Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1957, p. 17

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'v > ,, , rT^'-v V-'-'v'Yr,<•,- vfTA%"p":<r1' i X'tr' ,'•\ " >v* V:' Thursday, May 9, 1957 " ,"* ' ^ ^ q. ^7 f' ^P5^ty^P! ,*--X- THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McCullom Lake News By Eve' Levesqoe 4(#>i Mixed Emotions ^ I am very happy to be with you all again, giving out with information and bits of this and that, but sad because of the reason that makes it possible. Our reporter tried and true, Eve Levesque, found it necessary to enter Mc- Henry hospital last Sunday afternoon to undergo surgery on Monday. Get well quick, Eve, we misk you. Medals and Laurels and plenty of them--even tho' 'they are verbal, to the hard working fellows who spent their Sunday morning and a piece of the afternoon too, down at the beach erecting the bases for the playground equipment for the youngsters of the community. & Jake Levesque was down there with his truck hauling away the winter's accumulation of trash so tjiat the work could proceed. A concrete mixer and truck were available and the backs and muscles that set the posts in blocks of concrete belonged to Ed Hammerstein, Don Parent!, L&rry Murray, Ed Listen* Elmer Thorp, Ole Olsen, Clayt and Don Nelson, Gene Frost, Mark Ringelstetter, and Sinclair Morris. Concrete was poured until 1:30 p.m. and these fellows worked hard and long. Next - Sunday comes the job of assembling and mounting the slides, teeter totters and merrygo- round. Without a doubt these fellows will be back down there. Let's all join 'em at 10 a.m. armed with rakes for the clean-up job and help with the assembly of the equipment. Many hands make light work! Thanks is a trite word sometimes, but we say it sincerely to the fellows whe did such a grand job last Sunday. Ladies of the Lake The gals will meet Thursday evening May 9 at 8 p.m. at the beach house. This meeting will be the business session and an interestfhg evening will be assured. Let's «al> go and bring a neighbor. See you there? is well worth the yearly fee. The range is located on Riverside drive, a quarter mile north of McHenry. You must be a paid up member to shoot for trophies. Information can be obtained from Gene Piotrowski, who is secretary of the club. Cullom-Knoll The association resumed it's regular meeting Sunday, May 5. but a quorum was not obtained >o there was no business session. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Kate Lennert. Kindergarten Registration will be held in the north kindergarten room at Edgebrook school, Friday, May 10,/from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. All the small fry who will reach the age of 5 by Dec. 1 should be registered so that they may enter school in the fall. Legal birth certificates are required. Sportsmen's Club On Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6, the working parties completed the final plantine of 3.000 seedlings on the controlled shooting area of the McCullom Lake Sportsmen's club. The majority of seedlings, composed of white pine and jack pine, were planted on the Nippersink slough and should show promising results in 2 to 3 years because of tjieir rapid growth. The next move is to enlarge the present list of controlled shooters from 75 to approximately 125. 1,000 pheasants are in order, plus 500 chucker partridge. Remember the trap shooting area --each Sunday from 1 p.m. until --? Jay Crick and his committee are there to welcome you and help you with citing your fall shoo.ting. The membership fee will add to the Lake conservation fund, which has and is making possible the improvement of our lake and thereby the improvement of our community too -adding~Tn4* the pleasure of living hor£. Champs In. Our Midst! A team of gals who call themselves the Gutter Dodgers have been bowling every Thursday evening at 9 p.m. at Johnsburg during the past season. These very able gals -- Jean Reid, Barbara Brand, Helen Meyer, Dee Amici and Blanehfc Kaufman, came away with first place in the tournament in which they participated. They were feted at a banquet held at Chapel Hill on Thursday, May 2, and came home with beautiful individual trophies, which holds a place of honor in their homes-- and rightly so. Congratulations gals!! Dead-Eye Pete If his friends call Gene Piotrowski that, it will be aptly put! Putting all lightness aside, the McHenry Rifle club had a trophy match on April 28. The winners of the matrh and the trophies were Gene Piotrowski, McCullom Lake, first place, Verne Thurnesu, Wonder Lake, second place, and Bob Thompson, McHenry, third place. The club is planning on holding these matches once a month and encourages all who are interested to participate. You are never tco young or too old to shoot and the enjoyment and self-esteem you get from joining in the matches May Day Matinee. was the title of the luncheon and style show sponsored by the McHenry Women's hospital auxiliary, for the purpose of raising funds for the McHenry hospital. It was held at the Legion hall, Wednesday, May 1, at 1 p.m. and the whole affair was as delightful as spring itself! The ladies attending, dined sumptuously on Hawiian chicken salad and topped it all off with an elegant cheese cake torte. As they lingered over their coffee, LaVerne Antonson presented a. style show Which was every bit as special as you might imagine. Bathing suits, summer casuals and shorts were modeled by teenagers and local women. The show was Capably narrated by Mrs. Charles Cuda. The capable and hard working committee who made this memorable afternoon possible consisted of Linda Dason, chairman, Ethel Buch, Ann Zahn, Jean Fox, Shirley Lamerand and Marge Scott. The affair was a huge success and the ladies of the auxiliary ire seriously contemplating the possibility of making this an annual affair. Litter Bugs have left their nasty trail on property here and there throughout our community! It surely is the work of "passers-thro" or thoughtless summer guests. Anyone observing such an act should reprimand the offender, and if possible, turn them over to proper authorities. I'm sure of the situation were in reverse, the offender's would be just as indignant as we are! Best Wishes The following ladies will be blowing out candles on their cakcs this coming week--Lil Sawdo - May 10, Lena Eckhardt--May 12, and Mrs. Wyn Doran-- May 15. Many happy returns, gals. Our Congratulations to Marge and Brad Scott, who celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary on May 1. Felicitations are late but sincere. Mi- Did You Know? and Mrs. Kenneth Ebey, Sr. T I L E IT TOTHSELF AND SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile LOWEST Prices 28V2* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERGANTS ,Jlea Qgsuh PHONE RICHMOND 4198 Located on Johnsburg Rd., S'/2 miles North of Johnsburg , (About ZVi miles North of Sunnyside Estates) are back in our midst. They left their present home in Florida to journey north and visit Ken, Jr. and wife Eleanor artS their three grandchildren. It's good to see them again. Whitey Bjork had an extra birthday party last Saturday. Many of his' friends were not aware of his natal day until they read it in last week's column. They dropped in to wish him well and the result was a lot of good wishes and a lot of fun. Betty Baumbeck went into McHenry hospital for minor surgery Wednesday, May 1 returning to her home on Thursday afternoon --good as new, but uncomfprtable. So glad all's well. Betty Anne Granath, young daughter of Marge and John, left her tonsils at the McHenry hospital, Monday April 29. The young lady came home on Tuesday with a very sore throat, but is in A-l condition now. Charles and Barbara Thaeker and young sons are vacationing in Georg in. They are visiting Chuck's mother and father, who reside there. Mrs. Harriet Eurghart left on Sunday, April ?K for Cleveland, Ohio./ She is staying with her daughters family while that lady undergoes surgery. Lena and Fred Eckhardt spent the weekend in Aurora and enjoyed a-pleasant visit with Lena's sister. Otto Pyritz was a showman last Saturday and Sunday nights. He is a member of the McHenry Choral club and participated in their annual spring program, which was presented in the high school auditorium at 8 p.m. of each evening. Many of us have been delighted many times with Otto and his voice and accordion and were pleased indeed to see his talents so aptly put. Don and Marlene Nelson of Forest Park paid mom and dad, Clayt and Elsie Nelson a visit last weekend. Don't the youngest of the Nelson family, will receive his ~™~~WATER ~ PUMPS and WELLS are our only BUSINESS and c^afjidayton Water System* W# Repair end Service All Makes of Pumpt Authorised: Red Jacket 6* Da>ton Pump Agency Wells Drilled or 'Driven Pumps ft Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Matthesfus Phone 718 Page Seventeen degree from Chicago College of | • » * '• m\ • m m Osteopathy on June 2, «nd he and; mur nrtt * *p/\n o a xrn Marlene will then go to Pontiac, i 1 tlij iJUiAlUK jAlu Michigan, where Dr. Don will in-1 _ a.. „ terne. By State Senator Robert McOory It's A Fact During the past few years the number of outsiders frequenting our bea$h and park facilities has been steadily increasing. Unfortunately, 95 per cent of these people fall into the litter-bug category. A method to halt this has been derived. Every permanent resident should list his block and lot number with Elmer Thorp. Upon so doing, you will receive a residential identification card, to be used by you or your guests no identification, no privileges. Mr. Thorp may be reached by phone, 545-W-l or come to the Cullom-Knoll meetings where he will ohliee vou. Please give this your attention, and help keep our ueach and park private. That's all I have for'this week. I shall be with you for next week's column too, so any bit of news that you may wish to give me will reach me at 603-J-2. So long for now -see you around. The gloves are off--in Spring- ! field. And the slugging is about I to begin. Prior to the holding of the recent township and nfunicipal election, the members may have "pulled their punches" in the interest of "local politics." And, the inhibitions practiced by some during the lenten season may have been a restraint on "all-out" action. Other factors have contributed to the traditionally slow start of the Illinois General Assembly-- including the large number of new members who have been "feeling their ways" as they learn about this involved business of law-making. With four out of the six months' session behind us, only about 100 bills have been passed. It is estimated that over, 1,000 more bills will be enacted into law in the final two months of the session. .The big issues which will create the headlines and distinguished the 70th Illinois General Assembly are still "on the calendar"-- or have not yet been placed on the calendar. There has been no approval of constitutional amendments, such as (1) judicial reform, (2) shortening the ballot, (3) reducing the voting age, or other constitutional questions. New Construction or Remodeling Masonry arid Frame Homes Very little progress has been made -- yet -- on such subjects as (a) State auditing reforms, (b) maximum speed and safety laws, (c) revenue reforms, (d) mass transportation problems, or (e) schools. All of these, and many others, will be "red hot" when they reach the floors of the Illinois House and Senate. Caucuses, debates, night sessions, vote "trading," filibusters, and planned parliamentary maneuvers will be among the weapons employed during the closing months of the present session. Much of the polite talk and leisurely action of the past three and a half months will be abandoned. From now on--the talk will be plain, the action swift, the sessions long, and the closing date sure, June 30--at midnight (according to the calendar and the clock.) In the United States, 1 among every 4 Americans is a member of the Red Cross. Throughout the world, 1 among every 25 persons is a member of Red Cross. ENGINEERING COURSE The state Division of Highways, in concert with the University of Illinois, will conduct an engineering technician training course, for . high school graduates this summer according . to an announcement by Gov. William G. Stratton. The course, to be offered on the university campus at Champaign- • Urbana and at Navy Pier, Chicago, will run from June 16 to Aug. 31. This instruction is planned primarily for high school graduates who have completed courses in algebra and plane geometry and who doi not have the money to go to college. Some 200 students will be accepted on the basis of an examination to be given by the University of Illinois. Those chosen will begin drawing pay at the rate of $250 a month, beginning June 16, 1957. On finishing the course they will get higher pay and assignment to work in the division. The growing highway jbuilding program is creating many places for men able to handle sub-professional engineering work. DRIVE WITH CARE! J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCULLOM LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Estimates SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CON RADIO DISPATCHED McHENRY HEADY HIX CO* he. 606 Front St. PHONE McHenry, Drive with card ... everywhere! AT lthoff's Hardware ^ NOW! N *•.3 tU m for Wrdenerg f ( 1 Hedge Trimmers or Attachments For quick easy hedge trimming, use either the drill attachment or the self jcontained unit. An easy way to mow beautiful hedges. *19.95 to <47.95 Plastic GARDEN HOSE • An outstanding value. Tough durable plastic. 7/16 inch diameter -- red or green. 5 Year Guarantee Sweet, Smooth and Sa-wy-thofs Chevy! Model illustrated, the Bel Mr Sport Sedan with Body bf Fisher. Turboglide is the first and only tripleturbine transmission! You can fed the difference from your very first take-off! Just slip Turboglide into "D" for "Drive" and pay it no mind. There is no "Low" or other positions to worry about. For this is the automatic with triple turbines. One for quicksilver starts from a standstill. Another for cream-smooth cruising. And a third turbine for passing response that's safer all the way. In GR (Grade Retarder) position Turboglide helps slow you down--saves your brakes on long, steep hills. When y<ju team Turboglide with Chevy's new Positraction rear axle, you've really got it made! You have surer, safer control on any road surface. Try a sweet, smooth and sassy Chevrolet with these two new extra-cost options at your Chevrolet dealer's. 'V>V' CHEVROLET GET A WINNING DEAL ON THE CHAMPION! Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer 50 ft. BROOM RAKE 20 flat, flexible steel teeth, self cleaning. 4 ft. long ash handle. only 79' GARDEN SPRINKLERS CIRCULAR or AUTOMATIC *2.95 to *14.95 TRUST IN NAME BRANDS For the Very iSST In Spring Into Action With Scoth 'DfiLUXE' 51b. ^ 9 ^ ^ "SIPSeiAL MIRACLE GRASS SHEMS $1 98 The Jaeobteti Model 59 I 8 Ml Rotary with leaf mulcher. ONLY $6950 IT'S AlACOBSON WHEEL OW ONLY 8 88 3 cu. ft. capacity to handle any job. Self-lubricating bearings. Tubular: construction. 2-tone bled. LTHOFF'S HARDWARE 501 MAIN STREET PHONE McHENRY 283 1 y

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