Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1957, p. 16

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'1 THE McHENRY PL AINDE ALER Thursday, May 2, 1957 fc' I PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS Bys Wanda Dobecki and Dolly Xovotny Be sure and watch next week's]the signs upside down. With our column for the report of last >• new addresses we need the street night's May meeting of the Pit feigns now more than ever. Please, Community Association. " need wo say more? J Htelp! Help! Volunteer workers are still needed Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 11:30 ,to help with various community improvements. The turnout has been/extremely poor considering the list of regular complaints we all hear about what should be done around the subdivision. I remember not long ago there was,„talk about everyone pitchingpnyand building our ofcvn community cehter if it were necessary. But so far we have not even had more than~"tme volunteer show up TdvJielp ^build: benches for meetings and the beaches. It would be nice if we Had the same enthusiasm when the time comes for actual work that we display during the lively discussions at meetings. Here's your chance to do your part. Be at the barn this Saturday at &30. simple as that. You'll have to send out change of addresses to all your friends, magazine publishers, and also your creditors. Cheer up, It's the last time the addresses will be changed! Helpers Are still needed for day camp leaders for the Girl Scouts this July. If you can spare just five days this summer, contact Mrs. Schlick, 529-R-2. It sounds like fiin for girls and leaders alike. Beaches Have you noticed the dredging equipment has gone into action to get the beaches ready (or should have by now) and the sand is ready to spread. It won't be long before we'll be enjoying an afternoon at the beach. Plenty of space for parking is provided for cars so there should •be none parked on the grassed area. Please cooperate and help make this a clean, comfortable beach for us all to enjoy. Children Playing With warmer weather, balmy breezes and the windows rolled down in the car, the foot gets a little heavy on the accelerator-- even on our bumpy roads. Let's remember that kids get a little carefree, too; and don't always think twice before running into the street. Got A Boat? In case ydu don't know where to partejyodrboat, space for boat piers have been! provided on the channel on Short street over on the island. Parking space is adjacent to the channel which allows you to load and unload your boating equipment. There is also a place to launch your boat. If you're lucky enough to have a boat, how about parking it at this boat area and leaving the beach free for swimmers this summer. Caution Please We wish all parents would remind their children that the public beach is the only safe place for swimming. On a couple warm days last week , some boys, were diving off the dredge into the channel by Fox Lake road. Not only is this water dirty but it is very dangerous. The water is dfeep with drop-offs and there are underwater chains and other tilings attached tb the dredge./ We have been promised thatSthis unsightly and dangerous dredge will be moved in the next two Weeks. We love our children and want to keep them around, so let's Rlease caution then} to use only the beach and then only with proper supervision. Little Mailmen It's been reported that a few of the little kiddies are playing mailman once again. We know it's quite an accomplishment for the little ones to reach way up to the mailbox and get the letters. However, many an important letter can be lost between the mail box and the front door (not that we wouldn't like to lose a few of those bills). Let's caution our toddlers about removing the conpfcetrts^ of mail boxes! Cub Scouts The two new Cub Scout troops had a lot of fun last Monday on a tour of the Sheriff's office and pol'ce station at Woodstock. The boys were accompanied by Den mothers, Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Conway. It was a big thrill and a practical education for the young scouts and I'm sure they , all went home with exciting tales of "being In jail". By the way, if you are hetween the ages of 8 and -11 and would like to be a Cub Scout or know anyone whp would just call Mrs. Sherman, 529-R-l, and they will be glad to welcome you as a scout. Street Sig» A great deal of time and effort was put into making and putting up the street signs. Now some childish individual in the neighborhood is going arOund turning Special Request Will all residents going to and from the Community Center please enter and leave the parking area at the entrance on hilltop drive? The road along Ray Thelen's home is their private driveway and should not be used as a public road. The Thelens' children and other childreniiL-theneighborhood play in this; area, and shoul^ not be endangered by cars driving through. We're sure you would) not want cars driving tnrough your driveway! There is no restriction on parking in the area arOund the center, just as long as you enter and leave oh Hilltop "by the barn entrance. So take) heed" when you see the sign! that says "private road", it's there for a reason. Street Numbers All councilmen should "have the street numbers for their areas passed out by this time. If you haven't been asigned your number to date, check with your councilman. Just as soon as you have your number on your house and mail box lid you can start using your new address. Of course, it's not just as A CI wmnn us. Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Bepaln Complete Motor Overhauling 516 Front St. B 24 HOUB TOWING SERVICE Phone 811 -- Residence 91-B McHenry, III. Digging Dogs = Damage Everyone's planting evergreens and putting a lot of time into those prize tulips and sprouts of green grass. Landscaping involves a lot of time and effort,: so if you own a dog please be sure and keep him chained tight. It's your privilege to have a dog, so keep them on your property and not on your neighbors! Dues Due? There are still delinquent members on the books. Some have only paid theV -initiation fee while others are behind on their dues. Are you a member in good standing? Or are you delinquent? Check with the membership committee to make sure you have done your share. annual appreciation banquet for Scouters stressed the point that only 2 percent of to'y's teenagers are so called delinquents. But they seem to be the only ones that ever make the headlines. The fact that a couple of million are active Scouts and the remainder are plain good American kids dosen't make for sensational newspaper items. So let's remember when criticizing the teenagers or any one group that usually we are critizing only 1 or 2 percent of that group. Let's give credit to the other 98 percent once ;n a while, too vacation1 since she came home from the hospital after Having the new baby boy. The two big sisters are away visiting and another one has fhe Chickeh Pox and is staying with a neighbor, the new baby is still in the hospital gaining a little weight and in the meantime the Janquarts feel like honeymooners instead of parents of four lively children. Around the Town We're sorry to hear the Kaufmans will be leaving our neighborhood soon. As. soon sis their house is sol4 the# will be moving permanently. They were just summer and weekend residents but we'll miss their smiling fapes. Happy anniversary to 'the Greggs who just had their sixth last week. Congratulations and many more. Feeling chipper again is Janet Thoren who was sick and missed some school last week. We're glad to hear you're better, Jan. Bowling Continentals On Saturday April 20, the Rebels gained two games on the first place Sparks. The Sparks tangled with the Reracks and lost all three games while the Rebels met the Warriors and manage^ to take two games. The other match was between the Rockets and the Tigers and the the Rockets were defeated twice. Top bowler for the series was Art Jensen with 533. The standings are as follows: The tale was a big one and so was the fish last week when Mr. Baker caught a 6 pound bass on the channel near his house. The neighbors- all gathered around and I'll bet the Bakers had a big fish dinner! Second Honeymoon? Janice Janquart and husband are having an almost too quiet Keep It Coming We were getting quite a few CJ.IIS with news there for a while, but they are dwindling down now. Please keep us posted on grandma Matilda's maladies and little Tommy's toothaches. Even though they don't seem important we all like to read about our neighbors and what is happening of interest in over town. Call Dolly, 640*M:1 or Wanda* (who has a new'twm- USf^'by the way)--583-R-l. '••j-n .• • • •,--j ACCIDENT CAUSES Excessive speed, resulting in 4,325 crashes, stood first among causes of the 27,171 motor vehicle accidents, that occurred last year on Illinois rural roads, according to a report received by Gov. Wiiliam G. Stratton from Edwin A. Rosenstone, director of the Department, of Public Works and Buildings. Other causes of accidents were; Motorists who did not have the right of way, 2,414; disregard of a driver's signal 1,861; improper turning, 1,771; on wrong side of road, 1,691; following another car too closely, 1,672; improper passing, 1,402; reckless driving, 1,334; drunken drivers, 1,109. Most of the crashes took place on Sundays, on straight stretches :»f • pavement in clear daylight. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW ACCEPTED FO& POST OFFICE QLERR Robert R. Justus, regional director, Post Office / department, announced that applications are being accepted for the career substitute postal transportation clerk examinatibn. Applications may be obtained from postmasters at first, second and third class Post Offices or from the Director, 7th U.S. Civil Service Region, 1048 New Post Office Building, Chicago 7, 111. Starting pay is $1.92 per "hour wit hopportunity fo radvancement. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, but there is no maximum age liihit. While a written test is required, any alert young man should have little trouble in making. a creditable Team Won Lost Sparks 24 9 Rebels 22 11 Warriors 16 Vs 161,!. Reracks 14% 18 H Rockets 12 21 Tigers 10 23 Thanks To the Teenage club for their recent collection of the funds for the local Red Cross drive. They managed the entire drive in the Highlands and thus eliminated the councilmen or special committees being assigned the job. They would also like to thank everyone for -their cooperation in collecting a total of $23. This was a good job considering that most of the people give at work or school. Z E P H Y R ALL-SEASON VENTILATED ALUMINUM MfNINUS & ' DOOR H@@0S COLOR AND STYLE FOR EVERY HOME Boy Scout Banquet I The main speaker at the recent CcujJ&PicheJi Aluminum Combination Windows & Doors LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD DOORS & WINDOWS ARTHUR BOGER 307 E. Waukegan Rd. Phone 1180 McHenry, Illinois f4MOf Flcu*i£ AB/lMkdA (J0tL "Now... make any pan aitomatg 1 N 1 J ^ • V _ ^1 } //V^ I Top SIM©S That Please Se© Pete? Qies" . . ® Baby Shoes © Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladies' Shoes • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes & Shoe Repairs Phone 441-M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL grade. ,' . New employees; a£evgiven "onthe- job training" and assigned to Chicago, airport mail ^facility '(Midway), the Chicago terminal or the Suburban truck terminal, whichever they prefer. Later they may transfer to railway post offices or to highwtigr post offices of the^chaKe wbea vactmcies *$cur. Jgf '• * Dutiesjmrojve separation, distribution routing of mails in transit jerkin stationary organizations. W ^ It sometimes happens that the man who thinks he is a genious can't think of anything else. McHenry's Newest and Most Modern Jewelry Store FEATURING FAMOUS NAME-BRAND • WATCHES . DIAMONDS . JEWELRY EXPERT WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRS -- AH Work Done in Our Own Shop -- WAHL JEWELERS 207 E. Blm St. Phone 2688' McHenry, Illinois During the /:¥ * w$> N tiffin*' •way ONi OAS ca 'Hunter witl the new GAS withi Brain!" ARE FRANKLY PROUD of the service our skilled Registered Pharmacists render in helping to preserve the health of this community. So we invite you to benefit from their competence and care. Bring us your Doctor's next prescription. You can rely on us to compound it promptly --and precisely as directed. BOLGHPS Drag Store PHONE m 10S S. Green St. McHenry, 111. -Hi *1 m » 1 $1 Every pan yoa own can become < automatic--when the revolutionary "Burner with a Brain" is at work in your kitchen. This is the new top-of-the-range burner you set to the exact cooking temperature you want ... it will maintain a ^ perfect 375° for French frying ... or a low, **"* slow 185° for custard. And it does this constantly and automatically--frees you from pot-watching and constant stirring to give you truly carefree cooking. See all the automatic features of the new GAS ranges soon --they're wonderful! See the 1957 GAS Ranges at your DEATH'S or o Of nearest show-room now. NORTH CRN I L L I N O I S Gai e> Tire$ton* STOP and SWA! SALE Trade and Save on *7<uU fy from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES thml Tire$toit* OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TLIL SPRING SALE on TRUCK TIRES Tire*fon* TAT TRANSPORT 011 TRUCK TIRE Our | Deal Lowest Prices . . Easiest Terms C OM PA N Y PHONE McHENRY 2081 Roper Rorogo " tUgular Price... Special SALE Prlc*... H<§of® (with your old raagt) See MORGAN • BATTY and the Late News on WNBQ, Channel 5, iOtIO PM every Wednesday) ab» RLAYHOUSI 90 ever/ Thursday, WBBM/TV Chatfttftl 2, &30 ML ^ . . s p o n s o r e d by N o r t h e r n I l l i n o i s Gas Company in t h i s a r e a i famous Pofent^ TTftftOtt* ACTION CENTER EYSVI© BAR TKIK€F©H TIRE PASSENGER HIRE SALE! TUBED TYPE TUBELESS 25% OFF 20% OFF BUY A NEW BATTERY NOW! FROM $3.00 TO $6 00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOB YOUR OLD BATTERY FIRESTONE HEAVY DUTY K 25%. McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main Street Wali FreundL Prop. PHO^E 294 McHenry, IHinots i>

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