5 ^ffiursday, March '141; wfil -W'Wl® , ,. •, T. u; * a'j' .* 5 (,s Y-: ,'f " ' >;: >•' '- " ..» /• • ' , •n \ > ' 1 ' , V. -< k ' *WU,. . *:• • * ' '• .'i ; Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield Altar and Rosary Meet The ladies of the Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church, who met March 7, discussed1 plans for a card party to be held April 25 at Harrison school. A religious movie, "Mystery of the Holy Trinity," was enjoyed by the membership. Refreshments Were served by the hostesses for the evening, Mrs. Pearl , Mathews and Mrs. Francis Stromski. Lenten devotions are held each .Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. with sermon, Stations, and Benediction. The Holy JSTame society will meet at Mathews hall March 14 at 8:30 p.m. Next Sunday, March 17, children's Communion will take place «t the 9 a.m. Mass. Confessions i'r children will be heard Satur-, day, March 16, from 4 to 5 p.m. March 17 at 3 p.m., an illustrated lecture on the "Shroud of TUrin" will be presented by Rev. Francis Filan S. J. of'Loyola university. This program is sponsored by the Holy Name society. Everyone -is welcome and there is no charge. The Parent's association will i^eet at the home of Martin Weisenberger in Indian Ridge March 18 at 8:30 p.m. Weeks, secretary, and Mrs. Weisenberger, home service, with Mrs.' Wrede, took care of the kitchen work, serving and good and quick luncheon. They were helped by the wonderful and willing i n t e r m e d i a t e S c o u t s , M i c k e y Hansen, Jackie Hansen, Kathy Thompson, Pam Bethke, Lenna Sellek, Susan Watkins, Sandra Larson and Jackie Canon. It has been reported that two business establishments from McHenry have been made contributions to the Wonder Lake branch and four professional^ and business houses of Wonder Lake have done likewise. The response from these business and professional establishments will greatly aid in the success of reaching the quota. Red Cross Drive March is the month for the Red Cross Drive. Workers in Wonder Lake set aside one Sunday for contacting as many residents as possible for contributions. They will keep working until each resident has been qontacted. Contributions from Wonder Lake will help our children have a chance again this summer to have the water safety classes, which are led by Red Cross swimming instructors. Workers who are helping in this drive are Wonder View, Mrs. Foy, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Meyers. Mrs. Men ojosino, Mr. Eppel (Rt. 12^) and Mr. Dimon (Rt. 120); Wooded Shores, Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. Grasfir, Mrs. R. Pearson, Mrs. H. Hansen and Mrs. A. Johnson, Shore Hills, Mrs. Benson, ;A1 Kolar, Mrs. Canon, Jr., and Mrs. V. Burch, Deep Spring Woods, Mo.; Mr. Burns, Mr. Liedtke, Mr. Doherty, Mrs. Pickrum, Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Ducey; Deep Spring Woods No. 2, Mrs. Weeks, Mr. Weeks, Mr. Bonnivier, Mr. Yokeley and Mr. Potter; Wonder Center, Roy SLwanson, Mrs. Swanson, Mr. Ramp, F Schroeder and Mrs. Eberle; Indian Ridge, Elmer Raske, Gerald Raske, Mr. Gustek, Mrs. Gustek, Mrs. Wasielewski, Mr. Rice, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Haak; Lookout Point No. 1, Mrs. Etheridge; Lookout Point No. 2, Mrs. King; Hickory Falls No. 1-2, Mrs. Hnila, and Mrs. Weiss; Hickory Falls No. 3, Mr. Gamen; Wonder Woods, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Wenkel and Mrs. Anderson; White Oaks Bay, Mrs. Jannsen and Mrs. Smith; Sunrise Ridgo, Betty Paulin; Highland Shores, Betty Booth, Leon Buss, Mrs. Thurneau, Mrs. Kuntz and Mrs. Hall. The officers for Wonder Lake are: Fund chairman, and publicity, Howard Wenkel; secretary, Lois Weeks; treasurer, Betty Selsdorf; home service, Greta Weisenbeyger and chairman, W. Born. At the Red Cross kick-off luncheon held Sunday, March 3, some forty of the fifty-five workers were in attendance together with Mrs. Phinney, head of the McHenry county chapter; Mrs. Breytspraak (assistant) and Mr. Krumme, county fund chairman. Mrs. Events at Harrison Monday afternoon, March 11, Susan Watkins and Richard Mann were guests again on Bandstand Matinee. They were the winners of the dancing contest the day the seventh and eighth grade students appeared on the program. The winners for several weeks were the guests Monday. Tuesday, March 12, the sixth grade students enjoyed a trip to the Historical museum in Chicago. Their teacher is Mr. Tolson. The first gr^de students received a T.B. skin test Wednesday and the results will be read Friday. The morning of March 14 will see the eighth grade students working hard pver the entrance exams for high school in Mc- Henry. The eighth grade students who aspire to appear on the stage are busy working on a play which they present April 12. Mr. Josserand and Mrs. Peters are the teachers who are directing the play. Mr. Thomas will participate in the Northern Illinois Principal Roundtable in Chicago Saturday, March 16. Resident Passes Away Frank E. Frodin, 72, passed away' March .6 after a sudden illness. He was a resident of Wonder Lake the last nine years. Services were conducted in Chicago by Rev. Richard N. Wright of the Bible church, of which Mr. Frodin was a member, and burial was in Emblem cemetery. Nativity Lutheran Church "The Call of the Faithful" is WATER PUMPS and are our only BUSINESS and cR. afiidayton W&ter Systems We Repair and Sarvica All Mill*# •( Pwnpi Authorized: Red Jackal 6- D«>toa Pump Agency Wells Drilled or Driven Pomps St Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL a PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone T13 the sermon topic chosen by Pastor Schroeder for Sunday, March 17. The Brotherhood of the church will meet on Monday, March 18, at 8 p.m. All men are most welcome to attend. A very interesting program, a live demonstration, "Sun, Sand and Transistors, will be presented by the Bell Telephone company, showing their latest research in the solar battery, plus many other scientific discoveries. The third sermon entiyed, "In Christ, Overcoming Hatred," will be preached at the mid-wec^k Lenten service on Wednesday, evening at 7:45 and everyone is welcome to attend. The series of sermons being presented by the pastor at these services is; 'Living in Christ-," and the theme of these sermons is to relate, through Christ, the spirit of Lent to our daily lives. Bible Church News The ladies of the Missionary guild will meet this Thursday morning, 10:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Gustafson of Wonder Lake. A spring cleaning of all our projects will be attempted. Come help with this task so we may be more effective as the season rolls ahead. Lunch will be served by Mrs. Gustafson. In conjunction with this meeting there will be a surprise Stork shower honoring one of our members, Mrs. M. Dominguez. Saturday evening, March 16, the Married Couples society will be having their annual gathering at the home of the Dan Tomanos of Highland Shores. A good time is planned and refreshments will be served. Also Saturday evening, March 16, our young people of the church and friends will be motoring over to Lakemoor for the Inland Lake Youth Fellowship. Plan to come and see all your old friends and meet new orles. Transportation is being planned by Pastor Wright so contact him if necessary. Cars will leave the church at 6:45 p.m. It is hoped a good representation from the Bible church will be present. A group from Wheaton college will entertain the young people . TTie I.H.A. clubs meet every Sunday evening at the church from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The intermediate and junior girls and boys meet in the church with Mr. Nixon in charge. This group just measured for their friendship rings. Have you yours O/Cgtooystz 'H, Si LOCAL TRADE A 6AY MEW NATOWTHE MEAD IS .A POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR PROPER THOUGHTS INSIDE IT OKI EASTER, DAY F.G. DePAUW ^GENERAL INSURANCE F/5*M AGENCY WORTGAGE PROTECTION RO. B0X40I Z\0 SOUTH GREEN <f/W 1450, mb MCHENRY, ILL. Terms Available Free Estimates Fast & Courteous Service McHen i cements - Gradfeg SAND GRAVEL BLACK DIRT Septic Systems Footings Drain Fields water Lines We Excavate Basements Under Your Present Home Systems Repaired Phone McSfenry 2694 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER HRXPtA FOLLOW \ PROPER DIET-A VJELL BALANCED DIET WITH PLENTY OF THE ESSENTIAL FOOD ELEMENTS AND VITAMINS, INCLUDING VITAMIN A FOR THE EVES. PROPfe EVE CARE is ESSENTIAL "TO TYTE OVERALL GENERAL HEALTH OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Visit yoor eye doctor at- least once a year. Cveryone has periodic check-ups with , fiie dentist, but most people neglect their eues, umich,unlike teeth, cannot be replaced! DON'T STRAIN THE EVES WITH IMPROPER (LIGHT WWLE READIM6, DRIVING", WATCHING TV, OR W BRIGHT SUNUGHT. USE ISOTONIC C0LWRUI [EVEPROPS 10 RELIEVE EVE fATIGOE. Get plenty of rest, "foe eyes, like other organs oi the bodu need rest to (jam renewed strength ifoT the job they 8*t called on to do every day. ltte\p relieve the strain by dosing your eyes ytor several five minute intervals euenj day.^ yet? If not, come and join. All high school age young people meet in the young people's room, with Mr. Tomano in charge. Our annual Jack and Flora day was a success. It was good to see all those who attended and the success was largely due to those ladies who did such a wonderful job of planning the program and lunch. The people of the: Bible church wish to express their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Frodin of Wonder Lake, whose husband, Frank, passed away last Wednesday morning. . Card Group Meets Mrs. Marie Milbrandt was hostess to the Wonder Center group Thursday, March 7. High scores were held by Mrs. Ann Weretka and Mrs. Neva Fuhrer.' Others present were Mesdames June Kiddell, Judy Rasmussen, Lenore Jaeschke, Pat Gallas and Grace Markel. Mrs. Kiddell will be hostess next month. Six dollars was turned over to the Woodstock hospital building fund. CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE -- Our Operators are All Hairstylists -- 200 So. Green Street McHenry, III. Appointments Accepted -- Mon. thru Sat., 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. COLD WAVE PERMANENTS -- $5.00 & up including cut, shampoo and hair set ALL WORK DONE REASONABLY PHONE McHENRY 10 The John VanKanegans of Wonder Center are expecting their son, Jim, to visit them for a short time the end of the week. He is stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Dr. and Mrs. Ruggero have returned from two weeks in northern Michigan. They enjoyed skiing and swimming in a heated outdoor pool at Boyne Mountain lodge near Boyne Falls. A new experience was being on a ferry that cut its way through the ice. On their' return trip they saw their first ballet in Milwaukee and enjoyed it a lot. The doctor "is sporting a tan he acquired while on the skis. Insured Savings: Savings lnvestec in Crystal Loke Savings and Loan Association insured by the Federal Savlnjrs anc* Loan Insurance Corp., and earr 2'/2 per cent plus y2 oent extra. SS-tJ Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Open On Sundays 9 to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY % Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY EMld) STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 3432 -- 2464 -- 5301 FOX RIVER BOAT CO. be an early bird...do jjour Spring Painting MOM! March 14th Thru 23rd Geil ffhese EARLY BIRD specials, Extra Values, Free Gifts! THE WONDER WALL PAINT Lets you paint now with windows closed! e No painty odor, no fumes • Goes on twice as fast with brush or roller I • Dries in 20 minutes! • Washable, durable--176 DRAMATONE COLORS I 59 Value) oi Gallon or vn* 0< for standard colors HIGH TAX STATE Illinois ranked third among states in total amount of the personal income ^>f its residents in 1955, being surpassed only by New York and California, according to the United States Department cf Commerce. On the basis of per capita income, which average $2,- 257 in 1955, and so was well above the national average, Illinois stood in eighth place. Farm income amounted to less than 5 per cent of the total personal income in the Prairie state in 1955. SUMMER TRAINING Hie 33rd infantry divisi<$i off the Illinois National Guard will v take its summer training at Camp Ripley, Minn., July 6-20, according to an announcement by Maj. Gel). Leo M. Boyle, adjutant general. Officers and men of the state headquarters and headquarters detachment and the 32nd nance battalion, all .of will go to Camp Ripley at the same time. * ; Support Volunteers QUfiRTATWt ptfjTPP'te! i@W iPKll lalfDUtiiE Washable semi-gloss eo^mel, for woodwork aod furniture, indoors or out. • Smooth, fast applying--with rollor or brush • Highly washable--Idoal for kiMhons, bathrooms, porch and lawn furniture o DrUs to a velvety ihean, colon match SKR) SATIN Got a quert at the pint price off 51.35 ROCICSPAR VAE r SALE Aff-Putpaio WJTzylm Wialkor-Roiittanf ^ r V A B H I S H Limited time only--buy one can at regular price, get another--same siie--for ONE CENT! • Concentrated for best coverage. • Orles hard overnight. • Use Indooraor out/ We Reserve The Right To Limit 1st GaL $7.15 2nd Gal. *01 1st Qt. $2,19 2nd Qt. .01 Both $7.16 Both $2.20 GLID-TONE WootD Stains ! 62 new pastels and natural J wood tones • Fa«t and easy pt. qt. /u°«TLro $L05 $1.65 FAMOUS irSPJIAY CANS I Ps-s -s-t...it's painted! • Easy painting for hanlto^ rusti surfaces. • Tough, durable surface, Indooraer out on Vour choice of 10 Spl.otf oolon and ultra GLI l S SUPERIOR ENAMEL (WHITE ONLY) Top Quality Non-Yellowing Enamel for Woodwork, Furniture, Bathrooms, Kitchen. Easy to Apply. Reg. Price SALE $8.95 Gal. $5.49 $2.98 Qt. $1.69 FOX RIVER BOAT CO. 120 N. Riverside Drive Phone 454 McHenry' 111. T?r«$tone SPiINC SALE! PASSENGER TIRE SALI Tubed Type 25% OFF Tubeless 20% OFF iOt (2V r.l! ii- 20% OFF ON SNOW & MUD TIRES! T6 FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK TIRES Aj/O Jr. v s. PASSENGER TRUCK TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS -Buy A New Battery Now! FROM $3.00 TO $QQ0 TFadfe-in Allowance For Your Old Battery ; ,:9Vf iidi , - ltd "»ra i. ' V voc, y* tamp mm TRACWi MOW Were oft the m6tt a&ronecd) tractor {Troo over buiftl Tread tan em and tapered ... bito deep, take a nSrsaj/mr grip in any soil. Increase your drawbar putting power, iaty fvot wi Kmt, See the Finite Center Curved Bar Tractor Tire today. £ GET OUR UBSKAl TRADI-M AUOWANCI Fte< FARM NOTEBOOK Handy for iirtg Mconk, information. STOP ; ik m FRM NOTEBOOK McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop PHONE 294 526 W. Main St. McHeory, V •ML. • 1 i| •'r 5 VJL