Thursday, April 19, 1957 ? . ^ &::0 t $#iA <k ' • *- 15 "1 ' " „'t4 V» . ,4 " J *• v - • *"• * ' s THE McHENRYPLAINDEALER 4 /'J ' Page Etarap J Richmond Community News Phyllto Carlson School Election e educational tax Ate will be raised because at the election last Saturday a good many of /qu voted. In the high school district, the vote was 293 to 212 in favor of the new rate and in the grade school district the vote was 188 to 114 in favor. We think one of the nicest things is that many more people voted this time than they did in Novembfj^ for in the grade school district the proposal was defeated by a vote of 81 to 69, a total of 150 votes. This time 302 people Voted. Now we can feel that come nefct fall our kids will not have to give up some of the things wh'.ch we have come to take for granted. This time all the voting took place at the liigh school, which seemed a more convenient way of voting. We hope you all took a iofck at the sheet posted on the office window when you went to vote. The salaries of the school employees certainly don't rate favorably with hourly rated factory workes, nor with many other kinds of laborers. To the high school board were elected Jerome Miller and Virgil Popenhagen. To the grade school beard were 6&fcted Roland Jackson, Eleanor Runyard and John Wilson. Women's Council speaker Miss Davison, speaker at last week's meeting of the Women's council of the Community church, was well received and was a most Vfcteresting speaker. She told of , ner European trip with entyfive churchwomen to England, France, Italy, etc. She visited the <»sa Mia center in Naples, Italy, where the people are learning many useful things--child care, sewing, and cleanliness. Here, too, the hungry are fed nutritious food. Guests from churches in Ringwood, Hebron and Genoa City came to hear Miss Davison speak. At the meeting were displayed many items which the Friendly 4^'rvice group of the Comrrun'ty church have been making. There were children's dresses, slips, sissy blouses, skirts, jeans and baby comforters. These items were made for the Indian Community House in Chicago, where nelp is given in the re-location of Indiaus. Ironing board covers were made for the Negro pillard University dormitory at New Orleans. Incidentally, the Friendly Service group will meet again for a sewing session on May 1. Also shown at the meeting were layettes made'by the Good Fellowship group for the Casa Mai Center in Italy. At the end of Miss Davison's talk, cupcakes, nuts, minis and coffee were served. Mrs. W. Gardner and Mrs. Samuelson .poured. With articles listed as made for various places please list: Soakers for a foundling home were also made by some of the ladies. Cub Pack Meeting On Monday evening of last week, the Cub pack met at the high school. There, the charter was presented by Phil Lavalle, Scout executive for this area, to Bob Lindbloom, P.T.A. representative on the Cub Scout committee. Each den put on an Indian skit or stunt and dressed as Indians. TTiere were as many versions of Indian costumes as there were boys and everyone had a good time. Den 2 had worked hard on scenery, a canoe, a campfire, a teepee and woodland scenes. Refreshments were served in the Community room by the fathers of Den 2. The theme for this month is "Swiss Family Robinson." The boys are looking forward to pretending they are shipwrecked and have to build shelters and find food to eat. Den mothers would appreciate any old wood you have to donate to the cause. Nurses Capped Friday evening, Carolyn Jacobson and Bonnie Condon of the class of '56 of R.B.C.H.S. were capped at the hospital in Aurora where they are receiving thlir nurses' training. Band and Chorus At the district contest held *n Evanston a week ago Saturday, the chorus received a second class rating and the band received a third class rating. Busch, Tom Jessie, Diana Winn, John Vierke, Richard Smith, Bruce Sebo, Daw . ; Harri8t and Ran Manka. v ' I CLARENCE'S SHOP Lawn furniture, swings, tables, trellises; flower and sand boxes, etc. AJ1 kinds of plywoods and wall paneling, garage, house and combination doors. Colored patio blocks, splash blocks, chimney caps, eess pool covers, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH Phone McHenry 1515-J Johnsburg, 111. A Perfect Easter Gift Petit-Point Jacq in Pure Silk Here are the newest colorings, the latest stylings in pure silk by Wilson Brothers. These rich-looking ties are full length for Windsor knots. Order several* and give your spirits a lift! $2oo « Other Wilson Ties $1.50 to $2.50 McGee's store for men 117 So. Green St. PHONE 47 McHenry, DL Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon Boys and Girls State This year's delegates to Girls State is Sue Johonnott. Her alternate is Verna Milder. She will be sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary. The delegates to fepys State are Dave Harris and" ,John Vierke. Their alternates are Bob Swartzloff and Jack Arseneau. They will be sponsored by the American Legion and the Rotary club. It" is indeed an "honor to be selected as delegate to Boys atid Girls State and we offer our congratulations to those students selected. It just goes to show that all our 'teen-agers are not delinquents. In fact, sometimes the kids are so good that we have heard it is difficult to make a decision and choose only one or two. Church News Paim Sunday was a big day in the churches in town. The morning service was well attended at the Community church, where the junior choir sang. Twenty-seven children tinder the direction of Mrs. Walter Pretzman presented the music of the morning. Sunday evening, the senior choir of the Community church, under the direction, of Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer, presented an Easter cantata, "Man of Galilee." The cantata was based on traditional Latin-American melodies and the choir and soloists did well. After the contata, a reception for the choir was given in the church basement. ; t At Grace church on J*alm Sunday morning, twenty-three adults were received into the church as a result of the Evangelism Mission Week hetyj in February. It was with great joy that some of the long time members of the church witnessed the service of confirmation, for that is the largest number of people received into the church at any one time in the history of. the congregation. The new members are Miss Joan Blackman, George Schultz, Miss Emily Austin, Mr. and- Mrs. Marvin Josephspn,' Lawrencf Josephson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knowlton, Mrs. Donald Madden, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rek.enthaler, Mrs. Anna Wettengel, Mr." and Mrs. L Duescher, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hudson, Dr. and Mrs. Hans Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kressman, Mrs. Henry Lawniczak and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindholm-- Holy Thursday evening at 8 pjn., there will be a Communion service and the reception of new members at the Community church. On Holy Thursday evening, there will be a service' of Holy Communion at Grace church at 8 p.m. On Good Friday afternoon, there will be a service at the Communiity church from 1 to 3 p.nx The service will be divided, into thre<5 parts. Soloists for the Service? are Frances Wood, Jean^fc Gardner and Robert Gardner. ' At 8 p m. on Good Friday a service. "The All-Atoning Sacrifice." will be held at Grace Lutheran church, with Pastor Carlson speaking on the Seven Words from the Cross. On Easter Day, the Community church will have a sunrise service at 6 a.m., at which time the junior choir will sing. After the service, Easter breakfast will be served to members of the choir by the Evening Star group. The second service munity church will be with the senior choir singing. At Grace Lutheran church, the sunrise service will be held at 6:30 a.m., with the unveiling of the Cross which will be veiled on Good Friday ^afternoon. The second service, the festival service of Grace church will be held at 11 a.m. on Easter day, After the festival service, there will be a service of Holy Communion for those un&ble to attend on Holy Thursday. Next Wednesday, The Good Fellowship group of 'the Community church will meet the church at 1:45 p.m. The group will hold a short business meeting, after which they will . be the guests of the Christian service group. Birthdays Last week, Diane Gargaro, Marilyn Miller and Phil Dammier celebrated their birthdays. Sunday, Bob Howe and David Carlson celebrated their birthdays. David celebrated with a wiener roast supper for four boys--Leo Blackman, Gerry Swartzloff, Gary Steinke and Billy Arsenau. David is 10 years old now. Rotary News The rural-urban night at rotary was successful, with fifty-two present. Everyone ate well of the meal prepared by the Eastern Star. This week, Jim Johnson is in charge of the program and is planning to have the county sheriff Harry Herendeen, speak. " There is an attendance contest >n between the Richmond and McHenry Rotary clubs. Three Rotarians had birthdays within a week. Doc Harris celebrated Saturday, Pro May on Monday and Pete Ehorn has one today. Congratulations, gentlemen! Easter Monday to visit different kinds of churches in Chicago. Senior Youth Fellowship The Senior Youth Fellowship group is planning to take a trip Here and There The women of Grace church will hold a rummage sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at the village hall. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. Stanley Madden missed several days of school because of the measles. Mrs. Olga Madden had a wedding shower recently for her son and daughter-in-law, Pat and Donald Madden. Shower guests were all relatives of the Maddens. Jim Harris was home from the University of Illinois last weekend. He came home to see Bonnie Condon capped. Pastor and Mrs. H. Carlson had an informal reception at the parsonage Friday evening for the new members and their spouses. Twenty-three people attended. Florida Bound Helen Strandquist leaves today for Miami, Florida. She will accompany her son Larry Jr. and family to visit her other son, Wayne, who is stationed at the Navy base there. Have a good time, H^len. - * Callers' Saturday at Mrs. Cora Stewart's home were John Siebert of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Kahlstorf from Woodstock. The P.T.A. presented a very interesting program at its April meeting. Mrs. Cecelia Glowe spoke on the topic "Seeing Eye." She has adjusted to being blind very beautifully and gave a full account of her situation. She is the sister of Mr. Cotone, the music teacher. Sanitary District Award The village of Richmond was awarded the Springfield sanitary district Wesley B. Walraven memorial trophy for operation of the best Class "D&E" plants in the state of Illinois. This award will go to Otto Buchert for his work. A Blessed Easter May you all have a blessed Easter! THANK YOU CARD We \vish to thank everyone who was so kind to us when our house burned down. Since that time we have received many kindnesses for which we are grateful. Mrs. Walter Schmidt 50 and family HONOR KIWANIS. . Kiwanis International has received a Freedoms Foundation Distinguished Service Award and Key Club International, the Kiwanis- sponsored high school boys' service organization, has won a Freedoms Foundation George Washington medal, according to Dr. Leonard Pawlikowski, president of the McHenry Kiwanis club. The two awards carry the same prestige in the community service field as do the famed "Oscars'* in the motion picture field and the "Emmies" in the TV field. Kiwanis International received its award -- the highest that the Freedoms Foundation can bestow for the "1956 Kiwanis program." This program included U.S.-Canada Good Will Week, Kids' Day, the Kiwanis^ Teacher Recruitment Program, the Youth Panel Forum Program, Kiwanis' participation in National Newspaper Week, Ballot Battalion (the Kiwanis getout- the-vote campaign), and Prayer for Permanent Peace Week. -I V,'- # 'V A free press is vital to the liberty of any people and when you see governments surpre6sing freedom of speech, you. witness a government that is getting ready to rule without regard to the wishes of the majority. Cy Cp^oGy stz: Junior Class Play Saturday, April 27, the junior class will present the play, "See How They Run." The cast consists of Sue Harsha, Jeanette T I L E IT YO$7$SELF AND SAVES Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Prices W/& sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERG ANT'S fycuA,*Gfyatun PHONE RICHMOND 419S Located on Johnsburg Rd., S'/z miles North of Johnsburg (About 2Vi miles North of Sunnyside Estates) Does it pinch your purse to keep the kids in shoes? Choice of colors Many styles SCOTTS 7*? "GREAT 0?o% Comfort--Style--Thrift 99 Compare the Wear at Popular Prices •IwU tjj.. APRIL 18-19-20-21 EASTER SPECIAL At The CERTIFIED STORE IN SUNNYSIDE OPEN ALL DAY EASTER SUNDAY ' EXTRA FANCY Candied Yams Sweet Potatoes No. 363 OC* Size TENDERIZED WHOLE HAMS 14 to 16 Lb. Avg. 53 V MARSHMEIJLOW CANDY i©GS 1 Doz. Choc. Covered 25 pkg. HAMS Butt Portion lb. 55c Shank Portion lb. 45c For the Gayest Easter Egp McCormick Food COLORS 23V Assort, of 4 Colors Imported Irakm CAMMED" 9 to 12 Lb*.' ^g. 9r«> FLOEIOA Juice ©ranges lis doz. FRESH DRESSED FRYING CHICKENS For Dishes & Fine Fabrics 3§'u>. TREND Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping 2 pkgs.39 JUICY TENDER -RB SSSAKS 59V LIQUOR DEPT. (HERE'S A REAL BUY) The Beer with the Rich Man's Taste GIBS WM 4 sitt0' And 1 tall glass given FREE with every purchase of Goebel 6 pack. A ee R O T H S H O E S FREE PARKING 118 So. Green St. PHONE 2027 X-RAY FITTING McHenry, 111. Ik £ © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, 1 THE MAW WITH A LOWS RACE GETS ASMOei WELCOME E.G. DePAUW 9^-General insurance agency r3!*! mortgage protection uSilvj P-O. BOX AO I 2IO SOUTH GREEN 1450,1125 0^112b MCHENRY, ILL. Law DAY Get in the swing...Go Swept-Wing! This Swept-Wing '57 Dodge is taking the country by storm! Sensational 4 j^-foot low styling ... Autodynamic advances in ride, handling ease, performance. Join the swing to Swept- Wing this week ... and save! '^exfas We're out to celebrate Lawrence Yelk's 4 years on television for Dodge dealers! Here's what we're going to do. During the next 30 days, we're going to hold the greatest Selling Spree ever on new Dodge cars. That means values like never before, high trade-in on your present car, a wonderful deal on a new Dodge. We're out to break all previous sales records with the greatest buys of all time! Get in on it--now is the time to buy I 30 days only...April 15-May 15! Volume sales, volume savings! Now is the time to buy! AT YOUR DODGE DEALER'S NOW! k S. BLAKE MOTORS Inc. 301 East Pearl SALES DEPT. Open Daily: 8 to 6 p.m. - Fri. Til 9 p.m. - Sunday Til Noon. SERVICE DEPT. Open Daily: 7 to 5 - Closed Wednesday Afternoons.