IT, J&r»M57 THE McHENRY PLMNDEALEB PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS By: Wanda Dobecki and Dolly Novotny Last Wednesday's PHCA meet- , ing was a busy one. Three committees were appointed: A construction committee to work on the center, a beach committee to keep up our beaches, and a sign committee to post various needed signs in the community. It w$s nice to have so many of these people volunteer for . the ^jvork that needs to be done: Con- ^Sstruction, Edward Smith, Walter Misavice, J. Rodarmel, Ed Dowd, I C. Smolinski, Ed Pfingsten, Ron ! Jackson, R. Fletcher, William 1 Neilson, Jim Bures, Howard Wilson, Walter Peloquin, C. Holmes, J. Lemmons, A. Jensen, D. Hendershot, Ted Wroblewski. Beach committee--Howard Wilson, Robert Jenkins, Richard Sabielny, Lew Spancuch, Ted Wrob- .Lgjjewski, Ed Thoren; sign committee-- Pat Jackson and Warida Dobecki. An Encouraging Sight At our monthly meetings recently is Douglas Hendershott who has made the trip from Chi- , cago each month just to attend our meeting of the community association. It is very heartening to see*a lot owner whose home hasn't 'li^ven been built yet to show this much interest in a community he will be part of. We are very happy that he will be a good neighjbor of ours one of these days and hope to have more like him. Incidentally No more name tags will be passed out by the welcoming committee at monthly association nieetings, but everyone will be •jggreeted at the door as usual. The tags never seemed to be used so we doubt if they will be missed •woo much. a Light At Entrance *" The executive committee was given authority to hire public service or somone else to install the pole and light at the entrance to Pistakee Highlands at Highv This W^1 be a great help v "fto all entering or leaving the subdivision after dark and will make it much safer. Newcomers Spring Dance Our long awaited newcomers' dance is to be the last Saturday of this month, May 25, at 8 p.m. Everyone in the community is invited and newcomers to the subdivision will be special guests of lonor. The admission will be free. Lecent newcomers will be sent Special invitations and further details will appear in this column later. Mark it on your calendar for we guarantee a good time for all and an opportunity to get together and get better acquainted. now. He was three last Tuesday Congratulations. ' Have you noticed Bpbby Hurckes sporting a brand new two wheeler? Bobby just turned 6 on April 2 and received the bike for his birthday. He celebrated the day by having the traditional school party and also a party attended by his local chums after school. Vfe're sure you bad a happy birthday, Bobby. Wishes for another year also go to Hazel Rogde who still isn't feeling too well. She will be ? Years old on May 5. Best wishes for a happy day and hope you're feeling better real soon.. Her son Roger who is in the army is also celebrating his 23 years , today. Happy birthday to you both. Alice Perkins was lucky enoueh to celebrate her eightieth birthday recently and happy to have her three sons and four daughters with her, one of whom is Mrs. Roger Rogde. Deputies As we all known our deputies have very limited authority to make patrols and arrests in our community, but everyone of us has the right and duty to protect our own children and property. If we see speeders, trespassers or wrong doing of any kind going on it is our duty to do what we can individually to stop it. Signs are being made to help stop speeders and trespassers, but if we personally call down these vj°lators and call it to their attention it might have more effect than any sign could have. Try it first, at least, and then take further action by calling a deputy and signing a complaint. Soft Shoulders No, not the IJnd you'd like to rest your weary head on, but those on the side of the road. Have you rtoticed all the cars that have been stuck in the soft sand on the road sides? In a week's time three cars had to be towed from the ditch on Henry and Agatha. So a word of caution--don't pull over too far to let the other car go by! Doable Celebration* The/VanZevem brothers, George and Bob, both celebrated their birthday on Saturday, May 4. Our source of information didn't divulge how much over'sixteen the boys were. The boys took their wives to the annual Toastmasters' conference and dinner which was held last Saturday in Chicago. George is Governor of District 30, Toastmasters International. Solicitors Volunteers are soliciting funds for both the Red Cross drive and Cancer fund. Have you done your share? That Mean Old Man The weatherman called off the campout the Boy Scouts duled for April 27. But are going to set another try to outsmart him thii Good luck, boys. Furlough Home on a fourteen day leave is Jim Peloquin after completing nine weeks at Great Lakes. Upon his return Jim is scheduled to attend twelve weeks of school at Treasure Island, Calif. We understand Jim has already had a list of the fishing spots out there. Mailboxes Some people are only painting their street number on the lid of their mailbox. Remember, it's a must that both number and street name should be painted on the box. It would get rather confusing for the mailman if everyone put only their number up. Don't forget there are others in the subdivision with the same number as yours, so come on, get that brush out and put the name on too. No Bowling If you were planning on having a night out with the gang next year, you'll have to find another excuse. There was not enough response to the call for bowlers, and as it was necessary to sign the league up last week, all plans lor bowling for next season have been called off. Litterbugs It looks like we have a few in our subdivision. Reports have come in that a few residents are dumping their junk and empty Candle Blowers A great big happy birthday .to Allan Ullo who is a great big boy v#~ FOE THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMA1N COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES^ DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 Volo, DL Phone McHenry 667-W-l i l l ON MOTHERS <3 DAY SUNDAY, MAY 12TH . -A AT Art & Lee's DINNER SERVED I P.M. UNTIL 10 P.M. rV * TlrWSMY, May 23rd AND EVERY THURSDAY THEREAFTER From 5 p.m. 'til 11 p.m. Art & Lee's will serve a complete home prepared SMORGASBOARD including homemade bread, all you can eat for $1.50 PER PERSON TO PLEASE A GOURMETS PALATE BACK BAR WILL BE OPEN STARTING MAY 12TH ART & L E E ' S 204 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 841 OR 9862 cans in the creek that runs parallel to Acorn Lane. This little creek could be an asset to the community, however, if residents are going to dispose of trash in it, it soon will become ah eyesore. There's a scrap man that comes in before the garbage truck on Thursdays, and will pick up a lot of the junk that you cannot dispose of in the garbage cans. It's Spring clean-up time -- not only inside, but outside too. All Of Us Extend our deepest sympathy to the Formellas for the great loss of their son, Robert, 1, who died suddenly with cancer. It is a great loss to all who knew him. Holloway Night In case you're wondering what kincl^ef night this is, wonder no more. It was last Thursday night at the teenage club meeting and each member was required to have a holloway sucker for admittance. Besides the suckers (or I should say lollipops) the kids all gave impersonations and everyone had a lickin' good time. Here 'Xn There It was nice to see Miss Herman out again fixing up her house for spring.^ She is a nurse in the city and doesn't get out too often, so she is a welcome sight. Kathy Reilly had a demonstration April 26 at her home but the weatherman wasn't too cooperative and sent rain and more rain. This kept a lot of her guests at home but the small group still enjoyed the conversation and cake. Just recovered from those itchy old measles are Johnny and Billy Emmerich. We bet both boys are glad that's over with and so are we. Stunned was Mrs. Lois Mason when she saw the school bus pull up to her house and someone carry her daughter in. Cathy was suffering from a kidney infection plus coming down with a case of the chicken pox, and was a mighty sick girl, we're glad to report Cathy is out to play once again. MOHTH AHEAD IS FIBE PREVENTION INSPECTION PERIOD Mr. and Mrs. J. Emmerich will be celebrating their anniversary next Tuesday, May 14. Congratulations to the courageous couple. Sorry to hear James Kent has been bedridden. We hope you're up and around soon, Mr. Kent. Sandi Ward was visiting her sister, Pat Jackson and family all last week while her school was out. Pat enjoyed visiting with her and having a free baby sitter for a while, too. Wipe up those kitchen spills immediately, warns the Institute for Safer Living of a leading insurance company. A safe kitchen is a clean kitchen. Anything spilled on the floor is a definite hazard, especially to an older person who is more likely to be seriously injured by a fall. mCNIC-RMG As Low As *17.29 The PICNJteilNG combines the beauty of wood with the strength of steel. Strong wood plank tops and bench seats, supported by genuine high tensile rail steel ribs and cross members. All steel parts are fin* ished in attractive, rust-resistant forest green, and all screws and bolts are plated for weather protection. The handsome tables* art built for years of tough usage, and here is another exctysive feature: CAN BE DISASSEMBLED FOR EASY, COMPACT, WINTER STORAGE The PICNIC-KING ends the winter storage problem. Can be quickly disassembled for storing in garage or basement, or can be reas^mbled in your game room or basement for winter usie. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE 1424 May 15 to June IS is the period set for fire prevention inspections of farm property in Illinois. The inspections-are to be made by 4-H F.F.A. ari^F.H.A. members participating in the National Youth farm fire safety sponsored by the Illinois and National association of Mutual Insurance companies. Kits of contest material consisting -of directions, inspection blanks and *prize lists may be obtained through vocational agriculture and 4-H leaders or by sending » post card to either Ida C. McClelland, state chairman, 101 E. Bralnard street, Harvard, or Mr. Laura Rote, Illinois .Grange juvenile director 920 W. State street, Sycamore, 111. Club members who are participating will be familiar with inspection procedures and should be qualified to contribute a helpful service to farm property owners. In the contest, each member inspects at least six complete sets of farm buildings and points out any fire hazards that are located." It is hoped that property owners will, in the interest of safety, make immediate efforts to remove and correct the hazards pointed out. Separate prizes are $et up for juniors and" senior groups, ages 10 through 20 years. Contestants record their experiences in a scrapbook and essay, which will be judged by a special committee. Local area winners are chosen from both the boy and girl divisions to whom generous cash prizes and special recognition will be awarded. Those students will become state contestants, the winners of which are submitted as participants in the national contest. Besides cash awards, the state winners will be honored and all expense paid guests to the 1957 state association convention of Mutual Insurance companies. the boy and girl first place nati o n a l w i n n e r s - w i l l r e c e i v e i W I cash award each and engrave plaques, and an all-expense five day trip to the national con- . vention at New Orleans in OcttM ber. Sponsoring instructors or . leaders of the winners to be accorded honors. Whether the boys and girls are ^ awarded prizes or not, they are still winners. Participation in the contest will make them moil*# careful adults, aware of thethreat of fire hazards and interested in preventing loss fire. ' 7:1 All completed material must b$,< postmarked not later than June 30. • Buy U.S. Savings Bands . TO! Hi I TOTS & TEENS LOCATED IN JOHNSBURG ACROSS FROM THE BOWLING RESORT PHONE McHENRY 1908 Featuring Famous Name Brands Of Wearing Apparel For Tots Thru Teens GLORIA JORGENSON & MARGUENyTE JOYCE She'll be lookinq ford card Item you on Day If that "very special" feeling you have for Mother is hard to put into words, let our beautiful greeting cards express your sentiments for you! We have a wide and wonderful selection ... all sure to be received with joy! Come in now and take your pick. By N0RCRQSS at BOLGER'S .A. ^r, \ - > . ;i •4- a • i MAIN HOMECRAFTERS OFFICE A! ON RTE. 120 2 EAST OF BRIDGE Save! WITH TKIED, TESTED AND QUALITY PBOVEN PRODUCTS / 20% @FF on Newest ROLLUP and PilMA 'III ALUlp or FIBRE GLASS ALUMINUM COMBINATION & SeiiiN WINB@Wf PLAIN OR ANODIZED 3 TRACK OR TRACKLESS CASEMENT STORM WINDOWS COMB. ALUM. STORM BOORS INCLUDES -- DOOR CLOSER - KWOB LOCK AND STORM CHAIN & M W up INSTALLATION EXTRA $34J0 We do all of our installing -- assuring our customers of personalized service. ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE NOS. 1062 & 106999 PHONE RUDY PAUSELLI ^ NELS STARK AT YOUR SERVICE WITH 9 YEARS OF KNOW-HOW BEHIND THEM