-PIPPi 1 "*, i^.! 0 *'«-.' <'t * ™4'V*V^ FttxrtoMl V' Johnsburg News Mrs. Batty Hetternttnn First Communion Sunday . Last Sunday, May 2, was a most fitting day for more t^han thirty children to receive their First Holy Communion. The altars of St. John's church\were attractively decorated for the occasion. Father Blisch distributed commuihon at the 8:30 Mass to the young children. Sunday evening the First Communion class and the eighth graders marched into church where they participated in the "Living Rosary." Our good Sisters are to be congratulated for the time and patience they put into this procession. The girls of the forthcoming graduation class preceded Ardis and Arlette May down the aisle to the Blessed Virgin's altar. A beautiful bouquet was laid on the altar in her honor by the , twins. being organized for your benefit. Enjoy the privilege but please don't abuse it. Bowling Banquet On Thursday evening of last week, the ladies bowling league from here travelled to Gurnee where they enjoyed a most delicious dinner. Following the dinner a meeting was held so the ladies could discuss the events of next year's bowling. Election of offic^rs=jft2»sf held and the results are as follows, Ethel Rad was elected president of the league; Lorraine Smith, ^vice-president; Alice Ross, secretary; Bonnie Meyers, treasurer and Lu Ann Smith, sargeant-at-arms. The Bowling Resort team ended up in first place while Eleanor Mangold took high honors in individual game, ditto for Marcella Wakitsch in high series. Hettermann's tavern team took high single game and high series as a team. Now we can store our bowling balls and shoes for another season. Hope we can all be together once again next year. Attention! Teen-Agers!! This notice is extended to the 'teen-agers that are freshmen in high school and beyond. Starting as of Tuesday of this week and every second and fourth Tuesday thereafter, a 'teen age get-tofjpther will be held in the Community^ club hall. The turn tables will be alf warmed with some real good up-to-date recordings. Be sure to bring your most comfortable dancing shoes along. Refreshments to quench your thirst will be available. These affairs will be chaperoned by different parents from week to week. Come on and take advantage of Ladies Night Banquet This notice is extended to the 'teen-agers that are freshmen in high school and beyond. Starting as of Tuesday of this week and every second and fourth Tuesday thereafter, a 'teen - age get - together will be held in the Community club hall. The turn tables will be all warmed up with some real good up-to-date recordings. Be sure to bring your most comfortable dancing shoes along. Refreshments to quench your thirst will be available. These affairs will be chaperoned by different parents from week to week. Come on and take advantage of this bit of entertainment that is being organized for your benefit. Enjoy the privilege but please don't abuse it. Ladies MRht Banquet A large group of almost 200 gathered at the Communitv club hall recently when the club held their annual night to honor the ladies. A delicious roast bee* dinner was served by the young ladies of the town. Following the dinner, the officers were introduced. Father Blitsch who also enjoyed the dinner spoke a few words to all those present. A short meeting was held at which time various current problems were discussed. The meeting was held at which time various current problems were discussed. The meeting was brought to a clos*» and the evenings dancing began. Each lady present was gifted-with a beautiful corsage upon entering the hall. I'm sure I speak for all the ladies by saying we all are looking forward to this time again next year. Barbara Michels, Carol Ann Dehn, Carol Hausw, Diane Hiller, Susan Oeffling, Nanc* Sompel, Laura Ullrich, Betty Himpelman, Judy Kollenkark, Mary Jo Haag, Colleen Joyce, Donna Lee and Douglas Freund. Pardon me when I say. young ladies--I better include one certain little gentleman. Mrs. Betty Freund and Mrs. Joe L. Freund helped Mary Elen's mother keep the house intact. Hospital Notes Mrs. Cora Herdrich has been recuperating at the home of her 1 daughter, Mrs. Paul Boyk, in Chi- • cago after spending a few days in | the hospital battling pneumonia. Marilyn Smith spent last Fridiiy ! in the Woodstock hospital where i she rid herself of a troub'esome j pair of tonsils. Mrs. Ann Zeller spent two days in the McHenry hospital where ! she was confined with leg trouble. THE MCHENBY rooters so how about getting, out and: giving the boys a little fiioral support. Next Sunday, May 19, the Tigers will travel to Duqgfee for what should be an interesting game. How about going along? Around The Town Mesdahies Alvina Miller, Helen Hettermann aYid Marie Qeffling attended the Foresters installation in McHenry last Thursday evening. TtHWwky.Mfy 1», 1987 Sick List Five year old Pegjy Petersen is thoroughly disgusted because she has to miss school just because measles paid her a short visit. Peggy is just getting over a bout with the three day measles. Bill Ricks hasn't been feeling quite up to par lately so his daughter and husband the Emil Boilers of Peoria, picked him up last weekend. Bill will be spending sometime with them. Baseball News Just in case you weren't at the diamond last week to witness the Tiger ball game, they beat Richmond by a score of 3 to 2. Our team was a little short handed because of injuries but managed to come out on top just the same. Our team has been in need of Mrs. Gerry Hettermann and family And Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon of McHenry were in Janesville. Wis., over last weekend to attend the First Communion rite there. „ Susie LaFcntaine was feted with a large gathering at her home last Sunday hortoring her First Communion day. Present for dinner were Mr. and fttfrs. Leo Michels and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung and daughters of Elkhorn, Wis. Besides the Michels and the Jungs, present for supper were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Michels and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ange De Bona and family. Miss Joan Michels, Warren Hager, Mr. and Mrs. Gene La Fontaine and far" i.'y, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lieser and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gise ana family, Betty Huff, Roger Mayer ling and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowin and son. The Jim Hettermann family were dinner and suoiSpr guests at the Richard Dehn /home last S u n d a y . j • ' f F j Bill and Dolly Schmitt of Chicago visited his parents over last weekend. ' Congratulations Corner I goofed! Last week I goofed by a whole year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed j Hettermann celebrated their nine- j teenth wedding anniversary on May 11 instead of 18 years. So j sorry. Teddie Stilling will be looking forward to his eighth birthday this month while Mrs. Marcela Waketfch celebrated hers with her family last week.-*? Mary Ellen Freund was hostess to a large group of young ladies at her , home last Saturday honoring her seventh birthday. Refreshments were consumed in large quantities by the following: Mary Lynn and Patsy Meyers, this bit of entertainment that is Patty Mann, Nancy Schaefer, Mason Contractors B and L Builders of New Construction and Remodeling CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 409 BOB PEPPING, Owner SECURITY CAN BE! GAINiP BY SAVING The future belongs to those who SAVE for it! M&ke your later years financially independent by saving consistently and persistently now. Our current rate of return helps your savings to mount more rapidly toward your financial goal. Open a savings account now and keep it growing. SAFETY SAVE BY MAIL! Marengo Federal ^n nnc AND LOAN ROWINGS ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State Si. Phone JOrdan 8*7251 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7,000,000.00 SHOP THESE CONVENIENT HOURS: Mon., Tues., WED., Thurs. & Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday: 9 A.M. 'Til 9 P.M. NOW FREE PARKNG FOR BEN FRANKLIN CUSTOMERS -a*- BEN FBAMUMM «!W©S YOU ihe Lowest Shoe Prkas 5ifsr! BUY NOW AND SAVE ON LITTLE BOY'S OXFORDS GROWING GIRL'S LOAFERS Brown Blucker Style -- Long Wearing Compo-Sport Soles. Sizes 8V2 to 3 Hand Sewn -- Kicker Back -- Brown Reg. $4.98 Value Sizes 4 to 9. 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In this department you'll find all the necessary items to better do the job -- and at a savings. • BROOMS * MOPS • POLISHERS MAKES PAINT DISAPPEAR * NAME BRAND WAXES & CLEANERS For easier - cleaner - faster paint removal try TM-4 - you'll be pleasantly surprised . . . only $1.49 pt. v You'll be amazed . ... at what a coat of ELLIOT PAINT will do . . . makes your Howe your castle " TM4 WASH-AWAY PAINT REMOVER fimply flow on--let soften Wash off WITH WATER OUTSTANDING VALUES ON • BRUSHES * ROLLERS - PANS * ALL TYPE PAINTS F6r that Finishing Touch try New Self-Adhesive Decorator Vinyl I Elliotts HOUSE r 4 A self-cleaning white that beautifies your home and protects it .against severest weather conditions. Formulated with white lead, line oxide, titanium, linseed and soya oil*. 1 Surprisingly economical to use -- assures easy brushing and excellent coverage. Also 11 modern colors. No. 400 White $4.25 gal. No. 400 Exterior Primer $1.30 qt. I for Walls - Drawers - Lamps - Etc. 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