Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1957, p. 12

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'? 'v , _ 4 k U ?l • ' l^.i ^age Twelv* c'::-.-:?;; ::: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER v "i«ri^""t.',(,,')Y> i"ii^)" '"j,,,jij-i" <•V'"^vv• ^vy'f • ~x>-^ Thjuxsday' April 19,19^> '*••' - ;ai Lakeland Park By Jetta Oleeson sad Dorothy Uttich Was He Surprised! When Donald Parisi was invited to the Alesi home on Mon- New Weleonling Committee It has again reached the time for a new welcoming committee day, April 8 he never dreamed / to take over. Those volunteering he was to be guest of honor at a surprise birthday party. Donald celebrated his fifteenth birthday with his rock and roll guests -- Bob Humphries, Bob Bates, Pat Bates, Peter Parisi, Johnny Parisi, Joseph Parisi, Pat Lavin, Jack Lavin, Pepi Cina, Colette Partipillo, Qprden Rehberg, Vince Cina, Chuck Anderson, Carol Franklin, Lynne Bradley, Bonnie Short, Eddie O'Gara, Jan Parisi, Butch Bujak, Leona Arndt, Francine Parisi and Josephine Cina. Games, dancing, punchboard antics and loads of good food provided the ingredients for a wing-ding of a party. Our' heartiest congratulations Donald. for the committee are Dolores Rogers, Marge Casey, Louise Mc- Enery, Lyda Radisch, and Jean Gagnon. ' as soon as possible for the board would like to complete this census in th'e near future. It will be interesting to find out just how many people we have living -and how many children bless our community. Another Bridge Night Good Times Ahead This is the last week to get your tickets for the coming Spring dance! The gay nineties floor show participants have been working hard, the co-chairmen have been fairly spinning with activity and we are all looking forward to one grand time. We have all had such grand mothers and daddys. might like to come and watch, it 1^ usually v e r y a m u s i n g t o S & ^ m & t t scramble. ' ' Stork Line Tiny Dianne Marie was the bundle who came to make her home with Ed and Dorothy Dargatz. Dianne was born April 7 at the Woodstock Memorial hospital and tipped the scales at 6 lbs. 6 oz. Our congratulations to the family. Marge Dent was hostess for the. - bridge group on Thursday night, I times together at our previous April 11. Anne Leigh took the-dances, let's do it again at this high honors while Marge Dent came in a close second. Ivy Lezak won the booby prize. Marge served delicious cake (with birthday candles in honor of Dorothy's birthday) and coffee. Our Sympathies Are extended to Art O'Gara whose brother, Raymond O'Gara of Oak Lawn, died last week. Birthday Luncheon Dorothy Uttich was honored at a luncheon on Thursday, April 11, by the birthday club. The celebration included a birthday cake placed on a musical dish, and all the ladies joined in the "Happy Birthday" song. Ann Borovec, Rose Kluk, Dorothy Meineke, Jetta Gleeson, Helen Strandquist, Dorothy Uttich. Joan Krater, Lee Glorch and Elaine Jett attended. No Hat Contest You can put*' your kitchen utensils back girl! The hat contest that was to be held at the Spring dance has been cancelled due to lack of contestants. Convalescing Mary Laurence is home now convalescing from her recent surgery. She seems to be recovering nicely and we expect to see her flying around the subdivision before long. Sportsman Club News The Sportsman club had their regular monthly meeting Sunday. April 11. The by-laws were read and accepted. All members will receive their copy in the near future. The club has adopted an official shirt for any member desiring them. The gabardine shirts will have the name of their club in large letters on the back and the members' name written over the front pocket. Individual colors can be chosen. To obtain these shirts, members should contact Steve Kotrick at 480-J. First Joe Heber has the distinction of being the first resident of Lakeland Park to pay the assessment for the community house. Just two days after the meeting where it was decided to have the assessment, Joe came over and paid his dues for the year and his contribution for the community house. How's that for speed? He has certainly set a good example for the rest of us to follow. Questionaries If there is anyone who hasn't received the questionaires that were passed out at the general meeting, please contact your block captains for copies. Return them A Night Out The Bill. Kraters entertained the LPPOA board members and tlA?lr spouses at a delightful cocktail party on Saturday night before the annual board members' dinner. Once again Joan went all out/ in preparing not only tasty, bur eye-appealing hors-d'oeuvres for the guests to nibble on. The host and hostess did a superb job of getting everyone into a gay party mood before the group went on to the Country Club to partake of a succulent dinner. Not only dining but dancing was also enjoyed by Jean and Frank Parisi. Joan and Bill Krater, Helen and Larry Strandquist, Lyda and Bill Radisch, Irene and Glen Uhles, Virginia and Ray Grote, Vickie and Len Bottari, Betty and Wally Laurence, Fran and Joe Cina and Dorothy and Bud Uttich. Easter Egg Hunt We hear that the Easter bunny is planning on hopping over to the beaches to find some clever hiding places for his colorful eggs on Easter Sunday. The pre-school youngsters -- under six -- are to compete with one another at the west beach on Sunday morning at ten o'clock. The six, seven, eight and nine year olds wilt meet at the east beach at the same time. Prizes will be awarded to the most successful hunters. Any of the mothers who would like to contribute colored eggs (hard boiled) for the bunny to distribute are asked to drop them off at the Krater home 126 Shore Drive by Friday night. You For Boys Only Are there any boys in the S to 11 year age group who arte interested in becoming cub scouts? TVvo troops consisting of - bight boys each are required to get a sponsor. So gather up your friends, boys and contact Mrs. Earline Davis at 1395 immediately! Note: Den mothers are also on the requirement list. For Boys, Too Jerry Rogers is looking for more baseball players (or any boy interested in becoming oirie) between the ages of eight to -Ifliirteen years. Jerry is working on the problem of getting a location for a diamond and he would like to be able to start a league from Lakeland Park. In order for us to have our own community league, sixty boys are needed. If there are not enough interested parties to have the community league, it is possible to join in with the leagues in McHenry -- the Little league for those 8 to 12 years old and the Pony league for those over twelve. ) So, come on boys lets get this thing rolling! Call Jerry Rogers 744-J now. NEWS By Mrs. George Shepard Plastic Surgery John Svitanek entered the St Francis hospital in Evanston on Sunday, April 14 and underwent surgery on the following Monday. As you probably remember, John was in -an automobile accident two weeks ago. He lost a front tooth and the doctors have found it necessary to make a reconstruction of the upper jaw before a new tooth fitting could be made. Barring complications, John should be home by the time you read this. New Construction or Remodeling Masonry and Frame Homes J. R. LEVES & CO. General Contactors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCtJLLOM LAKlCf Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Estimates Invitation Accepted A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed tiy several of the new and former officers of the Lakeland Park Women's club when they were invited to be guests of the McHenry Women's club on Friday, afternoon, April 12. The Lakeland Park representatives were introduced and our next president, Alice Quaiver spoke a few words. Those who accepted the invitation were Alice Quaiver, Lee Glorch, Helen Strandquist and Dorothy Meineke. w. s. c. The April meeting of the woman's Society of Christian Service was held in the Fellowship room at the church Wednesday evening. All adjourned to the sanctuary fox* a few moments of meditation Which was led by Helen Hunt. The program leaders were Mrs. Clara Cristy and Mrs. lona Hood. The business meeting was held and officers for the coming year will be president, Shirley Christy; vice president, Phyllis Rasmussen; secretary Mertie Harrison; treasurer Bessie Cruickshank; promotion secretary, Clara Cristy; secretary of christian relations, Bobette Fossum; secretary of local church activities, Jean Decker; secretary of missionary education, Rose Walkington; student, work, Florence Kane; youth work, Helen Hunt; children's w6rks Mary Butler; secretary of spiritual life Athea Walkington; secretary* of status of women, Doris Low; secretary of supply work, lona Hood; secretary of literature and publications, Ila Hogan; publicity; publicity, Alice Peet. The man or woman who is really interested in the work that is being done rarely complains about over-exertion. Church News The Youth Fellowship group met at the church Sunday evening with Jackie Skidmore as leader. Tuesday evening was work night on the church basement.. Thursday evening the Ringwoo , and Greenwood churches will meet at the Greenwood church for a service of communion around the theme, "Together in the Upper Room." Friday evening both congregations and their friends are Invited to witness the powerful Good Friday drama, The Terrible Week." The play will be presented at the Ringwood church at 7:30 and 9 p.m. The cast will include Marlene Memler, Frank Harri-, son and Glenn Walkington. . . . with ihe REVOLUTIONARY 1957 MOW-CYCLE "CADET" Jtcuust tltai lefo 4f&u Riae ai MOM cut Look At These Feat, • Built for riding from the ground up. • Rugged, as is the first quality, heavy duty cast iron Clinton engine. , Safety - all moving parts of the 'Cadet* are shielded by walls of steel. * Clutch transmission, and gear shift. Easily operated. Take a ride yourself on our Demonstrator Model TODAY! It may be the home y°U g8t Dad" the teen"a^ers win take over when you get yours DR. HENRY FREMND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, tfcHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AM. and 1 TO B PJtt. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT , PHONE McipNRY 452 home furnishings meet their match < " • ' *" //1 ^ ^ ^ v • 'y Comes with 2 interchangeable blades -- READY TO MOW. NOW $ For Less Than 225 00 Top favorites of the nation's leading decorators and home fashion editors, O'Brien's beautiful Symphonic Colors are now yours for the choosing. See them today in our store. You'll find just the colors you want to give your rooms that "picture book look". There's hundreds of incomparable colors to select from -- all available in O'Brien's famous Liquid Velvet -- the easy-to-use flat enamel which imparts a flawless finish on any wall and ceiling surface. For the finest decorating job ever -- make sure to use Liquid Velvet in your favorite Symphonic Color. PA! 418 Main St. - McHenry PHONE 1115 Phone 2730 OPEN FOR, BUSINESS Y GARDEN CENTER ROUTE 120 (East of Bridge) (ooouus . LIME MIST $1.00 per qt. $5.45 per gal. PAINTS McHenry, Illinois WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING FREE! New 16-pqge booklet filled with dc<* •rating ideat. Gel your copy today. Easter worship services will be httfcl at ftfri£wood at 9:30 arid at Greenwood at 11 a.m. The hours for church school for all ages including adults are 9:45 at Greenwood and 10:30 at Ringwood. Tuesday (April 23) the motion picture "Martin Luther" will be sWovtfi on channel 7 at 10 p.ih. Dinner The. W.S.C.S will serve a roast bebf dinner in the church hall Saturday evening April 27. Serving to tie frdm 5 until 7:30 p.m. Home Circle The Home- Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Stanley Jepson Thursday with Mrs. Purlin as co-hostess. A one o'clock luncheon was served. In the afternoon a fine program in charge of Mrs. Roy Harrison was enjoyed. Sound Up Clnb The Round up club met at the church Saturday evening. A speaker frorfi the A.A.A was there. Lunch was served. Sick List Ben Walkington suffered a slight stroke at his home Thursday evening. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Charles Anderson and WATER PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS and cffafiidayton Water Systems Wo Repair and Service All Makei of - Pumpt Authorized: Red Jacket &• Dayton Pump Agency Wells Drilled or Driven Pumps & Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY tVed H. Matthesius Phone 718 daughter, spent Tuesday with relatives in Chicago . Mrs. John Wqodwdrd and son John, were visitors in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank spent Tuesday evening in the Harry Ackerman home at Edellyn Farm near Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall Jr., and son of McHenry, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mrs. John Woodward and sons and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday at Ft. Sheridan. Among those trom here to attend the W.S.C.S. meeting at the Community church in Richmond Wednesday were Mesdames Ben Walkington, William Cruickshank, Stanley Jepson, Paul Walkington, Viola Low and Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Fern Louis and Mrs. Henry Aissen attended church servf; ices at the Grace Lutheran,churcty in Woodstock Sunday. £?£ - Mrs. Ray Dittman, Mrs, Leone Arnold and Mrs. Georgia Thofnas of Woodstock were luncheon guests of Mrs. Ruby" Shepard Thursday. s * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fetersoiupf Le Suerer, Minn, spent the wMk-, end with Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Anderson and family. u_. • Mrs. Mildred Munsfyaw cuid Mrs. Fanny Udall of Elgin, were callers in the Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. and Lester Carx homes Friday afternoon. ^ Among those from heye. to attend the W.S.C.S. meeting. at the Hebron Methodist church, Friday evening, ware Mesdames. Kenneth Cristy, Gordon Fossuitv. Pfrajl Walkington, John Hogan arid Ruby Shepard. (Continued on page, i&V LLAR; EARN M ' 0 R £ MM YOUR MONEY IS A READY WHEN YOU NEED IT * When opportunity tomes knocking on your door, you can have the ready cash to take advantage of it -- through saving! Let your money earn more -- open your savings account with us! /7o SAVE BY MAIL! SAftTT OF SAVINGS Marengo Federal AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, 102 N. State Si. Phone JOrdan 9*725| TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,000,000.00 i Year after year, Bolger's has been McHenry's headquarters for just the right gift at Easter time. This year we are especially proud of" the hundreds of wonderful items in our stock for this glorious season. Here are just a few. EASTER BASKETS "With all the Trimmings" also JELLY EGGS CHOCOLATE RABBITS CHOCOLATE EGGS Be sure to see our complete stock of gifts by-- • Max Factor • Lentheric • Coty • Hazel Bishop • Revlon • Old Spice • Yardleys JUST RECIIVIDI CHOCOLATES £ ft* W--«t ftrtilrtM fn«fi«W*rM 'J IAMPUR 2.00 (ho lib. Pinwheel Assorted Chocolates $1.50 lb. Truly significant gifts which will be treasured always ... t St. Christopher Medals Rosary Bracelets Leather Bound Prayer Bool?s Sick Call Sets Rosaries & Rosary Cases We carry St. Joseph & St. Andrew Missals RTICLES •Hr BOLG * 103 S. Green St, DRUG STORE CLOSED FROM 12 TO 8 P.M. GOOD FRIDAY McHenry, 111. »*•

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