THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 9, 1957 Protect & Kelly Brown Northern lllini Bowmen News By Irene J. Adams Just between us, dear readers, this column is so close to deadline that we may miss the finish line like Willie Schoemaker in the Kentucky Derby. j The Northern lllini Bowmen ' I held their club shoot on May 5. We are suffering from chills I Enjoying the animal targets as "as we try to put together a sports ! well as Sunday s beautiful sunpage and will not try to deny j shine were 56 members and that those slipping White Sox guests. , may be the cause of it all. 1 Winers were: I Expert Men--1 - Van Graham Of ocurse, those well-wishing1 --2 - Paul Glass. Cub fans remembered to phone us after the Yankee series. And, after the Cubs won a ball game Sunday ,Ed Doyle got carried away with the idea that the World Series will be between the Yankees and Cubs. That boy has been totin' too much thirds class mail. We noted that two of Mc- • Henry's real fine couples cele-; brated their twenty-fifth wedding j anniversaries the past week and i found ourself going back down! memory lane. It was A1 and! Alice Barbian and George and Martha Freund who hit the 25-; year mark. , Seems to us we attended a charivari on the Barbians but j can't recall nailing "Butch" for: the drinks. After 25 years as partners and j useful citizens in McHenry, we j want to get in our corigratulations I to both couples. ! Bowmen Men--1 - Roy Engfors --2 - Walter Rueger--3 - Don Kulen. Archer Men--1 - Bob Ellsworth --2 - Bob Alderton--3 - John Farley. Archer Women--1 - Dorothy Rueger--2 - Clara Perry--3 - Dorothy Johnson. Novice Men--1 - Wally Chowanski. . Novice Women--1 XMary. Kulen --2 - Eunice Siebold. Jr. Boys--1 - Gene Stilling. Visitors awards went to Charles Grandt and Mary Davis of the River Park Club. Irene Adams won a third place award in the archer division at the Spring State Bow-hunters shoot at Aurora recently. - The Bowmen will hold their next meeting on May 16, at the American Legion Home at McHenry. The time is 8:15. Movies taken of members at the range will be shown. Anyone interested may attend. Springtime activities, whether it & a happy gardening scene like this, or the first eandlot baseball game of the year, offer excellent picture opportunities. Spring Activities Call for Camera Action In the county league next Sunday we find the McHenry Shamrocks scheduled to play Mandy's at Elgin, ^Juchmond will invade Johp£burg in a game that may JW a lot of light on how this ace is going to shape up. We hear that Ray Miller has ideas of a championship this year. Ray has had some good ball teams and could have been on top a couple of times with the help of one or two more ball players. Joe Frett is faced with a rebuilding job this year and it will be quite a job to replace fellows like Howie Katz, Howie Freund and • Bob Klaus. -- BOWLING BAR -- Thurs. Nite Ladies-- Final Standings: In the only tight ball game in the county league last Sunday, Crystal Lake edged Dundee 3 to 2. The Shamrocks would be very happy to see more of you fans at their games. It looks like the team is on the way up. DAILY PINUPS: Modern trends are three-dimensional, they give a man height, width and debt. Won Lost 1. Bowling Resort 58 Vj 34 Vj 2. Hettermann's 57% 35 Vz 3. Atlas Prager 49 % 43% 4. Central Garage 44 49 5. Leo's Painterettes 43% 49% 6. Lay's Tavern 42 51 7. Holiday Inn 41 52 8. Adams' Market 36 57 Doubles Winners: The safest way to peruse your past is to write a best seller When a man celebrates \his birthday he may take a day off^ when a woman celebrates her's she may take years off. Flattery is light fiction which would be nice to read into facts. Running after the impossible may tire you, catching up with it may cause the collapse. --Anonymous % THE GREAT OUTDOORS 1. Leona Meyers & Dorothy Hetterman -- 975 2. Vivian Smith & Betty Freund -- 949 3. Laura Schmitt & LuAnn Smith -- 945 4. Sally Benson & Jackie Freund -- 940 5. Isabel Stilling & Mig^Joyce -- 940 6. Marge Voase & Lorraine Hiller -- 920 7. Bonnie Meyers & Ella Mc- Guire -- 913 8. Lorraine Smith & Mary Tomasello -- 911 9. Marcella Wakitsch & Ethel Rad -- 890 10: Betty Hettermann & El^anore Mangold -- 884 According to the rhyme we chanted as children, "Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. . . ." But, now in addition to having 30 days, we find April is now a month composed of National Arts and Crafts Week, National Model Building Week, National Coin Week, National Garden Week, National Photography Week and National Do-It- Yoyrself Week! This just goes to prove that spring is a season humming witJb all kinds of activities which make fine subjects for the family snapshooter. It's really "open season" for shooting and you. can't afford to Let your camera be idle much of the time. Spring brings longer days--days that may boast a chill in the shade but a sudden soft warmth in the sun--which means more activities out-of-doors and more outdoor shooting. And sure as the solstice jtself, it's a time for putting the family's best foot forward in bright spring finery--a time for painting and polishing everything in sight around the house--a time when every housewife assaults her home from basement to attic and feels compelled to move every piece of furniture in the place. Everywhere, lawns and parks andxwoods explode in a surf of green. And the home gardener, too, knows it's time to "bend his back and dig" if he wants the "results and roses" Edgar A. Guest used to write verses about. Sports loom large on the spring horizon, too--everything from the informal launching of the marble season to the formal debut of bigleague baseball. And speaking of baseball, we're sure there are more than a few fathers umpiring some fine sandlot games right now! As you can see, all the activities we've mentioned are part of the spring picture--an important segment of family living that deserves to be recorded as it happens. "Spring adds a precious seeing to the eye," Shakespeare said-- and there.'$fSttich to see around us amid the light-hearted harlequin moods of people and the weather. Even if you can't predict exactly what man or the elements will do, you can be sure they'll be doing something. --John Van Guilder SHAMROCKS SLAM BALL TO WIN 15 - 6 OVER HEBRON NINE -- McHENRY RECREATION -- Foresters-- B. O'Brien 204-580; J. Knox, 202-561; J. Kuna, 218-561; A. Weingart, 560; J. Kennebeck. 560; H. Michels, 222-557; L. Klapperich, 214-556; V. Reinboldt, 226- 555; B. Hamil, 201-55^T~^. W., Schaefer, 253-550; H. Justen, 245- j 547; T. Pitzen, 210-542. ! The McHenry Shamrocks slammed out 16 hits to beat Hebron 15 to 6 oh the McHenry diamond last Sunday in the first game of the county league race. Kulin pitched all the way for the Shamrocks, allowing only three hits and one run in the first seven innings. Enjoying a 14-1 lead, Kulin must have decided to ease up a bit in the eighth when Hebron scored five runs on six hits. In six trips to the plate, Mike Nichols rapped out two singles, a double, triple and drew a base on balls. Becknell, Jaskot, and Howard Knox hit the ball hard, giving the impression that McHenry may have some punch in the 3-4-5 JOHNSBURG TIGERS 1 WIN WILD GAME AT ELGIN VFW. 14-11 'Twas a wild ball game at Elgjn last Sunday as the Johnsbut^; Tigers beat the V.F.W. 34 l^i* In the first inning, the put across 9 runs and looked like a shoo-in. Along came Elgin with 2 runs in their half, then 8 more in the second to gain the lead. From that point on the game settled down in spite of some early season errors committed % both teams. Dick. Hiller hit a honjie run $ Johnsburg. With the ' opening game about a month away, we still have not given up hopes^of playing this summer on our own ball diamond. We were very disappointed last week that our hopes for starting on the di^imopd' at the V.F.W. were shattered by unlooked for circumstances, but as long as the V.F.W. wants us to , have a diamond on theif grounds, we are going to get an estimate^ this week on grading the dwtfhond and try to defray the expense by selling advertising on the Home Run fence. We have had quite a few offers for ads already and feel that we can build the field ourselves and give these boys a field of our own. , To start things' off, our good friend Bernie Peschke gave me his check for the fii*st. advertisement. Many thanks, Bernie. Anyone interested in this project to help a nice group of boys have a Pony League diamond of their own,- please contact any of the officer^ or managers or call me at 445-,R; and we will be very glad to explain it to you. Lets show these boys that we will not let them down. USFS ague The tryouts for all boys were completed Tuesday night at the city ball park. After tryouts the .managers met to select the Major league teams. The minor league teams will be chosen sometime next week. The playing schedule will start Sunday, June 2nd. All players will be notified by their manager, as to which team they are to play on. Approximately 280 boys registered for Little League this year. The need for supervision is our greatest problem. If you enjoy working with children, we would be -glad to have your help. You can volunteer by calling any of the league officers or managers. May 4-5 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program--High School Auditorium-- 8:15 p.m. May 7 Fox Valley-Camp, R.N.A. Meeting-- Mrs. C. W. Goodell Home. May 8 Spring Tea of W.SC..S.--Methodist Church Parlors. . May 9 St. Clara Court W.C.O.F.-rInstallation of Officers. May 10 Woman's Club .Luncheon and Program--Legion Home. High School Musical Comedy Review--8:15 p.m. Musical Review by Ann Varese --High Schol Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. May 14 McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Spring General Meeting--8 pjn.-- Methodist Church Meeting Room. Spring Salad Luncheon--Zion. Lutheran Ladies Aid--noon at Legion Home. O.E.S. state meeting--Mothers and members night--Acacia Hall --8 p.m. St. Patrick's Mothers club Meeting. NQW SHOWING TwirriSxcitement Motion Pictures "HEN IN WAB" Plus "UTAH BLAINE" COMING SUNDAY Big Twin Bill "TENSION AT TABLE ROCK" Second Exciting Bill ."THREE BRAVE MEN' Instrumental -- Vocal Music Festival -- High School Gymnasium-- 8:15 p.m. M'ay 28 Regular Meeting, McHenry Garden Club--1:30 p.m.--Mrs. Betty Nielsen Home. It is a fact that the people of the nation, as a whole, have lost much of their former, admiration for the professions as a whole. BRowninjr HSU THURS. & SAT. MAY 9-11 ELM THEATRE WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS Phone JAckson 6-1421 Si) MAY 9-10 & 11 Double Feature Program DOUBLE-HORROR! todood I Oirtm by fear Coruis f NoT < oF l/'TFiis EARIH Rcti the Want Ads spots this season. A 7-run splurge in the fifth inning put the game away for the Shamrocks. Shamrocks (15) By Jack Walsh Nichols--IB Stanek--.2B Becknell--LF Jaskot--RF T_h urs. 9A: 15-- ILH . Knox--CF M , _ ! B. Nolan--C„ Overton, 234-527; Sutton, 532; ij Knox Si Larkin, 201-580; Skaling, 208-543; j Molidor S. Wirfs, 210; S. Buenzli, 575; S. Kulin-J$ \ Urbik. 208-538; E. Simon, 531: T^icCulla--IB Krause, 200-549; Corso, 208-554; | Kreier, 208-233-565; Worm, 540; j Nimsgern, 207; V. Freund, 206- 549; M. Eichinger, 212-557; Book- Jer, 207-526; Kleinhuizen, 527^ Anglers are still catching trout in the stream that runs into Boone Creek. The trout are averaging about eight inches in length and>^re^becoming pretty wary because of all the people who are Tws slxtyNlner*_ walking along the stream. It is often hard to realize how E Modinger, 442; N. Stilling, easily a trout is frightened. Often ' 189-454; C. May, 448; T. Stilling, just a slight vibration in an over- j 176-455, L. Cairns, 180-444; S. hanging bank will scare a trout i Sutton, 204-522; L. Crouch, 434. into hiding and ruin his appetite Doherty 432; L. Pitzen, 468: for hours i Harms, 183; H. Busch, 486; M. Our ChSin O' Lakes area has \ S toff el, 192-464. .been pretty good for fishing lately with Fox Lake getting the biggest build-up. Fox Lake is hitting the Chicago papers regularly and is even getting quite a few mentions on the radio. The other lakes are equally T. Nolan--LF Schlung--RF J. Molidor--CF Salerno--SS Totals Hebron (6) L. Andresen--SS iT. Nelson--P I S. Kuecker--IB j A. Andresen--3B J. Smith--CF j B. Nelson--C J. Schmidt--2B • D. Dratz--LF ! J. Peterson--RF populated with fish and are all producing some wonderful panfish and bass fishing at times. Occasionally a northern is landed. Crappies are taking minnows and flies. An added attraction to j a fly is a small pork strip trailing behind or a small spinner in front of /the fly. Bluegills and bass are being caught on flies, worms, and night crawlers. We were surprised to catch two nice 'gills on minnows while fishing for crappies a few evenings ago. The McHertry Rifle club trophy shoot was held ^.pril 23rd. Herb Freund was high man with 340 but of a possible 400. Herb had a 50-point handicap. The trophies went to Bob Thompson of McHenry 3rd, Verne Thurneau of Wonder Lake 2nd, Gene Piotrowski 1st. We are going to hold - these trophy shoots about once Thurs. 9:15-- V. Freund. 213-248-625; E. Peisert, 212-595; Houghton, 530; Worm, 532; Overton, 550; Crouch, Thomas LF 214-571; Brady, 202-546; Krause, 257-200-202-659; King. 204-548; R. O'Brien, 546; W. Pries, 573; Noonan, 527; S. Vrbik, 570; F reund 543. i.B. R. H. 5 1 4 5 0 1 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 0 5 0 1 5 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 42 15 16 &.B. R. H. 5 0 2 4 0 1 4 1 1 3 2 1 5 0 2 4 0 1 4 1 1 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 35 6 10 Johnsburg Tigers (14) A.B. R. Freund--LF S. Miller--3B 11. Hiller--2B A. Jackson--CF W. Frett--RF G. Nowak T. Huemann--SS B. Comstock--IB W. Klapperich--P R. 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 H. 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 3 Totals 37 14 Elgin V.F.W. (11) A.B. R. H. Mattison--2B 6 2 1 Leach--CF 5 0- 2 St. John--RF 5 2 1 Ross--3B 4 1 1 Andresen--3B 1 0 0 Kollenback--C 4 1 2 Young--IB 5 2 1 Klassen--SS 4 1 2 Green--LF 5 1 1 Bohman--P 2 1 0 Caraway--P 1 0 0 Simon--PH 1 0 0 Totals 43 11 11 Score by Innings'. Johnsburg: 903 000 020--14 Elgin: 280 000 001 --11 MINIATURE GOLF "18 Fabulous Fun Parked Holes" Luzern Miniature Course, LAKE GENEVA, WIS. -- NOWJQPEN -- FRI. SAT. SUN. DURING MAY Lou Consago Ray Schmitt I" CRYSTAL B.T- i i)j TMr ATn Two Shows Nightly 1st Show at Dusk FRI.-SAT. MAY 10-11 Double Feature Program "SCREAMING EAGLES" Tom Tryon - Jan Merlin also "VAQUI DRUMS" Rod Cameron LATE SPOOK SHOW SATURDAY MAY 11 "EVIL MIND" SUN.-MON. & TUES. MAY 12-13 & 14 "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" Gary Cooper Dorothy McGuire Anthony Perkins Color WED.-THURS. MAY 15-16 "BATTLE HYMN" Rock Hudson" - Martha Hyer Dan Duryea . C^nemaScope & Technicolor SPECIAL This Week Only SUPER DELUXE BALL POINT PEN FOR ONLY 15c With Each Purchase of a Box of Popcorn fnimi 4 Directed by Eogu Csmiaa* An Allid Aitab Pidn SUN.-MON. & TUES. MAY 12-13-14 Double Feature Program l-G-M presents in VISTAVlSION andTECHNICOLOR® § Bob Katharine | ; HOPE-HEPBURN! I First Time Together -|| Die ipon petticoat also "TENSION AT TABLE ROCK" WEDNESDAY ONLY MAY 15 This pciture is a Benefit performance for Little League in this area. ^ M-G-M pmnK JAMES JUNE STEWART The Stratton Story 1 •MM H-G-M MASTERPIECE FFIMILTAMHJ '.rr- ELIZABETH/ ROCK TAYLOW/HUPSOT^YDEIW Shown at '7:30 Only Thurs. 9:15--Final Standings: Won Lost 1. F.M. Television 61 38 2. Old Bridge Tavern 57 42 3. Prager 54 45 4. Freund Oil Co. 53 46 5. Blatz 51% 41V2 6. McHenry Auto 51 48 7. Kent Corp. 50 49 8. Riverside Barber 47 52 9. Fitzgerald's Realty 47 52 10. Park Pub 42% 56 Vi 11. Clark Chev. 40'/2 58% 12. H. E. Buch & Sons 40% 58% Totals A. j Score by^lnnings: R 1 Hebron: 010 000 050-- 6 ' Shamrocks: 211 072 111--15 Two base hits: Nichols, H. Knox, J. Smith J. Peterson. Three base hits: Nichols, 1; Jaskot, 1. Double plays: Stanek to J. Knox to Nichols, Kulin to Molidor to Nichols. Sacrifice fly: J. Schmidt. Two base hits: R. Hiller, W. Klapperich, St. John Kollenback. Three base hits: Young, Klassen Home Runs: R. Hiller. Base on Balls off Bohmann: 14, Caraway: 3, Klapperich: 2. Strike Outs by Bohmann: 1, Caraway: 2, Klapperich: 5. Winn nig pitcher: Klapperich. CARD OF THANKS Dr. and Mrs. Milton L. Smith wish to extend their most sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy by their friends in their recent bereavement. It sometimes happens that the man who thinks he is a genius can't think of anything else. WED SATURDAY Miss Margaret Rogers of Lilymoor and Paul Hiller of Ringwood exchanged nuptial vows in a love- _ ly ceremony performed last Sata month. Anyone interested come | urday, May 4, at St. Patrick's to the range Tuesday evenings. I Catholic church at 11 o clock. "JUST fOR FUN" R@§Ber SEsating RiraCi 608 Front St. on Rt. 31 McHENRY, ILL. Open - Tues., Wed., FrL, Sat. & Sun. 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE -- 1:80 TO 4 P.M. We sell complete line of shoe skates 91S 95 A up Something no Mont ever has too many of . . . cosmetics! Famous name'vpecftjmes, colognes, lipsticks . . . everything she'd welcome on her Day . . . in crvSiv gifted collection. Com< McHENRY 129 N. Riverside Dr %i UGS GRAYSLAKE'RT 120 & 21 Open Weekdays 7:30 Sat. & Sun. 7 P.M. Children Under 12 in cars free' THURS. SAT. MAY 9--11 JACK PALANCE. EDDIE ALBERT Plus 2nd Feature CMM if oc tuxc CINBMASCOPE EXTRA! ADDED LATE-SHOW FEATURE SATURDAY NIGHTS Come Early - See All Three! SUN. -- TUES. MAY 12--14 'SOth C«ntury-Fox pr®oontp INGRID BERGMAN AYULBRYNNER HELEN HAYES NABTABIA QOLOR toy Dl ONBMASGOPC Plus CoTIit! Paramount prasenh nciicoiir fauVBOH with Charlton Heston FAMILY - PARTY NIGHTS! Every Monday & Tuesday $|•0 n0n PER CARLOAD Come Out for Fun! COMING MAY 15--18 "UNGUARDED MOMENT" & DRANGO" SUN. - TUES. Deborah Kerr MAY 12-14 Robert Mitchum 'HEAVEN KNOWiS MR. ALLISON" Cinemascope - Color' WED. - SA^. MAY 15-18 Fred Astaire Audrey Hepburn "FUNNY FACE" 1 . S SKYLINE DRIVE-IN Ultra • Modern One Mile East of McHenry on Route 120 m Two Shows Nightly First Show Starts at Dusk LAST DAY THURS. MAY 9 In Color Dean Martin - Jerry Lewis "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST" FRI^SAT. MAY 10-11 In Color Audrey Hepburn - Fred AstairA 'TUNNY FACE" -- Plus -- Rod Cameron - Mary Castle "YAQ0I DRUMS" Also: Color Cartoon SUN.-MON. MAY 12-13 In Color Gary Cooper Dorothy McGuire "FRIENDLY 4 PERSUASION" Also: Color Cartoorj TUES. FOR 3 DAYS MAY 14,15-16 In Color Jayne Mansfield - Tom Ewell "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" -- Plus -- Perez Prado - Mary Kaye Triif "CHA-CHA-CHA 1 BOOM!" Children Under 12 Yrs. Free In Cars McHenry Theatre J 218 Green St. McHenry, I1L4 Phone 144 FRI. & SAT. MAY 10-11 Double Feature Program .Funny star of "7 Year Itch" ; ^flvtwellisa^rw, *• VIG M Prci.nt. « TOM EWELL * ANNE FRANCIS ANN MILLER ^ MANAGERS NOTE: A clever, well made comedy featuring the exploits of a Little Leagu^ ball club. Tom Ewell is a riot! The comedy is uproarious. Recommended for the entire family. -t- 2ND FEATURE -- Van JOHNSON Ann BLYTH Steve COCHRAN in M-G-M's cc'itorrmg MTTIOKMMKM UHJUTDFTB J VICIOUS UCKIT unsai SUN.-MON. & TUES. MAY 12-13 & 14 WHAT-A-GUV-- WAYNE IN A WONDERFUL NEW ENTERTAINMENT! ra-G-ro METROCOLOR -90MN WAYNE ' DAN DAILEY MAUREEN O'HARA 'THE WINGS "OF EAGLES ^WARD BOND^& UMtMFlcntt --j STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR 4 DAYS Two Big Science Fiction Hits "KRONOS" and "SHE DEVIL".