appliance I jj 223 Main St. Woodstock 758 Woodstock, Illinois | ^HWMIIIlllBlillimillCTJ!llll«nininnil!IIL1!l[|llll!lllll!|!tll!|i|:l!l:lil;llli:iJ!lli:i,l'|:i!i:i!iilililil||i|i|i|i|i|i|||i|j|:|j|l|!|,|i|!r|mi|l||B|l|i||!B;^ WORWICK'S STUDIO and Camera Center Fine Portraiture Commercial Photography WEDDINGS • CHILDREN FAMILY GROUPS Cameras Films & Photo Supplies View Masters & Reels Light Meters - Albums - Frames Color Films Processed See ITs Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 II s. \ MIKE SdMIFIft AUCTOM ^ ED. VOGEL and WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioneers Having sold my farm, I will sell my personal property at public auction on my farm located 6 miles North East of McHenry, and 3 miles East of Ringwood, 2 miles North East of Johnsburg, 3 miles South East of Spring Grove, and one-half mile West of Pistakee Highlands, on SATURDAY. MARCH 9. 1957 Commenriiig at 11:00 o'clock, A.M. 42 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 25 milk cows, some recently fresh, some springers, balance milking good; 5 Heifers, 14 to 19 mos. old; 4 Heifers, 12 to 14 mos. old; 3 Calves, 6 mos. old; all Heifers calfhood vaccinated; 1 Purebred Bull. MACHINERY McD. M. tractor with cult.; A-C C. tractor with cult, and mounted 16" plow; 1--3-bottom McD. plow, 14"; 1--2-bottom 14" plow; McD. 8 ft. disc, McD. No. 25 Universal mower; Linsey 4-sec drag w/folding draw bar; 7-ft. grain drill; McD corn planter; Case j corn planter, McD. 8 ft. grain binder; McD. corn binder; Gehl i silo filler with pipe; Challenge grain blower; McD side rake; 2 hog self feeders; New Holland 77 Hay baler; Little Giant 40 ft. elevator; 14 ft. light duty elevator; 24 ft. elevator; McD. manure spreader, Linsey wagon with chopper box and corn box- Case heavy duty wagon with rack; Flat top two-wheel trailer' Rosenthal corn shredder; Fergeson Belle City corn picker; Field cult.; 225 Electric welder; 3 Electric fencers; 1 High line; 2 Brooder houses; 1 Electric brooder; Several gates, forks, shovels etc. FEED 22 ft. silage in 12 ft. silo, 400 hales timothy; 2400 bales first cutting Alfalfa; 200 bales Straw; 400 bales 2nd cutting Alfalfa: 500 bu Oats. CHICKENS 300 Chickens, one and two yrs. old; Chicken feeders, fountains and nests. BARN AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT 2 Surge units; 1 Double unit Universal milker pump and pipe line for 30 cows; 12 milk cans; Hot water heater; Wash tank- Rinse tank; DeLaval cream separator; Pail and strainer; Drinkin" cups and pipe line for 30 cows; Stewart clipper; Silo cart* Hedlund 2-gutter barn cleaner. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Terms: ^AJl-sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over this amount onefourth down and the balance in 6 monthly payments. Make arrange ments for credit with Clerk before sale. MICHAEL ^CHAEfER, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk k (Pub, Feb. 28 - March 7, 1957) DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Napfapathic Manipulation 25 Orchard Beach Road McHenry, III. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thnrs. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to » p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 748 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1338 Rt. 5, Box 10?0 McHenry, 111. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 958 Qreen & Elm McHenry, BL SCHROEDER IRON WORftS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 DR. M. D. SAVAGE DR. D. McCOMNEL Veterimarfinsis Office MourS: 10 a.m. to It Noon 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings By Appointment Phone 3221 Richmond, UL You Can Put Your Trust in "Super-Right* Meats "Super-Riglit futility Bone in*, Blade - ROUND STEAK Bone In, Fuji Cut 49' RUMP ROAST toneless Rolled *69< Oven Ready DUCKS •45' Thick Sliced BACON "Super-Right" P LCNTEIt SEAFOOD SPECIALS HALIBUT STEAKS '= - 39* FANCY MEDIUM SHRIMP 79* SMOKED CHUBS » - 49' "Super-Right" for Stew r Boneless Chuck » 45c Fox DeLuxe Frozen Chicken Breast ^ 69c -. •> CITRUS JUICE-- ©ASE LC >J SALE! A&P's Finest (Qualify Juices GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED 2 r 49- ! Orange & Grapefruit 2f 5S' IJfJ" |A^<$-9I5 1 m tins W Save 15c ORANGE 2r59* ' Q 46-OZ. A tint » !2r'3" ; 11 «-46-%Sf)79 m* tino; Mj Save /5c S a v M r / S c Florida Valencias Sweet, Large, Juicy Cheddar leese Amer Cheese Ann $§p fm #f® Md-O-Bit iSS eanl* Varieties Ann U vSV StrawIwrry J«n« Parker i T h ii'i " Emperor Grapes Seedless Grapefruit Golden Bananas California 24 Size Iceberg Variety Head Lettuce 5&39c •19< 1049 2- 29 10" V NA FLAKES Sultana Light Meat 2 fe- 35« IONA TOMATOES 35' Peas or Cut Green Beans I5V2-01. tins Whole BgtH IOC Pur Finest 16-OZ. Quality tin Fels-Napiha SOAP 3 .b.a.n. SPIC & SPAN 6UEAMSBR' 27e 16-ox. pkg. RAP-IN-WAX WAX PAPER 100-ft. roll BLUE RIBBON WAX PAPER 2 100-ft. rolls 35' Nairn Mits Fancy Crest Goldei Buffo ~ 3 Pbila. Iream Cheese raft's JJ rand £ Pizza Dimsr I A N«w £ Duncan Hints Whit*, Yallow or Chocolate Comet Cleanser Handy Liquid T'/a-oz. pitg. 11«©2« pkr !b. tin lb. tin 8-@z. pkg- VA-oi. pkg*> 13-oz. pkg. bath size tins i2*oz. tin 13€ 13e 9? 9? I7e 38s 21® 25G 29e 39c Wl@le F A & P Brand tanqipt Brand A ftp Froxan Gotdan Whol« Karpal- Cut--F^oiin 4-lb. tin laby Libby Onige Straw^rHes A&P Fro tan A ^ ^ Froaan Slicad and Suqarad 29 P 210 Pi 2 2 2 oz. pkfs. it 01. pkgs. I tf-ez. pkfs. 6-oz. tins AMHICA'S fOREMOST tlUt. ..SINCE I ($9 THE GREAT ATLANTIC « PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Prices effective through March 9th

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