Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1957, p. 13

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q V f? ^ ^ w ^ J v ™ frg* ft*} * fo 4 < W?^ v ^ ^ ^Ve ^ ** V" ^n- < . ^ * ( t *y^: Thtfrsd£y,March2&, TRS MdREHHT PLAURDEAIafiff McCullom Lake News By Eve Levcsfne *"<§>' Keeping You Posted The big news 'round about, is our local village election, to be t Held Tuesday, April 16. Since it is such a vital issue, we'll be harping on the subject for the next three columns. . In order to vote, you must be a citizen of the United States, „ twenty-one years or older, have resided (1) in the state for a .period of at least one year, (2) win the county for ninety days, and A3) in the village for at lieast ' thirty days. You need NOT be a registered voter. Be sure of YOUR mind's choice, when you mark your ballot -- and not be voicing the opinion of a "so-called friend" and we use the term loosley, or of a neighbor! The polls at the beachhouse will be open from 6 a.m. until 5 Election notices have been posted at Lottie and Gene's Supermart, in front of the beachhouse, on the bulletin board on the Bjork property, Hickory Drive, and in front of the village clerk's home. Proudest Pop Around! Kenneth Ebey III made a dra- «atic entrance into this world on lursday, March 21 -- total weight--8 pounds, 4 ounces. Poppa Ken Ebey, Jr. hasn't finished sewing the buttons on his vest YET! The young lad was bom At Memorial hospital, Woodstock in order to be with his mom, Eleanor who was* conveniently on the premises. Master Ebey will have competition, fighting for his turn to do dishes. Sisters Debby, 4, and Diane, 3, will have priority! . Mother and son came home on * Tuesday, anxious to meet the neighbors. While Eleanor was "lying- in", daddy had assistance with the little gals and the house work from Miss Judy Hocin and Mrs. Lillian Michaels--both very experienced. Walking Wounded Bill Brennan deserves the civilian purple heart for staying on the job while. wounded. Seems as though he "whapped" his left thumb while gainfully employed, and the medics still aren't sure it can be saved! Bill maintains his rosy outlook however, and his genial grin is a boon to all. He admits the yards of bandages are a bit cumbersome. Lil (Scotty) Hansen survived in spite of a freak accident. She drove a nasty old sliver deep in her th%h, which required surgery to remove it. She's hoping the scar won't show, come summer! Helping Hand During a routine tour of duty, patrolling the roads, last Thursday p.m., patrolman Larry Murray and president of the village, Jake Levesque apprehended a speeder. Upon approaching the vehicle, Mr. Murray was informed by the 'teen age driver that he was on the way to town with a friend, Lawrence Dawson of Wonder Lake, who was bleeding profusely from a head wound. The two men provided a police escort for the car and occupants and the victijn was given prompt attention at McHenry hospital. Ladies of the Lake Will meet tonight, (Thursday), March 28 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. After a short business meeting, the social committee will take over the reins. Sounds like a super special time, so please be prompt! Over The Pole Erling Olsen's brother, Ragnar Aule (Erling will explain why the last names differ) arrived in this country via the north pole. Said hi to Santa Claus on the journey. He flew from Norway with stops in -Sweden, Denmark and Green-* land. Then, it was "over the top" of the world -- destination, Los Angeles. The trip ' took about twenty-four hours. Mr. Aule who does not speak «glish, drove from L. A. to Washjton, D. C., enjoying our American scenery all the way. He paused to visit with Erling and the Osterbys last week. He left on Sunday for the east coast. After a brief visit in the capitol city, Mr. Aule will sail for Norway on Tuesday, April 9 on the S. S. Bersensf jord. Truly a memorable adventure. His wife and family will be anxiously awaiting jpis arrival. Chicken or Ham? Take your choice--it's up to you and your marksmanship! The McCullom Lake Sportsmen's club will hold a trap shoot at the range located on the Granger property on Sunday, April 7. Prizes for skill will include hams and chickens. Worth trying for! East Reminder Before that April 1 deadline. Car and pet owners must display village vehicle stickers and canines must be adequately tagged. You have until Monday morning to follow the letter of the law. Violators of the village ordinance will be prosecuted. The village clerk is located.on the west end of Fountain Lane and her home is on the north side of the street. Remember--ignorance of the law is no excuse. Do it now! Long Time--No Play The Wednesday afternoon pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Davidsen last week. It has been almost a year since the ladies have been able to get together. On hand were Mrs. Ethel Smith of McHenry, Mrs. Henrietta Donkel, Mrs. Irene Sales, Mrs. Louise Berquist and Mrs. Edna Thorp. Mr. Helge (Dave) Davidsen filled in for Mrs. Mary Lekowitch who was visiting in Indiana. None of the playetfs had any earth shattering "hands" such as one thousand aces or a double run, but it was fun! They've promised each other they will try and meet at least once a month. Mrs. Carrie Kurth of McHenry who usually plays with the group, has been hospitalized since undergoing surgery last week. The latest report is that she was to come home on Sunday. Do hope she will be feeling tip-top soon. Surgical Patient Mrs. Julia Hecht, who has been confined to Memorial hospital, Woodstock for quite some time, IT YOURSELF AND fU^lTEl Top Quality LOWEST PricM T I L E ' Wall Tile at W/& sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERGANTS $ai>is0,J cm tyaAm PHONE RICHMOND 4108 Located on Johnsburg Rd., 8% miles North of Johnsbaig (About 2'A miles North of Sunnyslde Estates) McHENRY TOPICS Glenn Paulsen by Recently, for the third time I put a new bulb into the left headlight of my car. --The right one has never "burned-oyt. It occurred to me that the reason for this might be a good explanation to you folks who wonder why a single tube in a TV set might have been replaced several times over a period of time, and others might never have worn-out. The big reason is that all tubes like bulbs are made Minder production methods to Told down costs. And although good inspection methods are used in today's manufacturing, there are misses. This is the Allan McEIob reason our parts and tubes al} carry substantial guarantees from the factory. Another is that certain parts are inclined to have more wear because of the condition of the individual set. At McHENRY TV we often can run this difficulty^! down and correct it, but sometimes it cannot be practically done because of set construction. By phoning 22^3 for service, we'll not only satisfy you with our services, but we'll explain them so you will know exactly what you are paying for. MeHENRY TV PHONE 2233 On April 1, 1957 we will be at our new location at ' 522 W. Maim St. " ' " ' • underwent surgery on Monday for a skin graft on her leg. This old injury has caused Julia a great deal of pain and inconvenience and we sincerely hope this operation will cure her troubles. She will be hospitalized for ten days after the surgery so there is still time to drop her a cheery card at the hospital. Or send it to her home. She will appreciate it very much, we know. Hard Luck, Wyn Sorry we were to hear that Wyn Pietsch who has always been willing to cheer others with his music is in poor health. He has been a patient at Memorial hospital, Woodstock for treatment and observation. How about a "stmshine shower" of cards -for him, too? Those hospital walls get mighty drab when you have to watch them for any length of tiipe. New Business Venture Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith are back in the restaurant business. They completed the transactions last week and became proprietors Of a McHenry restaurant. We understand there are redecorating plans in the offing and the place will-be called the Lamplighter-- cute ,huh? Only One--And What Fan!! But what a party for wee little Jimmy Dean Hocin on Wednesday, March 20. Mama Sally baked him a chocolate cake for the occasion and presented it to the young lad! And then the fun began! Sally had his picture taken with all the "goo," of course! The beautiful bakery cake she served was for the enjoyment of the guests. Jimmy was admired and "coo-ed over' 'by Mrs. Bertha Lee, Grandma Rognstad, Bernice and Diane Bjork, Mrs. Betty Escola and daughters Sharon and Vicky, Mrs. Charlotte Reinbolt and Gwen, Mrs. Jan Oker and baby and Mrs. Harry Dean all of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Huart of Bensonville, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hocin of Chicago. Grandma Kachinovas who lives with the Hocins was so proud of her youngest grandson. The tiny tot was deluged with gifts of toys, clothing, and money. Sally and Tony had their hands full, providing refreshments for the afternoon and a big dinner Was served in the evening. Sportsmen's Club The watershed and lake committees put in plenty of back breaking labor re-opening the two streams which empty into the lake, last weekend. There is an engineering problem involved' in trying to utilize the artesian well near Lakeland subdivision. The difficulty stems from the fact that the well is eight feet below the beach line and the project would involve running pipe a distance of 1500 feet. The pipe line would have to go over an 8 to 10 foot rise. Wouldn't it be a miracle if someone could come up with an ingenious plan for utilizing this fresh water INTO the lake instead of letting it run away? A good flow of water has already raised the lake fourteen inches ! We still need more, for a good clean lake. Verbal orchids to hard working fellows like LarrV Strandquist, chairman, Elmer Tiiorp, and all the other grand guys .who have their hearts in this vital lake project. We can do our part by purchasing a five dollar a year membership in the club. Remember-- it takes money to accomplish anything! the young lady stage. This sweet miss was nine on Sunday, March 24.. Kathy Schlitt who • celebrated her birthday yesterday, Wednesday, March 27 was still bedded -with^\»r<is flu on Monday. We hope by now that she is up and about. Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Olseb ventured to McHenry on Sunday to help grandson, Alan Randall Olsen celebrate his ninth birthday. Shirley and Art loaded the dinner table with tempting goodies, ably assisted by Karen and Butch . v Ma Olsen is coming along fine after her recent heart attack, but her activities are still very limited. Congrats To Matie and Herman Langerbeck who marked forty - four happy years of matrimony on Friday, March 22. Anne Matthesius admits to voting age. Her natal day was Sunday, March 24. Hubby Freddy gifted her with a gorgeous pearl and rhinestone bracelet! Paul Nitz put in a long day dispensing steaks and chops to commemorating his birthday, on Friday, March 22. Mark Hansen was nine years old on Tuesday, March 26 and little brother Guy will be three on Saturday, March 30. Miss Nancy Burg is getting to Mr. and Mrs. James Patzke and daughter, Sandy, moved recently from McHenry into - their new home at McCullom Lake. Mr. Patzke built the house himself, with some assistance from friends and relatives. Although they haven't met many of their neighbors, Jim and Lona already feel right at home in the community. Spring can't be far away, with all the robins and other birds singing so merrily . Bye, by for now, see you next week! NEW "DISEASE" Gov. William G. Stratton, addressing a meeting of the Illinois State Medical society at Springfield last week, declared that the present "reckless, hazardous, death dealing traffic situation" is a disease. The governor called attention to his recent recommendation for General Assembly enactment of a law which would require reports from physicians who find in their patients physical or mental defects which would make them bad risks as drivers. As a sampling of what might be found if such a law were passed, Gov. Stratton pointed to the reports covering 51 cases referred to the Psychiatric Institute in Chicago by that city's traffic courts. These reports showed nine cases of mental illness; three of mental deficiency; ten of personality disorders and two of senility. Three of tfye persons involved were suffering from epilepsy, five were chronic alcoholics and one was subject to diabetic coma. 1 ' l l l l U l l l H I H I l I H M I I SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund Few husbands have the courage to beat their wives as much as 3260 points in a bridge game. New Construction •r ^modeling Masonry and Frame Homes J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. . c/w General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCBLLOM LAKE, ILL. Phop|i McHenry 2171 X" *i»?»S,'?-S"3"Ii .ft.;. The Lotus Country Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Russel Rudolph on March 6. All responded to roll call with a quotation from Dickens. A nominating committee was appointed tO nominate officers for the presidency and corresponding secretary for a term of two years. Retiring officers are Mrs. William Shotliff. President and Mrs. Lester Sledschlag as corresponding secretary. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund have moved to their new home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wagner, recent newlyweds are occupying the flat in the Del Smith home vacated by the Joe Freunds. .Congratulations to the children of St. Peter's school for the wonderful results achieved in their magazine drive. Hie children sold over $1000 worth of magazine subscriptions. The money earned will help pay for the new piano just recently .purchased for the school. The nuns and pupils of St. Peter's are grateful to those who helped in this drive. Misses Donna and Diane May, Charlotte Freund and Sonia Komar went out to dinner last Sunday to celebrate Donna's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff and Mrs. Alice Wagner visited Mrs. Laura Harrtson, Alice's sister, in Rockford on Sunday. Mrs. Russel Rudolph was hostess to the members of the Birthday club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes for high scores in cards went to Mrs. Frank May. Mrs. Leo Karls, Mrs. Harms and Mrs. Frank Tinney. Refreshments were served. Miss Peggy Smith celebrated her birthday on Saturday by inviting schoolmates and friends to her home for a party. Games were played and a lovely lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern and Richie visited her sister in Indiana Sunday. Members of the Holy name society of St. Peter's enjoyed an evening of bowling at Johnsburg alleys on Sunday. Services at St. Peter's church will be held every Wednesday night at 8:00. Visiting priests from neighboring parishes will deliver the sermon and conduct the services. There are also Stations of the Cross every Friday afternoon at 3:00 . A free press is vital to the liberty of any people and when you see governments surpressing freedom of speech, you witness a government that is getting ready to rule without regard to the wishes of the majority. ' '4f i-y^v • TiItritiiiilwt b ^pi COOKS CORNER By Marie Schaettgen „ mi!|:j!l!i]tilflllii!I!tlli:i:iII!liLI1tl>iJili|i|li;iir£l!illlDI!llllElinnBI Lent isr with us once more and ^ the housewife is begnining to look •' around for different ways to serve : fish. Try this. Halibut is available at most markets. 2 lb. slice of halibut pieces of butter salt and pepper flour , 1 slice onion 2 slices carrot cut in pieces bit of bay leaf 1 sprig parsley Cut gashes in top of fish and insert piece of butter in each gash. Place on fish baking sheet (parchment paper or foil). Sprinkle with salt pepper and dredge with flour. Place on dripping pan. Cover bottom of pan with water mixed with parsley, onion, carrot and bay leaf. Bake 50 minutes in 350 degree oven basting with liquor in pan. Call For Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed • 2 oven corn pertinents, automatic oven timer • RofcMSpSIB rotissorie for ba^yeS-sizo ber&ecuas J SupQc 2S00" CsiSced® for ffostfost cooking ever • Colos^byMi pushbuttons for completely avtom@9k cooking PUSHBU JN Ml€f 81C RAHM " The giant Super Oven's big enough to cook a complete meal lor 24--can even roast a 40-lb. turkey! New, extra Thrift Broiler! Rateable Deep-well Thrift Cooker--new silver-grey porcelain oven lining--high-speed Super Calrod® range-top units--timing clock-Minute Minder choice of 5 colors or white. RAY EL "YOUR APPLIANCE DEALERS" 516 W. Main St PHONE 882 McHenry, Illinois tfORWlCK'S STUDIO and Camera Center Fine Portraiture Commercial- Photography WEDDINGS CHILDREN FAMILY GROUPS Cameras Bought, Sold ft Exchanged Films & Photo Supplies View Masters & Reels Light Meters - Albums * Frames Color Films Processed See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 11? N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 215 f t YOU CAN PROFIT BY OUR HIGHER DIVIDEND RATE Every dollar you save with us means increased income and added dividends for you. Open your savings ac- {@yrt with us today. Add to it Fegularly and resp a harvest of higher earnings. SAVE BY.MAIL! Marengo Federal SavMinGaSs ASSOCLIAOTAIONN MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St , Phoso JOidu 8*72SB TOTAL ASSETS OVER 7 k SAfiTT SPECIMEN BALLOT Election of Village Officers, Village of McCullom Lake, McHenry County, Illinois. To be held Tuesday, April 1$, 1957 at the Beach Hous*. > EMMA B. PYRITZ, Village Clerk PROGRESSIVE PARTY FOR VILLAGE PRESIDENT OLOCAL PARTY • • Arthur J. Stuhlfeier FOR VILLAGE CLERK Emma Pyrits • • F<^R VILLAGE PRESIDENT Joseph R. Levesque FOR VILLAGE CLERK Betty K. Ppledna FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE • Victor Howe • Paul R. Nits • • • FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEES (Vote for Six) tWilliam E. Creuts John T. Boyle Edward Hammerstein, Sr 1 1 Edward Listop • Donald J. Parent! • Roy C. Zody • • . • • • • FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEES (Vote for Six) Joseph J. Crick Fred H. Matthesius Clayton O. Nelson Frank H. Passalaqua Eugene J. Piotrowski Robert W. Smith

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