Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1957, p. 15

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Thursday.April 19,.1957 ! I Wonder By Phyllis Whitfield Nativity Lutheran Church News On Easter Sunday, April 21, when the Resurrection of our Lord is celebrated there will be three worship services. At 6 a.m. there will be the Easter Sunrise service on the site of the new church. This service is sponsored Jby the Luther League and they titovite everyone to come and welcome in the day as it was on the first glorious Easter Day. In the event of inclement weather, the service will be held at the church. There will also be the two regular services at the* church at 8 and 10:45 a.m. All are welcome 10 these services to express gratitude for the victory over death to all Who. believe. The sermon topic 4is, "Resurrection Reality." Monday, April 22, the Evangel- . ism committee of the church will meet at 8 p.m. Basketball League Dinner The inter - church basketball league will have a pot-luck dinner at the Greenwood Methodist church Thursday evening, April 25, at 7:30. This dinner will complete a> very successful season of Sffiurnament basketball played between the .four participating churches: Greenwood, Ringwood and McHenry Methodist churches and Nativity Lutheran church. The evening's program will be the presentation of the traveling trophy to the Nativity Lutheran church Luther League team, which won the tournament for the first year. Master of Ceremonies .for the evening will be Glen Walk- «igton of Greenwood, one of the sponsors of the league. The speaker for the evening-will be O. C. "Dixie" O'Hara, dean of boys of W o o d s t o c k C o m m u n i t y h i g h school. He is also former, basketball coach there and led the Blue Streaks, to the county championship as their coach. He is noted for his deep interest in young people and is. very active in working irith youth groups. Friends and lilies of the boys on the teams are welcome/to attend. Friday aria Saturday, April 26 and 27, is "Friendship weekend" at Carthage college. Several juniors and seniors, as guests of the opllege .will travel there to see the campus. Christ the King The Altar and Rosary Modality will sponsor acard party at'Har-. rison school Thursday, Aprils 25, at 8 pjn. There ifriii be prizes and refreshments will be served. Tickets are available from members of the sodality. Everyone Is invited for an evening of fun. The junior Holy Name society w|ll meet A pril 22 at 7:30 at the ^rectory, April 2$ will be First Holy Corrimunion for the children of the parish. ' Garden Club Events 1 The April meeting of the Wonder Lake Garden club was held Thursday, April li, at the home of Mrs. Alice Condron, with Mrs. Hartog as hostess. The ladies are working and planning two events to be held this summer. The first is a rummage and bake sale planned for Saturday, June 1, at the lumber company at the Center. The rummage sale will begin at 10 a.m. and the bake sale at 11 a.m. The other event is the first flower show to be held at Wonder Lake. It will be at Harrison school Aug. 17 and 18. The therhie at "Summertime in the Country." More about this in the future. ' The Wooded Shores canasta group met tor their last meeting of the season Wednesday evening, April 10, at the home of Mrs. Loretta Pearson. .Those playing cafrds for the benefit of the Woodstock hospital auxiliary were Mesdames Eloise McCafferty, Jean Motulewicz. Lorraine de- Laurier, Betty Bland, Ann Weretka and Dorothy Mickels. The hostess, anil Mrs. Mickels were holders of high scores. Five dollars was collected. Confirmed Sunday Jack Clayton Moore, Jr., 13, of Wonder Woods was confirmed Sunday, April 14, at Nativity Lutheran church with a group of six youngsters. Twenty-two relatives were at the Moore home for dinner and other friends came during the afternoon. Jack's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker of La Grange, were present, as were his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Becker, and five children from Wheaton. Also present for dinner were Mrs. R o b e r t D o r a n a n d c h i l d r e n from McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Beaman and children from Mundelein and the Raymond Footes from Elmhurst. Among the guests in the afternoon were George Doerner >and his fiancee, Miss Betty Keating from Chicago, who presented Jack with a beautiful family Bible. Items of Interest Ruthie Mathews was 3 years old Thursday, April 11, and her brother, Tommy, Jr., will be 2 years old April 25. Mrs. Mary Ann Milbrandt left April 8 to join her husband, Ronnie, at Camp Irwin, Calif., where he is now stationed. Mary Ann drove the long distance by herself and made it in almost record time -- three days! Miss Betty Wright is home for the • Easter holidays from her studies at DeKalb. The students and faculty at Harrison are enjoying a week's vacation. Mrs. Grover Wickline was very surprised Monday, ^Apri^ l^p-wherj" instead of going shopping in Elgin, as planned, she was taken to the home of Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, where a group of neighbors were on hand for a birthday luncheon in her honor. - Those helping her celebrate her birthday, which was April 13, were Mesdames Eleanor Wright, Jo Hansen, Alice Holmgren, Claudia Palmer, Phyllis Whitfield and Margurite Jeffries. ZEP HYR VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS & H@@DS COLOR AND STYLE FOR EVERY HOME . Caqim-PicUek Aluminum Combination Windows & Doors LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE * ON YOUR OLD DOORS & WINDOWS HUR im 307 E. Waukegan Rd. Phone 1180 McHenry, Illinois Lsr§© Alteradale Psm Asaefcn ® The farm having been sold, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 8 miles Southwest of Barrington, 111., 2 miles Northeast of Carpenterville, m miles East of Algonquin, V2 mile South of Route 62 on East River Road, on WEDNESDAY -- APRIL 24TH , Commencing at 11:00 o'clock ' LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 51 HEAD OUTSTANDING HOLSTEIN CATTLE--35 Milch cows--€ fresh, 3 close springers, 26 due in July, August and September; * 15 Heifers--4 bred, 11 ready to breed; 1 Holstein bull. Poultry--50 heavy laying hens. PRODUCE--50 bales 3rd cutting hay; 50 bales straw; 200 bushel corn. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--2 Surge units with motor, pump & pipeline; 20 milk cans; milk house heater; water heater; wash tanks; pails and strainers, etc. 5 TRACTORS, 2 COMBINES, 2 BALERS & FARM MACHINERY-- J.D.--G Tractor with 4-row cultivator; J.D.--B tractor; McC-D Super M tractor; Oliver 77 tractor; Oliver 88 tractor? Allis Chalmers 6 ft. combine, PTO; Oliver 6 ft. combine, PTO; McC-D 50T baler with motor; New Holland baler with motor; 2 John •v Deere 4-row corn planters with fertilizer & check wire attachments; McC-D 3/14 plow on rubber;.McC-D 10 ft. disc; Oliver 10 ft. grain drill on rubber; NI tractor mower; J.D.- tractor mower; Nl 4-bar side rake on rubber; Case 4-bar side rake on rubber; McC-D tractor spreader; NI tractor spreader; E-Z Flow fetilizer spreader; 4 rubber-tired wagons; 4-sec. steel drag; Universal 40 ft. elevator with electric motor; Heavy duty 100 ft. electric cord; 2 heat houses; papec hammermill; drive belt, like new; and many other articles to6 numerous to mention. » ALLENDALE FARM Robfers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone 195 Birthday Party Little Miss Nancy Van Kanegan was 3 years old last week. Wednesday, April 10, Nancy had several of her friends to help her celebrate with a party in her home. Present were her cousin, Debbie Brenner, from Chicago, Billy and Brian Whitfield, Linda, Toby, David and Janice1 dandier and Grandma Brenner. Games were played and -cake and ice cream enjoyed. Nahcy received many, lovely gifts.. Girl Scout Day Camp Mrs. George Rink, Mrs. Clem Grabovy and Mrs. Wallace Sinclair from Wonder Lake are on the neighborhood committee working on plans for a day camp for Scouts to be held ih McHenry July 15 through 19. The camp will offer outdoor activities and further plans will be made available as soon as they are known. Mrs. Mary Ruggero will be the nurse on duty at the camp. Enough women have volunteered to be unit leaders and take the training offered to qualify them for leaders but more women are needed as co-leaders. This group will* work with a leader and do not have to take any training.' Also, there is a need for Senior Scouts to help supervise the younger Children of the leaders who will be taken care of while their mothers are busy with the Sqputs. Any and all volunteers will be welcome. Plays Successful Friday night in Harrison gym, the eighth grade students proved their acting ability by successfully performing in two one-act plays. Leonard Benson and Sheldon Moder, whd took the leading roles in each play, were very good and seemed very much at home on the stage. All the supporting actors were* very good and this reporter is not a critic so will not attempt to give a description of each. Between the plays Joyce Motulewicz presented a corsage to Mrs. Peters find a flower to Mr. Josserand, directors of the plays, to show the appreciation of the •cant. Alto, b^fcween~4he plays, a group of girls from the Harrison choral group, directed by Mr. Wenck, sang several selections. These girls were Lynn Gustavson,, Darlene Basil, Judy Wenck, Jw» ice Schimke, Mary J&ne Gillifc and Cathy Bruscato, The proceeds from the friftyi will go toward helping the eighth grade students take a trip to Springfield at the close of the school year. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Jack Falkerrthal of Wooded Shores announce the birth of a daughter, April Diane, who was born Friday, April 12, at Woodstock hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 15^4 oz. and she will be welcomed home by three Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yokley of the Lake are the maternai grandparents. , -i Board Election Results A total of 219 voters came out to cast their votes' at the Harrison school board election Saturday, April 13. Mrs. Elaine Spuehr was the clerk and Mrs. Pat Wrede and Mrs. Gertrude White were judges. As a result of the yoting, Mrs. Maxine Lichty and Mr. George Rink will serve on the board for three years and Francis Marion two years. Sybaqua^ Council Mrs. Elaine Spuehr, who is the town organizer here at Wonder Lake, attended a Sybaquay council organizer meeting March 29. It was held at' Hawthorne Hills, the Girl Scout camp outside Elgin. This was the first training meeting for all organizers ift the council. These meetings will be held periodically in order for all groups belonging to the council to' have the same Information available through the town organizer. There is a great need for ladies to volunteer as leaders df our girls who are interested in scouting work. If you have a daughter in scouting, both you SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles FTetnd •4"l 1111' I"! I 'I'fr'frH.} t; i| H i»i i • Fiftieth Wedding , Congratulations to Ml. atid •Mrs. Frank Sanders, who observed their golden wedding on Sunday, April 7. The couple (she is the former Annie James) wasmarried in Ontario, Wis., on April 7, 1907. They have lived in this area for twenty-two years, where Mr. Sanders was employed with the Illinois State Fish Hatchery at Pecatonica and Spring Grove until his retirement two years ago. . The Sanders have seven children, Dale of Redwood City, calif., Cjlinton of Circle, Mont., George of Spring Grove, Mrs. Alvin (Zelda) Westman of Woodstock, Mrs. Harry (Evelyn) Gustafson of Woodstock, John of Spring Grove and Mrs. Hazel Hawkins of Antioch; twenty-six grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. All of their children and a host of relatives and friends were pres. ent at a reception at the V.F.W. home in McHenry on Sunday, April 7, frpm 3 in the afternoon. A buffet supper was served and in the evening there was dancing. The table was appropriately decorated for the occasion, the center piece being a large fivetier gold cake. and your daughter will receive much more out of it if j?ou are helping with the program. Your daughter needs you! Realtors to Meet The McHenry county board of realtors will meet for a luncheon meeting at La Greca's Lake View Inn Thursday, April 18. This will be their regular monthly meeting. ONE 1 With our new equipment, we are pleased to anounce that any cleaning brought tq our store can be picked up, ready to wear, in one hour at no increase in price! 206'Sd. Green St. LOCAL CLEANERS Phone 90 McHenry, Illinois rlMMj : How...uelt ehoeolate wiihovf a worry... OMi GAtca the GAS & 'Burner uritfcj. Brain' wort let it bum f Their best man and bridesmaid, Mr. and Mrs. John Vohries of Glendive, Mont., were present at the Affair to help them celebrate. Mrs. Vorhies is Frank's sister. The Vorhies celebrated their golden wedding last year on Feb. 26. Friends and relatives came from neighboring towns and distant places to congratulate Frank arid Annie Sanders. They were from Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Dundee, Rockford, Beloit, Wis., Roscoe, III., Antioch, Pecatonica, Rockton, Richmond, California, Montana, Island Lake, Fox Lake, McHenry and Barrington. A baby girl weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. ' Michael Gritzuk at St. Therese hospital on March 31. The baby has been named Joyce Lynn. Mrs. Ben May was hostess to the members of her( club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Prize winners in cards were Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Mark Pierce and Mrs. Jake Miller. Those who attended the card party sponsored by Mothers' club of Richmond-Burton high school at Twin Lakes on Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. Leander Lay, Mrs. Gregory Kattner, Mrs. Anton Mayer, Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. Al Wipper, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Jerome Milled, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Ben Smith and Mrs. Arnold May.' Randy Nimsgern celebrated his birthday last week by inviting his little playmates to his home for a party. Games were played and there was birthday cake, and ice cream. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Norbert Klaus in Fox Lake last Thursday evening. A supper was served and cards were played. Prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Regina Schaefer and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. The club will meet in April at the home of Mrs. Ray May. Miss Donna May, Miss Charlotte Freund and little Miss Diane Bereiter participated in the fashion show at the home show at Grant high school in Fox Lake on Sunday afternoon. , Guests in the home of Mrs. Alice Wagner are Mr. and Mrs. & OOTWEAR OR YOUR AMILY ROM ROTH SHOES 118 So. Green St. Phone 2027 McHenry, Illinois t'mm John Vorheft of Glendive^ Mant» and Whs. Amanda Peacock of Winfield, Kas. S FIELD WORK DELATED Wet weather is delayed:3, the spring field work of Illinois farm* ers, but as yet the situation is not serious, according to the first weekly crop report of the season to come from the state and fed' eral departments of agriculture. Approximately 30 per cent of flic: planned acreage of oats has been shown, which is about in line with the 1951-55 average, but much; less than the 58 per cent reported at this date last year. Winter wheat is said to have good color: and favorable prospects. ' i ' H .III ^ 'u f;,Lj Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Open On Sunday* 9 to 1 It! WONDEE LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY m m * ' • Free Estimates Jk Delivery W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Pbow Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 -ill Imagine, no more scorched chocolate ... no more watchful waitiragfor slow "melt-over- boiling-v/ater" methods. The "Burner with a Brain" in the new automatic GAS ranges maintains perfect, exact beat --just set it and forget it-- it's as dependable as your automatic GAS oven. This magical new burner adds new delight to all top-of-the-range cooking-- to more 80% of your cooking duties. In fact, you'll enjoy marvels of cooking you never dreamed were possible. See all the wonderful automatic features of the new GAS ranges soon! N OPTHCRN I L L I N O I S G3i GAS Borsj# Ropsfci? Prk« SpeoSaBgALI Price. your old mn©o| COM PA N Y 1957 GAS Ranges at your DEAliU'S or our naorttf show-room now. PHONE McHENRY 2081 Sm MOMAN MAWf <amf lot* News on WN®Q, OmhmI 3. 1<M4> #M every Wednesday* olto PELAVBtiOUSI 90 every Thursday, WBBM/TV Channel 2. 8:30 PA4 t. . tpomored by Neribsi* Hiwefe vtjf'» fSAr SPRING TRUCK TIRE SPECIALS! TRUCK OWNERS: Get our deal on the TRANSPOSE TRUCK TIRE Lowest Prices . . Easiest Terms 1 & from the ONLY COMPLETE of FARNl TRACTOR TIRES Tirt$ton* OPEN CENTER CURVE© 3A! RACTC TIRI The Famous Patented INTER CURVES BAl TRACTOR Til PASSENGER TIRE SALE! TUBED TYPE TUBELESS 25% OFF 20% OFF BUY A NEW BATTERY NOW! FROM $3.00 TO $6 00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY TIRES 25% McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main Street Walt Freuad# Prop. PHONE 294 McHenry* Illinois V M * -i i - -

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