I ^ . - .. ... .. r' . ... ' . -.: REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED •f • .• 'vv- ^ it i 111**'-Hi*; II#' wmmsmmm n\^ * ft; t ^ «£ HELP WANTED . MAN WANTED--Apply in person at Pitzen's Nursery, corner of Route 120 & Wilson Road, Round Ldke after 6 p.m. 48 • CAPABLE and reliable woman Wanted for general housework. Call McHenry 419. 48 >•*. Printer Wanted Union or eligible >%*ays, $112.50 per week. Insurance Benefits MR. &LAREN, BUSINESS CARD, Inc. 4.717 Sheridan Rd. No. Chicago Phone 'DExter 6-2200 48 MAN to take care of yard in spare time. Phone McHenry 461. ' 48 WAITRESS .to help out on Sundays. Apply in person. Johnson's Snack Shop 216 S. Green St. 48 FOB SALS?-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE ILQT8 -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Reap McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-4 v 42-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale: Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides additional in- «j come. Gall Wonder Lake 5654. 44*tf 2 BEDROOM HOME, expandable upstairs; 2 car garage, near Churches, schools and shopping. Phone 113-W. 44-tf PISTAKEE BAY. Six room house with modern mahogany stainless steel and copper kitchen, built-in oven, gas stove, mix master and hood fan. Two full baths. Gas heat. Knotty Cedar recreation room with 6 stool bar. Utility room. Workshop and two-car garage. On lot 100 x 100 with beacn and pier rights. Reasonable -- Phone 1307. 44*tf FOR SALE McHENRY--4 bedroom home, garage. Lot 99 x 198, near church, schools and shopping district. Price only $13,500.00 Young Married Man Ranted for truck maintenance & tire plant work. Must be willing to work nights. High wages -- steady employment. Apply in person. Marticke & Nixon Inc. 311 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 48 OLDER WOMAN; steno; must be alert and sober; also have car; references. Address Box 251 in care of Plaindealer. 48 OFFICE POSITIONS FEMALE JEWEL - BARRINGTON vfr FOR Full time, Permanent Assignments in our "new division Clerks fypists Stenographers Comptometer Operators Immediate"" or for placement in the next few weeks. Exceptional employee benefits Fine working conditions Company Cafeteria Come in or call Howard Stiefemhoefer JEWEL TEA CO., Inc. ft Barrington, Illinois Phone Barrington 600 48 * TRUCK DRIVER wanted for Local Cleaners. Apply in person 206 So. Green St., McHenr^. 48 RICHMOND--2 bedroom home, room for 2 additional robms on 2nd. Full basement. Large lot. Price $16,000.00 LAKELAND PARK -- 5 room home, tile bath. Full basement. Large porch, 2 years old -- Price $14,500.00 SUNNYSIDE--Overlooking Pistakee Lake. 3 bedroom home, full basement, garage, one year old. $18,800.00 New 3 bedroom home. Ceramic tile bath, garage. Near intersection of Rt. 31 & Johnsburg Rd $18,000.00 2 bedroom home, completely modernized. Gas heat, 60 ft. from Fox ftiver beach lot. Near Johnsburg. Price reduced to $10,800.00 JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg -- Phone McHenry 37 46-tf LANDSCAPED, new two bedroom home overlooking beautiful Pistakee Lake. Many outstanding features. Priced to sell. Phone 844-M-2 after 5 p.m. or weekends. 48 To Meet Our Buyers' Needs we urgently require listings in all types of Residential, , River and Suburban property. McHenry Realty 532 Main Street Phone 268 40-tf PISTAKEE BAY 8 room home. Very choice waterfront location on Bay View Lane Rd., north end, off Big Hollow Rd. Owner, Mr. Mann, will show Saturday and Sunday or write c/o Plaindealer. Box 250. 48 REAL ESTATE 2 Bedroom Ranch $12,000 8 Bedroom Ranch 12,000 3 Bedroom in McHenry 11,900 3 Bedroom Deluxe Ranch 22,000 4 Bedroom 2 story 9,500 5 Bedroom Deluxe Ranch 25,000 Deluxe Brick 2 story 22,000 2 Bedroom Ranch Best Offer 2 Bedroom Ranch 10,000 3 Bedroom Ranch in town 11,500 2 Bedroom 7,500 3 Bedroom 2 story town 13,000 3 Bedroom Ranch 10,000 5 Bedroom Colonial 20,000 Tavern 23,000 For Further Information Call Airspun Builders and Real Estate McHENRY 430 47-tf FOR SALE in McHenry on Rt. 31, just 300 feet from Lonnie Smith's garage south, 4 acres of choice land, 300 ft. frontage, 800 ft. deep, all fenced in, zoned for business. Ideal spot for a motel or Tasty Freeze drive-in. Beautiful shade trees. A bargain for quick sale. For more information call Chicago BE 5-9736 on vyeek days, or McHenry 2234 weekends. 48 REAL ESTATE $13,500.00 buys* {his scarce two bedroom home. Has 60 foot river frontage. Living room, kitchen & dining area. Tiled bath. Expandable attic, porch. Gas -heat. 1% garage. Pier. Access of 128 miles of boating, bathing and fishing. McHenry Realty, 53? Main, McHenry, 111. Phone 268 or 1046-J. 48 PERMANENT home for sale; * 3 miles S. of McHenry overlooking Fox river; Calif, contemporary style; 4 bedrooms; 1% baths; automatic oil heat; cabinet kitchen; wood paneled ceiling in living rbom; all windows thermopane; aluminum screens; modernfold closet doors; car port with storage area; poured concrete foundation. Situated on large corner lot. $17,500; low down payment to responsible party. Call JUstice 7-2471 before 6 p.m. or JUstice 7-4521 after 6 p.m. (F6x Lake). 47-3 PROFESSIONALLY remodeled, completely replastered home overlooking Fox River. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths (all new fixtures), new cabinet kitchen, large living and dining area, garage in basement, hot water heat, 2 bedrooms down, upstairs suitable for separate living quarters or rental if desired. Offered for quick sale at $13,500. Terms $2,000 down, 5% interest. Call June or Howard McDowell, McHenry 1169-M representatives for H. D. Olsen Co., Waukegan, 111. 48 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO babysitting in my home anytime. Pick up and deliver. Call Wonder Lake 5922. 48 WANTED 6 ROOM year round home, 3 bedrooms, 1*6 baths, on large lot. On Johnsburg Church road. Phone 617-J-l. 45-4 YOU ARE INVITED to take advantage of our modern efficient selling serVice. In the next few weeks, we anticipate a great demand for homes in the McHenry area, especially waterfront located. Call on us at your convenience. Fn0W* Phone 1126 210 3c. Green St 48 {% Opening of the McHENRY DAW Thursday, April 4th Located on Route 120, East of Bridge Come and have your favorite treat of v DAIRY FROST in the low calorie, soft serve cream. FRESH FRUIT • MALTS , • SHAKES • FLOATS • SUNDAES and Hot Sandwiches f Coney Island Hot Dogs Beef Burgers Barbeques Mason Contractors BandL Builders off New OonstraactSss) and RemoieSteg' e@f PHOKE 409 *B-BEg3PfiHG, Owner INCOME PROPERTY--Tavern & restaurant. 3 apartments, fastest growing area in Illinois. Approximately 1 acre of business zone property, fronting on 3 main hwy intersection. Gateway to all Lake resorts. Call Mundelein 6-9624 or 6-6726. • *48 WANTED painting, yard work, home maintenance or what h^ve you? Phone 797-R. *48-4 WANTED -- lawns to mow after school and weekends. Phone 718. *46-48 Wanted INSURED SAVINGS « Savings invested In Crystal . Lake Savings and Loan Aasoo» iation are insured by tobe Fed* eral Savings and Loon Insurance Corp,, and earn ' phis %% extra. 8S-tt WANTED, real -estate' listing of any kind. Houses, lots, farms,; acreage, business and business properties and river properties. T. E. Howe, 85 Gates St., Crystal Lake, phone Crystal Lake 495. •4*3 WANTED TO BUY WANTS) TO RENT WANT GARAGE space 15' x 30* minimum with 10 x 10 doorway for 2 year lease. Phone McHenry 245 after 5 p.m. *46-4 WANTED: housekeeping roOm or room with kitchen privileges for elderly woman, located in or close to town. Write Mrs. Albert Boo re 12Q7 Church St., Glenview, 111. *47-2 RESPONSIBLE family wants modern 3 bedroom home by June 1. $150 to $200 per. month. Ph. McHenry 2180, 47tf LOST AND FOUND -*r- 9IVBR: THE SENATOR SAYS By State Senator Robert McClory educational value, these meetings* W£W ARMY RESERVE [develop friendships and provide! LOST -- keys in brown folder. Lost either in Richmond or at Fox Lake Depot. Phone Richmond 5118, Mrs. Miller. 48 LOST SINCE March 10th, blonde Cocker puppy. Child's pet. Reward, Phone McHenry 1236-W. 48 MISCELLANEOUS MOOSE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, 111. 19tf HAS YOUR DRINKING become a problem? Men, women, if so write Alcohol to Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. MeettngB every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf " 'Tis Spring" Weather permitting our driving range wilj now be open for daylight play. If you are anxious to loosen those muscles and swing a club, drive out some afternoon to test your ability. Hi-Ho Golf Range Hghwy. 120--2 mi. E. of McHenry McHenry, 111. 46-6 WORK RUBBERS -- TRY ROTH SHOES. 118 So. Green St. 48 New members of the Illinois General Assembly don't know very much about lawmaking. This vdoes not mean that the seventy-eight new members in both houses of our State legislature are not valuable, nor that they will not serve well. But, at the outset, the new experience is quite overwhelming. Until about fourteen years ago, a new legislator was "on his own" when he arrived in Springfield. He learned by observing and froffi his own mistakes. In fact, he was expected to remain practically mute, during his first session, in the hope that he would learn just by "looking on." This was changed after Noble W. Lee, Dean of the John Marshall law school of Chicago, was elected to the Illinois House in 1942. Representative Lee, himself a profound student of American history and of the American political system, decided that new members of the state legislature should be "schooled" in their new jobs. Accordingly, he organised meetings of "firsttermers" to acquaint the newly elected legislators with our state government and with their functions and prerogatives as lawmakers. This year, when more than thirty per cent of the members are without # any previous legis-v lative experience, the school for new legislators was of extreme importance. The classes, which consisted of five dinner meetings, have been held and the new members have now been "graduated." At the first meeting, the new members met with Gov. Strattoiv Lt. Gov. Chapman, Speaker of the House Warren Wood, Presi-, dent pro tem Arthur J. Bidwell of the Senate, and the majority leaders and minority leaders of both the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives. The governor's legislative program has already been announced. But, the position of the governor in our system, his aims and purposes, indeed his function in the legislative process-- including his veto power-- became clear as the new members learned about these subjects straight from the governor's own mouth. Rep. Jack Bairstow of Waukegan and the writer assisted Rep. Noble W. Lee in arranging the 1957 new members meetings. The whole program is voluntary and informal. Each new member pays his own share of the cost of the dinners. In addition to their the basis for understandings which are invaluable to all-- ih the important business of law-making for the people of Illinois. Goohl Come* by Marie Schaettgen 1% 1 3 Here is a simple fish loaf good during Lent or any Friday. It is tasty and can be quickly prepared. Salmon Loaf With Cheese 2 cups canned salmon, drained and flaked cups grated eheese egg well beaten tbsp. milk 1 tbsp. melted butter % tsp. salt few grains pepper cracker or bread crumbs Combine ingredients using enough crumbs to obtain stiff mixture. Shape in loaf in baking pan. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake in moderately hot oven until golden brown. Serve hot. A thin cream or white,sauce may be served with it. PROGRAM WENT EFFECT APRniStr The new Army reserve progfaffi whiqji took tffect on April 1 wift give a break to men between the ages of 17 to 13 ^2 in the- way of reduced years to be spent lit weekly training and summer camp, it was announced by th$ • U. S. Army recruiting service al 13 S. Spring street, Elgin./ Under the old program, men ill that age category who enlisted in the Reserve, had an eight-yeaqf obligation. Six months of this time was spent on active duty training and the remaining seven and a half years in the ready reserve which called for a minimum of forty-eight meetings and fifteen days camp tours each year. Although the new program still calls for the eight-year obligation, the last four and a half years will now be spent in the standby reserve which doesn't require weekly meetings or yearly camp tours. This means only six months active duty and three years of weekly ' meetings and yearly camps. DRIVE WITH CARE! VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAT, NEAR McHENRY Home for fhe Aged SENILE .... BED PATIEVTS PHONE McHENBY 461 ONE HOUR CLEANING! With our new equipment, we are pleased to anounce that any cleaning brought to our store can be picked up, ready to wear, in one hour at no increase in price! LOCAL CLEANOS 206 So, Green Si Phone 20 McHenry, Illinois TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf BY OWNER, 4 room year round home, at McCullom Lake. Automatic gas heat. Can be bought on contract. Full pric£ only -- $7200. Phone 2726. ' 48 $12,500.00 BUYS this brand new two bedroom ranch type home; large living room with dining area. Bath, roomy kitchen. Open breezeway and patio; one car garage. Lot 100' x 400'. Big enough to beautify, small enough for easy care. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., McHenry, 111. Phone 268. 48 GROOMS -- SCRAP iron and metal. Phone 584-R-l. 44-tf WANTED TO RENT ADV. MANAGER for Panogen, Inc., Ringwood, with wife & family (girls aged 8 & 4) wants to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home in Wonder Lake area. Long or short term basis. May 1 or June 1 occupancy. Phone Wonder Lake 4422 or write Box 249 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 48 HENRY EDGERTON NEW SECRETARY OF FARM BUREAU Henry K. Edgerton, 36, is the new secretary of organization for the McHenry County Farm Bureau. He has a Southern Wisconsin farm background and has been employed at Shullburg, Wis., with a Farm Bureau cooperative for 2Vz years. Edgerton's acceptance of the important position as manager administratdr for the farm morgan ization was announced by Charles Weingart, president of the Farm Bureau. He reported Monday April 1, Weingart added, succeeding Virgil R. Smith, who resigned early this month to accept a position in the investment business. SMALL furnished apartment or house in McHenry or Johnsburg. Phone 1765-R. »48 "TW. fef' the cost is high--a lot higher than any of us can afford to pay. Bat fortunately one needn't drag along with "half-way*' health. Call on your Doctor to*help you. Accept his care and counsel. We'll play our part, of course, by carefully compounding the prescriptions he writes. BOL@II°S Drag Store PHONE 40 108 S. Green St. McHenry, DI. Our cust tell us whit a nder faint this is! r $2.05 ql. $6.29 gal. We've never sold a paint that brought so many compliments from our customers. 8PREB SHUNWHO WOE3E5EM CPAS Biff § Toutd be amazed If you could hear the enthusiastic comments we get about Spred SAWN. Here are a few of the things people say: •Mmi main tho Km Hint.' 'I InbM o bedroom In a couplo •f hour*." "No lap* or bniitimartn." mW««hM pwfoctly." POX RIVER BOAT CO. PHONE 454 120 'No. Riverside Dr. 1 SPRING SALE! froi "7a6e tymn the ONLY COMPLETE LINE FARM TRACTOR TIRES The Sensational fimfon* ©PEW 'SINTER CURWii) BAH RACTOR TIRE Fie Famous Patented TRACTION CENTER e U l ^ S D I A TRACT©! RE AS3ENGER TIRE SALE! TUBED TYPE TUBELESS 25% OFF 20% OFF BUY A NEW BATTERY NOW! FBOM $3.00 TO TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TRUCK TIR1 25<ft ©OFF McHENRY TIRE MART 526 Vf. Main Street Walt FreuncL Prop. PHONE 294 ti&k&itt. Illinois m