Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1957, p. 6

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, 1 V ' THE McHraiRY PLAINDEALER '•• sasOa^®"4 ww3B»y- Mw?. Wtr - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING UNO DOOR BELLS JFOH $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT ADI ______ - 'Mr Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 25 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 1 (Count 5 words per line) y 25c service charge on all blind ads. Grab with order. Card oi Thanks--$1.00 Minimum WSht Ads close promptly at 10 .m. Wednesday. BOATS & MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- -ferms Motors and Boats Service - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 % S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c Col. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per infety. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications. Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL OARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 I block East of the river bridge. Open weekday. 9 a.m. to 6 pjn. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf THE BEST --e FOR LESS USED CARS *56--Ford Ranch Wagon '55--Dodge Royal 4-dr. sedan *55--Plymouth sport coupe '54--Nash Statesman sedan '53--Ford 4-dr. sedan '53--Chevrolet Bel. club coupe '52--Plymouth 4-dr. sedan Many more to choose from. A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. McHENRY _ PHONE 156 10 H.P. JOHNSON motor, gear shift, 1953. 5 gallon tank, excellent condition--$150..-' Ten month old male Beagle--$15. Phone McHenry 2686. 1 14-FT. CEDAR STRIP boat witn 16 h.p. Johnson motor, good condition--$ 200. Gas can & cushions included. Phone McHenry 752-J. 1 16 FT. FIRE-FLY with trailer & tarp. A-r-ee^dition, steering wheel & controls. ^Chrome accessories, windshield, completely equipped. Best offer/Call McHenry 523-W-l. 1-tf 4%HEEL BOAT TRAILER with cradle for 17-ft. Cris Craft. Ph. 1417. 1 BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE LARRY DODD - SEPTIC SERVICE i Cleaning A Specialty Also Repairing & Rodding Phone McHenry 628-R-l . 52-tf Why Run Out? CALL Thennes Oil Co. PHONE 32 Degree Day Delivery mm* mi SO, 27-tf Roto-Tilling Lawn and Gardens Ivan Greene 719 Ponca Street Cooney Heights Phone McHenry 1883-R 48-9 PAINTING, interior and' exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard tapeing -- Free estimates. Nick Huff, Ph. Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son. Ph. 570-M-l. Rt. 4, McHenry. 36-tf Candid Weddings trom Home, Church ana Reception KOLIN Photograpners Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. Call us for appointment eL 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf For Garbage 1954 CHEVROLET 210, 4-dr., Disposal Service green. Purchased Dec. '54. White walls, heater, radio, back-up lights CALL turn singals .excellent condition, \ *• t private original owner. $895££L-V JlIXl jOrCl©nSG?n Phone McHenry 936. 1 kttutrat.t. 6-1432 BOATS & MOTORS • Chris Craft Cavalier Cruisers & Runabouts, {nbd&rd & Outboard. 1957 Models on hand. • Evinrude Motors All 1957 models in stock. • Thunderbird All Fiberglass outboard runabouts. • Reimann & Georger Pier Frames • Foreman & Tee Nee Boat Trailers • Used Boats All Types ® Chris Craft Boat Kits Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ev<>ry Day Year Around North Bridge Marine Service Co. (Formerly Hunter Boat Co.) East Side of Old Bridge McHENRY 47-tf McHENRY 9865 Address: LONG LAKE, INGLESIDE, ILL. 47-tf CONTRACTORS of complete septic' systems, as low as $235. For free estimates call Nett's Sand & Gravel. McHenry 1260. 52-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete1 electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, HI. I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 Station Box 38 38-tf C. S. & G. MOWER SERVICE -- Complete rebuffing of mowers & Roto-Tillers. New and used mowers. Sharpening - $5.50 up to 21" Hand mowers $2.00. Work guaranteed. We service what we sell. Ph. McHenry 1606. 50-tf FOR YOUR SERVICE NEEDS CALL ^ McHENRY GARAGE Willys Sales & Service TEL. 403 We service all makes of vehicles. Service Hrs.: 8:00 -- 5:30 Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 -- 5:00 Saturdays 600 Front St. (on Rt. 31) McHenry, Illinois 45-12 GARAGE DOORS I Wood Sectional Flush or Panel | Radio Control Door Operators I LEIBACH DOOR COMPANY McHenry 1187-R 22-tf Wu Answer This One- Whom would you pick to, ti*tp yo • claim «gairut ah in»u/*nc#'eompany? A On* of tfieir employee! i r •"S prineip»8y foe (h* bett intefttt* of that company, or B Anindependent agent who wit voit ftt you in making cattaia you ara fiiy *atiifi*d. If your answar was "B" thm you blow why floeal, independent agent con bo it protect your interest*. THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, I1L Business Opportunities BUSINESS SERVICE Construction Work NEW, HOMES GARAGES ADDITIONS, REPAIRS, REMODELING Call Wonder Lake 3931 52-3 HOME IMPROVEMENT service. Carpentry, floor & wall tiling. "No job too small." Free estimate. Howard Reinboldt, Station Box 42, McHenry, 111. Phone 261. 1-4 FOR SALE AN OPPORTUNITY Good retail business for sale - modern fixtures - 100% location - hardware - sporting goods - automotive - paint - farm supplies - appliances and housewares. Located in the heart of N. Illinois' best farming area. Write: P.O. BOX 367 DIXON, ILLINOIS 1-2 FOR SALE USED BUILPTNG material 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's 30 ft., 2 x 8V 10's and 12's. Also 3 x 12's. Shifting plumbing. 2 -- 1 car garages. Wheeler Wrecking Co. 360 N Grove, Elgin, Sherwood 1-5677 12tf McHenry Disposed Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FRED WIRTZ . 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf SAW SERVICE. Hand and circular saws machine sharpened and repaired. Edw Heyward, 106 S. Riverside Dr. Phone 445-M. 47-tf FOR SALE Sears Roebuck & Co. Buildiiijg Materials Gutters - Plastic Tile Aluminum Comb. Windows and Doors Floor Tile - Garage Doors Railings - Jalousie Windows Roofing and Siding Materials or Applied "Easy Payment Plan Call 1878-W or Write Frank Gans, Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 46-tf 3 GRADES OF DIRT as low as $1.50 per yard delivered. Power leveling & grading. Nett's Sand & Gravel. Phone McHenry 1260. f 52-tf 42-tf "HOURL-. RATtJS for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond «81." 26-tf 14-FT. DUNPHY with 25 h.p. Evinrude with elec. siren, radio, complete. Must sell. Private party! McHenry 2218. 1.2 PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR For top quality workmanship with the best of materials Phone Parks & Wiedenhoeft LANGE.3T: PARKS McHenry 577-J-l AL WIEDENHOEFT McHenry 1869-J *50-4 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed. Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf TREE SPRAYING - Dairy barn. F. W. Henkel, P.O. Round Lake, 111. Residence, Volo. Phone McHenry 543-J-L 48-tf New Used BOATS Inboards - Outboards "VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS" Aristocraft; Tomahawk; Admiral; Pabst; Aluma Craft; Arkansas Trav.; Switzer; Yel- ~ low Jacket: Glasstex, Fiberglass & other leading makes. CAVALIER & CHRIS CRAFT SPEEDBOATS & CRUISERS GATOR & TEE NEE TRAILERS •NEW MOTORS 3 H.P. to 35 H.P. ? MARINE ACCESSORIES / ED. J. WENDT < BOATS & MOTORS PH. 3231 - RICHMOND, ILL. (Ori Hwy. 12 -- 3 Blks. N. of Intersection 12 & 173 Open Daily & Sundays USED MOTORS - $35 & UP 45-tf WELLS DRILLED- 01 DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf Highland Imp. Co. General Contractors Homes, additions, porches, dormers, concrete, plumbing and electricity. Union work. No job too small. PHONE WONDER LAKE 6392 52-tf GENUINE CERAMIC TILE. Do il yourself, or we'll do it for you. All necessary material and use of tools available. Average bath about $125. Complete instructions. Call Lake Region Tile Co., JAckson 6-7298 or visit 414 Ridge Court. Wauconda, 111. 28-tf R I N G ' S PLUMBI^o and HEATING BOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating '*#8 and Electric Water Heaters Vater Systems - Water Softener* Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow TRUCKING LIVE STOCK Will haul livestock, lime & hay. Local and long distance hauling. Jerome Stilling McHenry 1994-W *51-3 GENERAL MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, tuck pointing, brick, block and stone work. Fully equipped and insured. New brick homes from $13,900 and up on your lot. General carpentry -- Frank J. Rezabek & Son, General Contractors. Rt. 31 at Hayes Rd., Algonquin, 111. Phone OLiver 8-4611 or 8-7716 and Crystal Lake 2548. 50-7 Roto-Tilling The ideal way to prepare a perfect seedbed for a new lawn or garden. LAWN CARE EVERGREENS TOM McMAHON Phone McHenry 504-R-2 after 5 p.m. LARGE SELECTION of Used Rugs. Cleaned, repaired and mothproofed. All sizes and colors. These rugs are trade-ins on new rugs and carpets. Home shopping service and quality carpets at minimum prices with easy budget- terms. Open Mon. & Fri. evenings until §:00 p.m. TIDY CARPETS and RUGS. Junction Rts. 120 and 14. Phone Woodstock 1000. 52-tf FOR SALE UNIVERSAL STOVE, 9 cu. ft. F r i g i d a i r e r e f r i g e r a t o r , l a r g e Naxon portable washing machine with electric wringer. Phone Wonder'Lake 5983. 1 10 TON good alfalfa hay. Phone McHenry 2711. 1 21" POWER MOWER - reel type like new. Also, windmill. Phone 748. 1-tf USED Frigidaire refrigerator; baby bathinette; baby car bed. Phone Wonder Lake 4964. 1 Open Sunday Mornings 10 to 12:30 Closing Out A L L Housewares - Garden Supplies Paints & Supplies Here are a few of our outstanding bargains: Keller Adjustable Ironing Board $ 7.95 reg. $12.95 Curtain Stretcher $ 4.59 reg. $ 5.95 Lawn Mower $14.99 reg. $18.95 Hudson Tank Sprayer $ 5.95 reg. $ 7.95 Super Kem-Tone & % price Martin Senour Paints 99c. SPECIALS Canister Set - Bread Box - Covered Cake Plate - Stove & Sink Mats - 41 Cup Coffee Pot - Lamp Shades - Toilet Top Trays - Roastwell Roasters - Hudson Continuous Sprayers - Hack Sawi. McHenry Dept. Store 103 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE 459 6 CU. FT. REX mortar mixer $85. Also 4-yr-old Shetland Gelding pony, harness & sulky $375. Ph. McHenry 1189. 1 T.V. in traveling carrying case-- 7" tube, excellent condition "Motorola", complete $40. Joseph J. Muska, 210 W. Waukegan Rd. 1-4 PHONO-RECORDER, combination of public address system, r a d i o, phonograph, reporder. Slightly used. $45. Joseph J. Muska, 210 W. Waukegan Rd. 1-4 FOR SALE USED Power Mowers, all reconditioned aftd guaranteed. Also lawn mower repairs. Smith's. Lawn Mower Sales & Service, 165 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 1200. / 51-2 MATCHING shortjs and shirts, gay printed cotton skirts. Our Complete line of Alex Colman apparel has arrived. Select from these lovely California clothes while we have a complete stee range. Lay-away plan if desired. Also a new selection of summer light-weight jewelry. Country Mile Store, Richmond, 111., U.S. 12. Open daily including Sundays. Fri. & Sat. until 9 p.m. 52-2 LARGE ASSORTMENT of old picture frames, suitable for shadow boxes old china and glassware including pattern glass. China headed dolls, old prints, antique furniture and many other items at the Country Mile Store, Richmond, 111., U.S. 12. 52-2 FRIENDS - listen to this! A new j>air FREE if Wolverine Shell Horsehide work shoes dry out stiff under normal drying conditions !How's that for 'guaranteed comfort in the. toughest, longest wearing, most economicalwork shoes you ever wore? Here's^ a combination of amazing comfort and almost unbelievable durability that I honestly don't believe can be duplicated anywhere in the United States. Why don't .you look into this at White's Men's Shop -- Wolverine Headquarters in McHenry. 208 S. Green St. 1-e.o.w. FORD TRACTOR, Wagner hoist, two bottom plow, excellent condition. Will sell to highest bidder. Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. 52-tf CAMERA for sale: 5 speed Graphic, in perfect condition. Flash attachment, coupled rangefinder, case, etc. No longer have time to use it. Will sacrifice. Phone 478 evenings. 1 REGULATION SIZE pool table, complete with ball rack, 2 sets of balls, cue rack, cues, complete-- $150. Call Wonder Lake 2911. 1 ON SALE at the Toddler Shop: 25% on coats & hats. Infants thru size 14. 109 Elm St. Phone 746. 1 POWER MOWER, good running condition. Bargain at $25. Call after 6 p.m. McHenry 552-R-2. 1 8 MO .OLD Youngstown kitchen cabinets with sink and formica top. Call after 5 p.m. McHenry 643-M-l. *1 5 MONTH OLD Toy Fox terrier puppy for sale. House broken. Phone McHenry 2248. 1 COLLIE PUPPIES, AKC registered, ideal graduation gift. Earl Tessendorf, 1% mi. South of McHenry on Route 31. East side of road. Phone 501-J-2. 1 FOR $ALE TABLE TOP gasoline pressure stove, 4 burners & oven, cream colored. Excellent condition-^lS; "White" sewing machine, drop head, excellent condition; Edison mimeograph machine; folding tea cart with glass top. Phone Rich* mond 3194. • - ' 1 24 ASSORTED storm windows. Phone MdHenry 665-W-2. 1 FOR RENT CHOICE SPACE available now for store or office at 30S W. Elm St. across from the A & P. Phdne McHenry 2713 or 2896. 1 3 ROOM APT., second floor, refrigerator, gas stove and laundfy facilities. Available May 15. Ph. McHenry 742. 52-tf FURNISHED Summer Home, 10 block from river? 5 rooms 2 bedrooms, with boat. By week or season. Call McHenry 428-W. 51-tf APARTMENT for Rent with large living-dining combination. Hot water heat furnished. Washer - . dryer privileges. The May Stote building, Richmond, Illinois. Phf; Richmond 4381 or 4681. 52-tf 3 ROOM APT. with bath. CalL* McHenry 68-J. 1 PISTAKEE BAY--for the season --Deluxe lake front, 4 bedroom home furnished. 1 family occupancy. Spacious screened-in porch. Boat slip etc. Phone McHenry 1886-J. 1 TWO - 4 room modern apts for rent; newly decorated; beautify surroundings in Solon Mills. Ph. Richmond 2177 after 6 p.m. Week days dr weekends. 1-2 NEW & USED reel & rotary type lawn mowers for sale. Also riding mowers. Smith's Lawn Mower Sales & Service. 165 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. Ph. C.L. 1200. ' 1-2 POODLE PUPPIES, beautiful in wliite & other colors. Reasonable. Phone Dundee, HAzel 6-2461. 52-2 3 METAL VENETIAN blinds, 2-- 29" 1--57^". Baby walker, high chair, car seat. Phone McHenry 596-J-l. 1 FREE WATER ANALYSIS: Auto matic water softeners for home or industry. Eliminate rust, lime and odor. Guaranteed. No money down. Gilmore Water Softeners. Call -- 431-R. 24-tf Rolls - remnants - USED RUGS - throw rugs - drop samples - all must go during our SPRING CLEARANCE SALE! We need the storage space for our cleaning customer's rugs during the Spring cleaning rush. TIDY CARPETS and RUGS, Junction Rtes. 14 and 120. Phone WOODSTOCK 1000. Open Monday and Friday evenings. 52-2 ELECTRIC GOLF CAR for 1 person "Lectracar" can also be used as a run-about-town car for the elderly and handicapped. Will sell at Vk original price. Joseph J. Muska, 210 W. Waukegan Rd. 1-4 GIRLS SPRING COAT size 12; girls winter coat, size 14. Both like new--Call McHenry 1445. 1 DESK, Rogers 1847 silver plate, wrought iron telephone bench camping tent, lamps & misc. items including boys clothing size 9-10. Reasonable. Call McHenry 21°3. "1 52-4 Business Opportunities WELL ESTABLISHED gas station & garage situated on 1 acres. Four room apt. in rear. $2000 will handle deal. Price -- $32,995. Write McHenry Plaindealer Box 264. *1 dARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPESJ WORKERS EN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS GARBAGE - ASH - RUBBISH REMOVAL RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL Illinois Sanitary Service, Inc. McHenry 1900 -- JAckson 6-7666 LICENSED and BONDED 51-tf WE NEED TURRET LATHE OPERATORS RADIAL DRILL PRESS OPERATORS Permanent -- Excellent earnings, working conditions and employee benefits -- Low price company cafeteria. Apply Monday thru Friday -- 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. Hough Street ' Barrington, 111. PHONE: BARRINGTON 1700 Ana W A N T E D FREE HOSPITALIZATION PAID VACATION PAID HOLIDAYS APPLY ADMIRAL CORP. 507 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Hrs. - 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 1-tf RS TRA DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattle wanted, at better cash priqes. Orville Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 1651-R-l, collect. 15-tf 10 TON good alfalfa hay. Phone McHenry 2711. 1 HOGS wanted. All classes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. tor 1 p.m.' Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. W 50-tf WANTED - GOOD farmers to borrow money at reasonable cost on short and intermediate term notes. Production Credit Ass'n., 110 E. Jackson, Woodstock. Phone 334. 1 Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Con* science. Prompt Servioe, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspec* tion made by Dept. of Agvimili ture. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect. 45-tf GEO. P. Authroized Dealer for WAI.KS a SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road PASTURE for heifers. Phone McHenry 209-J. Matt Adams. 1 WILSON Bulk_.Milk Coolers for sale. Disston and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23*tl R. M. FLEMIMG & SON ^ jtfEW IDEA -- PAPEC QMLGB TRACTORS SALES A SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY 88 f, 622 Waukegan Road McHENRY, EQUIPMENT CO. SALES' St SERVICE 0 185 McHenry Mills wish to announce the opening of a new retail farm supply dept., where we can handle all your feeding problems. Complete line of Blenda-Life, I^o Grain Feeding, use up to 90% of your home grown feeds. Come in and let us explain or drop us a card. No obligation to you. Everything for cattle, hogs, poultry. Seeds, sprays, remedies. PIONEER SEED CORN W MILLS, Iros McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 815 FREE DELIVERY

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