Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1957, p. 16

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Pffl age Sixteen McHENRY PLAINDEALER fe> ••'• • . y : k*--,4- •- • ' LAKEMOOR NEW by Atjnlce tte Sclunlt rrom the Office of the s > Village President: Claude F. McDermott, village president, escorted some of the trustees and inspectors throughput the village last Saturday, May 11, making a thorough inspection of roads, septic tanks, building and zoning violations and violations of the weed ordinance. Many property owners will be receiving official Jnotices from the village to tle&r weeds and brush off of their vacant property, or the work will be done by the village and a lien filed against the property for the cost of clearing. Weed covered property is not only unsightly but constitutes a fire hazard. Many property owners have already taken it upon themselves to clear and clean up properties which did not oven belong to them, but" Avhich adjoined their property^ This was done in the spirit pi neighborl'ness and for the good of those having to look at the" filthy fields. Cleared fields which until now have lain dormant can become a garden spot or wonderful play-yard for the j children who ordinarily would; leave their own vicinity in search of a cleared spot for play. In the I heat of summer months these lit- j tered fields, if they reach near j your property, could possibly catch fire and cause the loss of your home.--This is your town. I your home, your pride. Take care of it. re-'nstated as v'llage attorney. The police department will remain the same with the exception of the addition of Frank Pogany as patrolman. The next meeting of the village board will be held on Monday, May 27, at 7:30 p.m. in tWe Fire- Community house. I The survey by the chief of police and the village clerk in regards to the delinquent vehicle tags and dog tag purchasers was stated over last week and will be finished on this coming weekend. Tags can be purchased at the village clerk's office at 318 South Highland drive. bus which ijkvill take the children of the schbol to Deerhaven on their annual i outing for the end of the school "term. On Thursday, May 16, the P.T.A. council meeting will be held^n Johnsburg at exactly 8 p.m. shan^ Any of the parents wishing to attend this most educational meeting are asked to contact Mrs. H. Buchwalter at McHenry 681-R-l. VS.Vfct*' •• V- -S'lx V * -V \ ' » • Igjj 'J •"! :• ..J, Thnrtday, May 16/1957 ,j dividual trophys were awarded to Frank Bitterman, Bud Butfk, Al Godina, Fred. Ciechon and Mr. Bolda. We're surely proud of our champion bowlers; Congratulations Those youngsters from our neighborhood who made their First Holy Communion at St. Mary's church on Sunday, May 12, were; Kenneth Schuerr and Albert Hirsch. Village News From the office of the Village Clerk comes these messages; Due to the vast amount of business confronting the village board, the meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. last Thursday instead of the scheduled 8:30 p.m. calling. Following the opening of the meeting the village president, Claude F. McDermott administered the oath of office to the village clerk, Richard J. Hyatt, who in turn administered the oaths to the other newly elected officials for the respective positions. The following appointments were made by the village president, and confirmed by the village board. Claude E. Vachet for the position of village treasurer; Dr. Urban V. Comes as health officer; William A. Gibson once again to the office of electrical inspector; Clarence Sosong for sanitation inspector; and Joseph X. Waynne L.I.A. One step ahead, always working, seems to be the slogan of the L.I.A. Connections were made over the last weekend concerning the erection of the shelves for the library, which will be under process or partially completed by the time this paper goes to press. The most modern of shelves shall grace our library, complete with storage cabinets for records. Election of officers for the L.I.A. will take place the second Wednesday in July at the organization's regular monthly meeting. Plans for the installation are being made for the same time in August at the club's annual dinner party. At the meeting last Wednesday, the committee was appointed to start on plans for a Library carnival to be held this summer some time in August. The May party planned by the club to take place in the Fire-Community house on May 25 promises to be one of the big successes of the year. Ticket sales show a predicted sell-out. Try to attend, lend a helping hand, each bit of co-operation brings the opening of the library a little closer. Troop No. 441 Mrs. Beahler's troop has now officially received its new troop number and will henceforth be known as Girl Scout Troop Number 441. At the next meeting of the troop the girls will work on their Mother and Daughter Tea invitations. The tea is to be held on Sunday, May 26, from 3 to 5 p.m. The girls completed and gave their mothers the beautiful earrings which they Jjjad been making for mother's day. Litymoor Bible Class The Lilymoor schoolhouse bible instruction which has been held on Tuesday evenings for the 'teeners and adults has been discontinued for the summer months but let it here be known that the Sunday school classes will definitely continue on all through the summer. The reason given for the discontinuation of the evening ^ 'roott No. 809 girls from troop 309 have been working on their service project for the McHenry hospital and have already made quite a few tray favors. Pat Morrison and Carol Booster have passed part of their homemakers badge this week. Emmy P.vle was hostess of the evening at the last meeting of the troop. providing quarters for community projects. . ? Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Sarley were guests at the wedding of Miss Phyllis Smith of Johnsburg to Mr. Walter Kalemba of Lakemoor, which took place May 4. Many friends from our area alsp attended this beautiful ceremony and reception. Catncer Drive Here again we see the village with a heart as it very generously gave of its time and dollars to help the great fight against .cancer. Mrs. Elaine Gray, chairman of the Lakemoor area, notifies us that our village collected a grand amount of $106 for the fund which ended the last of April. _yMrs. Gray worked very hard on this project, along with her co-workers; Arlene Wade, Alberta Brossman, Mrs. Ayres, Florence Mix, Elsie Cynowa and Othele Brady. Only more proof that this village has a great heart and the spirit for helping where help is needed. Little Frankie Pogany was admitted to the McHenry hospital on Thursday last week with high fever and a serious internal infection. Frankie stayed in the hospital until Friday night when he was dismissed. To look ,at Frankie you'd think he had never been so seriously ill Complete Sneak-Preview This reporter was promised a sneak preview of the new Sarley home when construction was first started on the building. On Saturday, accompanied by Miss F. O'Rourke, we ventured to see the new structure. The house is nearly completed except toy a few minor details. Five rooms, decorated with the taste of an expert greeted us as we crossed the threshold. The home will be occupied by Mrf! and Mrs. Van of McHenry and these; folks will take possession! sometime this week. We wish'you young folks loads of luck and a friendly welcome to your surroundings and hope you will join with us in some of the activities this community has to offer. A hearty "hello" from Lakemoor. session was the fact that it was ! mother tells me. if he's a good not possible to secure speakers ! boy and takes his medicine like during the summer months. This J a man he won't have a reciltpertains only to thes 'teen and j rence of this sort of thing. Good to know you're on the mend. Fun Clnb The Fun club met on Wednesday, May 8, in the home of Mrs. Doris Kibbe. Winners of the day were Jen O'Leary, Alice Becker, Jean Booster and Pat Morrison. Refreshmetns were served at the end of the meeting to ^climax a wonderful time. P.T.A. This will probably be the last news you will hear of the Lilymoor schoolhouse P.T.A. until next September. The Parent- Teachers have planned to have a adult members and does in no way affect the Sunday school which will be held as always Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. The rumor given and circulated last week that the Sunday school is no longer in session is false. Parents, please, advise your youngsters of this turn of events. Brownies Mrs. Lu Bitterman advises us that the brownie registration fee of $1.00 is due and shou)d be in her hands for the next meeting so that it may be turned over to the troop-organizer of the district by the end of May. It is imperative that the girls remember this fee. Bowling Champs Five of our local boys made good last week when their team took second place in the Businessman's league at Johnsburg, Lakeside Inn won the large trophy and the in- Frankie. Spring Dance For all those folks out here in Lakemoor who have those dancing feet, it might make them feel good to know they can dance th£ir shoes off in style at the St. Mary's Home and School Society's (formerly P.T.A.) Spring Dance which Is to be held at the American Legion hall on Saturday, May 18, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Young couples especially will enjoy an evening of dancing at its best. To ob?v tain your ticket please phone this reporter at McHenry 594-W-2^.. ? Dlck'8 Address Word ct^ies from Dick Beahler at McGuir&:fair force base in New Jersey thift 'the mail is either slipping or sbhie of his friends are. I imaging that this is partly my fault as I have been unable to print his new address; A 3-c Rich- Now, his | ard Beahler, A.F. 16556343, 1611 Pd. Maint. Ron.--Box 188--Mc- Guire Air Force Base, New Jersey. Dick was always a very popular fellow in this area and none of us want any of our boys away from home to feel left out. Be sure that you write that serviceman of yours often. If there are any addresses of other boys that have not yet •come to my attention, I would appreciate the family calling me at 594-W-2 and givmg me their position. Roger, and out! Socials Socials are held every Thursday evening commencing at 8:30 at Wally's. Everyone is welcome to attend and take part in the evening of gayiety. The socials are held for the purpose of obr, taining recreational facilities aiif Pre-Grad-Party A wonderful pre - graduation party was given to honor Miss Diane Kibbe. Miss Kibbe will graduate the early part of June from grammer school. Giving th^ party fori Diane was Mrs. Louis Bartholomew of Pistakee Highlands, who is Diane's god-mother. The party started when Diane was the guest of Mrs. Barthalomew for dinner. Friends there for the occasion were; Phil and Doris Kibbe, Donald and Pamela Kibbe, Mrs. John King, Mrs. A. H. Grim- ;mer, Mrs. Phil Kibbe Sr., Frank LaBounty, Miss, Rose LaBounty, and Mr. Barthalomew. Happy Birthday Wally Szarek passed another milestdne on Mcmday, May 13. If this business of growing older keeps up, W&lly swears he's going to turn the numbers inside out. Mrs. Ann Sosong did it again too. Same as. Wally.. May 13. Happy Birthday and best wishes for a grand and glorious year. Attends Prom j Miss Carol Szarek attended her senior , prom from Mt. St. Mary's last Friday night escorted by that w o n d e r f u l l y h a n d s o m e y o u n g gent, Mister Larry Ayers. The young couple had a wonderful time. Miss Szarek will graduate on June 3. Highway Vs. Baby Only two weeks ago this reporter predicted a high\vay toll m our village, and printed warnings to both parents and drivers as to the lurking dangers of the road. These were serious warnings, not^ idle chatter. Now, the first in the series of nice weather driving has been completed. Little Cathy Sue Fergusen, three year old daughter of Don and Juanita Fergusen, met catastrophe on the highway in front' of the J. Kraus home last week. Ca^hy, no\y hospitalized at McHenry, suffers frpm a brokertVright leg, lac^ra tions about her face, nose, eyes, and body, and is one fp/ihappy little girl. The driver of the automobile has been ticketed for driving too fast for conditions and though one might consider saying many things, the fact remains that this may well have been your child, boy or girl, and that maybe vou might have been the driver of this automobile. The fact that little Cathy has been maimed, is in itself a deep and abiding fear for all parents. Many children venture out without even a second glance, feeling secure that our highway is not always so busy. Now, the traffic changes to summer tourists and vacationers and, such is not the case. Parents, please protect your own with that special warning that can only be understood by a child as coming from the home. This could have been you or yours. Think about it! McHenry Bible Church On Sunday, May 19, the church will hold their mother and daughter tea from 3 to 5 p.m. Mrs. Fredricksen will be speaker of the day £nd Mrs. William Hansen will oblige with vocals. Next Sunday morning for the 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock sexwices the preacher will be Eugene Owsley, four year student at the Northern Baptist Seminary. ' Pastor Liberty. ; ; TWENTY-EIGHT IN SPRING GROVE COMMUNION CLASS * A class of eighteen girls and ten boys received their First Communion at a very impressive ceremony at St. Peter's Catholic church, Spring Grove, during the 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning. The children entered the church marching in procession, all attired in white, the boys in white suits and the girls in dainty sheers and tulle veils. They approached the altar, beautifully decorated with white snapdragons, lilies of the valley and hyacinths, where they ihenewed their baptismal vows befor the Mass.' . •; ;• SCOUT , APPOINTMENT J * * < ' i Hie Blackhawk' Area council, ^ ? Boy Scouts of America, announces . f the appointment of George Wil- . lis of Huntley to the position of Explorer Scout leader for the council contingent to Philmorj^ Mr. Willis is the explorer chaiff inan of the Kishwaukee district. <J>liilmont Scout Ranch is a 127,000 kcre ranch which is located near Cimmaron, New Mexico. At Philipont, Explorer Scouts camp, hike, Hde horses and' relish the zest of outdoor fun. f It sometimes happens that the Man who thinks he is a genious can't think of anything else. 0 LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LOUISE GANNQN WEBER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that -July first, 1957, is the claim date in the estate of LOUISE GANNON WEBER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry" County, Illinois, and that claims' may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. FR^NK HARDER, Administrator Executor JOSEPH X. WAYNNE,' Attorney (Pub. May 16, 23, 29, 1957) WIMDOSflf McHENRY PLAINDEALER 102 N. Green Street PHONE 170 "Careers That Count" (an editorial) May 12-18 is National Hospital Week, a week dedicated tq, c o m m u n i t y e d u c a t i o n a b o u t hospitals. To people in smaller commuiiities like ours, it is a special opportunity to express^ our gratitude to an institution™ which is so close to the maintenance of our good health. iAn outstanding characteristic of the American hospital system is the' number of small hospitals that compose that system. . Of the 5,237 shorttern^ general and special hospitals listed by the American Hospital association, 3,466 have fewer thqp 100 beds. Yet thesejA hospitals admit more than 5,- 300,000 patients each year. Even the smallest .hospital must be a complete medical unit. Although it may be small in terms of number of beds, it still must maintain most of the services found in the * largest hospitals. To do this, it must be staffed to care for us at any hour of the day or night. Even the smallest hospital 4 must 'be a complete medical unit. Although it, may be small in terms of number of beds, it still must maintain most of the services found in the largest hospitals. To do this, it must be staffed to care for us at any hpur of the day or night. To accomplish their mission of healing as successfully as they havenln the past, hospitals must look to their communities for new personnel. To help in this recruitment of hospital workers, National Hospital Week this year is emphasizing the importance and variety of hospital careers. In the words of the American Hospital association, all. hospital careers are "Career^ That Count." May we cordially invite ALL to the... r - ©f MoHenry's New* Gasual Fashionable Door Prkes for the Lucky R@fistered Guests Please Register at Door -- Winner Need Not be Present at Drawing % 1st PRIZE CARTIGAN SWEATER 2nd PRIZE SHORT & BLOUSE SET by Bobbie Brooks 3rd PRIZE LINGERIE by Laros 4th PRIZE JEWELRY by The House of Borland 5th PRiZE HOSIERY by Mary Grey iturin finest in s "Town and Country'* il clothes andacces; s Saturday, May 306 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY, ILLINOI i • Directly Across from the A & P Relax white sh@p in our COFFSi eORNIR FREE Flowers For The Ladies Remember this sign for Your? vauide Better Fashion Value m 47

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